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Posts posted by Warlocc

  1. I popped into WoW the other day. I actually hadn't played there since before their first expansion and that was also pre Battlenet. Anyway, they seem to have done their level sync the other way around. Mobs sync to you. Just because it's done elsewhere isn't necessarily a reason to not consider it.


    Just a thought.


    So you're saying "Look, Blizz and Bioware both did the same thing again, except Bioware screwed it up and Blizz didn't."

  2. Then you do that. People won't shriek in horror when someone says they're going to quit, and a week from now, no one will remember. You've already admitted to quitting once, so you're not loyal to the game, anyway.


    Sorry snowflake. They might give participation awards where you're from, but I don't spend my money rewarding failure.


    What's the solution? 2 million more hp so it's just as easy but it takes 10x more? Asking for harder story fights makes as much sense as asking for more dialog options in pvp.


    Solution is as others said- turn off level scaling in instances. They're instanced, after all.




    I will say what I always say on these threads--If people want to campaign for a Hard-PVE instance to go along with PVE and PVP, you might have some hope there. If you want to campaign for some other version of "Hard Mode" for the old content, then you might get it.


    But they are certainly not going to go back and retool the 1-50 stories, not even the sad boss fights with enemies that have been so nerfed that they literally pose no threat whatsoever, not even if you take all the abilities off your bar, dismiss your companion, and fight naked.


    It's just how it is.


    So if some of you want to campaign for a hard mode for old content, have at it. Who knows. You might get it. But the story mode content is going to stay on what I call "auto-play" mode, since that's what the paying customer demands.


    Unfortunately, I don't much enjoy "auto-play". Too bad. This game was really good at one point.

  3. Sure, I remember when they added level sync, I was still playing at the time. But I swore I had read that instances were bugged and were going to get fixed 3 years ago.


    If this is intentional, I'm gonna have to cancel my sub again, since Bioware has clearly abandoned and given up on this game.

  4. How did this not get fixed yet?


    Nothing like going through the entire class story, gaining 50 levels worth of abilities, facing off against the Dark Council, prepared for what should be the most epic fight in the class story...


    And the level 12 "boss" dies in one hit.


    Seriously. How is this not fixed?

  5. Let me be more clear. I remember much harder enemies and much weaker companions. I'm asking if this is an intentional thing or if I'm missing some sort of difficulty setting somewhere.


    Otherwise, the suggestion to use passive mode more often is probably the way to go.

  6. I've been away from the game for a couple years, and just returned. I used to play tanks a lot, but as there have been changes, I decided to go the easier route of DPS with a healer companion.


    However, it seems like my healer companion is a tank, a lot.


    On my tanks, I used to be able to pop a couple AOEs and get all the threat. Now, even despite AOEs, it seems my enemies run right past me and attack my companion, who heal tanks the whole fight (also, all the gold and higher enemies are gone from the story missions, it seems?)

  7. What bugs. Have not encountered a single bug in this expansion. Instead of complaining without posting what the problem is, maybe you should post what you are having problems with.


    There's one before me. Here's another.


    Chapter 3 bugged.



    And another.

    Refer a Friend not working, says my level 60 friend doesn't have a sub.


    And another.

    Using abilities returns target is dead long before they die.


    And another.

    Enemies teleport around on death.


    And another.

    Entire UI locks up for half a second every time I level (this one's always existed, but it's worse from previous years).


    Some of these I've submitted tickets for. Some of these I've posted in bug reports for. If they're read at all, they're given a generic response that they'll be fixed in a later patch (like that last one. Still waiting on that later patch). Now you know some of the specifics and... Oh, nothing's changed. So I ask my original question again.


    When does the beta end?

  8. I thought the flashpoint meta was kick the lowest level noob and summon an OP healer companion?


    Ive soloed a few tacticals just for kicks they are hilariously easy. I even soloed Korriban on a level 65 Watchmen in PvP gear with a level 46 healer comp, and yeah that door mob was my only wipe.


    The system is in a terrible place when flashpoints are easier solo (with a companion) than they are with other players.

  9. I see this a lot on my tank- DPS focusing on the strongs instead of killing off the weak ones... Meaning I have to switch to the weak ones and try to keep all the threat off the healer (or weakest player), and I wind up holding no threat at all, or having to let people die to try to gather everything up.


    Or they simply pull boss threat, forcing the healer to have to use terminals to keep up with all the damage they're taking.


