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Posts posted by Warlocc

  1. So you are going with the same people each time or is this random groups with rarely the same people in the group?


    If you are are trying to establish any type of conclusion through your testing, you need to write down the names of every person you group with, how many times you have grouped with them.


    Simply grouping with random people never or rarely the same is not a relevant control group to establish any type of conclusion.


    The fact that nobody says anything doesn't mean they don't find it to be a problem and since there is no specific organization to blacklisting, likely it will take a while before your reputation begins to be a problem. Casual evaluations of such will only elude to "extremes" and it won;t give you any real useful information.


    Also worth considering- is it something other people are rolling need on? Healer or no, if I rolled on some heavy gear and someone with light armor did the same and took it, you bet I'd let you know I was unhappy.


    Being a tank or healer doesn't mean we're immune from ignore lists.

  2. It blows my mind how many people think that there are no consequences to your actions, socially.


    As long as there is no cross server LFD, you're going to have an increasingly harder time getting groups by acting selfishly.


    Even if every person that leads groups doesn't know you, there's a decent chance that towards higher levels/endgame, you'll wind up in a group with at least one person that's ignored you for this behavior before. Then they'll either say something in group, or just drop group. Both make it harder to get the Operation/Flashpoint done.


    And if their friends and/or guild "blacklist" you, that further increases the chances of the above happening.


    And, assuming BioWare never introduces character renames or cross server LFD, eventually you'll either be forced to re-roll or have to hope enough new players come into this game, like the 800 pound gorilla, that you always stay anonymous.

  3. Everyone's entitled to roll Need, because they were there when the boss died, this is true.


    Here's the thing. I pose a question.


    Before the run starts, do you tell the group you intend to roll Need for gear for your companions?


    If the answer is yes, all the more power to you, roll as you see fit.


    If you don't say it beforehand, why not?


    Answer: Because you're afraid you'll get kicked from the group, because you know it's a BS thing to do.


    By not warning the group beforehand that you're just using them to gear up your companion, you fit the definition of a ninja looter and really, deserve to be ignored and kicked from the group.

  4. While I'm sure this has been said before, since there's no forum search to find and bump posts, I'm going to say it again.


    PvP gear/expertise isn't taken into account in the current bolstering system in PvP warzones.


    10-49 actually works. I often see level 40+'s dropping to characters in the 20's, even in fair 1v1 fights.


    However, my guildie at level 50 with a bunch of PvP gear shrugs off characters in the 40's as if they don't exist.


    Reproduction: Roll a new toon to 11. Go attack a level 49/ fresh 50 in a Warzone, and look at your damage output. Then pick someone with some PvP gear on. They're obvious because PvP gear is quite distinct. Look at your damage while you're attacking them. Very large difference, you'll notice.


    Those geared 50's really need their own bracket.


    All that said; I've heard people say the devs are planning on a level 50 only bracket once there are more 50's. Does anyone have a source for this? If that's the case, all of us crying about the expertise gear can just be patient.

  5. Chose a Side?


    What is with this line of thinking? Did George Lucas somehow make a bunch of clones of himself?


    People are not one dimensional. If you have chosen for your character to be completely one dimensional that's fine. But your character isn't a real character.


    Just because a character is in love(darkside option), Doesn't mean they are a murderer (dark side option)


    Just because a character is not a murderer (lightside option), Doesn't mean that they aren't a liar (lightside option)


    Just because a character is a liar (darkside option), Doesn't mean they are a jerk for no reason (darkside option)


    According to your "chose a side" argument along with a lot of that thinking I have read in this thread.


    Lying, stealing, falling in love and murdering people are the same exact thing and if you chose to do one you should do them all or else you have a bipolar character...




    Mountain out of a mole hill, anyone?


    It's an alignment system in a game, based on something George Lucas wrote years ago while he was probably high. Of course it doesn't have all the little variables and gray areas that a real sense of morality would have.

    It's just one more thing (optional thing) for our characters to spend time on. If you don't want to make all of the game's DS or all LS choices, then don't. But then don't complain you can't use the gear. Use non-alignment gear instead.

  6. All you people mad yelling at the OP and anyone who defends him, calm down, again I'll keep saying this isn't WoW til you all listen. Bioware made this game 90% solo-able so yes, in order to progress through this game with your companions they will need upgraded items/weapons/gear.


    The OP didn't get on here and say he's rolling need on anything and everything, but if it helps with the companion (Which helps you) then u should roll, again, just communicate, be adults (Which for most of you is hard being whiny little teenagers) but if it's that big of a deal just ask before...are we still discussing this? :confused:


    Because a lot of people don't intend to communicate before the run starts. That's why it's still being "discussed".


