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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. One thing is locking the groupfinder behind gear (which I'm not sure is a good idea) but at least a warning/notice would be nice (or just Bolster players to minimum rating 180?).

    Unless you go pick up the HM FP weekly and actually read it, it's not really clear which gear rating Bioware expects you to have for said content, I think they could do a better job at explaining things like that.

  2. Through the nose, at least. I sold a pair of bracers this morning on Ebon Hawk for four million credits.


    The set looks great, though - although the pack-thing on the front looks weird on females. Breasts makes it stick out at an odd angle.


    Generally yeah. Some servers had the helm and chestpiece priced from 8m to 20m. I was pretty lucky to find some good deals on pretty much all the pieces :)

  3. So jealous! :p How much did you have to pay to get all of the pieces?!


    About 4 million and 90CC for a transfer - I was lucky to find someone selling the chest for 700k and helm for 1m on my old server but had to transfer them to the server I mainly play on now to collect all the pieces. I got the legs for 250k, boots for 800k and ~300-400k each for belt, gloves + bracers.

  4. You obviously do not speak for everyone causr KotFE is EXACTLY the type of content that I wanted and for that, KotFR will be a success for me! :)


    Being hyped is good and all but how about waiting until you've actually experienced the KotFE content before concluding if it's what you actually want?


    I for one am not buying the whole "deep impact choices" and "choices matter" PR stuff until I see it for myself. I have pretty much zero confidence in Bioware delivering on that aspect.

  5. Contains a bit of Imperial Agent Hutta Spoiler:


    Just like a fatal strike didn't truly stop Darth Maul, what if the Red Blade actually survived his encounter with Cipher 9? Here's my take on the Red Blade recovering through bionic upgrades and new armor, ready to hunt for revenge:



    that has got to be the best armor combo I've seen yet


    Thanks :)

  6. The community has been loud and clear. We want story, period. That is what this game thrives on. The collective "eh" from the community to the no new raids reveal several months back is obvious:

    a) not many players left

    b) many new or returning players joined

    c) even the message boards aren't that populated with people complaining about the lack of raids


    It truly seems most people don't really care that much about this type of play when they instead can get story.


    No doubt raiders are a minority, and a pause in new raids is not a problem for SWTOR.


    The problem IMO is the complete lack of new group content (of what we know so far) and gameplay leaning towards playing this story solo rather than coop. With SoR we at least had the opportunity to do some of the content together, with KotFE there seems to be absolutely zero incentive to do so.


    They also keep harping on about "choice matter", "replayability" and "focus on story" which sounds all good and dandy but we have yet to see it in action. If it is anything like prior story content it suffers from one massive problem IMO: Replayability becomes an illusion. Millardkillmoore explains it decently:


    Bad guy shows up? You can choose to fight him. Or you could choose to force persuade him to give up, he shrugs it off, and then you fight him.


    Choices matter.


    For so many choices from 1-60, replaying the mission with a different choice only goes to show you just how little that choice actually matters. The guy you killed last time and spared this time either forces you to kill him anyway or he takes a shuttle to Planet WeWontSeeThisGuyEverAgain.

    There is a staggering amount of missions that simply lost value to me after playing them through a second time during 12XP because of how poorly this whole "choices matter" thing has been handled.


    At least with (good) group content you have content that is truly replayable because of different difficulty settings and because you can play this content from the perspective of a DPS, healer and tank.

  7. I honestly think neither of them will be available, atleast not anytime soon. Remember, they were black/gold and white/gold colored. As you know, black and white dye modules...you get the picture.


    Meh, they can just adjust the price of it (or the drop-rate if they put it in packs) to make up for using such "elaborate" colors.

  8. Game runs smoothly in and out of flashpoints. But whenever I get into PVP, especially during combat, I've seen it hit 10. Is this happening to anyone else?


    More like Everyone else :p


    The engine is really poor at handling 16 players or more without serious drops in FPS.

  9. But yet you neglected to add in length of cutscene on the solo Revan fight while counting the content that leads to it.


    What are you talking about? The solo Revan fight cutscene is in the video and part of the 22 minutes.The solo Revan fight cutscenes starts about halfway into the Youtube clip...


    Seriously, if you are expecting more than Makeb, which was partially developed prior to this game's launch, you will be sadly disappointed. That is all the content I would expect in the best circumstances, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was less given they've had less time to work on it.


    I haven't said anything about my expectations on length. I only commented on your "... when the vast majority of the story quests in this game do not take as long as the cutscenes to do...." comment as it's clearly not correct.


    This is what I don't get.


    The real players are sitting here...


    Depicting some players as being more "real" than others is not exactly helping your argument...

  10. Yes BUT there has to be a reasonable curve betwen the various phases. If all of the sudden you are leveling at 55 mph and then the air brakes get thrown on and you are instantly doing 30 mph or less you get whiplash. This is basic MMO design 101. Do you honestly think leveling from 60 to 65 is going to be slower than it was (in terms of playable content) for 55-69 in SoR was when it dropped?


    There is NO logical reason to even think this other than simply wanting to deny the actual logical conclusion. The only reason you would wish to do that is because if you acknowledge the logic then the gamble they are taking becomes unavoidable, even if you are a 100% story fan.


