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Everything posted by Meglivorn

  1. My shadow's Revered Maditation Double-bladed Lighsaber. I really loved when the first tier operation revards had cool names (Shadowsaber, Starshard) but this type of hilt is maybe the nicest in the whole game. Just perfect, so I keep it and only change the mods. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjyfnrh033shrv0/saber.jpg
  2. Completly agree with this. I played balance since beta, now it's unplayabe for me, changed to infiltrator and have to learn. Also disappointed with the new ability but that is said many times by many people.
  3. Good to know, I hear only the complaints from everywhere. I'm playing balance since beta andeven though I'm looking at the infiltrator now (I just hate that the balance went from melee fighter to a "stand close and wave dots and look stupid" class) I really would like staying balance. If it's valid, maybe staying will be easier.
  4. Black Hole. It can be done in 20 minutes with the heroic if the group is assembled quickly. The solo part is 10 min. Section X was a lot longer. It's more varied and the quests itself are better, but if its for daily repeat, than it have to be quick and nice, no fuss. So stick to Black Hole. Maybe if I pick the right quests from the list, I will switch to Mekeb. But right now they take too long for dailies/weeklys.
  5. I wanted a jedi, that was without a question. In KotOR I always played sentinel, I like the middle ground style. Who uses it's head, not only for headbutts, but not the wise and "in a way passive" sage type. When I first learned of the Shadow, I immediately knew that this is my class. It was years before release, and followed the class informations, with the firm knowledge that it's my class. And tried it in beta, like what I seen, started the character in early access, and it's still my main. I just LOVE the stealth, that I don't have to fight my way through all those mobs, just sneak in, do the job, sneak out, nobody seen anything But I have to admit, I'm not entirely satified, and seriously have doubts of the class now. The Balance Shadow I play, was always a dotter and not a real melee, but after the exp. it's even more less melee character than it was. And I have to say, feeling stupid standing next to the opponent and waving hand every few sec, refreshing a dot, and ocassionally hit a double strike. Tried Infiltrator, didn't like it. Right now the shadow combat gameplay is just not fun for me. I'm not talking about the numbers and dps, just the feeling of the class itself. But the stealth... thats priceless
  6. Absolutely no problem with sustained dps over burst. But (initial) bust have very valid uses when solo, 4man content or simple trash mobs doesn't live enough time to dot them up and the dots actually do some damage. I played balance shadow since beta. My problem is, that I feel stupid standing next to the enemy, with saber in hand and half of the time just waving hand and toying with dots. the "visual combat" and "acrobatic style" goes down the trash, and you actually look like you don't do anything at all. At first the Project went out of the rotation, now the Shadow Strike. Now we have 3 dots, 1 area spell, the spam Double Strike (also bad since the animation is only 1 sec, and you sped a whole half sec doing nothing when you actually spam an ability), and the basic saber strike. Under 30% comes the spinning strike. YEY. I hoped that in the expansion, the build goes toward the melee style it supposed to be, but no. I can stand beside the mob, sometime wave hand and the combat log will show that I actually did something during the fight. Right now I don't know what to choose. I'm tempted to leave the class, but all the 'achivements', unlocks, collections are on this character and don't want to lose that. Also I just LOVE the stealth (don't have to fight my way through hundreds of mobs, just sneak in, do the job, sneak out). So maybe I switch build. Dunno yet. But I know I want a melee class and hit things with the damn glowstick if I'm already there to do it. If I wanted to do spells and dots, I'd play sage.
  7. Since the new patch, the security key finally manageable from the account page, so I set one up again on my account. I had to get the old one removed when I upgraded my phone. Since then the vendor's inventory didn't change at all. Thats kinda OK, my problem is not that. But the Cartel Market brought a LOT of "dancer sets" all essentially the same as the Slave/Republic Dancer, with a little addition to the shoulders. Now the republic set worth even less than before. I do think that it's not a big thing to do on the developer side that both faction vendor's inventory get both kind of dancer sets. If any imperial want the "pinky original dancer" version, they can, and the republic side finally gets the really original set also. It's just not fair not to. (Or at least make the pieces Bind to Account.) (Just for the fact: I have imperial characters that use parts of the Imperial Dancer Set. But I DO like to use some on my republic characters also. PLEASE
  8. As Quality of Life enhancements: Most: A separate tab in the skill list for the Cartel emotes and special items, like the Jawagrams, Fireworks, Flare gun, etc. Thay take up insanely lot of inventory space right now :\ Chairs characters can sit on. Not all in the game of course, that would be a ridiculously huge task, but at least on the ships (not just on the bridge) and the cantinas. Also, the new areas should be designed with enchanced functionality chairs Chat Bubbles for /say and /yell (with limited range of course) Improved Republic Fleet. Not much, just seem strange that the imperial station has plants and other decoration, while the republic is only capable to put on some rugs. Also strange that the imperial Crew Skill Vendor has a booth and a civilian, the republic one is a soldier just standing suspicously at the corridor. Like he secretly black-selling out the garrisons' supplies Barber Shop, Achivements has been already announced. Minigames like Pazaak, Sabacc and racing (this could be done with a modified tunnel engine of the space combat). The PvE/PvP arena is also a great idea. More things Legacy-wide. Social status, since it should reaward the player for group activities and not the character played on. The Datacrons and the Codex. The Matrix Shards bound to legacy.
