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Posts posted by Warlocc

  1. I'm curious as to what you think is "too much CC in PvE"


    The ONLY fight that I found annoying along that line is H2 on Oricon -- and that one is easily solved by using a tank companion to eat most the CC while you burn down the champions.


    Can you provide a specific fight besides that one that has too much CC? Because honestly, it just sounds like vague whinging and vast over exaggeration about something that's not actually an issue.


    How about almost every fight with anything more than a Strong in it? Here's an idea, stop letting your companion play the game for you, you might experience it.


    The game is in many ways too easy now. However, excessive crowd control does not make the game difficult it just makes it tedious. For the most part it is used as a cheap game mechanic to prolong fights and player progress rather than a present any genuine challenge.




    I'd prefer to see less CC used by mobs and better countermeasures. However, to balance this any CC you don't interupt or avoid should have bigger consequences than currently.


    This. Exactly this.

  2. Send companion in (tank or DPS role). Let them trigger all the opening CC. Then join the fun.


    That's the point. The game is so easy you could let your companion play it for you. Why keep a mechanic that only adds annoyance while continually making it more about companion autopilot?


    Why not just lock us in our ships in unskippable cutscenes of things dying?

  3. No, but figuring out a way to deal with stuns/knockbacks/etc is part of the game. Positioning is a big part of tanking. Think of the jungle boss fight in Core Meltdown.


    Positioning is situational at best. Sometimes you can put your back to a wall or use LOS, but that's rare, and again only useful against some of the CCs.


    I mean, there are entire fights designed around the idea that you have to stay in the center of a platform because the boss mechanic is to spam unavoidable knockbacks that will otherwise drop you to your death. If that were rare and unique it might be clever, but when every enemy in the game has some form of that, it's just overdone and annoying

  4. Yeah. the game is too hard to play. As a tank player as well, it would be great if all Strongs and less simply dropped dead the instant a tank character enters melee range with them.


    Annoying =/= difficult. Getting bounced around before facerolling mobs isn't a challenge.

  5. Playing as a melee tank, I'm getting more and more frustrated with the CC in this game- entirely PvE.


    Any time I'm in a group with more than one Strong, I can expect to be stunned, knocked down, and/or bounced back and forth repeatedly, with no way to interrupt it or stop it from happening.


    The few that ARE interruptible get cast again long before my interrupts are off their cooldowns.


    Worse, the knockbacks all too often put me too close to use Force Charge, but too far away to be able to use any melee abilities, and I have to walk back in slow motion because of the attached snare.


    It's beyond frustrating to supposedly be a powerful force user, getting smacked around like a ping pong ball by some stupid trash mobs.


    All of those nonsense abilities should be removed from NPCs, or PvE tanking should provide some immunities to it. It's out of control sometimes.

  6. Been playing off and on since beta. Just recently picked up my sub again and got to 65. Currently gearing up and doing the KOTFE stuff, but I'm finding it kind of boring to play an MMO solo.


    So I figure I'll start putting out the ol' feelers for a decent guild that's around late night weekends and maybe mornings. EST.


    RP guild would be nice, but I'm also happy to tank (or learn to tank) most PvE content.


    Will be following this thread, or can be contacted in game as Dhakan.

  7. Been playing off and on since beta. Just recently picked up my sub again and got to 65. Currently gearing up and doing the KOTFE stuff, but I'm finding it kind of boring to play an MMO solo.


    So I figure I'll start putting out the ol' feelers for a decent guild that's around late night weekends and maybe mornings. EST.


    RP guild would be nice, but I'm also happy to tank (or learn to tank) most PvE content.


    ill be following this thread, or can be contacted in game as Dhakan.

  8. So, I'd been reading the forums, all sorts of complaining that H2+ Star Fortress was too hard now, etc.


    Because of that, I hadn't tried it. Didn't want to waste my time on something that was "too hard" when I could just do solo mode instead.


