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Everything posted by Tarkashae

  1. I think not all companions had a cc ability. It seems they all do, now. Does every post need to devolve into elitist vs casual. Ffs.
  2. The nerf was too much for some people. Yet, instead of making a post about what they would accept, its "f-u I quit". Wasn't there a post from the dev about, " try it, give us your feedback". "F-u, I quit" Isn't helpful, useful, or informative in any way. Of course the devs screwed up by not saying anything, for allowing the companions to be like this past early release. They aren't blameless. The forums exploding with elitist vs casual is retarded. I really doubt that one group or another swayed the decision. I recall a post saying something to the effect of "this isn't our vision for companions". The problem here is the lack of communication. Bioware, what the heck is wrong with you? This is such terrible business practices. I don't even.
  3. This attitude sucks. You'd rather no one have any enjoyment out of some sense of entitlement and bitter vendetta? People like you suck. Just leave. I'm sure we all win when swtor shuts down. Then you can spend your free time playing WoW, or GW2, or ...well, go back to watching tv? I don't know.
  4. I used my cooldown abilities and basically made sure stuff wasn't hitting my heals and dps. Moved out of obvious area of effect damage, and interrupted big damage abilities and heals. And taunt, used that too. Ya know, the stuff a tank does. We didn't die at all. It's hard...maybe? I think the hardest part is getting people to stop repeating how impossible it is to do them and just... Go do it.
  5. Lots more rage on the forums today.... Some guy mentioned in general chat today that heroic starforge was impossible. I invited him to group and we went and did one. Took about 30 mins. I hope people will pause in their raging and "I quit" rants long enough to run a few starforges and see that they aren't impossible and the game isn't ruined. Maybe even discover that the hype train isn't %100. As always, I'll be logging in tomorrow around 8am to run a few of them, if anyone on Jedi Covenant wants to do that, look me up.
  6. I work third shift. I just got home. I'm eastern US. This is when I play.
  7. How long do I need to spam general to find a group for a heroic starforge? On Jedi Covenant. Anyone awake? Anyone here? If I could solo the thing, I'd be doin it. As it is, I wasn't able to solo it before, sure as heck can't now I am trying to make a point. I play 8am to noon. f no one else does, then the heroics are basically off limits to me. Everyone wants to rage from their chairs about how impossible it is to solo it, but no one wants to make a group. Whatever.
  8. It seems people have plenty of time to rage about this change. However, no time at all to find another person and do a flashpoint. Not surprised, just sick of it all.
  9. I have to, I'm sorry. Welcome to the real world where the important thing is customer MONEY, and you don't get a trophy for "being there". That is all.
  10. But you do have to find a person or two. Judging from the response to my post attempting to do that, its not as easy as you think. Why don't you level a character to 65 on Jedi Covenant and wake up at 7am so you can run heroics with me, eh?
  11. At 8am? I was actually hoping to find some people, without having to spam general. In the long run, maybe find a couple people to play the game with. Telling me to just spam general illuminates the problem. It's not your problem, so it isn't a problem at all, right?
  12. I play an immortal juggernaut. Looking for a few other people who play early morning eastern time. Not looking for a guild, just some people to run the starforges with, and future heroic content. Not interested in spamming general - if there isn't anyone in Odessan to help, I'd rather do heroic missions or collect lockboxes. Any takers?
  13. I'm not angry. I'm a subscriber. I haven't yet been hindered by this change, but if a significant portion of the game I enjoyed was changed to be "not fun", I'd leave, and I'd be irritated because the change (this change) makes no sense. Bioware doesn't tell us anything. They should.
  14. I'm an immortal juggernaut, on the Jedi Covenant server. Gyren or Zendraco I play from 8am-noon eastern time. Looking for a daily pool of players who want to run a couple heroic starforges. I'm posting here for maximum visibility. Also because standing around in Odessan spamming general with < lfg starforge > is boring. If there is no one that wants to do it, I'd rather go run heroic missions or hunt lockboxes. Any takers?
  15. I saved most of my common data crystals as I was leveling and bought a full set of Outlander purples when I hit lvl 65. I think those are higher then 192 gear?
  16. Speaking of people leaving WoW. I was having fun with pvp on my warlock. At some point, the devs broke it. I left. Wasn't fun, not gonna pay for it. Plain and simple. If its not entertaining, what am I paying for? I can go throw $15 in the street every month too, but that's dumb. So is suffering through content previously completed with ease. Also, to the poster below me; what are you paying for? Just feel like supporting Bioware? Suppose they decided that that activity required double the time/effort/money? Would you be just as indifferent? Would you just suck it up and she'll it out? Me? I'd leave.
  17. I can still do the heroic missions with my SW and rank 23 inf Scorpio. I tried a heroic SF on the first day, couldn't get past the first boss, lacked dps. If the buff they gave to the end boss makes it a pain to do, I won't bother. I think this: the devs need to share this "vision" they have for the companion system so people can get off the hype train NOW if they don't like where its going. Pissing off the subscribers or general playerbase costs a lot more in the long run then losing people now. Goodwill is easily lost and darn near impossible to recover.
  18. Why not? A rank 50 companion should blow you away! What's the point of raising them to rank 50 otherwise? Furthermore, with the alliance and all the additional companions... There is an awful lot of game development gone into a feature that doesn't seem to have a point anymore. You can only customize the appearance of some of them. You can waste a ton of time, rl money, in game money, etc, to raise influence. For what? Why bother, if we're supposed to be playing the MMO with other people. What good is this extensive companion system? I mean, seriously. Where are players supposed to be putting their effort? How are we supposed to be playing? Does Bioware really think that gutting the companion system like this is good business practice? They made a LOT of people mad. Those people that lose faith in your company after being burned aren't going to come back...
  19. I work third shift. Are you awake at 7am, ready to run heroic starforge? I don't have a guild, no one was online at the same time as me when I did. Not everyone has the same situation. This effectively removes content for a significant portion of players.
  20. Are people playing the mmo's you mentioned? I don't play any of those mmo's, because I liked swtor better. Not sure why all mmo's have to be cookie cutter variations of eachother in every aspect.
  21. So, as a tank, I'll be looking for a healer to join me for the heroic flashpoints, and we'll use our dps companions. This solves....nothing, for the majority. If dps companions are worthless as well... Why are the companions a big part of the game, if they're going to be rendered useless? We can't even dress up the new dress up dolls.
  22. I haven't soloed the heroic flashpoints. I do them with at least one other person. I'm hoping I can still to the weekly heroic quests on my own, though.
  23. I wont bother using a healing companion then. Unless the dps they do (in healer mode) got buffed, the only option is to use a dps spec companion, unless the dps output is wrecked as well?
  24. Works for me. Third shift, I sleep all day
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