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Everything posted by Zocat

  1. Zocat

    /Stuck Abuse

    Maybe make /stuck not instant but a 20sec "cast" (not really a cast, cause you can be stuck while "moving").
  2. Yes, he's a good friend & player and doesnt have another class.
  3. PvP: Situational awareness. Can you name the people who defended the doors / turrets after the game? Do you know the names of the people who scored in huttball? Do you know who assisted them scoring? The names of people who leave a turret fight, when it's clear that your side will win (as in 6vs2). If you see these & similiar things - you can start looking at the damage / healing / protection chart. If a player is very high there AND is playing objective based (of course over multiple warzones, and keep team composition (premades, randoms, ...) in mind). He's probably a good player. Is he the best? Maybe - dont know. But he is one of the best.
  4. Naja... die meisten Leute (mich eingeschloßen) haben doch überhaupt keine Ahnung wie auch nur annähernd die Abilities alle miteinander stacken etc. Bzw was für Abilities die gegnerischen Klassen haben.
  5. They mentioned some time ago that they plan to do something like that. ETA: unknown.
  6. @AllisonBerryman: Thansk for clarification @Urdnaxela: No harm done Miscommunication can happen They said they want to implement other ways to bring augment slots to items. So I personally believe (! as in pure speculation from my side) they avoid the "double work" and implement those recipes. Critcrafting for augment slots is probably (again just my opinion) slowly phased out and we will gain other options to add augment slots (crafters crafting the way to add augments). So basically: There will be ways to add augment slots to all those gear which we currently cannot craft. I personally believe it's not going to be via crit crafting but adding those augmentslots (which are probably crafted).
  7. Please do so. Might be because English is not my native language, but to me the yellow claim and what actually is implemented in game are 2 different things. Prior to the patch I couldnt RE WarHero craftables. And no other craftables as well. The yellow now says "it doesnt include crafted custom items" and "it wasnt included in this change". But now I am able to RE the craftable WarHero gear. Which leads me to believe that it was changed. It just shows that no one has any idea what actually is implemented in the patches.
  8. I can reverse engineer my War Hero crafted oranges. Which is a "Crafted custom item" - which you claim cannot be REed.
  9. It works for my Warhero Gear (Vindicator & Supercommando). It doesnt work for other items (i.e. Peacekeeper's Chestguard, Peacekeeper's Graves, Traditional Thermoweave Lower Robe)
  10. Where can I buy low level armorings?
  11. *********** joke... I can RE WH gear. I cannot RE i.e. Peacekeeper's Chestguard / Peacekeeper's Greaves.
  12. Das klingt so als ob "keine Bgs" schlecht wäre ;P TM/SS Zerg war durchaus unterhaltsam, weil die Engine halt auch mitgespielt hat (nachdem man das 1. mal gestorben ist weil das Laden der Chars solange gedauert hat. Aber danach hat man immer alles rechtzeitig gesehen). Ich stimme dir zu, dass das Spiel eigentlich gut ist. Nur es sind zuwenig Leute da. Und PvP (sind ja im PvP thread^^) braucht dringend ein Matchmaking System, was auch Leute in Betracht zieht die nicht nur in 8mann SGs rumrennen wollen. Aber ja - WoW hatte am Anfang dasselbe Problem. Aber die Zeiten mit 5h lang Randoms abfarmen um dann endlich mal auf ne kompetente GegnerSG zu treffen sind nunmal eigentlich vorbei.