    Honestly, I do sometimes wish the content were more difficult. I feel like if people died more, they'd dial it back a little.

  10. Pretty steep price just for strongholds and outfit designer :)


    What can I say, she likes playing the interactive movie.


    I would hazard a guess that those that can find EC a joke are the same as the raiding community only a part of the whole community where most are either like your friend or somewhere in between.


    Right. I'm sure I can get it if I actually use some of my abilities and lay off the tunnel vision a little. I'm not concerned about players like myself or better, I'm more concerned about ones closer to the range of my friend.


    My thoughts on this from Biowares Dev posts was that it was aimed to help players understand mechanics and how they work, not make some solo nightmare level content where you need full BiS gear to compete with. You can do it in less than your PvP gear item rating and people have stay out of stupid and your companion will keep you up through it all.


    The elite are the ones competing for the fastest times to win free stuff.


    This sounds like a L2P issue. Because the first 5 bosses are a joke. 6 Can be a hassle but that's it 7-10 are a joke as well, but all the fights except 10 are do-able with a DPS companion while you DPS as well. Wouldn't surprise me if 10 can be done without a heal companion too. I never tried it and got a 14:30 speed run with that setup.


    7 Isn't even that hard.. The grenades that Drake throws stun Nocturno, use them to your advantage, and kill Drake once Drake is dead he drops the belt which you can use to throw out more grenades to stun Nocturno, after about 30 seconds Nocturno stuns himself after his wild rage ability and takes increased damage and does no damage. It's not that tough. You can do it with what gear you have. Again L2P issue. Can be done in less than the gear you have. It's not aimed for 220/224 BiS itemized.


    Did you hear that woosh sound? That was the sound of you missing the point. For those of us paying attention to the mechanics, jumping on the adds, and having decent gear it's one thing. But most players are not at that level. Hell, many players keyboard turn, have no keybinds, and take 3-5 seconds to get out of the bad. Imagine one of those players trying it?

  11. As a somewhat experienced Juggernaut in 208/216 gear with an influence 15 companion, I had trouble with it come fights 6 and 7. Died once on 6 and got it the second time, but gave up after 3 deaths on fight 7. The rewards just aren't worth it.


    Going to get some 220 gear and a higher level companion to see if it makes a difference. I suspect it will.


    Is it too hard right now? I'm not sure.


    I will say this- I have friends that have trouble with Heroic content. One of them, she's the definition of a casual player. Slow reaction times, keyboard turner, the whole nine. She enjoys playing the game for the strongholds and outfit designer, though. I picture her in the EC, and I can say it's definitely not "too easy".

  12. I've been running Star Fortress lately, H2+.


    It's not a huge challenge for me as a tank with a healer comp, but from what I understand, it's tricky for some people, and it certainly goes faster for me with another player or two.


    I will sometimes call out in general that I'm doing it and will bring others along, but that advertising only goes so far.


    So I wonder, why not put these heroics, especially Star Fortress, into the group finder?

  13. these are all counter able and u want 100% perfect combat conditions all the time!?

    cause here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=864749 you guys are pleading for the game to be harder

    then you guys make threads like this saying the games challenging and annoying like LMAO



    through all of it i feel bad for BW Dev's they get to read this dribble all day - they prolly do it on lunch for a laugh xD


    Exclamation: Cannot Compute Meatbag Desires!


    I do want a challenge. Being stunlocked while my companion plays the game for me isn't it.

  14. Ehm, i would love to know how do you wait for stun break to finish cooldown in the middle of the fight? If there are 2+ mobs with stun, it will not make any difference if you have stun break or not, they will stun you anyway.


    Sounds like you're understanding the complaint.

  15. Excuse me? Waiting for a ability that breaks a stun every two minutes to come off the cooldown?

    On weak enemies, that usually come in groups of two (+1 Silver) or 4, each using their stun as a first attack?


    I might get the mission faster done by just throwing myself onto them than just waiting for a stupid cooldown.


    That's exactly what I'm saying.

  16. That reminds me of the Taz on Ilum in a cave, where I had to deal with them as a Sith Juggernaut. There were those Taz Scouts, weak melee class enemies, which first attack was a 6 second stun.


    Literally. Before anything else.


    And I had to clear that cave full of them.

    I hated that mission so much.


    Perfect example of having to wait for your stun breaker after every pull.

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