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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. I like to watch streamers on Twitch/Hitbox, and thinking of starting my own stream in the near future, and there's a couple of things I'd like to see from SWTOR to help current and coming streamers:


    1. Improve giveaways

    Some streamers like to do giveaways from the Cartel Market, e.g. a pack (and they often get CC from referring new players to the game) but it's quote tedious and slow to do these giveaways.

    Often the streamer has to log on the server of the winner, buy prize from Cartel Market and log in 36 hours later to finally mail the prize.


    To improve this I'd like to suggest Bioware to have a service where (accepted and wellknown) streamers receive codes for promotional items/CC for giveaways.

    Alternatively it could be a service where (accepted and wellknown) streamers can trade their CC for CC-codes or simply let you (Bioware) know who the winner is so you can move CC from the streamers account to the winners account.

    (issue: how to avoid these CC codes being sold rather than given away?)


    2. Promoting streams

    I know Pokket among other Bioware people watch streams occasionally, but why not use forums/twitter/newsletters/website to help bring more viewers to these streams? So far I think we've only seen promotion of your own Community Streams, which is a bit sad when we got several good streamers out there who deserve more viewers.


    3. Events

    I've seen this in other MMOs (e.g. LotrOs TTHTI and SHIELD events) where the Community Manager spends a couple of hours on each server to complete an event.


    Example: Have a group carry Musco through an operation.

    Make a thread in each server forum where raiding groups can sign up, and either pick a group through voting, random draw or by picking the group with the most/fastest progression on Ravagers/ToS HM.

    Once Musco has done that for all servers, the server that got Musco through the raid the fastest gets a time-limited vendor that sells an exclusive item.


    Alternative Events:

    • 4-team Bioware people do ranked PvP,
    • A fresh lvl 1 Musco character (zero achievements) is carried by 3 players for 60 minutes in an attempt to get Musco as many achievements as possible. Most achievements win.

  2. show me a non cm +41 that a level 10 can equip and enter a wz with. It gives a definite advantage that can not be gotten ANYWHERE else. that is by definition pay to win. you want exclusive, we got it...NOTHING in those packs was in any way exclusive. nothing if 100000 people bought the hypercrates, they all had an equal chance to get them. all it took was the cash. you can still get those packs when they unembargo them. getting farther from exclusive all the time...the closest you can get to it would be the pvp rancor and other season rewards. plenty of kill traders ended up with those. exclusive in this game is pointless.


    I would say this is a lot more about the Bolster mechanic being TERRIBLE than CM crystals being p2w.

  3. Yeah, that was my first thought, but if it's on there, it's hidden pretty well, or at the very least, I can't find it.


    AFAIK the companion armor looks exactly like the Massassi Armor for the same mainstat+faction.

    That means the Aim mainstat Devoted Allies Assault gear will look like this when on Republic:


    And like this when on Imperial:



    Overview of lvl 60 (including the Massassi stuff): http://tor-fashion.com/pve-level-60-by-class/

  4. If the prices are dropping so drastically, then in the end it will be a credit sink again. Cartel Certs are the "Jackpot" item, and you have to input several stacks of Cartel Chips to get one.


    In the short run some people will wind up ahead, but in the long term there will be more items available on the GTN for much better prices, and the slot machine will transition into another way to convert credits to mats.


    One thing is that it is 'another way' converting credits into mats. I think that is fine.


    My issue with the slot machine, or rather its current drop rates, is that it seems more efficient to rightclick a slotmachine to get purple grade 11 mats than to level up a Crafting Mission skill (e.g. Treasure Hunting) to 500 and do Rich/Bountiful missions.


    Alternatives to Crew Skills is fine, but I think this alternative is too effective.

  5. It took me well over a month to sell the decos i had from that vendor, and i was listing lower then what others had them up for. Buyers buy what they -want- to buy. Just because you put something up for sale, doesnt mean people will actually buy it.


    That is absolutely correct. However, I've sold NPC decorations on ToFN for over 2 million credits in the last 24 hours. Prices have gone down massively during those 24 hours (they're 50-60k each now), but the first 5-6 sales were 240k-250k each.

  6. Did I miss something? How are those worth credits? (Sale value is 0 creds)


    Those Certs are Bound to Legacy as are the items you can purchase from the vendor. (Revan's mask is Bound when you buy it).