  13. Server mergers. My server had 2500 people playing simultaneously back in Jan. Now we're down to 1000 - and my server is seen as a "good populated" one. You have sharding of zones which should help with server load. USE IT. Also add a system so you make names / legacy names non unique. The amount of transfers/merges needed will lead to a lot of people losing their favourite names. Use a character ID system (like SC2 so Luke.1234 and Luke.2345). Use this ID to add players to friendlist (unless you do it via the UI). I like my names - the other players have come to know me under that name. So let me keep it. And hey - wouldnt it be funny if you find your name-twin? It's not like we all have unique names in RL. We deal with this concept on a daily basis. Add Dualspec. I primarily PvP. But I want to do an instance once in a while. I would even tank that instance (I have decent gear - full columi). But I dont have the spec and respeccing is just to expensive. Add a matchmaking system for PvP. It's not fun to roflstomp people who are undergeared. It's not fun being roflstomped by people who have gear, if your whole team has no gear. Ranked Warzones will probably go in that direction. But please keep the people in mind who dont have a 8 man group ready 24/7. Making ranked warzones only available for 8 man groups will hurt the PvP base a lot Edit: Events like the Rakghoul one. Make them last longer. 1 week is fine if you bring in content fast enough. But 2 weeks would be better in the current system. 1 event / month = make it last 1 week. 1 event / 2 months = make it last 2 weeks (that is under the assumption that we will not see another event in may - which might be a wrong assumption)
  14. Seit 2 Tagen killt das Forum mein Firefox 12 mit Noscript in regelmäßigen Abständen. Vmtl geht es anderen ähnlich
  15. Naja das war aber damals - wie heute - einfach nur Müll. Ich mein wer auch nur annähernd SWTOR als größten Flop der MMO-Geshichte bezeichnet hat einige andere Spiele nicht gespielt (zB FF XIV) PvE ist auch imho sehr unterhaltsam. Allerdings wohl nichts für Hardcore Raidgilden - was aber logisch ist, dass das nicht die Zielgruppe von BW ist. Da ist WoW einfach zu stark. Und PvE leidet derzeit extrem unter Populationsproblemen. Wie eigentlich alles. Sobald sie Server Merges bringen (Transfers werden meiner Meinung nach nicht ausreichen) hat das Spiel in meinen Augen viel Potential. Einzig ein nicht vorhandenes Matchmaking System im PvP ist noch schlecht - aber das kommt ja "soon". Aber sobald sie das einführen macht es meiner Meinung nach auch Spaß. Das Rakghoul World Event war in meinen Augen auch recht unterhaltsam. Da ist die Frage, wie häufig sie etwas in der Richtung bringen. Klar, Player Feedback ist mein größtes Mankoim PvP. Ob sie die Engine so umbauen wollen/können, dass es kein Problem mehr ist - wird nur die Zukunft zeigen. Klar mein Acc läuft aus, aber dh nicht dass ich nicht wieder reaktiviere, sobald sie Dinge einfügen die meine Probleme addressieren.
  16. The taunt thing was just there to tease your "every hostile action interrupts" statement As I said (and I hope it did come across) I dont necessarily think it's a bad idea with the 1hp thing. But it's just not elegant. Strange hidden background calculations are not elegant It's even questionable if 1 is required. Since we dont need to do actual dmg to interrupt (bubbles) - so the calculation for interrupts is before the calculation of damage. So a direct damage ability with 0 dmg might be enough - but that's speculating
  17. Honest question: What was the point of the movie? As in what was your goal when making it? I have no idea _why_ you made the video - and I dont know it after seeing it. So if you wanted to get a message across it failed Also: Two Steps from Hell - Dragon Rider, is way overused. It's starting to resemble He's a pirate from PotC - make a movie? Include Dragon Rider! Especially since you DO know TSFH - they have sooo many good songs ! I liked the effects in the beginning - dont like the BW/EA logos (it just feels like wasted viewertime). Running to the spaceships seemed to be a bit boring. Try to synch music to video more. i.e. ~1:50 when you open on the jugg. At 1:48 there's a good point in the music which would've connected greatly to "action starting". After the 2:25 part you do it quite well. But then fall back to offsynch scene switches. Try to use the beat (German: Takt) more when using scene switches. Meh was all negative. But it was decent (criticizing is easier^^) so dont get me wrong.
  18. So 99 warzone / 99 ranked warzone for weekly and only 50 warzone / 50 ranked warzone for daily? No thanks! This! Need at least a small medpac income which doesnt involve playing alts.
  19. It seems to be a rare condition. Does it happen when you fight? As in: Does it only happen if you guard the point and have no inc the whole game? Not saying you shouldnt get def-points for that - but maybe it's some strange condition which is not met. Overall the medal system is a bit uggy. Quite a few times people dont get the speed medal team rewards and leave a game with 3 medals when they 6-0ed the opposing team in huttball.
  20. Well maybe start the interrupt process before you cannot use a single GCD Taunt is a hostile action. I'm not sure, but I think taunt is not interrupting. Of course we can argue if taunt should interrupt as well. You're idea is a lot. But it's not elegant Actually it's the exact opposite of elegant - it's clumsy and ugly. But it would do it's job. Though I like the idea that every DoT is changed to a "frontload + dot effect" with the frontload being identical - dmg wise - as a single DoT tick. Ranged auto attack for Sages also seems to be fine. Overall though I think capping is difficult enough. Sure Sages are at a disadvantage to prevent capping compared to Commandos. But they still have an easier time than the knight classes.
