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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. When 3.0 hit, they changed all of our elite/ult comms into Basic comms, to make running the new Ops on higher difficulties more desirable. Because of the way they removed all of our old comms, I believe that getting Elite/Ultimate comms from extremely easy Ops that can be run in 16m with 12 players, is "unintended"...otherwise what the hell was the actual purpose of converting them? I had them both capped again in 2 weeks.


    Do you believe that this is exploiting?! I truly do not believe Bioware meant for it to remain how it is. Is it bugged, working as intended or an exploit?! You claim it's cut and dry...so what is this situation exactly?


    The missing factor here IMO is 'normal gameplay', if you are playing in a way players would be playing even without the exploit.


    Even if getting ultimate comms from old operations is unintended, you're earning them from normal gameplay. Doing old operations is normal gameplay, and something that was done a lot with lvl50 ops when lvl55 was the cap.


    Playing PvP with Starship parts equipped for extra bolster is a bug, but it's also normal gameplay. Since Starship parts are pretty much required for that minigame you're not doing something wrong by having Starship Parts equipped.


    Of what I understood of the current exploit, it is not triggered by normal gameplay but by doing something you really wouldn't do if not for the exploit.

  2. I realize that, given this is the Sniper forum I might find biased opinions-- so I'll probably post a similar thread in the Sorc forum.


    Anyway, I'm having one heck of a time trying to decide which class to level and I was wondering if some people who are more experienced with either could maybe help me make up my mind. I think that, aesthetically, I prefer Sniper but when it comes to class mechanics I'm at a loss. I'm iffy about the Cover/Crouch mechanic, not because I find it clunky but because I don't like to feel immobile, and I just don't really know enough about the two classes to make fair comparisons or considerations.


    Well both classes are immobile to some extent. Unless you're playing PvP where people will jump you, you can stay outside cover most of the time as it's only Suppressive Gunfire and Orbital Strike that really requires it.


    The reason I prefer Sniper over Sorcerer is because of the feats that come with the immobility for a Sniper.

    With cover, Defence Screen and either Evasion or Entrench you can gain so much damage reduction that you can ignore certain mechanics in flashpoints and Operations. A well-timed roll gives you the ability to completely resist damage that could otherwise be deadly.

    Additionally there's the massive potential in a well-placed and well-timed Diversion and/or Ballistic Shield that can potentially save your group from wiping.

  3. Just to add that the metrics involved would be a severe headache for the customer service team who struggle with the day to day tickets. According to BW they have around 1 million active accounts. Each and everyone of those accounts will have to be checked. Simply stating anyone who only has the last boss achievement is not enough, someone could have done the operation legit on one char but then exploited on the others, these accounts would have ALL bosses unlocked. So not only do we now have 1 million active accounts to check but each and every character on those accounts.


    Also removing gear from exploiters, someone has to look again at how each piece of gear was gained, what about the mats that were looted? do you recover those also? what if the exploiter sold the mats, does the person buying them get a refund as the exploited mats need to be removed.


    This is not something that can be automated, it needs someone to go in a check all these. The same goes for those asking for non-exploiters to be rewarded.


    I am not advocating the use of exploits but just trying to give a balanced view of the logistics required for BW to hand out bans and item removals.


    1 million active accounts will already be a lot less once you sort out anyone who does not have that particular achievement. However, I agree on the severe headache, the CS team has a lot of work in front of them if they are to handle this issue properly.



    I just hope Eric Musco will learn a bit from the fairly-new Community Manager at Lord of the Rings Online, Frelorn:


    It has come to our attention that some players have been utilizing an exploit to change how powerful their characters are in the game world. Upon receiving reports of the issue we began an investigation. Due to the way our log system works we can definitively detect every account that is taking advantage of this exploit.


    Multiple accounts have already been banned. The exploit is not something that can be done in the normal operation of the game or “by accident” and is being done to deliberately cheat, therefore normal players should not be impacted by this issue.


    We are currently working on a fix. In the meantime anyone found to be using exploits in the game will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including permanent account bans.


