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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. Here's my Powertech!

    I'm very proud of this armor set, coz some of it's pieces are quite hard to find/get nowadays, which makes it even more...err... 'unique'! That 'Revolver' is no longer available, that's for sure... I guess....


    The Revolver is the easiest part to get, 75 basic comms at Gom Danvik, lvl 50 basic gear vendor on Fleet, Supplies Wing.

  2. Well I'm currently using SWTOR Unleashed, the only issue I had was that the game would often crash to desktop, seemingly because the Ramdisk is too small even with the +100mb option ticked on.


    I added 200mb to the RamDriveSize in the SwtorUnleashed.xml file, opened SWTORUnleashed, clicked Remove and Quit, reopened SWTOR Unleashed and click SWTOR Unleashed to play as usual. It now works without crashing and the RAMDisk often has less than 200mb storage left. It might be enough to add just 25-50mb rather than 200mb.

  3. Didn't you make Stronghold Labes BoP to stop players from moving warzone comms to other characters via legacy bank? And now you're adding a Warzone Comm Legacy Lockbox?


    Logic?! Anywhere?! :rak_02:


    The logic being they've realized removing ways to stop moving Warzones comms was a bad idea, and rather than just adding half-broken ways to moved comms they've gone and made an official way to do it.

  4. Howdy Force_Seeker,


    The XP and Credit change does not impact Valor.


    Ranked Comms will be converted automatically at a 1:1 ratio when 3.3 goes Live. In addition, the Warzone Comm limit is being raised to 200,000. And if some player has more than that then there will be a soft cap where the comms will be added but more can't be gained until under the cap. For players in this extreme situation they can purchase the new Warzone Comm Legacy Lockboxes detailed in the podcast to get under the cap on a certain character if they have no gear, medpacs or vanity items they wish to purchase.


    How would you ever have more than 200,000 previous to 3.3? Am I missing a joke here?

  5. For the same reason that they're not supplying Class specific content Chapters anymore, I don't see Bioware wanting to make class specific content for a new class.

    The problem Bioware has at the moment is the lack of ability to supply enough Story content. Shadow of Revan can be done in an evening and 3.2 supplied what, 1½-2½ hours of content? Every single work hour put into a new class + class story is work hours that could have benefitted all classes through additional lvl 60 content, and considering how little Story Content they release, they desperately need every single work hour they got to make more content.

  6. Well, since it seems like if I want to be able to have a good gaming PC I need to build one, so how do these parts look?


















    Those components are very outdated, there's been 2-3 generations of CPUs and Graphic Cards since the ones you picked. Do not buy that stuff.


    You'll want something like this:

    Motherboard: Z97 or H97 chipset


    CPU: Intel core i5, model 4460, 4590(k) or 4690(k) (depending on your budget)


    (SWTOR is heavy on the CPU, so you don't really want to go lowend here)


    Graphics, Nvidia: 750 Ti, GTX960 or GTX970 (depending on your budget)


    Graphics, AMD: R9 270(x) or R9 280(x) (depending on your budget)


  7. If he wants the best bang for his dollar, he needs the Pentium G3258.




    For $70, you are getting an Overclockable pentium. It's comparable to an i7 when OC'd to 4.2 and coupled with a good GPU. Even without OC'ing, it's in the top 30 (I believe) in singlethreaded performance. If he wants to play anything other than SWTOR, the i3 is an option, but if the majority of his gaming is to be on SWTOR, the Pentium is the way to go.


    The only downside is that is has 2 threads, so it won't play SOME new titles at all (Far Cry 4). If that doesn't scare you, then you should get this CPU. I ordered mine yesterday, going to pair it with a 750Ti.


    This is like the ultimate budget CPU. It'll run GTA V 30FPS high settings with a 750Ti (found a video!)


    This thing is going to be fun.


    I would only go for the G3258 if you desperately can't pay more for something better. Even as SWTOR can only really use 2 cores, having additional cores (or at least Hyperthreading) for Windows + other apps is really useful IMO, especially if you're like me and like to watch Youtube/Netflix/Twitch/etc while playing.


    That said, if you're on a low budget and don't mind overclocking, the G3258 is really solid.

  8. Not entirely sure about the competitive aspect of that since the Cannonlake would only really be a Tick to Skylake thus shrinking the die and offering lesser power consumption whilst not really offering any significant extra power/features per se ( purely an assumption on my behalf at this stage ).


    Well it can go both ways. Ivy Bridge was a Tick to Sandy Bridge but was still a solid line of Core CPUs (e.g. i5 3570k and it 3770k). Lower power consumption sometimes leads to higher OC potential, again depending on the design.


    Just like with broadwell which I think will mostly be ignored ( Had a quick look at my usual computer retailer here and can't see any desktop broadwell chips so assuming it's more or less going to be completely skipped over with skylake desktop launch this year ) by end user gamers..


    That's mainly because Intel has not released any Broadwell CPUs for desktop/gamers. It's only recently they announced any kind of Broadwell CPUs for Desktop: http://wccftech.com/intel-broadwell-cpus-i5-5675c-i7-5775c-oem-listed/ , and even those are low power versions rather than actual upgrades of the current 4690k and 4790k.


