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Posts posted by Warlocc

  1. Until patch 1.1, please send me 1000 credits a week for all the times I've died in Heavy Armor in Cademimu long after the boss is dead, because I burned to death to flames that weren't there.




    On a more serious note, my guild is starting to call it "Retarded Coder Tax". It's really annoying and I just wanted to vent.


    Do we have an ETA on the 1.1 patch?

  2. Need for your character.


    Greed for credits, companions, alts.


    Pass if you can't be bothered. Particularly useful in a guild run where you're way overleveled and you know the people you're with actually need the credits/items at their level.


    This seems to be the generally accepted uses. I agree with it.


    However, I did have someone in a run last night ask if they could Need for their companion. It was a double bladed saber. The Assassin in the group glanced at the stats and then passed, said go ahead.


    It was a great run, and that person geared up their companion with an awesome orange saber.


    So that's the method I suggest, since it seems to work the best.

  3. The original poster is in the right here. Everyone bashing him fails at reading. He says he advertises no cutscenes. If you join his group and then don't hit spacebar, you're in the wrong.

    Personally, I'd never join his groups, but he's got every right to do it that way.


    I wouldn't advise the addon though, for a reason someone else said:


    But again, that's not my issue with the addon idea. Unfortunately a large amount of the MMO community isn't too bright, fair, or kind. You know if they implement an addon like this there will be groups who didn't specify "no cutscenes" who will end up yelling at someone because they're watching them, and that's not right.


    It would get abused, yeah.


    As for this:


    If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


    There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


    I'm not sure that's true? I know there are dots for rolling, then we get our number, but does that apply to the rest of the scene too? I've never actually noticed.

  4. In a couple other MMO's I've played, not only is there full communication between factions (if you toggle it on), but there are even social locations both factions can meet at, and in certain zones, they can even team up to complete missions.


    More than that, if you know the login of the person, you can /whisper that no matter what side they're on.


    It works great.


    If you think cross faction communication is a big opening for harrassment, that's because you either intend to, or you're too used to WoW kiddies.

  5. I hover around 90 FPS, up over 110 in the hangar or on my ship.


    It's wasted. Most of us can't even see past 60, even in the rare cases when we have a monitor that runs at 120.


    The only time it drops is when I first load into the fleet. That's a localized issue, a bug they said they'd work on.


    Looking at how many people play the game and how many people are complaining, 5% sounds accurate.

  6. Not really, in other mmos this type of system did not work well. Wow even tried it at one point.



    Also the cross server LFD system helps one sided pop servers or low pop servers in the future who still wants to do content, but has a hard time finding people. while the current system could work. Why not just plan for the future?


    I've played other games that used that sort of system and it worked great. Just because Blizzard screwed it up, doesn't mean it's a bad system.

  7. It's called the unstoppable talent in vengeance tree.


    Wow, way to not read the thread at all. Fail.


    No points in dark blood for me, 3 in sweeping fury also none in crushing blow.


    Missing out on 4% elemental and internal damage reduction, and our hardest hitting ability for threat gen for 4 seconds of cc immunity once, maybe twice, a fight? Not a fan... now, if I was coming up with a build for pvp, I'd probably say screw the immortal tree and go a rage/vengence hybrid and unstoppable would be one of the first things I'd pick up.


    Edit: Were also talking 50's here... if you don't have all our points to spread around, it could get pretty painful at lower levels.


    Yeah, while 4% doesn't seem like much, when you add it to the rest of the tanking talents, it adds up fast. That's the idea of a tank, you know. To be able to tank a lot of damage. Thus the name.


    Plus, hitting the nail on the head, pre-50 is where this is a real issue. All these quest/story mobs are all silver, and almost all of them have stuns.


    I think the easiest solution is to make it so the mobs don't CC the person highest on threat unless specifically scripted to do so (bosses).


    The CC in PVP is a separate beast entirely.


    This is actually a pretty good idea.

  8. Unstoppable is not half way through another tree and quiet easy to obtain with a very good tank spec, especially as you should already have 7 points in that tree already so 2 more is well spent imo.