    Stronghold section on Fleet -> trade Certs for NPC decorations -> sell on GTN

  7. im not sure youre looking at this the right way.


    would ea knock bw over something like having a terrible quarter following a major development project? ea's success makes them more able to tank swtor, not less able.


    They'll probably want SWTOR alive for Ep7-9 regardless of a drop in income during Q1-3 2015.

  8. First off, I'd like to say you bring up a good point... but to counter it:


    Servers like BC aren't even pugging Ravagers or ToS (nor were they before this became wide spread). Not only that, but it's next to impossible to DPS queue for 60 HM FP (especially on pub side with the Trevik Tython glitch), which is really the only way to get ultimate coms..


    Well why would BC pug it if they're exploiting anyway? The first week or two most people were probably busy leveling and gearing their character, and once they were ready the exploit was out.


    The funny part about your argument (which again, brings up a good point), is that in a round about way, is it's exactly why one might choose to use the Ravagers exploit. Think about it from this perspective. You didn't do the Nefra exploit, but you knew about it. You also missed out on potential raids because someone else did do it and therefore had better gear than you (and was chosen because of it). You also know that bioware did nothing about those who used the exploit, so when this new one came out, you figured you'd have to because a lot of others would and you didn't want to be left behind.


    The Nefra exploit was different. It was a much simpler boss than Commander Draxus, you'd be killing that boss anyway to progress. You could do the boss properly with 1 main + 7 alts and gear up mains one at a time without exploiting (given you had enough decently geared alts of course).

    That's not to say Bioware should have done better regarding that exploit because they should.


    Besides, if someone would rather use an exploit rather than actually beating it legit, do you want them running in your group?


    If the alternative is no group at all, why not?


    Except it works both ways. For every hypothetical time you might miss out because someone had better gear than you, you could very well gain by ending up in a more well equipped group.


    And either way you're still affected by the exploit. Just because the effect is positive doesn't mean it's suddenly okay to exploit.

  9. get in a guild and stop being Casual bob, Any raid leader and skilled player knows gear isn't what makes the team it's skill and being able to play the class to the level of what the operation requires then you will get gear from the raid if required.


    The person I quoted said the exploit wouldn't affect me. If I have to get in a guild and perhaps even into a raiding team because others can't keep their fingers off an exploit then surely I'm affected by said exploit.


    That reasoning doesn't track. If your talking about PUGs then maybe. For regular raid teams it doesn't matter as their rosters are usually established and raiders wouldn't waste their lockouts on their raiding character until the week was over. Even with the free gear many teams still can't advance in the content or are advancing slowly.


    For PUGs you might have a point but even then I've never seen a PUG raid leader really ask about gear beyond making sure it was at least the minimum levels needed to do the content. Its not like they usually interview tons of candidates and choosing the best one for a 16 man story mode operation. Its more a matter of kicking people from the group who obviously aren't geared enough after the fact. Even then most PUG raid leaders tend to tolerate one or two under geared people unless someone is just grossly inadequate. (14k Marauders for HM S&V for example.)


    Even for established raiding teams you're still holding your team down compared to if you exploited. By exploiting everyone in your team could have set-piece chest armor + several 192/198 non-set pieces a lot faster than you otherwise would, so you'd be that much better geared for HM operations straight away.


    You don't even lose locks as you were perfectly able to do the first 4 bosses normally, have most players leave group just before the last boss was defeated, and then start exploiting. Alternatively you could just exploit with alts and move armorings+mod+enhancements over with BoL gear to your raiding character.

  10. Does using the exploit impact anyone else's enjoyment of the game? No.


    Yes it does.


    A player who gets the loot through the exploit will have an unfair advantage over non-exploiters for getting into groups. If a raidleader is to pick between 2 players for the last spot in raid, a player with 186/192 gear (who didn't exploit) and a player with 192/198 gear (who did exploit), guess which player will get the spot.


    A character who used the exploit would not be able to do that operation until the locks reset, which means fewer people can/will do the Ravagers raid properly = harder for non-exploiters to get a group of 8-16 players to do the raids.


    Characters who do the exploit have easy access to 192 gear, so other players who craft 186/192 gear to sell will have fewer potential customers.

