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Everything posted by Zocat

  1. Welchen Cooldown hat es, wenn man alle Ränge gekauft hat?
  2. PvP gives the best PvP gear. PvE gives the best PvE gear. When I get my WH gear I lose my BM gear. When I get my Campaign gear I can equip my companions with Rakata. When I have my 1st Campaign set - it's probably easy (everything is on farm) to get my 2nd set (tank hybrids). When I have my 1st WH set - I first have to farm the BM set again and then the complete WH gear. No shortcuts. Same logic applies to new guys / alts etc. If they give PvE gear the same statbonuses as PvP gear has expertise - it would trivialize the encounters. People already complain that the content is too easy. Of course they could increase the encounter difficulty. But that would lock out PvPers completely from the PvE content. With rated warzones around the corner (lol^^) you can take your PvE geared group into PvP. After some initial losses (probably) you will play against other teams who dont have PvP gear. It automatically scales to your skill/gear level - PvE content doesnt do that. Also consider content like the Black Hole zone. Or future flashpoints / events / "story". The target audience for that is definitely not "raider only". But with more powerful op-gear the raiders would have a very big advantage. To the point that BW couldnt even create something remotely difficult. So raiders would have nothing to do beside raids. And leave the game, because of lack of new content.
  3. Yep. It is. Luckily it doesnt do that much damage
  4. Zu jeder Zeit? Und wegen den 20 Minuten Wartezeit. Bin mal gespannt wie sich das ändert sobald der Freimonat rum ist.
  5. Ist das sinnvollste was sie machen konnten ohne crossserver / mergers. Du kriegst niemals genug rated Spieler hier auf Force Harvester zusammen. Dh mit ihrem momentanem System wäre es 8 upperclass vs nonrated randoms.
  6. Groupplay: Healer low? Awe all 3 melees on him. He has time to heal back up. Warzones: Delay. Use it when a respawn wave is otw to interrupt your capper. Gives him those vital seconds. 1vs1: Class is using defensive (or offensive) cooldown. 6sec less duration. It's a situational but powerful ability.
  7. You can still earn money that way. Nothing is stopping you from running BP.
  8. It's crossfaction as well (you said "all your characters of the same faction gets them"). Do you have a smuggler?
  9. Georg Zoeller wrote during the 1.2 PTS phase: "The thing about pure RNG is that it can suck for people. With billions of dice being rolled each day, chances of someone having a bad streak are pretty high. Long term, I’d like to add some self correction/streak limiting to features like Crit Crafting and reverse engineering that ensure that after a certain amount of bad luck, you get some compensation." source (my memory - why you wipe the forums?) and: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20031-devtracker-highlights-for-the-week-of-march-29 So they're at least aware of the issue.
  10. Agreed with commanding awe. If you're that deep in vig you should always take it (combined with combat focus it grants you enough focus to use it easily). I would probably take the points from blade barrier. Partially disagreeing with Shien form. While he will be most of the time in soresu it's still great versatility. Sometimes there are situations where you want to kill faster - and shien is way superior to shii-cho in that regard. But if you DO want to drop Shien then also change the dust storm points with guard stance. It allows for more ripostes & helps against ranged enemies. On the offside it only works for you and not your team. Other stuff: Burning Blade is bad. Just test it on the fleet at the dummies. Take accuracy over it unless you're way over cap (dont know your gear).
  11. Well, hello there brother! http://imgur.com/HBLSS (I hate the helm^^)
  12. Probably something from the event team as well. Rakghoul part 2.
  13. The game is already using sharding. Sharding is THE perfect solution to split server loads. I mean, who really cares if there is Tatooine 1-10 as long as you can group crossshards. Only problem which I MIGHT see is chatserver spam. But yeah, one single server might be a bit too much. But 2-5 for each region (and language) and servertype should be enough. But the ~200 (iirc) is just way too much. Add character ids (like Starcraft 2). You're no longer Luke but Luke.1484 Ingame (UI, nameplates chat, ....) all you can see is Luke, but when you add a friend you dont only need the name but also the character id. So your friends will type /friend Luke.1484 (adding friends over the UI with mouse commands stays the same). Apply the same thing to legacy names. And you fix the problem that characters from different accounts want to have the same legacy name at the same time.
  14. So how about we nerf the healing output of all healers by an additional 30% and give every class out there a (self-)heal to compensate. Overall healing capabilities should stay the same of course, but the players are no longer depending on healers.