    I don't know about you, but Dark Blood and Sweeping Fury look pretty good to me for a tank spec, even if you're happy skipping out on Crushing Blow...

  9. I find this to be a problem as well, but to be completely immune isn't very practical. The ideal way could be to grant temporary immunity after you charge in, probably 1-3 seconds. I know there is something like this in one of the sith warrior jugg dps trees, but its not possible to get if you fill the ranking tree.


    Right. Unstoppable adds 4 second immunity to Force Charge, but it's something like 9 points into the DPS Juggernaut spec.

  10. You really need to put more effort into researching through abilities OP, then you might spec right to prevent stuns .


    Really? Tell me then, what talent allows a Juggernaut in the Immortal tree at say... level 28... to prevent stuns?


    Unleashed knocks 30 seconds off the Unleash cooldown. Doesn't help. Unstoppable adds a 4 second immunity... Halfway through an entirely different talent tree. Doesn't help.


    Really, point out a class that gives you CC immunity pre-50, in all spec options.

    If you can't, then troll elsewhere, please.

  11. Counter Strike 2/2: gain a 50/100% chance to reset cooldown on force leap, when ever your hit with a knock back effect. This effect can only be triggered once every 10 seconds.


    this would probably fix the issue and stops being able to spam it with slight cooldown on the effect.


    That's a really good idea for knockbacks, but not the other types of CC.

  12. Actually, you don't have to leap/charge EVERY mob you see. I learned that pretty quickly. Sometimes running up to them works just as well.


    Yeah, you miss out on some good stuff, but that charge could be used when it is needed, not only wanted.


    Run in or Charge in, they're still going to CC you immediately. It's just more annoying to get it after a Charge, because I've seen Force using mobs Force Choke me right out of the air, like they're catching me.


    Always seems that if a mob has a stun, or cc type ability, it's the first thing they use. Storm in and then immediately force choked, the rest of the pack runs everywhere. Will happen every time heh


    Yeah, that's the real problem. They open with it. For classes that build rage instead of using other resource types, it really is very crippling. Now you're not only chasing mobs around, but you're trying to build rage while you do it, making it that much harder.

  13. At least in PvE, we gotta have some immunities, or at least resists, to stun and knockback spam from Strongs/Elites.


    It's the most frustrating thing in the world to Force Charge and be stunned/CC'ed/knocked back before even landing.


    This gets so much worse in groups- even solo- because everything immediately runs past you, and you're stuck chasing mobs everywhere instead of actually tanking.


    Yes, there's an ability to get free, but it's on a 2 minute cooldown. I don't know about you, but waiting 2 minutes before every trash pull in a 4 man will get old fast.

  14. As an Immortal spec Sith Juggernaut, I think I'm going to say +1 for dual specs.


    I enjoy tanking in groups. I enjoy the play style, and I enjoy the utility (not to mention being in demand for groups).


    Solo play, however, becomes a pain. I have pathetic DPS. Terrible. Can't kill an elite on my own.


    So in class quests, when you start seeing elites and silvers together, it becomes a serious chore. Now I have to choose- do I bring a DPS companion, kill quick, and recover from 10%-25% health after every fight (or die after every fight that doesn't allow downtime between battles- Jaesa mission, I'm looking at you), or do I bring a healer and take 5 minutes just to kill a trash group, hoping Quinn can keep me up against the boss/elites that long?


    If I could switch to the DPS or hybrid spec for those solo class quests, it would be a seriously appreciated QoL thing.

  15. I've got two Juggernauts. I enjoy them, and I'm good at the class.


    In group situations, bosses are nothing. People can't even begin to take aggro from me, no matter how hard they try.


    However, groups of mobs, particularly 4 or more, it's just mayhem, and I spend all my time chasing **** around, until I say F it and just focus on one or two.


    When solo, I notice something else- full Immortal spec is actually very companion reliant. We've got terrible DPS, and we're supposed to make up for it with armor... But a single elite can punch through that, sundering it, or straight up DPS'ing through it.


    It essentially forces you to rely on a companion, either for DPS or to heal you, because there's no way you can kill anything Elite (and even Strong, in some cases) on your own before you die.


    I get more frustrated in tough solo fights than I do in any instance.

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