    That is completely unrelated to what I wrote. You're using the "streamlining" comment from Bioware in the wrong context. The work they are doing on streamlining content only regards the lvl 1-50 (perhaps 55) content.


    The leveling experience in KotFE will probably be similar to SoR but not because they're "streamlining it". At this point they have probably found their pace (SoR pace) considering what they wrote about 12XP: "This Boost does not affect Shadow of Revan as it was already designed to be a more streamlined leveling experience".


    My guess is that we will reach lvl 65 some time before we get to Chapter 9.

  11. You must be counting the dailies in it or something, because the main story line on Yavin is 3 quests and you spend more time watching the related cutscenes than actually doing those quests..


    All the content on Yavin (except Revan weekly) is eventually dailies so why would you not count them? You still need to complete them once each to get to Revan (and the 10 minutes of cutscenes that comes before and after the Revan fight).


    The Enemy Within has two ways of doing it, via Ops or via solo weekly method. IF they actually gave all those dailies a cutscene instead of making them like a terminal, the cutscene length would be much longer than the quest length. If you do not believe me go look up the original Belsavis daily and that is the kind of length of cutscene versus daily content it would have been had they actually did cutscenes for it.


    Oh, so if the game had more cutscenes there'd be more cutscenes than ingame content. Got ya...


    My question is, Some of your guild or just some players get together for the new Fallen content, they will have to do the new content over and over for each player in the group? or will they have a option of one time for group?........


    And god help the player who has like 14+ plus toons to run thru the new content. lol


    Yeah pretty much. At least with the scaled Flashpoints+Operations you can choose to do those with your guild and save the Story content for when playing solo. I guess it also solves some of the 14 alts issue to some degree.

  12. I don't know about you but.. I spent more time in cutscenes than doing Yavin or Ziost quests. Rishi took a little longer than the cutscene content because you had quite a bit of backtracking. Part of their streamlining old quests is narrowing down the amount of backtracking you had to do since most of that was involved in the side quests, so I imagine the new expansion will have very little backtracking as a time sink in it as well.


    Yavin cutscenes:


    That video clocks in at 22 minutes of cutscenes for Yavin. There's absolutely no way you'd complete the Yavin content in 22 minutes.


    Ziost cutscenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37S8AdPnSOs


    Ziost cutscenes lasts about 29 minutes. Ziost content is probably doable in that amount of time unless you count the dailies too.


    If they are eliminating pointless time sinks in the old content, why would they add new ones in the new content?


    We'll have to wait and see. I agree that they won't be adding much/any grindy bits to KotFE but surely there has to be some gameplay - if nothing else then at least some tutorial'ish content to cater to the new players who go straight in with a fresh lvl 60 character.

  13. SoR had a couple and Ziost narrowed it even more. Note the way I look at it is as follows. A chapter is Intro cut scene>adventure>concluding cust scene. As they are parts of the same whole intro+conclusion are counted together.


    With that said next take in mind their statement that they are streamlining the leveling process. Next look at the fact each hour has an hour of cut scene. If base exp gain is basically the equivalent of x12 exp (for a subscriber) Faster leveling by definition results in less playable content per chapter. If it doesn't then you would level the whopping 5 levls WELL before the final chapter of the story and leveling is one of the main Pavlovian motivators in an MMO to keep people playing and thus paying.


    The "streamlining" they mentioned only refers to the original class stories, 1 to 50-55. They'll most likely be removing 12xp but change the planets/story mission so each mission has less/no grindy parts and more focus on story.


    They said they wanted leveling from 1 to 50 to be more like the length of KOTOR, which I guess is like 30-50 hours compared to the current 150-200 hours it can be for non-subs (and the what, 8-15 hours for 12XP?).

  14. You might be the one eating crow. They've already said 1 hour of cutscenes per chapter, now I want you to compare all of the content in this game versus the cutscene length and tell me how 9 hours of cutscenes results in 40 hours of gameplay when the vast majority of the story quests in this game do not take as long as the cutscenes to do. Also, that 9 hours of cutscene length can be considerably less when you factor in "choices matter." Because if choices matter, then each permutation of choice results in a separate branching path such that some cutscenes you'll never see on a particular play through depending on choice.


    Which actual story missions have shorter gameplay than cutscenes? I cannot think of any (except a couple that don't give XP) and especially not if you also consider travelling time here.

  15. The crystal is consumed on use IIRC.


    The most reliable way to check it is to look at a Mainstat you don't use (e.g. Cunning as a Consular/Inquisitor), deactivate your +5% mainstat class buff and do the math.


    Check your Codex entries up against this list:

    and if you have 10 more Mainstat (Cunning in the earlier example) than you'd get from your Codex Entries, you know you have the Fleet one.
  16. They won't add the Havoc logo either. They are pretty protective of other classes having access to the Havoc logo, which is why there is no HK customization with the Havoc logo. *SOURCE*


    But, I love the look of the armor, I know it wouldn't look exactly like it does in the trailers, and can't wait to get it... well, I may have to wait. haha.


    Yeah I heard that but it doesn't really make sense. There's even a direct buy Cartel Market chest armor with the Havoc logo on it: http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/image_thumb26.png

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