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Posts posted by Warlocc

  1. Here's what I don't think people trying to offer help don't understand. A lot of people (including myself) on this thread are only experiencing BSODs with SWTOR. Why should I believe I have a bad stick of RAM when all the other games I have played on my system haven't caused a single BSODs while in the last week I've experienced SIX BSODs while playing SWTOR.


    I recently found a bad memory stick in my system. I had 16 gigs, and a huge library of games, including Battlefield 3, Call of Duty, etc.


    Anyway, one particular game was trying to use some of the memory on the bad stick, when none of the others were. I thought it was the game. After a memtest though, I discovered the ram was bad and took it out. I'm down to 12 gigs now, but everything is fine.

  2. Thankyou im just ignoring all the troll posts from players who don't understand how big an issue this is and how many players are having problems with it, its enough to cause concern and gets some communication from bioware.


    I know for a fact its not a user issue and is a swtor client issue and so do the players with these problems.


    So, everyone that's having no troubles is a troll?


    And you wonder why you're not getting more help with the issue.


    EDIT: By the way, I've been getting 160 FPS everytime, all the time, max settings.

  3. I admit. Back in that OTHER game, I used a couple meters, tracked my numbers, tried to improve with my guild, etc.


    In PUGs, there were always people linking their meters, insulting each other, and generally just being bad to each other.


    In all the PUGs I've been in here in SWTOR, with no meters, we actually made conversation. Nobody's been worried about DPS, or the occassional wipe. They get up, reposition, say "Okay, what did that boss just do? Spawned adds at half health? We can get him this time." instead of screaming about "You were 1k DPS too short nub, fail more, we wiped because of you!" /kick.


    Instead, it's been really laid back, and a whole lot of fun. I think we can actually do alright without meters.

  4. Funny enough, I was reading, lol, almost ALL the pages here. My take on this is this:

    I have to agree 100% with the OP for the very simple reason that from SWTOR's official website:


    Digital Deluxe Edition:


    These items are included as bonuses for the Digital Deluxe Edition.


    Flare Gun. The Flare Gun is a small cosmetic device that allows you to fire a particle flare high into the sky above your character’s head.

    Training Droid. A small but advanced piece of machinery, the Training Droid will hover by your side as you explore the galaxy. The Training Droid will also serve you in combat, marking your target with a particle effect that clearly identifies them as an enemy.

    HoloDancer. The HoloDancer allows you to take the party with you in your travels and can be deployed at almost any time by activating the HoloDancer and targeting the ground near your character.

    HoloCam. The HoloCam lets your character take high-resolution images of the countless wonders that they will discover on their journey across the galaxy.

    STAP. The STAP, or Single Trooper Aerial Platform, is a custom-skinned vehicle that you will be able to acquire at no cost to you. The vehicle itself will become available once your character gains the ability to pilot vehicles.


    This IS false advertising and illegal here in the states. Now, if BW comes out and says that they are going to give it a "fix" in a patch, then that is fine but and this is important, they have not, as of yet, even said anything to the community. In law, the issue to be addressed here is: the "letter." With the letter of the law, was anything blatantly abused or broken? Here yes - they said one thing and provided something else - breach of contract. For those of you who are saying, "stop whining" what did you expect. I say, I EXPECT the company, Bioware, to hold up their end of the contract and deliver what they promised. If you go to a store and see a stereo and buy it, bring home the box, unpack it and there's a brick inside, will you keep it or return it? It's the same thing - the principle was violated. We're examining the principle of what happened here. This of course creates what's called "buyer's remorse." And unless BW does something to remedy this, then I can guarantee, many people will think twice, about buying another product from them. 1) This is NOT the best way, from a business point of view, to keep customers; 2) The game just came out after HOW LONG OF A WAIT??? Come on, how about building a loyal client base and keeping everyone happy by delivering what you promised. The "silent treatment" is not a good political ploy.


    Me personally, I'm disappointed with this as well. As stated many times over by others who played Rift, we got "value" items when we signed up. Now, I can understand that this is a new game and maybe the devs haven't finished a lot of things in this area but say something and let your fans, who, by the way, pay a sub and keep you in business..., know that you are working on this and all will be good. Granted they are "fluff" but a little fluff makes peeps very happy and happy peeps = continued subs...


    That's exactly what I said. If you pursued it, you could actually get BioWare into legal trouble over the droid. The problem is, the costs involved are simply not worth it (unless you go the class action route, assuming you can get a lawyer to agree over a 20 dollar bonus item), it's easier to simply cancel... But a lot of us would rather see BioWare do the right thing and simply update the item to match the description.

  5. Lots of trolls in this thread.


    While most of the items are what was expected (less than fluff) the droid was clearly an outright lie.


    Training Droid. A small but advanced piece of machinery, the Training Droid will hover by your side as you explore the galaxy.


    It's right there in black and white. The droid in game behaves nothing like that. It's clearly false advertising and it is technically illegal.


    That said, taking legal action over that would be a joke.


    Complaining in the forums and wanting a change though, is much more reasonable.

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