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Everything posted by Zocat

  1. warned OR temporarily suspended. Not "warned, then (after they continued their activity) suspended". And such a comment from a guy who earlier said "Reading comprehension ftw" ...
  2. Really? It can be because English isnt my first language, but where do you read that? I can see "players were warned or temporarily suspended" - so some were warned, while others were banned. I just dont see "they were warned and then banned".
  3. Can you please clarify what is "normal gameplay" and which is not considered "normal gameplay" ? Can a lv 50 character camp those chests? What is considered camping? Sitting there 3hours while crafting & chatting? What about 6hours? 12hours? Would it be different if he and another character (different account) take turns in taking the chests? Also, currently there is a 50 auction limit per character. I'm considering creating more twinks (and level them to GTN access) for the sole purpose of having more than those 50 auctions available. Is this "normal gameplay"? Or would it get me (temp) banned?
  4. This so many times. No one is going to kill WoW. Why? Because they had more development time on their product than almost anyone else (7 years since release & prerelease production). They have tons of content and a polished system. They do have the best endgame raiding content there is (and a decent PVP endgame). It also was released at the right time (broadband available in a lot of households) - similiar how the games from the 90's were successful for a very long time (internet available in a lot of households, CS, SC:BW, Q3). Also the most important part is: They have an existing playerbase & community. Sure, everyone laughs / insults the WoW community, but it does exist. Some people play WoW only because of the people they have there. And it's hard to convince whole groups to switch (only one has to say no, and the rest will also probably stay, since they dont want to lose him). So SWTOR is trying to target a different demographic than WoW. WoW has all the endgame hardcore raiders. That's their target demographic. What else? PvPers? I honestly dont know - sure everyone likes to PvP once in a while, but true pvp as the endgame? Imho most competetive players are in other genres (I dont want to say MMOs dont have competetive players^^). BW is trying the story approach. Is story what the WoW-endgame raiders want? No. Is it what the PvP crowd wants? No. Sandbox players? No. Will enough players like it and think it's worth their monthly subscription? I honestly dont know - no one knows. Hell, I dont even know if a free2play approach would not be better for that model (free to play doesnt mean cheap / failure btw - they just target a different demographic; read http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/6457/the_fwords_of_mmos_freetoplay.php for more). TLDR: "The" MMO players dont exist. Everyone has different taste & preference. Some will like it, some wont. And if enough want it it's profitable. And if you (or I) dont like it - let's look for a game which is fitting our needs - instead of making BW try to change their game to fit a different target demographic.
  5. Seh's einfach als ne Mischung aus Rebel Assault & Starfox an.
  6. I can sit in the cockpit seat of my spaceship - that works. Havent tried anywhere else - so I believe you. But the functionality is there - they probably just need someone to flag more seats as sittable. But it's not really a top priority thing and takes a lot of time. Same thing applies to day/night cycles (btw - ever noticed that the nights are not really nights in games with a night cycle?^^). But yeah, it's definitely nice to have, same as a weather system. But it's just not top priority. Linearity: And after your initial 1-20 zones in WoW you all meet in the same zones and do the same quests over and over again At least you have different class stories in SWTOR as well as different quests depending on what you chose (though those are very very few - and the different paths are very similiar). I'd say with using rested XP you can even skip the majority of some planets (if utilizing the right bonus series) and have 2 paths available. Which leads me to your next point: You say underlevelling - I say overlevelling. I try to avoid bonus XP (no logging out in rest zones, no pvp, no starship stuff, not running the same flashpoints multiple times) and I'm 3-4 levels above the planets. Everything's green. Imho they should make it require more XP to level up, so I'm not too high in the zones. So basically the exact opposite of your situation. And neither of our ways to play is incorrect. They're just different. About "they need 3-5 more months". Welcome to the world of MMO launches. Name a single MMO which was ready for release when it was released. There is none. Not even a single WoW expansion/update was ready for release, when it was released (cannot talk about Cataclysm, so maybe they changed it there).
  7. 1. But everyone complained "OMG TOO MANY PEOPLE TOO FEW MOBS". 2. Patch 1.3.0: Chat bubbles have been added to the game. 3. I think I can give you this? 4. Open PvP Bracket: 1-60 (as soon as you're out of your savety zone). No BG brackets available, since there are no BGs at release. (At AV release: 51-60) 5. Instant quest text wasnt available as an option at release. You had to wait for the text being "written". Edit: 1.7.0 You can now disable the slow scrolling of text when you are receiving a new quest. Please dont make up facts (or if you dont remember it - take the 5mins and check it first)
  8. "It would be foolish to suggest that Bioware should have attempted or even had the financial resources to simultaneously challenge the status quo in MMO design on all fronts, and as I've tried to argue here the changes they did make stand to have wide-reaching repercussions we are just beginning to figure out." Your media actually says: "It's too early to draw a conclusion, so just stop complaining/fanboying too much".