    If Musco had made a similar message before Xmas, I think that would have reduced the amount of exploiters during the Holidays by a massive margin, ultimately making it a lot easier for Bioware Customer Service to handle the exploits now.

  4. You people calling for bans; I can't tell if you are naive, stupid, or just trolling. This is a business. I would love to see Bioware execs explain to EA in a shareholders meeting that they purposely decreased revenue by issuing temp/perm bans for players exploiting a bug that THEY left in the game. That would go over real well.


    Issue warnings to first timers, harsher punishments to repeat offenders, and move the f**k on. Stop worrying about how the person next you you got his 192 mod as opposed to your 186.


    I agree that permabans would be too far for 99% of the offenders. I heard some people transferred server to spread the Hard Mode exploit, I would think they are the exception here as deserve permabans.

  5. When did Joint Venture captured Corellia?

    When did PC Gamer Mint Imperials captured Hoth?

    When did Mighty Darks captured Alderaan?


    PS. As a guild ofc, not as guild wh'ring.


    Mighty Darks won Alderaan the first week of Conquest AFAIK


    If you're using swtorconquest.com for data, you'll see that some weeks are missing data: http://www.swtorconquest.com/servers/12 (bottom of the page)

  6. Now I'm sure you will say make it sub only, but then what happens if a player drops from a sub to preferred?


    Just move the credits from the Subscriber-only credit legacy bank to the Escrow, and then deactivate the credit legacy-bank until the player resubs?

  7. Spammers are banned quite often, the thing is the spammers have access to other people's credit cards and accounts so they have a nearly endless supply of new accounts to use.


    Even if you could ignore every toon on Account A, in a few days it would be banned and the spammer will activate Account B, followed by Account C...


    What doesn't work all that well is putting every spammer toons on ignore... the accounts are throwaways that are gone in a few days to a few weeks, and then you ignore the "fresh" spammer toon that pops up and is banned a few days later, rinse and repeat.


    So your ignore list is full of accounts that don't exist any more, not sure how making a bigger list of ignored accounts that don't exist will help.




    If anything, it'd be nice if Report Spam added the character reported to your Ignore list for x hours. That way we'd get to report the bastard, not having to /ignore the character afterwards and we wouldn't have to manage ignore list later on.

  8. I miss my Asus!! Haha


    I'm playing on a alienware laptop, now. Hate it! I run the game on the lowest setting with at max 15 FPS. That's for solo PvE content. In level 30+ PvP WZs, I get like 5-7 FPS. I'm used to it, though. So, it doesn't bother me that much. I know my rotations, so even though I didn't see my flame burst proc from the rail shot, I know it did! Just start mashing the FB hotkey a few times, and move on to the next skill in the rotation. Haha.


    Pretty much sucks at running any game. I could play WoW on it (before the graphics update, I dont know about now) on like Medium settings with like 30-40 FPS. But, I think Blizzard spends more of their budget on servers/optimization than EA/BW can spend on the their entire game of SWTOR. Stupid rich company... Haha.


    I might be able to start buying PC parts, soon! So, I will be referring to this thread as I go. Thank you computer smart people for posting replies!


    Edit: Also, though! Maybe it's because I'm already at the low end of the performance spectrum, but I have not experienced any of the "unplayable" issues like other have posted. I've pretty much always received the same performance since I got this laptop several years ago.


    I'm fairly sure that's the kind of FPS drops others are referring to when they talk about 'unplayable'.


    OP: The setup you're considering looks good for any game.

  9. ... And using Weakening Blast before all the DoTs are put up is a DPS loss.


    How is it a DPS loss? Both Corrosive Grenade and Corrosive Dart tick on impact, the amount of ticks in the 10s window should be equal?


    At least on my Slinger it seems to be equal (1.47% alac), 2 hits from initial Hemorr/WB and 14 ticks afterwards with both 'rotations':

    WB- > CD -> CG

    CD -> CG -> WB


    Even if you do lose a tick or two in the opener (e.g. without alacrity?), you should be regaining ticks every time you use Lethal Shot after WB instead of using Lethal shot before WB?