  21. Vlt erstmal selbst googlen, wenn man Behauptungen aufstellt, die nicht haltbar sind.
  22. Achja da wir ja mehrmals über Serverzahlen gesprochen haben:, das ist was ich habe: 27.1 23:00 - 1022 Reps; 1372+ Imps davon @50: 298 R, 413+ I 28.2 22:30 - 596 Reps; 920 Imps davon @50: 215 R, 331 I 30.3 21:00 - 491 Reps; 701 Imps davon @50: 199 R, 324 I 02.5 21:30 - 448 Reps, 613 Imps davon @50: 233 R, 329 I
  23. Es hat doch netmal was unbedingt mit Stammgruppe zu tuen. 4 Leute mit WH gear in einem BG gegen Leute mit max BM Zeug - und naja kannst du vergeßen. Am besten noch 1-2 Leute mit niedrigem Expertise dabei. Dann ist auch scheiß egal, ob die Leute im Voice abhängen. Für die Gegner ist es wie ne SG. @den Random Imp: So geht es Rep Solo Leuten halt genauso. Und ging es schon immer vs upperclass. 4x upperclass (welche die einzige wirkliche SG auf dem Server stellen (gestellt haben?)). Entweder hast du Glück und 4 kompetente Spieler auf deiner Seite oder es ist nen klarer Loss. Wie gesagt für mich besteht PvP derzeit aus: Queue. Mit kompetenten Leuten in der Gruppe vs badly geared Imps. Langweilig, weil einfacher Win. Mit schlecht equippten Leuten in der Gruppe vs kompetente Imps. Langweilig, weil deutliche Niederlage und man nicht wirklich was machen kann. Die "Mit SG 5h spielen (und Randoms abfarmen) und hoffen auf ein einzig gutes Spiel" Zeiten in WoW Classic mit Johnson sind schon lange vorbei. Der Aufwand/Spaß Faktor stimmt da einfach nicht mehr. Klar, wenn man mit Leuten queued erhöht man zwar die Winrate - aber der Spaßfaktor steigt nicht unbedingt. Es müsste einfach nen Ranked System her. Ich bekomm kompetente & geared Randoms in mein Team. Und spiel gegen kompetente & geared Randoms. Naja zu spät.
  24. 1) I'm the last one left in my guild. Have been for over a month. But I still have fun in PvP since we PvPers knows each other until now (thank you for crossfaction talk in /say!). The problem: I'd say at least 70% of them already mentioned they will quit when D3 / GW2 is released. And the people from my guild (who left SWTOR already) will play those games as well so if I want to play with them again I will have to switch. 2) No fun / interesting / competitive PvP. Or bugged PvP. Ability delay (it's back since 1.2 for me) as in I hit Force Sweep and I get a GCD but nothing triggers (char is starting the animation but stops) and I have to wait the GCD to try again. Or using Dispatch and the dmg numbers appear after 3sec. Player position updates: root/stun a player over a fire pit in huttball. Sometimes he doesnt get damage and after the the cc wears off he warps beside it. Also obvious when you try to knockback people in a certain direction. I sometimes force push my enemies over the goalline even though I position myself in such a way that they SHOULD fly into the pit. Bugs since launch (knocked down & unable to move in respawn area, people missing in operation frames) Also ranked warzones are only 8man queues at the start. I'm actually interested to see if they will put 8 man ranked groups against non ranked solo queuers if no other 8man grp is present like they previewed earlier. Atm PvP for me is: Get grouped with premade against low geared players. Wohooo farming guys who have no chance. Get grouped with low geared players against a premade. Wohooo get farmed and have no chance. Only premade / premade is interesting (or if both teams have good solo queuers) and it just doesnt happen often enough. Playing 2hours for 1 good game is just not enough. 3) Dead server (or faction?). Even though it hits standard it just feels so empty (I dont even want to know how the game is on the light servers). I havent been in an instance for weeks. I have visited Lost Island only once. Some weeks ago there were random runs for easymode operations. Not anymore. I also dont want to lose my character/legacy name with server merges So the only thing which basically would save me there if they add a id to name. So I'm Luke.123 and there's also Luke.234 on my server. Those ids are only displayed on the friendlist (and only used to add characters to it). Similiar to how Starcraft 2 handles it. 4) Crafting is boring / useless. Commendations are too good / too plenty during leveling. Also empty GTN - I cannot buy enhancements/armoring/mods for my alts. I cannot buy the mats I need to craft the items myself. Only lv 50 stuff is in there. Boring as in: let's hope the RNG is nice. RE the right schemantic (no I dont want shield/defense on my medium armor item...) or "lets try to critcraft oranges and I cannot even RE the failures for a small amount of mats". Orange gear in 1.2 was just a major let down. "You will be able to reverse engineer almost any moddable item into an orange shell item which you can crit craft". War Hero, Battlemaster schemantics are new in 1.2. I also heard you can RE campaign / BH gear (dont know). Everything else is unattainable. 5) Nope that's it. I'll try to concinve some of my friends to resubscribe if GW2/D3 are going to fail. I personally will 100% be back when new content updates are implemented - but that could also mean just resubscribing every 6months for 1month to experience the new content. Will be sad to miss the events (Rakghoul plague) but well... those alone are not enough.
  25. Bad targetting (bad hitboxes, tabbing sucks) Bad netcode (player position updates). Ability delay. Bugs since launch (knocked down & unable to move in respawn area, people missing in operation frames) Bad queueing system (5vs8) While I do have more or less fun - it's far from an "awesome" experience.
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