    Still in saying all that if they do take too long with Zen and it comes out around the time of cannonlake and people have to choose between the 2 in terms of an upgrade of MB due to new socket type you can be fairly certain they are going to stay the intel path for the 10nm especially if skylake/zen are of comparable performance.


    Price can also be king but I don't see AMD being able to truly undercut Intel on a price per performance factor but stranger things have happened. ( I recall looking at those first Titan's vs I think it was 295x2 for price for performance and NVidia got dominated there for the short time they were top of the line cards ).


    It definitely won't be easy for AMD, and AMD will probably have to go the cheap route regardless. I'll be really surprised if they somehow manage to beat Intel on performance on the top units. The other factor will possibly be motherboard prices, AMD entusiast boards are IMO too expensive and drags down AMDs competitive edge.

  9. I do recall there being driver issues in the past and those were mostly from what I had read about prior to switching to ATI myself ( which was more of a 'give it a go' attitude after reading positive reviews ) as opposed to anything I experienced myself. These days things seem pretty stable and hassle free in that regard ( again doesn't really explain why NVidia are making such large recent gains ).


    It sort of does, because some of those particular players will still recommend Nvidia on the basis that AMD drivers are crap, even if they haven't used AMD drivers for years and frankly got no clue.


    I guess I can see the noise vs heat issue being a thing for some but you would think at enthusiast/high end gaming you would really want the best bang for the buck ( well for me anyway ) though I guess extra power consumption is a consideration of that buck. I've got one of the loudest cards around and with headphones and gaming ... not an issue, for me at least.


    Yeh, but in the end that's up to each user. If you like to make small builds (perhaps even ITX), there's quite an advantage to low-TDP hardware (e.g. cheaper cooling and PSU). Other factors like gf/wife can also play into this consideration in regards to noise.


    NVidia you would think took a big PR hit over the storm in the teacup which was the 970 spec reporting but with nothing really new coming from AMD since then in terms of hardware I guess time will tell if this does have an effect or not. I do know a lot of people were swearing off NVidia because of it though I do think this quite the over reaction.


    I think it depends on where you look. In bigger communities like /r/buildapc , there has been countless builds the last months picking AMD almost solely because of the Nvidia PR. Of course some don't really care about it, but there's been many who do. Additionally, the "PR hit" will always seem bigger on the internet when you got factions like AMD/Nvidia fanboys there to blow it all out of proportion.


    I was looking at those Zen CPU's before and they should be interesting though as with anything I'll wait to see them released and putting out some benchmarks before making any upgrade decisions.

    I would ideally be looking to upgrade next year too from an i5 4690k so it will beetween skylake and Zen for me ... just depends how long AMD muck around putting out Zen to compete with Skylake.


    Yeh, unless Zen hurries up chances are Zen will be competing with the 10nm Cannonlake rather than the 14nm Skylake.

  10. What I don't get on that basis is why nvidia are so bloody popular, must come down to marketing in that area I guess where as Intel vs AMD is pure performance and really can't be argued.


    For some it is drivers. Many current Nvidia users left AMD (or rather ATi) because of driver issues and never looked back. Even if current drivers don't have issues, many of these players won't forgive them until Nvidia messes up really badly.


    For others it's the heat/power. AMD's products often use more power and run hotter+louder, especially compared to the current GTX 9x0 GPUs. For example, R7 270 is well, 5-15% faster than GTX 750 Ti at about same price but comes with a 150w TDP vs the 60w TDP of the Nvidia card.


    There's the concept of wanting the newest stuff and disregarding pretty much everything else, and Nvidia got the newest series at the moment.

    Lastly there's the IMO ridiculous "You have to go full AMD or Intel+Nvidia, Intel+AMD and AMD+Nvidia works badly" rule of thumb I've seen a few places...


    Time will tell but calling it the death of AMD is a bit of a leap.


    Indeed. It's still far in the future, but their coming Zen 16nm chip may end up as a contender in 2016 for gamers. It's rumoured Zen will be using Simultaneous MultiThreading like Intel CPUs and unlike the current AMD cpus as they use Clustered MultiThreading. This should increase per-core performance, which is where AMD lacks behind at the moment.

  11. The referral-link spammers are definitely worse than credit farming bots but at least they don't last long and they are REAL accounts that get reprimanded. Here's what I do that seems to work really well:


    1) Report Spam

    2) File an "Inappropriate Player Behavior" Ticket that looks like this:



    May 9, 2015 @ 2:11pm PST


    Dromund Kaas


    This player was spamming their referral link along with a 300,000 credit bribe to any SUBSCRIBER that clicks it.


    They're usually gone after a day or two.


    Well, the question is just why they are gone after a day or two, can anyone confirm that referral link spammers get reprimanded?

    If noone (or very few) wants to click his link despite spamming, I'd imagine the spammer would stop on his own accord after a day or two as it's simply not worth it to keep doing it.