  10. Entrench isn't technically what it removes but removing Cover is how you break an Entrenched sniper.


    Since no other ability in the game can inconvenience an Entrenched sniper its not a bad thing to have in the game.


    Even Jugs with stun/physics immunity after a leap can be rooted to stop them doing whatever they like. By dam near any class.


    Diversion without the "removes Cover" feature to it would still inconvenience an Entrenched Sniper.


    If Jugs had a skill for disarming other Jugs, temporarily disabling DCDs like Saber Reflect and Saber Ward and removing all their stun/root immunities then a comparison between Sniper and Jug would make sense.

    Rooting a Jug and using Diversion on a Sniper are on totally different levels of "inconvenience".

  11. hello all fellow snipers/gunslingers


    my main is a sniper and 3.0 hase been a big change in lot of aspect's.

    atm i am realy missing that i can only use my ambuse and sos (marksman there upgrade) only in cover.

    anyone mabey now if there is a option to remove this? as we are able to remove secondy cover bar?


    i keep messing up my rotation beqeus when i press in cover i am not in cover beqeus i dont now why but my sos and ambuse butons where a big inducation for me to see i was in cover.


    if anyone now a way to change it let it be nown ^^


    thx all

    sorry bad english ofcourse ^^


    One of your bars are only active when you are in Cover. See picture: https://imgur.com/gaWgqGU

    If you make sure Ambush, Series of Shots etc are in that bar, you will only see the skills when you are in Cover.


    As for your Cover not working (happened to me earlier), I suggest you go to Abilities -> Imperial Agent and find this skill: http://www.torhead.com/ability/cciVyHR/crouch

    That skill is a bit different from the normal Cover (Take Cover) skill as it makes you crouch right away.

    The Take Cover skill will often try to roll to a spot before taking Cover, and sometimes that bugs out.

  12. Did you test Charged Burst in Sharpshooter spec? Charged Burst gets a lot of upgrades in Sharpshooter. Charged Burst in Sharpshooter and Dirty Blast should come out to be around the same.


    The test of Charged Burst was in Dirty Fighting as that's where you have access to both Charged Burst and Dirty Blast.

    The point of my test was to show that Dirty Blast is better than Charged Burst in that spec, so you should use the upgraded skill.

  13. Hello all and thanks for your answers in advance. I rolled a gunslinger in the sharpshooter spec just prior to 3.0 to mainly use as a casual pvp toon. I'm still a lowbie, only level 24, so the spec obviously hasn't truly bloomed yet, but I've really enjoyed learning the class in the low-pressure environment of lowbie warzones. I love the bursty supporting dps role, I can pretty much 1v1 any class, and I almost without exception find myself as one of the top 3 or 4 damage dealers. The only thing is, I've never had this trouble with resource management in a class. Often after burning through a tough target or two I find myself almost completely out of energy, with nothing to use but my auto attack and cool head on cooldown. Like I said, I'm still only level 24, and I noticed some abilities further down the discipline that seem to reduce energy costs, but I'm wondering if my troubles are a result of a low point in the spec or if I'm just bad. So, to you more experienced gunslingers and snipers, specifically pvp-focused ones, how do you manage energy effectively? And does it get better later in the discipline? Is resource management a common issue for the class or am i just terrible?


    It gets better later on.

    lvl 32 - Energy regen while in cover increases from 5 to 6

    48 - Trickshot lowers energy cost of next two Charged Burst by 5

    57 - Sniper Volley gives you +2 energy regen for 15 seconds


    You can still run out of energy if you're not careful, but you'll find it way easier to manage energy at high levels.

  14. Just for the record... my tool tips say:


    Dirty Blast - 15 Energy. 1931-2346 weapon damage plus 1565 bleed damage.

    Charged Burst takes 20 energy and does 3785 - 4598 weapon damage.


    I guess the energy difference is the real win. Sure 1565 internal is gonna hit a bit more, but not that much.


