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Posts posted by Warlocc

  1. So, when I go to http://www.swtor.com/info/friends there's a big links that says "invite a friend".


    When I click said link, it takes me to https://account.swtor.com/user/refer


    And that page gives me a message,

    Page Not Found


    This page is not available. This may be because you do not have permission to access it or the page may not exist. If you feel you should not be receiving this error, please contact us.


    So have they scrapped the refer-a-friend program?

  2. Queued for a random tactical today, and got Blood Hunt.


    Had no problems until we got to the Mandalorian Champions, the Beroyas.


    It absolutely made me wish I had my tank character. One of our DPS switched to tank spec, but was so terrible at it, it actually made things worse.


    After wiping for roughly an hour, we gave up.


    How did Bioware think that by simply putting a bunch of kolto stations in that this would work?

  3. One group currently has the group finder locked down right now, by just one person.


    The same three names continue to pop up as the group I'm matched to- one of those three names continues to decline the group finder. So the rest of us are stuck having this popup immediately close, without ever matching up to a group.


    Shouldn't a person that declines EVERY TIME be locked out of the group finder?

  4. Using Ashara as a tank, I give her the command to attack. She begins combat without moving forward.


    She's in combat with mobs at long range, while standing next to me. Does and takes damage, holds aggro, etc. It's combat as expected, but her position is incorrect.


    As soon as her target dies, she runs into her target's melee range, whether there's other enemies to fight or not.


    The problem does not reproduce with Khem.


    Anyone else have this problem?

  5. Thankfully, no. You may NOT dress up Lana Benniko in a slave girl outfit.


    But Qyzen can wear the **** out of a Sensuous Dress.


    Forget outfits, how about even the single item customization thing, that changes hairs/skins/etc?


    And further, since this is the case, how about the second part of my post? Is there a way to get the old ones back ASAP? I'm at work and can't get in game, but I see references online to some sort of companion terminal?

  6. Been playing since pre-release, off and on. Recently resubbed in anticipation for the new expansion coming out.


    I find myself looking for a guild to join, preferably RP. I play a Sith Juggernaut, tank spec.


    Also, since I work overnight Sunday through Thursday, I'm looking for some activity late nights Friday and Saturday, as well as mornings during the week. EST.


    I can be contacted here, or mailed in game under Dhakan.

  7. WRT mentoring, leveling a tune doesn't teach you how to use that toon in Operations. There is nothing equivalent to an operation Boss fight in the leveling missions, not even in the flashpoints. So mentoring during leveling is not really important.


    You can learn your spec and your rotations off the internet, and practice on a dummy to get your resource management down. That lst is important for ops, way more than in leveling or non-HM FPs.


    But IMO the only way to learn situational awareness and the unique fight mechanics of an op boss fight is to do it, preferably with people who know how and will coach you. Having a great guild helps, and is the best mentoring system available.


    You completely missed the point.

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