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Posts posted by Warlocc

  1. Playing only a sith warrior, I will admit I could be ignorant on this. But I have no problems whatsoever with cooldowns. In fact, this is one of the better and more responsive mmos I've played in that regard.


    Responsive has nothing to do with it. The problem is, an ability on cooldown looks no different than when it's not on cooldown, except for a line moving through it.


    On short cooldowns, that's fine, the line moves quick.


    On long cooldowns, the line will sit at the top or bottom for a very long time, and the movement is imperceptible. You can't tell if it's on cooldown or not, especially not in combat when you can barely spare a glance.

  2. I would love to see some kind of guild ships or multiplayer space combat, I know my guild would use it a lot.


    That said, it would be very unfair if it gave any sort of bonuses outside space combat (commendations usable for anything outside of ship upgrades, PvP mods/gear, things like that) or guild ships, so it would have to be done carefully, or everyone would essentially be "forced" to join larger guilds that do these things.

  3. There can't be anyone that made this change actually playing the game. It's ridiculous.


    Maybe with abilities that have cooldowns of 5 or 15 seconds it works, but for any abilities with a minute or more, you have no way of telling if it's 10 seconds or 1 second left before the CD is up, and you wind up getting spammed with "Not ready yet" when you try to use your abilities!

  4. Once you are in combat, you are forced to walk ANYWAY.


    Not true. There is sprint, run, and then walk. In combat, we run.


    Would you like those talents removed from pvp too?


    Actually, now that you mention it, that is a great idea. When can we expect to see this happen?

  5. Let me begin by saying without the 50's, 10-49 PvP has been great.


    Let me follow that up by saying, I play a Sith Juggernaut, Immortal spec.


    While I do okay in fights, I'm almost worthless in objective based combat, without a couple healers spamming some kind of cleanse on me.


    I can't keep up with enemies, allies, even the Hutts outrun me!


    Therefore, I propose the PvP flag should force walk to be toggled on, so that I can keep up with my team.


    Thank you, and have a good night.

  6. I've been enjoying my immortal spec Juggernaut, and not having any of the problems I've seen outlined on the forums so far.


    I keep my gear up to date with commendations at every planet and I run Flashpoints as much as I can for upgrades. I hold aggro on up to 3 mobs at a time, survivability has been decent, and I can even fill DPS roles if I work at it.


    But all of a sudden I'm on Quesh, at level 39, and these strong mobs, levels 36/37, are really roughing me up. Just one does enough to make me have to have Quinn with me to heal (up until now I've been using Jaesa for DPS to plow through), and I came across a group of 3 that just destroyed me, despite popping Invincible AND a prototype med unit.


    Am I missing something here, or what?

  7. You've been terribly misled. If this is your first MMO, you should definitely do some more research into the slang and the history of MMORPGs.


    Ninja Looting isn't even being used in the proper context in this discussion. Ninja Looting used to happen in MMORPGs where if a boss died ... the boss took 40 or more people to kill. The body was there. On it were 4 pieces of loot. For 40 people to decide how to divvy up.


    And the body wouldn't despawn in the fast time that a regular trash mob would. It'd be up there for awhile. Because there would be a system for loot distribution about to take place.


    Ninja looting though, involved people gaining access to that corpse, and thus the items, and swiping them away before any loot decision could be made.


    This is in a time when there were no forced rolling buttons (I.E. that wonderful little "Need, Greed, Pass" option this game provides) and master looter controls didn't even exist.


    Real ninja looting was when you wasted a couple hours of your Friday night killing Lord Nagafen only to watch some actual NINJA LOOTER swoop in, while you're still being rezzed, and take a Cloak of Flames and then log out.






    No roll.


    No "need for companion."


    Whoever you talked to in THIS game has been misleading you about ninja looting and loot ettiquette and not given you enough of an MMO backstory to really do you any justice.


    Use the internet. Get acquainted with other MMOs and get up on their slang. Knowing is half the battle and all that. And you're lack of experience is only going to prevent you from making the most informed decision you can about ettiquette.


    This is correct. Technically, we'd want to be using the term "Ninja Rolling", I would think. Or, you could simply say the terminology has evolved with the loot systems.

  8. I can't believe this argument is still going on.


    Nine times out of ten, if you say "Hey, that item is nice, mind if I roll Need too, my companion would benefit from it.", people will say yes.


    I know, I've done it, and I've also been one of the ones to say yes.


    Further, we have /ignore. If someone really bothers you that much, just /ignore them. Worst case scenario, you have just the one argument, and you never group with them again.


    By the late game, enough of the problem people will be ignored that they'll almost never be in groups with you, because at least one person in you group will have /ignored them.

  9. The first few bosses I fought, it was a clever mechanic.


    But now it seems like every single boss is doing it, and there are no words to express how frustrating it is, especially in long fights, every single boss...


    Seriously, come up with some other clever challenge, that one is getting old.

  10. DPS is the most easily replacable, easily interchangable aspect of a guild. They're always the most popular classes, so it's not hard to find more DPS.


    Skilled healers?


    Even as a tank, I'm a little offended at that attitude. These are still people at the keyboard.