  9. Problem is that a global lfg chat (if it's the only global chat) will be abused for other things (trading, chatting, ...). But yes, I agree a global chat would be better for finding groups (if there are methods implemented to combat spam (only X lines every Y seconds, no item linking at all, ...)). Another option would be to create a custom chat channel and publicize it on general and hope the community joins. I happened in other games - but not always (a serverforum would be great to make it even more public ...). More on topic: I'm against a crossserver LFG. I think it's save to assume that the percentage of idiots and nice guys is about equal when looking at the global population and the server population. Therefore the chance of getting an idiot/cool player should be the same for a crossserver lfg & server only lfg. But when I meet a nice guy from my server I can add him as a friend, and talk to him on a regular basis. I can schedule other events - and since I know he's a nice guy - I know I will not have an idiot on that spot the next time we schedule something. Thus slowly reducing the need to play with unknowns and therefore the chance of getting an idiot. When the nice guy is from crossserver, we will probably have a fun time while playing the instance. And after that it's "over". We will never meet again. And the next time his spot can go to an idiot. Also people need to keep in mind that it's good for Bioware when small local communities form (guilds, friendships, ...) something where crossserver lfg is not helping. If you have friends playing you will probably continue playing even if there's a bit of downtime. Just to keep in touch. If I only consider the content I probably would've cancelled my WoW subscription way earlier than I did (end of WotLK), but my guild & friends where an incentive to continue to play. i.e.: the fun factor of the mmo combined with the fun factor of playing with friends was higher than the fun factor of playing a singleplayer game (which was more fun than the mmo alone). And I found those online friends, because I had the option to play with them again, after the first time. Something which isnt possible in the crossserver lfg.
  10. Same for me To be precise the lack of a "hood down" option for jedi robes (or the lack of a good amount of robes with a default hood down). Something like a "what I wear" and a "what I look like" set of armor.
  11. Yeah please, something like this. I dont have a "big" problem with queues (I understand their usage and why they're needed). But I just waited through the queue just to get a strange error (1005 or something like that) on joining the server and went back to server selection. And now have to wait again :/ If people make it through a queue give them a grace period if something bad happens :/
  12. Yeah, I know what you mean. But adressing the 20% more difficulty thing. You mentioned earlier that there's always the option to parse the combatlog. So the raidleader (or someone else) in any guild will probably have some option to parse it instantly (depending if it can be flushed) or will relog every try to force it to be written. So the information which will be used to perform 20% better will always be available. So I dont really can agree with your point that having it ingame will make raid encounters 20% harder. It's just faster to access that information (and we're talking about 1-2mins max here, so something every raid will wait for). But thank you for the nice & civil talk I'm going to bed now!
  13. Yeah sure - I think I mispoke. When I mentioned "idiots" I wasnt thinking of DPS meters but other stuff (actually RL behaviour but doesnt really matter). I think "reasonable amount of time" also differs in our definition I'll gladly wait 30mins for a group which I enjoy playing with instead of doing it with people who I find annoying. And if I'm in the middle of the dungeon and someone is annoying me I'll try to figure out if he is annoying others or if I'm the only offended. And depending on the outcome either he leaves or I leave. The game is supposed to be fun for me. And I will probably will get it done sooner or later (again both sides claim to have equal numbers supporting them^^). I mean it's similiar to the PvE vs PvP debate. People just realized their playstyles dont mix. It's not like the PvPer is an idiot nor is the PvE loving player an idiot. So why not come to the same conclusion? It's just a different preference, so why not give players what they want and give them an option to see if their preferences dont fit? Again - this game will have enough players to be picky about those who you play with
  14. What - how? How can you be forced to play with people? If someone says "Looking for someone for X" and you see that they use the recount then just dont join that group and look for a group which doesnt want to use it. The guy who's in favour of the recount just does the same. I'm thinking of a flag for the character (similiar how you can flag yourself for RP). And when you look at the char you'll see if he is in favour / against / doesnt care about recount. And since both sides here claim to have superior (or at least equal) percentages of the playerbase on their side you probably will not have to wait very long to find a group which does what you want to do and is having the same opinion as you have. I just dont understand you people sometimes. If I hate a certain kind of behaviour in some people I will try to avoid those people. Ignoring that behaviour doesnt change them - they're still idiots and I dont want to have anything to do with them. So giving me an option to see if they're idiots (from my pov) via something like a flag seems perfect.
  15. Again - why not just implement it and everyone can chose if they want to use it & play with players who use it? Those who dont want to use it will not use it. And wont group with the players who use it. Those who want to use it will use it. And wont group with the players who wont use it. And a 3rd option for people who just dont care (like me). It would seem to be the best option for everyone. Other MMOs have similiar stuff. In LotRO you can go anonymous and people can no longer inspect you (your talents, your gear) anymore. There are some people who dont like that and they just dont group with the people who are anonymous. And the people who are anonymous dont want to play with those people anyway. Players will be elitists / failing noobs with and without something like recount. Why do you want to play with "idiots/elitists/scrubs" who dont share your gaming philosophie anyway? It will actually enhance the experience since you will play with people who share your opinion and no one will be frustrated.
  16. Yes. Also with an option "group only with people who dont have it enabled", "group only with people who have it enabled" and "i dont care, just give me a group!". In that way everyone gets what they want. People who dont like tools like recount play with themselves, and they arent bothered by elitists. Groups who like tools can play with themselves and arent bothered by noobs who drag the performance level down. Win : win for everyone! Adding more options is never a bad thing
  17. Yeah, but still sounds kinda fair. Basically just a tempban (and a rollback).
  18. Hit them hard - hit them swift. Complete rollback to lv1 for affected chars, where you see the described behaviour multiple times (leaving, always queing with people leaving, ...).
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