    And I agree with the following; If the companion is in the instance, contributing, definitely roll for gear for that companion.


    But rolling for gear for a companion you aren't using is bad form.

  7. Choose a side, use that side's gear.


    Don't choose a side, don't use either side's gear.


    Don't like it? Don't play a game where you have to choose a side.




    Don't like that the decision you wanted gives DS points instead of LS points? Pick up Diplomacy.




    If this is seriously an issue for you, you might have to consider that you are spoiled and just want to have all of the perks and none of the restrictions.

  8. haha i love self important people, how many tanks do you know then mate? IF im even on your server, you speak like your some kind of royalty....keep on walking haha


    You're right, we'll probably never see each other on the same server. Thank god.


    I will keep on walking. So will every other person you group with and try this stuff on. You'll still find yourself with no groups in no time.

  9. The first time I lose an item that I need to Khem Val (or another companion), I'm going to boot you from the group and /ignore. Then I'm going to tell all the other tanks I know how you operate, and encourage them to tell other tanks they know.


    And in six months, you'll be crying for cross server LFG because every decent tank on the server has you on /ignore.


    Think about it.

  10. I don't mind the leveling speed, but what really bothers my wife and I was the choice given at the end of Coruscant.


    The story allows you to go to Taris or to Nar Shaddaa.

    We didn't know that you are supposed to go to Taris first, that it's the lower level of the two.

    We chose to go to NS first and completed it being 25ish.


    Now we finally go to Taris and find out that we are grossly overpowered, with everything being gray.

    No xp from the critters and no xp from the quests either.

    I understand no xp for the critters, else they could be farmed for xp, but most quests aren't repeatable.

    We're still enjoying the story, but it's taken some of the wind out of our sails of enjoyment that we could have done it the other way around and been better off xp/level wise.


    Our current plan is to essentially skip Taris on our mains, just get the class quests done and then experience Taris' story on our first set of alts.


    Our request/suggestion:

    -first to give a stronger suggestion that Taris is the next stop.

    -allow quest xp to still be given


    I'm in a similar boat. I play a tank, my friend plays a healer. We were finding ourselves getting ahead of things because of the bonus XP.


    The solution we used?


    We got more selective about quests.


    "Do we want to run the same space daily AGAIN today? Do we want to queue for PvP today? That quest wants us to run that far out into the Tatooine desert? Forget that, let's just grab that portion of the class quests over there and then head back."


    Be a little more selective and it'll balance out.


    The game is designed to give the solo player options to level up. If you choose to do ALL the options, you will level too fast. That's your own fault.

  11. I don't think healers are the problem.


    I think it's bad players.


    I play a tank. Religiously. I have three of them already. I have a friend that heals. We duo flashpoints (only one have we not been able to tackle without help, so far), only because she hates picking up DPS'ers. She likes the companions better.


    That's why you see LF healer spam.

  12. Is it me or does it seem like the only people who are complaining about damage meters are the people who do bad dps? I typically do very well on damage meters and therefore I haven't personally experienced any of the compliants made by the anti-damage meters crowd.


    It's just you.


    On topic- What if damage meters/DPS meters only worked in Operations/Raids, and not in 4-mans or less, which are far more often PUG'ed than the former?


    Would that satisfy both crowds, I wonder?

  13. Guild recruitment, global channels, server events, PUG Operation schedules, Flashpoint group schedules, RP events (for RP servers), PvP events/cross faction communication for PvP servers, crafting/trading info... All of these things require specific server forums.
  14. Obviously you miseed the point, its about seeing all the wonderful content bioware has created at the proper difficulty. Get a new brain.


    +1 to support this


    Eiither reduce exp from pvp, space missions, questing... or at least give us the option to turn exp off, this game has so much quality content from 1-50 its a pitty we have to do it all on easy mode.


    No, my point still stands.


    Get a life and you won't have the TIME to do every single mission on every single planet + PvP + space all in one sitting, you'll be a little more selective, and it'll work out.

  15. WoW got off to such a rocky start I accumulated more then three weeks in free play time added to my account (along with every other player who was around then) to apologize for all the bugs, database problems, server problems, etc. Most of that time was given out one or two days at a time; they had to apologize a lot.


    I remember that.


    WoW was an absolutely terrible game. Only the diehards stuck around (granted, it paid off). Amazing what people forget.

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