    Nobody said they're never getting gear. Loot drama doesn't crop up from a class never getting geared up. It crops up from ONE person losing out on an item they feel they were entitled to.


    Which is why it resonates with this thread. Wether the OP loses a roll or later loses a DKP bid, they're going to throw a hissy fit.


    This isn't something that happens in a vaccuum. It could be the fourth boss kill of the night. And the OP didn't have the DKP to bid on the other three items that dropped, and finally wants to bid on the fourth, but the healer wants the item instead, and viola, loot drama.


    Here's the thing. You do that once, and the DPS player drops guild. Anyone that agrees with him, they also drop guild. Now, since they're DPS and "easy to replace", you find replacements. Those replacements start with 0 DKP.


    What's to stop this whole mess from repeating?


    Eventually, your guild (can) get a bad name, and it may not be so easy finding replacements.

  11. I actually disagree.


    I just hit Dark V yesterday with my level 35 Sith, and I enjoyed all the "evil" things I did to get there, it was actually pretty fun to watch.


    I think they did a pretty good job with it.


    For the whole 10k cap thing- it's not true. If you pick up diplomacy, or spam a low level, very chatty instance, you can easily change your alignment back and forth. I know this, because I did choose a couple light side options on my way to Dark V. Diplomacy and a couple Black Talon runs fixed it.


    Edit: Oh there IS one bug- hard modes don't give alignment points. Run normal mode isntances to farm alignment.

  12. Oh I disagree with that assessment sooooooo so much. Loot drama is coming. The examples I cite will make their way into the forums.


    DPS is DPS is DPS. And most guild leaders realize that you depend far more on your healers than you do on DPS.


    So if the healer has the DKP ... it's not at all as easy a decision as you make it out to be. Having dedicated and skilled healers for end-game content is something all guilds depend on. Losing them to gear up yet another button mashing pew pew DPS monkey?


    Yeah, it's not at all the easy decision you seem to think it is.


    No matter how important tanks and healers are, we still need DPS to kill the bad guys. And we need X amount of them to do it.

    More than that, a lot of boss battles have timers of some kind, that require the DPS to kill 'em and kill 'em fast. They need gear for that.

    If they're never getting gear in our raids because the healer (or tank, or raid leader-whoever) keeps taking all the gear "for the mods", they're going to look for another guild.


    I would think.


    If you are in a guild that makes a common practice of that, how do you keep members?

  13. I use +Crit in my example because it's a good one. Healers get use out of crit, as crit affects heals.


    DPS obviously wants crit in its builds.


    What's a guild going to do when a healer wants to improve their heal crit rate and a DPS wants to improve its DPS?


    They'll let the DKP decide.


    But the whining and drama will be there.


    If the guild is running DKP, that means they're using master looter, and no sane raid leader is going to give medium armor to the healer that wears light armor just for one mod in it, when there's another member of the raid that actually wears medium armor and will benefits from all the stats on the item, DKP or no.

  14. Is that in the eula somewhere? The game manual somewhere? Is it your just your opinion?


    Well, considering there are item mod commendation vendors on each planet that specifically carry some of the BIS mods for those levels... Or are you one of those people that has to have everything spelled out, listed, and made a rule of for them?


    As pointed out, END-GAME MODS are going to once again be removable. This has been announced by the devs and it coming back to the game in the very near future. People who want the best stats (hey, min-maxxers and raiders) and who want to utilize the armor customization aspect of the game (want to maintain the look they like), will start to raid for mods.


    Because they are upgrades to the mods they already spent commendations on.


    Well, I'll tell you this- if you can find me an end game raiding guild that allows you to take something for one mod in it, when someone else in the raid needs the entire item as an upgrade, I'd be surprised. I wouldn't want to do anything with that guild, but I'd cede the point to you.

  15. I'm a healer. And a good one. Nobody's kicking me for upgrading my gear for a mod. That you would now consider me rolling on an item that IS an upgrade for my actual main as a ninja and worthy of kicking ... is quite telling.


    A lot of people use orange gear for looks and appearance customization. A lot of people will be looking to mod their gear.


    And there's already a dev comment about how they're going to free up end-game mods to allow level 50 gear to be mod stripped.


    Healer or no, I'd kick you if you took gear from someone that needed it, just for a mod in it. That's what commendations and the GTN are for. Cheap, easy, specific mods.


    As for this thread topic... This keeps coming up, and it's redundant. We have an ignore function. Ignore people when they ruin your gameplay experience. On both sides, whether you're ignoring someone that need rolled for a companion, or ignoring someone that's trying to tell you how to play.


    Provided BW never goes about adding cross-server LFD, the issue will eventually sort itself out when people can't get groups because of their behavior.


    Personally, I'm confident which side won't be able to get groups, but that's neither here nor there.

  16. I ran it one time. Solo. You didn't need to farm it and you shouldnt have died. I don't even understand the problem you had cause it didn't bother me any.





    General Ortol’s rocket fire damage no longer occurs when the rocket is not active.




    The last few times I've gone through it with people, after the boss dies, we all take rocket fire damage and then die.

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