    But today I tried it anyway. It wasn't bad at all, just myself with a healer companion. Barely had to use any of my defensive cooldowns at all. Was it nerfed recently? Or am I missing something?

  9. It's doable, but the experience might be sub-par. You will want to make sure you understand the HM mechanics, and understand your own abilities; timing on interrupts and stuns and making good use of crowd control and LOS pulls. More importantly, you want to make sure your gear isn't terrible, the bulk of your stuff should come from the heroic mission gear boxes. Threat could be a stumbling block, and if you get some seriously geared dps on your team, it could be an issue.


    That's the sort of answer that makes me wish we had story mode FPs again.


    I'll keep this stuff in mind, though.

  10. I recently complained that I dislike the new tactical flashpoints- too often I wind up babysitting 3 DPS that don't stop to consider that they don't have a healer.


    In response, people told me to just queue for HM instead. Ignoring the fact that they're not available pre-50, is it even a good idea to queue for a hardmode as a fresh 50 tank? Even in tanking gear? Does bolster really help bridge the gap?

  11. lol. why? of course it is easier if 3 other players are people who knows how to play. if not it is not easier.




    Almost every group finder group I've been in has been more frustrating than if they'd all dropped and I'd ran it with just my companion. DPS players are generally useless. Having 3 of them instead of just 2 almost always makes the situation worse.

  12. While I'm a dps Commando, I always keep my eyes on the health of others and try to back up heal when needed, even if it means giving up an enhanced High Impact Bolt for a quick probe heal. I use Kolto stations when I see others are low. After all, if the tank goes down, it's not gong to be good for the rest of us.


    I've done tactical with 4 dps before, with a couple of us off healing and using stations. What it comes down to is either selfish players-- and sadly, you'll find those everywhere, especially if they're used to solo experiences, or inexperienced players. You may have to educate them at times ("Please heal me when you can because I'm doing my best to protect you.") I've been playing MMOs for 20 years, so I know the ins and outs of these games pretty well, but others may not and may need some education.


    It's the one issue I have with level syncing in this game. Players aren't ready for the higher content.


    Alternatively, you have the ones that jump into combat before the group is healed up (with no healer) and/or jump into combat ahead of everyone else, get smashed by the four strong mobs, then wonder why the tank didn't hold agro.


    At least with the trinity, it's possible for the tank to try to gather everything back up while getting healed after those two situations. What we have now is chaos.

  13. Making friends with a healer and queuing together would probably be significantly quicker than hoping to luck into a trinity group - or just talking to the group you get to have someone watching your health and using the Kolto based on that.


    (Or, for that matter, just making friends and queuing with a DPS who knows to keep an eye on your health while you're tanking and use the kolto.)


    Easier said than done on my schedule. It's the very reason I use the group finder. But it is good advice.

  14. Except there is no option for hardmode.


    All I can do is the tacticals, and run the risk of getting stuck in a group with no heals and no CC. That makes fights with many bosses and even strong/elites virtually impossible.


    Or do I keep declining and rejoining the queue until I see a healer, which should drive everybody else in the queue insane?

  15. Leveling a melee tank, I sometimes queue for flashpoints and get put in a group with 3 DPS, often times ranged DPS that will park next to a kolto station and only use it when THEIR health goes down. Means I either die or spend a ton of time running after kolto while bosses spam CC's on me.


    Who thought this was a good idea? Why can't I queue for regular flashpoints with the trinity? Where did that option go?

  16. Level shift is a great feature when I'm running with my low level friends and helping them out, don't get me wrong.


    But when I'm solo and running through some stuff on lowbie planets, how do I turn this off? I earned my levels back before 12x XP was a thing, I should be able to drive right past level 20's with no issue. I should NOT have to stop and fight these things every ten seconds when my objective is on the other side of three map transitions.


    If I wanted to be a lowbie again and solo slog through all this, I'd roll a new toon.

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