  11. I've never run Ravagers. I am therefore not an exploiter. That said, It's bad enough that EA cannot be bothered to properly test their software before release, or fix a problem in a timely fashion. To punish people for taking advantage of EA's screw-ups is completely idiotic. Screw us over once? your bad, Screw us over twice, and I hope people unsub in droves. EOL


    Whether you think it's idiotic or not is irrelevant. All players accepted the Terms of Service (and thereby the Rules of Conduct) when they created their account and started playing this game. The Rules of Conduct clearly states that you are not allowed to exploit bugs:


    To keep the Service a compliant, fun, fair and safe gaming environment for everyone, you may not engage in any of the following behavior: Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service.


    Therefore, if you exploit and you get punished for it, it's completely your own fault. If players want to unsub because they can't play according to the RoC then that is probably for the best.

  12. All you hypocrites who are screaming "PERMA-BAN!" should have had your game consoles ripped away from you when you were little for using the Konami Code.


    I think it depends on who you want to permaban. I heard some players tranfered characters to other servers to spread/sell the Hard Mode version of this exploit, and I would at least consider if that tiny group of players should be permabanned if I was to make that decision.

  13. ... If someone is full of 198's in an OP already. I really could care less because they are helping me clear this OP or HM FP.


    This kind of situations depends on your PoV I think.


    What if when you were about to join this OP and a 198 geared exploiter wanted to join as well. The leader might look at gear, and chances are the exploiter has better gear than you, so the exploiter gets your spot.


    If you're a crafter trying to sell 186/192 gear, each person taking his fresh lvl 60 through the exploit to grab gear is potentially a lost customer, someone who could have bought a couple mods, armorings and/or enhancements on GTN to gear up his fresh lvl 60.


    If you're a crafter trying to sell consumables for raiding (stims, adrenals, grenades), a player who uses this exploit won't be using any consumables for the bossfight he exploited, whereas non-exploiters at least MIGHT be using some.

  14. You also have to consider the throughput.


    It takes 15 minutes max to run through a stack of chips on the slot machine. You'd need to run 15 Rich-500 missions to get roughly the same result, which you might be able to do if you've got several characters with that mission skill capped. But once you start those missions, you have to wait for them to complete. When you finish pumping your chips through the slots, you can turn around and immediately do it again.


    (Also, my results so far have been 15 purples per stack, not 10)


    It looks to me like the slots devalue the mission skills. They don't actually hurt the gathering skills much, because the slot machine is NOT a cost or time-efficient way of getting blue or green mats in bulk. Slicing stays pretty good, but drops slightly because the Crew Mission drops will be less valuable.


    Another good point.


    As for putting a cooldown or limit on how many times you can play the Slot Machine, I think that would be a good idea. Slot Machines would still be good, people could get some good stuff but without making Mission skills useless.

  15. Selling on the gtn or to other players is not creating credits, just shifting them around the place.

    It doesnt matter what you can sell them to other players for, its still sinking credits from the game.


    You're not understanding my point then.


    Sending a companion out on a Crew mission (Slicing, Treasure Hunting etc) costs Credits. Sometimes they return with purple mats, sometimes they don't.

    The Rich/Bountiful missions cost 3000-4000 credits and yield 2-3 purple mats on crit. AFAIK missions have a 20% crit chance, so statistically it's 5 rich missions (3800 credits each) = 19000 credits for 3 purple mats, so over 6k per purple material.


    With the Slot Machine, (and the 10% chance of winning purple scrap according to reddit), you pay 50000 credits for 10 purple scraps, that's 5k per purple material.


    The Rich missions also yield some blue materials you can use or vendor, but the Slot Machine yields so many other items you can use or vendor as well.


    Granted, some purple materials at the scrap vendor cost more than 1 purple scrap per 1 purple item (Adaptive Circuitry for example), but in the end this Slot Machine seems much more efficient per credit.

  16. Good credit sink IMO. I think they should also bring back the original slot machines as a regular game feature, and allow us to place one of them in our Stronghold as well.

    I find it curious that some folks would advocate a REDUCTION in rewards.


    If it does turn out that the reward level is some kind of glitch or bug, so be it. But I can say that the cartel certificate rewards has me seriously considering purchasing one of these things. Normally I would not do so.


    If anything does get nerfed, I think the certs should remain as they are. That is a huge selling point IMO.


    It's only a credit sink it's more expensive than the alternatives.


    As it stands now, the Slot Machines seem to give ~10 purple scraps per 100 tokens. That's 50,000 credits (minus what you get from vendoring rep tokens) for 10 purple crafting items + you get green scraps, blue scraps and possibly some certificate.