    My tooltips:

    Dirty: 2337-2808 Weapon + 1916 internal

    Charged: 4583-5504 Weapon


    A quick parse of Dirty Blast vs Charged Burst on Dummy with Armor + class debuffs: https://imgur.com/UArRFkI



    Dirty Blast:

    2236 + 1796 + 134 = 4166 damage per non-crit

    3835 + 3004 + 213 = 7052 damage per crit


    Charged Burst:

    3352 + 254 = 3606 damage per non-crit

    5604 + 355 = 5959 damage per crit


    This is not precise data since the sample size is so small (30 attacks per skill) and I'm not entirely sure how well Dummy damage values translate into actual fight, but so far it does seem like Dirty Blast is an upgrade.

  15. I'm sure I am missing something, but the tool tips seem to imply that Charged burst does more damage than the new ability Dirty Blast. Folks on the forums here are saying that DB does more though. What am I missing?


    The total damage (weapon + bleed) is lower on Dirty Blast than the total damage from Charged Burst.

    AFAIK the trick is down to the damage types.

    Weapon damage is Energy, which is usually lowered quite a bit by your armor and defensive cooldowns, especially if you're a tank. (about 20-80%)

    The bleed is Internal damage and armor does not lower that type of damage. Therefore, internal damage is usually lowered a lot less than Energy damage (about 10-40%)

  16. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for PvP but when you can't even get in or on a planet cause 10-20 Imps are constantly killing you instantly over and over because they are camping the location where you spawn, its very exasperating.


    It's also illogical considering the Imp and Rep outposts throughout Yavin 4 are protected with a couple of Champion NPCs while the starting area has zero protection.

  17. Make ballistic shield also a cleanse, this would cause less problems with pve as it has such a long cooldown, while also making the sniper have a oh **** cooldown with ballistic shield being buffed. If it causes so many problems in pve you could alternatively tie it into a set bonus or make it only give this extra ability in pvp instances, or a debuff in raid instances.


    They removed cleanses for a reason, to make DoT classes more viable. Therefore I doubt we'll be seeing cleanses anytime soon.

    I'd rather take a look at the Utility that Mercenaries/Commandos have, Masterful Utility that gives you -30% incoming damage versus DoTs for 12 seconds after using your cleanse skill. That kind of utility still gives you survivability without ruining DoT classes (the DoTs will still be active so e.g. Virulence Snipers can use Cull on you), and I'd think that's the kind of utility the Sniper could really use - without it being tied to Virulence that is.

  18. For some reason the starting area on Yavin 4 is not Sanctuary, and is not defended by any NPCs. This allows players to place Stealth Detects or AoEs at the Medical Droid without any opposition, so reviving players have pretty much no chance of leaving the starting area. As much as PvP is about killing the players of the other faction this seems a tad too aggressive.


    Oricon also seems to be like 95% Republic Area, with the DF/DP and Empire Strike Base being the only exceptions. This makes it impossible for Imperial players to attack Reps on most of Oricon.

  19. Playing warzones couple of hours today and you can't believe how many DoTs I always had on me and getting rooted and rooted and rooted and the melees on my tail.

    I can't imagine that casual players will have a lot of fun with this class.


    Oh I can, I've been playing my slinger in some Warzones and experienced the DoTs :p

    The worst bit is that I know the opponent team was really, really bad and I still had fairly big problems with DoTs ticking.

    None of the Snipers on their team felt like using Diversion though (but I did :p ), so they were usually vaporized with me safe behind my cover.

  20. [*]1. Snipers are generally BETTER off now than before the expansion. More defensives, better offensives. I'm sorry but with AOE DMG Reduction given to all specs you simply cant say your survivability has been nerfed. Its buffed.


    I disagree with this "fact" to some extent. Snipers are better off against direct AoE damage for sure, but with Dodge no longer cleansing anything at all and Defence Screen having a ~50% higher cooldown I think Snipers have lost defensive capabilities against DoTs.

    As several classes have been given more DoTs and/or ways to spread DoTs with AoE attacks, I'd say DoTs in general have been boosted as well on top of the Sniper having fewer defensives against them.

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