  12. ... you may be right about too but in reality you can't explain why people just click on a link where it says "How to earn 1 million credits in 30 minutes" without thinking twice or hovering their mouses over the link to see where they would go if they clicked etc :p


    That was only an example. It could also be "Powertech guide" (well, anything that might be worth a look) without an url shortener so it shows up as a swtor link. If you don't know how a bypass link exists or how it looks, you can't really know it's a bypass link.

  13. Well this is even going further than a game, it is about using Internet safely. If they have any issues with this then they shouldn't use Internet or play a game they pay for unless they learn more about them. Clicking a link is their responsibility after all. BioWare is not to be blamed about their ignorance here. ;)


    If someone makes helpful posts on this forum and generally seems trustworthy, it's a different matter than when you come across a random link.

    As the link is not virus/malware as such, anti-malware etc won't pick up on the link.

    Even if you use a virtual machine where you aren't logged in for additional precaution, the confirm-bypass link won't show obvious signs that it's a referral link, it will just lead to a SWTOR login/create account page. If you aren't aware a referral link bypass exists, it won't seem like a malicious link.


    It's still down to Bioware to remove the ability to bypass the confirm page, so people won't use the bypass links.

  14. Someone posted a fake link and you clicked on it without looking or reading anything. Then accepted his referral. So now you have decided to complain about him because you were incompetence to read whatever you click in a forum? :D Yeah, I am sure this is BioWare's fault too, rofl. :D Some people are unbelievable....


    You can make referral links that bypass the confirm page and automatically accepts the referral. It's more simple to do than you'd think. If then you then hide the link in a URL shortener and name the link "How to earn 1 million credits in 30 minutes", people will click it.

  15. First of all, I'm for your suggestion to make it against RoC to advertise referral links, but I think you're being silly about everything else.


    Referral farmers tend to claim that it's a win-win scenario. They even offer to pay -bribe- other players hundreds of thousands of ingame credits to click the link. But are they really doing it out of the kindness of their own hearts? "Oh, players get a free character transfer and 7 days of subscription! They get, like, 1,800 Cartel Coins' worth of stuff! Oh, as well as 800k in credits that I'll pay them!" Yea, instant gratification seems real pretty, especially to naive young players who don't see the big picture. But the farmer seems to get a permanent increase to their monthly Cartel Coin grant.


    What is wrong with claiming it to be a win-win scenario? Both parties gain from this referral link clicking, which fits the definition of win-win. The only real losers here are the players who are not interested in clicking referrals yet get tons of spam about it in General chat.


    As for "kindness of their own hearts", you should know better as a 13+ year old player. You should at least be skeptic about it. It's hardly new for computer games (or IRL for that matter) that when people pay you for doing something, it's because it's worth it for them to pay you for doing it, that they stand to at least get their moneys worth back.


    As for getting a permanent increase to their montly Cartel Coin grant obviously depends on how long the referral clicker stays subscribed. I have about 8 referrals from last year that never went past 700 (initial 600 + 100), I only have one referral that has gone above 1100.


    Picture, if you will. I'm sitting around, paying people to sign my clipboard. You come up and sign it, and I hand you a big shiny bag of gold. You feel pretty good. But then a dumptruck filled with gold comes by and just unloads it all for me and me alone. You take another glance at your miniscule bag of gold, and now feel as though it's not exactly a win-win. Some other player comes by and signs the clipboard, I hand him another sack of gold, same size as yours, and then yet another dumptruck -even bigger than the last one that just came by- arrives and makes the mountain of gold behind me 120% bigger.


    If the clicker gets 800k credits, stuff worth over 1800 Cartel Coins and a server transfer worth 1800CC and you get 600CC, it's really the clicker who gets the dumptruck and you who get the shiny bag. Sure, with enough referrals eventually those bags will be a monthly dumptruck but not without a fairly high amount of effort on your behalf.

    Even if you feel it's better to be on the other side of the deal, you just got yourself 800k credits you can use to buy a referral click and start your own spamming.


    The farmer is clearly only in it for themselves, further proven by the fact that the advertisement almost always states "Looking for subscribers to click my link!"


    Such behavior is dishonest, greedy, unethical, and I move that it should be against the SWTOR code of conduct.Or in some other similar wording.


    Agreed, though unethical is stretching it. I've yet to see referral spammers who openly advertise about what they get from the deal.

  16. read up what spam is. its considered only spam when it's under every 2mins...if its not then its unreportable thus good *********** luck...lol


    Perhaps you should read up on what IMO means.


    look at all 4 pages nothing but bunch whiney 12year olds who cant get a Ref link clicked so they are *mad* your acting far worse then them & thats sad


    My acting? Please do elaborate.

  17. Well, it depends on the frequency as well. If the same person posts a referral message every few minutes it's IMO spam and should be punished, but a couple of times per day really shouldn't be a problem.

    If nothing else the referral link messages push out the PvP-trash-talk/Hitler/racism/etc garbage chat often going on in Fleet/Capital planet chat.

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