  15. I'm currently REing some medium armor for fun on my main. As soon as I'm done, prepare for an additional sentinel with full purple & augmented gear in your <50 warzones!
  16. To make my 10k HP comment a bit more clear: Viscious Throw is only usable against targets below 30%. You claim that the guardian takes you down from 100 to 0. So we have to assume that you're at 100% at the start of the damage abilities. The guardian does force leap, impale, force scream: 1363 + 3186 + 2732 = 7281 dmg After this he is able to use Viscious Throw that means 7281 is enough to take you from 100% to 30% (or 7281 is 70% of your life). Easy math: 7281 / 0.7 = 10401 You have at most 3120 hp left which is enough to kill you with the 4545 dispatch... aeh viscious throw (but you were talking about guardians...) So again: What class are you playing, what gear are you wearing that you only have 10401 HP while still running around with 1100 expertise?
  17. You only have 10k HP? What class are you playing that you have 1100 expertise? But yes, Juggs/Guardians are too strong vs light armor enemies. But they suck a loft more vs armored enemies.
  18. Ganz ehrlich... Recruit Gear kostet 0. Man startet 50er PvP mit 2000 Commendations. Davon kann man sich direkt 2 (gute) BM Teile kaufen. Und wenn man nicht gerade gegen ne SG spielt bekommt man auch problemlos genug Medals zusammen. Und dh dann einfach maximal 2 Tage für ein neues Teil. Außerdem musst du bedenken, dass BM Gear selbst post 1.2 noch verdammt gut ist für PvE. Dh wenn man Recruit noch mehr pusht (was zB HP angeht) können sie noch schneller ihre Flashpoints als Content vergeßen. Und Expertise hat das Recruit Gear schon verdammt viel. Wegen GW2: Wenn dann spiel ich auf dem Server von Lios Alfar & Dark Legion. Evt Morm Meril auch dabei kA. Wenn's nach mir geht ja, aber ich hab nichts zu sagen. Noricum schwingt euren Hintern da auch hin. Rest ist mir egal - mag euch eh net!!!!!!!!!! Achja haben wir eigentlich nen IRC Channel (qnet)?
  19. They will never send all 4 mid defenders to left if that side is only attacked by 2-3 people. Also keep in mind that they can position people ON the wall which leaves the building and and is slightly L shaped (healers, ranged) to support the lower guys. And if they backtrack that wall to where it's part of the building they can defend mid. Also one of the mid defenders will be stationed on the upper level, and can look down see how many people enter the underground tunnel. They will see how many you will send "west" (in the picture) and how many will try to go around. The best solution is: Crush the X force without many casualties (8vs4). Go mid and hope someone can delay the reinforcements (AoE slow/mezz). Yes, I'm sacrificing the defender. But it's better to play from a postition where you have mid compared where you have a side node. Correct, but (if that would be indeed an unwinniable situation) why continue fighting? It's basically the same with the "only a 3 cap can save us". You will never get a 3 cap against a competent team which is on your level. They should just let the WZ end at that time.
  20. Difference between my heavy armor and a friend's marauder's medium one is ~6%. What shield?
  21. Obfuscate is very useful (It's like you increase your defenses by 90%). The damage reduction of force camo is also a true defensive CD. Compare it to Warding Call (we look at the 6sec specced version since WC is also specced): Duration: 6sec vs 10sec Dmg Reduction: 50% vs 40% CD: 45sec vs 180sec It only lasts about half the time, but you can use it 4 times more with about equal dmg reduction. @OP: Guardians: Saber Ward 3min CD. The marauder one is also on 3min. Guardian one increases defense by 100% for the first 2sec (both versions last 12sec total) Enure 90sec CD. Increases heatlh by 30% for 10sec (the health is lost after those 10sec) Focused Defense 45sec CD, lasts 10sec, heals you for 3% of health when hit (can only occurs once a sec). If specced for it: Warding Call 3min CD, 40% dmg reduction for 10sec Focused Defense (see above) also decreases dmg received by 15%.
  22. Keine Angst, davor sorgen schon eure 4er Grps die anfangen rumzujammern, wenn die Reps mal mit 4er Grp spielen. Weil das ist ja dann "lächerlich". Macht dann auch wahnsinnig Spaß gegen sowas zu spielen.
  23. Yes your setbonus will transfer to the crafted commando chest if you take the mods (the armoring) from your war hero gear. And yes, crafted WH gear requires valor 70.
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