    50,000 credits worth of Rich/Bountiful Treasure Hunting/Underworld Trading/Investigation missions are not going to give you that much in return.


    In my opinion, it really shouldn't be a better solutions for crafters to use a Slot Machine than to use Crew Skill Missions which are made for crafting.

  17. I think to fix the craziness of this item is to take away the grade 11 NATs away from the jawas. I think the jawa vendors are great for older mats.


    The cartel certificate I think is a great reward for te slot machine but maybe decrease the chances of getting one.


    I don't have a problem selling the rep tokens back or selling some mats but the rare purple grade 11 that kinda hurts the market and the ease of getting fully augmented really quickly. Think about if you can make a few hundred thousand credits in an hour doing dailies or soend the same amount of time playing the slots then who cares time put in is the same so why not. And it's a slot machine so why not have the rare chance to make a tad more but I do think current money making way flooding the market with the grade 11 Mars is the wrong way to make money. Just take away the grade 11 mats decrease the chances of a cartel certificate and I think we are good to go. The market will fix itself in a bit once they are sold off.


    Maybe once in awhile add a new time to win from it.


    Now I think like most vendors in game this slot machine needs to be added new prizes or items to keep things current.


    With or without slot machines dropping scraps, I think the grade 11 (especially the purple ones) need to be more expensive. Even 3 purple scraps per Adaptive Circuitry is too cheap, and 1 purple scrap per TH Gemstone will completely wreck the prices on artifice stuff.


    If each Grade 11 purple item is 3-5 purple scraps I think it will solve most of the price dumping without making scraps useless.

  18. No, we'll let you tell us so we can really know you are just making it all up.


    IOW, screen shot or did not happen. But, hey, if pretending makes you feel better about things, go for it.


    'Several' is probably exaggeration, but this slot machine has/had the potential of making millions, at least as a first-mover if you farmed the slot machine yesterday.


    I bought three Acolyte packs, 1 slot machine in them.


    I used 400 coins/tokens (200k credits), got 7 certificates, bought Twilek Dancers, Scrap sellers and other NPCs and sold them on GTN for 200k-250k a pop = already well above a million there.


    I got 35 purple scraps, bought 35 purple treasure hunting gemstones and sold them for 20k each (which was very cheap yesterday, probably expensive at the end of today).

    Then there's the green and blue scrap materials you can use to buy mats and sell for additional credits.


    I capped weekly rep with Contraband and then start selling the reputation items. Just vendoring the rep items almost pay back the 50k per stack of tokens.


    As much as macros aka unattended play is not allowed, these slot machines are made for macroing. They almost pay for themselves just from vendoring rep tokens, the scraps/certificates are a lot more valuable than what you put into the machine.


    TLDR: These slot machines are ridiculous.

  19. Doubt they would take it that lightly, with all the exploited gear flowing through the market and all the non legitimate gear that some have atm.


    We'll have to wait and see, but I'd be surprised if the people who got ultimate comms from lvl 55ops are punished at all.

    The people exploiting current operations is hopefully handled differently.


    They let this slide with ESO and it lost more than 70% of there starting population.


    ESO lost their players because their game is(was?) utter crap.

  20. OK, that's good. We can both agree that any comms (elite or ultimate) gotten from the old Ops is clearly an exploit since it seems perfectly clear that it is unintended.


    Those players continuing to exploit the old Ops should probably be punished in some way too, don't you think?! I mean, they're able to buy 192/198 gear, which is the same level of gear from the other exploit. They clearly have not earned their 192/198 gear...that gear level is meant for the few, not the DF/DP crowd.


    Perhaps a warning and/or some kind of "comms removal", but any further action would be unreasonable IMO.


    There are several factors to the "going around" exploit that IMO makes it orders of magnitude more severe than the commendations issue.


    It may be the same level of gear gained, but there's still big differences between commendation gear and Best-In-Slot set bonus gear.

  21. No. You know it's wrong. It's black and white according to the other guy. This absolutely, 100%, seems "unintended". Doing it, via an intended method or not, doesn't make it 'not an exploit'. There's no less cheating just because it takes you longer...it's still seems like a clearly unintentional thing.


    I didn't say "normal gameplay" makes it 'not a exploit', only that it is a factor in these matters, e.g. when determining how severe an exploit (and the potential punishment) is.

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