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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. Then they should remove all levels, and this will fix it.


    Many in here are complaining that this change will neuter/diminish/whatever the leveling experience, which surely means they have enjoyment out of the leveling experience as it currently is. Removing leveling entirely surely can't be a satisfactory solution for these players?

  2. I can't see any possible legitimate reason why it wouldn't be. We know the engine is capable of doing it, we know it's possible to turn off mission rewards for people with a particular variable set, I genuinely cannot imagine a situation which would make it infeasible.


    How would you know if the engine is capable?

    My guess is that current MaxLvl stuff like Outpost guards and Conquest Commanders will be reduced to the Sync Max Level (e.g. 32 on Alderaan) to adapt to the Level sync changes. With Level sync being optional in this guess, surely they'd need some way of these MaxLvl toons to adapt level depending on who attacks it?


    Mission rewards can possibly be turned off but what about mission+loot rewards for others? Say a lowlevel hits the mob and the 65 finishes the mob off. How would this be handled? Can this be handled?


    It would need a very good explanation from a dev to prove it was infeasible rather than just an excuse. But actually if it were genuinely (and I mean genuinely rather than don't want to) impossible to make it optional I actually would accept it being mandatory because it offers so many advantages for people to play with friends/guildies etc, is good for the game as whole, and no doubt ties into future plans (or will open up options for future plans).


    Not really. If the Devs say it's not feasible that's really it. They don't owe anyone explanations beyond that - though an explanation would be nice. It's the same in this case as it is with cross server or similar features.

  3. Then you can't single out those selling referrals for that abuse. As anyone posting a referral link can end up abusing that intentionally or not. Including you with your sig. Do you know everyone clicking your sig is a new account or previous sub?


    The referral click buyers are specifically asking for current subs. I'm not.

  4. That is an unhelpful reply that adds nothing to the discussion. The poster makes a valid point that this change neuters the point of levelling and gearing your character. And lots of people care about that.


    No it doesn't. Leveling is still the key to accessing higher level content along with new passive and active abilities.

  5. But there is no need to repair armor in PvP so I doubt that is the issue.


    Perhaps the OP had some kind of stim active that expired when the warzone was over. I am highly sceptical about this random stat changing. I would guess that it has something to do with the bolster (49K HP does not sound like a good bolster at all in a warzone, remember to only use 162 gear if you do not got PvP gear, there is a thread about that in the PvP forum, the link is further down in my post).


    PvE can break armor but not during warzones, imagine someone dying 20 times every warzone that could get real expensive :tran_wink:


    My advice to the OP is to read up on how bolster works in PvP, the stats change during warzones if the character enters with PvE gear unless it is pure PvP gear suited for the level.


    I guess that all that we know now will be outdated when the new expansion hits, read up and learn what you can soon we all have to change gear and read up on how bolster works after the expansion launch.


    Well several factors could play in I guess. If he did some PvE while queued for PvP, gear breaks before queue pops but without him noticing it. He enters Warzone, completes it and notices lower stats?

  6. Interesting... I am new to SWTOR so some of the game mechanics I am not aware of would that cause a drop in hit points?


    All your gear has Durability which decreases on most defeats and getting hit in combat. If you don't repair it the gear 'breaks' and won't give you stats until you repair it. That could be why you had a temporary stat decrease I guess.

  7. Mainstats in SWTOR have always been meaningless, removing them is an improvement without any doubt.


    I'd get the "dumbing down" statement if each class could use more than one mainstat (like in LotrO pre 2011, Skyforge etc) and make different builds using these mainstats.

    For SWTOR you're either using the right mainstat or one of the three incorrect ones or a mix.

  8. The prices on subscription etc is generally extremely odd. The (EA) Origin Store has different prices on the 60 days Gametime cards depending on which nation you order from:



    From Denmark you have to pay 127 DKR for a 60 day gametime card (18-19USD) while the same link accessed from the US will usually be 29.95$ or something like that.


    You can also be lucky in a local store, I recently bought the last nine 60 day Gametime Cards (540 days in total) at a local store for about 90USD.

  9. I personally prefer Engineering because of the mobility and stability.


    I often found my Virulence parses to depend on luck with DoTcrits for the best parses where I do pretty much the same good DPS every time with Engineering.

    It's also a lot easier to adapt to red circles etc with Engineering without losing too much DPS but if you play your class really well, chances are Virulence (especially 3 cull) will do more DPS than Engineering can.

  10. Won't work for F2P players. Even if it says it would...


    Well it doesn't say it would work for F2P? The info page ( http://www.swtor.com/info/friends ) quite clearly what kind of players you can refer:


    Invite Your Friends

    As an active Subscriber, you have a personal referral link to send to your friends!


    • Refer friends who have never had a SWTOR account.
    • Invite previous Subscribers who have been unsubscribed for 90 days or more.
    • Tell your friends to use the link as the first step in creating a new account or logging back in to an existing account. By clicking through the link to create an account or log in, they will be registered as your "Referral."


    That said, the referral system is definitely bugged, just not in regards to existing F2P players.

  11. That is probably because there isn't a specific "gearing" that works for any case. For PvP you'll want to gear in certain ways and for Operations you'll want to gear in different ways.

    At low levels are lot stats like Surge/Alacrity/Accuracy aren't even available whereas at high lvl they're really important.

  12. http://www.torstatus.net/ , albeit not very precise, points at Harbinger (US) and The Red Eclipse (EU) to be the most active.


    As for actually finding people to do stuff with, I would suggest looking for at guild rather than just a server. Check the server forums http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=309 or in-game and see if you can find a guild with your interests. With a good guild it will be a lot easier to find mates to play with if you can't find any on your current planet.

  13. It also depends on which Flashpoints you queue for and what role you queue as. Normal (as in not Tactical) Flashpoints require 2 DPS, 1 Healer and 1 Tank. Often you'll find yourself waiting a long time if you queue as a DPS because most queue as DPS.
  14. Yeah, 350.000 for the operations unlock just for 1 week?, ok


    And i already use a referral link, and the unlocks in my main character... well, i think that... they're useless... becauseee... i already have those unlocks and i didn't know that when my subscription ends i must use them and i throw them haha! xD


    Yeah, noob thinking :rak_03:


    Again, thanks to all of you! :D


    Try make a ticket, if you ask nicely I'm sure they'll give you the unlocks back.

  15. You can do Operations if you are a subscriber or buy Operation weekly passes for 350CC.


    If you use a referral link as a current/previous subscriber, all your characters get a free package with the Unify Color unlock (and a couple other items) that you can use once your subscription runs out.

    You can see info about it here: http://www.swtor.com/info/friends (Preferred Friends bundle).

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