  9. My Shadow. She was the first character I created and leveled up to 50.
  10. I actually love the "choose your side" trailer mix. And while I love all three videos for different reasons, I DO think that the choose should've been the opening cinematic to the game.
  11. Everyone is so concentrate on that the force choke in the prison block was form great distance. We all seen Vader choke someone over comm and video feed. It was simply enough to hack into the prison video surveillance and check on the cell camera. And with Tarkin's (and I have no dount that he is in this fully) help its an easy task. Right now my prime suspect is also Offee, but true that its too simple at this early stage of the arc. One other thing: there will be at least one more(possibly more) season of TCW so I really don't think they would kill one of the main characters of the show.
  12. I absolutely support this. But I have a feeling that the problems with lekkus, head tentacles and other things with the alien species can have are affecting this as well, that's why only shoulder length hairs in game now.
  13. I also +1 this. Visible protection is one thing, good looking character is another. I admit, I wouldn't use it on every class, but on some (like my smuggler or agent) would be nice. If someone don't want it, it's OK, I like choices and possibilities with the gear styles.
  14. +1 this. Even on the fleet I always forget where the damn table was and the map doesn't show
  15. Since the lower parts of the chest pieces are usually part of the leg pieces, I think the pants are needed too. But only then But of course I suggested the whole armor with the boots, gloves etc.
  16. Its really great that the market opened up the gear type limitations with the adaptive gear, but the jedi parts still tend to use only the "trenchcoat" versions. I really would like to see the only republic side set at least on the market: The Aspiring Knight set: http://i.imgur.com/3E5Fs.jpg As someone who played through the original KOTOR multiple times, I really would LOVE to see some gear imported from that game, first and most Bastila Shan's iconic robes. http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/365/364123/Bastila_Shan_Tano_-_so_hot.JPG If I remember correctly in the game it had a light and dark side version (and maybe a green variant but I'm not sure if that wasn't a mod). Since I don't know what the copyright status of the KOTOR2, I'm not suggesting armors from there (I'm sure, someone will anyway ). And finally: I think I'm not the only one who misses Satele Shan's dress. Almost all trailer characters armor is available for the players, at least something really close. I don't want exactly the same, only similar, or a color variant... http://www.manufato.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/satele-low-02.jpg
  17. I'm on these forums since the end of 2008 and playing the game since the early access (played one beta weekend before). And not planning to leave anytime soon...
  18. I'd put twi'lek on the free species list. Just to break down the whining. With that iconic races would be awailable to all. As unlockable/payable races: togruta and nautolan. I agree with bioware that it's no point to have a too alien race and playing essentially a human in rubber lizard suit, or some who doesn't even speak basic (like wookies). Sorry.
  19. I hate the city planets, Correlia the most (I can expect the labyrinth feeling in closed places like coruscant or nar shadaa, but no way a real, open city has a street-structure like on correlia. Also there are the district taxis, having the area absolutely separeted. It just not right. But the other planets I don't agree. Hoth is pretty open, and I went cross almost all terrain in Alderaan or Voss or Balmorra. I like Belsavis too the zones maybe seem small but they actually almost as big as a wow-zone and not more closed at all (there are corridors, hills, cracks in every game in the terrain).
  20. First of all, I don't think there is anyone including the devs who doesn't want much more items in the shop than there is now. And we have promise that it will expand reguraly (there is a few pieces I'm waiting for right now, saving up coins and not purchasing random things just for fun). But the other things: there are lot of topics about the playable species and that is one of the oldest theme since before release. There are reasons why the available species are limited and we know they working on expanding the selection pool (cathar is promised, and we have hope for a few species already in the game as npc). And finally: you can already put the mods into the existing orange or purple gear, and with the new black hole armoring mods, you can keep the set bonus too. So, that part is solved.
  21. I wrote before but two pieces that really bugging me for a long time: The Acolyte Bracers are craftable bracers, but it don't have the orange end piece. And I really want that since it's the only one looking like a jewelry bracelet, and fits nice to a few gear pieces. (Little correction: only the republic skin is relevant, the imperial just a plain boring bracer no different than any in the game. So I wish for the nice rep skin for both factions.) The other is the Bounty Hunter's quest reward gun, the Manhunter Blaster. Two guns like that just fits perfectly for a mercenary but the only one in the game is the reward. The legacy weapon uses the same model but it's not moddable, and only usable for a short time. I DO think this two pieces should be in the game as craftable options, or vendor pieces, but I'd pay CC for them in an instant if that's the only way to get them.
  22. Actually, I don't care if it will use the EU or not. The movies were always in their own "Lucas-universe" so if it stays that way, no difference at all. But as Coruscant made into the movies (also created by Zahn in his first sequel novel), I can only hope that if the new trilogy is about the kids (nice idea I think) then maybe Mara can also make it. Kids need a mum
  23. Huh... I was really worried that it'll stuck there like that. It really looks something just throw on the screen without any planning or design. Awful. But if I can move it away, and resize, don't care.
  24. The famous Aspiring Knight's Vest. And I really like to have more open, lighter outfits for all classes. The imperial dancer outfit on rep. characters (if its still exclusive only for the Security key vendor, then both sets should be sold for both sides). Ascendant's Alloy Boots from the Light Side Vendor Bounty hunter armors for republic companions. Quizen or Akavi comes to my mind immedietaly. And Satele Shan's outfit. Or something similar, on that fashion.
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