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Everything posted by Meglivorn

  1. When will we have a full web support for the Security Key? Not just set one up but cancel it, set up a new one or delete it. The support through phone is really not a suitable solution from many countries. Not all players are in the US/UK -_-
  2. I hit 50 on the weekends. And I never set foot on Correlia so far, did only the basic, intro space combat, not one warzone and not all flashpoints (didn't find group and I didn't wait too long, went to do quests). So I still have plenty of things to do, even before it gets repetitive.
  3. When will we have a full web support for the Security Key? Not just set one up but cancel it, set up a new one or delete it. The support through phone is really not a suitable solution from many countries. Not all playeras are in the US/UK -_-
  4. Hi, When will we have a fill web support for the Security Key? Not just set one up but cancel it, set up a new one or delete it. The support through phone is really not a suitable solution from many countries. Not all playeras are in the US/UK -_-
  5. When will the Security Key get support on the account page? As cancel or un-register, or set up a new key, for a new device (a new mobile or a hardware key after a mobile one, etc.). The phone-support is really a pain if one not lives in the US.
  6. Well, I do not like most of the "heavy metal" boots. The whole point of this one is that it's not some heavy snow-worker stomper, almost as thin as a light boot. But has some armor plating. I won't denie that it's inspired by the set Master Satele wears. I don't want that one, just I do think that as a shadow, a melee fighter class, we should have some sets that doesn't yell "caster".
  7. I still aim something like this: http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/Meglivorn/SWTOR/wishedgear.jpg Sadly it's medium armor chest and a heavy boots. Appearantly all the light armors has to be heavy robes and capes. And no, the pieces that looks like a uniform (and similar to the alderaan ulgo social set, only different colors) is nothing like this, or the dress Master Satele uses. I'm looking the sith pieces now, but as I heard when they sent to the republic side, the models changes (true from rep to imp also)... We'll see.
  8. Is there ANY weapon preview? I never seen it. O_O
  9. Vote for more (much more) fem flirts!
  10. Suggestion: get a republic character (never hurt to see the other side) or a friend with one. Get the hat you want (orange of course), go both character to nar shadaa. Practicly at night when there is very few players online. The republic char puts the hat to the Nar Shadaa shared market for a minimal prize, relog to bunty hunter and buy it. Profit. I sent lightaber crystals and mods to my inquisitor alt from my republic main Of course, if the piece you want is class or alignment locked, that's suck.
  11. I don't feel the game broken, and honestly never felt that the zones are corridors and tubes (except of course Coruscant and Nar Shadaa but ther are corridors ). It never felt more locked than in any wow-zone. On the other hand I wholely agree that the planets should be used more, it's a shame that the so beautiful and great areas are wasted to a few level of gameplay, and there's nothing that encourages players to visit them again. Maybe some lvl50 quest area or daily area on the planets. Some flashpoints to have real planet entrance not just the fleet-dropships. Something to have a reason for lvl50 players to go to Tatooine, Hoth, Alderaan, etc... The fleet hub for the flashpoints is great and comfortable, but I really miss the traveling to the entrance and actually go there. Such hub could be done in the capital cities, not a separated fleet in the middle of nowhere. Also like the idea of the extended use of commenations. High level stuff maybe a little too much since the areas doesn't gives a challange a few levels later, but if the commendations can turned to crafting materials or schematics or some social fluff then worth to collect and use them.
  12. /signed First a little flirting doesn't hurt anyone Second it may spice up a little the dialogs with the female PCs. Right now there are essentially no flirts for them. (shadow - 47, sorcerer 21, smuggler 17, agent 16, bounty hunter 10 and only my smuggler got ONE flirt so far, and the shadow her romance option. ALL.)
  13. Yep, there should be a short grace period for unmodified items to return.
  14. - When do we see more diverse looking armor for our characters? Before the release there was always the speaches about the wall of sets for every classes, even shown on photos and videos. But in the game there is only a few in various color versions. Please?
  15. Now you're just not fair. This game has an enormous amount of content, even in the levelup phase. Of course it seems maybe not that much, but think about it: The 8 class stories and all the world and other quests - however considered "the same" by some - is way more than even old mmo-s offer. and the 16 flashpoints (heroic modes in endgame) 2 operations with 5 bosses, 3 warzones are maybe less than some other games, but this is at release. Not after years on the market, slowly building up the rack. Most mmos suffer that you have to actually grind for XP becouse you run out of things to do, no quests. Its easy to say that its 2012 and we compare the game to other games on the market. And in some cases it's true (game mechanics, gui, etc.) But in content, swtor offers much more at release than any other mmo after a year of running.
  16. There is one thing tho' they could do for encouraging testers to participate: copy characters from live servers, or offer premade lvl 50 characters. Most not technical problems are in the endgame. World PvP, heroic flashpoints and operations. But if you have to level up a character again, or having it deleted many times, it becomes hard, the time of the test goes mostly for leveling up, not to test the actual problems. But yeah, there IS a test server.
  17. Just for your information, in case you somehow missed it: rescale and move elements are on the way, scheduled to the next real update in march. Quick fix for the quest tracker: go into the questlog and untrack your quests. Simply as that. I can't comment the camera issues, for me it works exactly than any other game I tried.
  18. Wow... I'm speachless. Seriously. I just want to know one thing: when did you sleep? Really. I started to play dec. 13. My max. character is on lvl 47, have many alts, but the highest level of them is 21. And have only one craft on 400 not maxed out becouse I missing a lot of scematics, and have only a few discovery. And I play every day (I did not log in on christmas and new year but I think that's acceptable ), around 4 hours at the evening/night. Sometime even more.
  19. Sometimes I'd just wish to see that all the "no content" "this content is boring and the same as all the other games" people start pumping out all those really interesting and revolutionary and never ending amount of ideas they missing and think should be in the game. Of course all of the just one click away in the station so they don't have to travel becouse it's boring, and hopefully it doesnt take too much time and repeat becouse that's boring too. Seriously. Start the suggestions, don't just whine. Some of them maybe good and makes it to the game.
  20. Hm... I always felt that the Imperial Station is like a rest/recreation area of the Death Star (with hundreds of thousands of workers and soldierts there must be a place for that). On the other hand, the first time I stepped onto the Republic Station, Deep Space Nine come to my mind. Immediately. True, it could use much more decorations. Carpets, banners, trees (not holo, "real" in cascets). And I miss the crowd from both. With 100+ players in the zone, it still feels empty. I can just hope that as the player base getting to 50, it'll be better.
  21. Link me the item please. I beg you, I just can't find a light armor that's not a long, thick robe. (Seriously, not mocking or anything.)
  22. I just planning to refresh my phone so it's becoming an important issue also. The site already has the security questions, it asks the valid sec. key for login, also can ask for the serial number. A simple deactivation and later activating a new one shouldn't be a problem. Not to mention, handling the "support" on the phone is not the best and easiest solution for every country. Also, and this is a suggestion: The app not really usef friendly, the numbers are too small. I have a 4" SGS and still have to pick up and check closely. I kicked together a little mockup picture, I do think tis would be much friendly: http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss28/Meglivorn/SWTOR/swtor-key.jpg Of course the two-digit brakes are for me, easier to read and type in, but that can causes confusion sometimes (I can imagine :\ )...
  23. +1 from me also. It really needed, more that the game promote alts and playing more characters (legacy system).
  24. You know you can mod your items anywhere and anytime?
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