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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. INot everybody likes to run operations, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to gear up their characters if they're willing to put in the time and effort to do daily/weekly missions or run flashpoints which are considerably less of a pain to deal with.


    Well clearly it does mean that since Bioware is not allowing it :p


    The gear rewarded is set up to reflect the kind of solo content that follows to ensure future content is doable without being too easy. If Bioware starts giving out top gear for solo content farming, future solo/story content will either become:

    A) Too easy for those who farmed gear, who will then whine about the game being too easy


    B) Too hard for those who did not farm gear, who will then whine about the game being too hard/elitist.

  2. Aren't rep tokens pretty rare with the machines or was that the jawa junk that took a huge hit? Haven't used mine in days. But yeah if they still drop regularly, that's a good alternative.


    It was mainly the jawa scraps that took the hit, well pretty much everything not-rep took a massive hit. IIRC the drop chance of green rep even went up a tiny bit.

  3. No thats terrible. Cause if they devalue your item that much that item gets bought and bam your item is left up once more before people notice.


    Not necessarily. Extremely rare (and therefore expensive) items can still take ages to sell even with a solid 20-25% drop in price because not many can+will pay millions for a single item.


    But a list of 789,999, 789,998, 789,997...like people just stare at it and wait for a deal, .


    If people look for a deal on a specific item and see a "list" of this item they will wait regardless unless the cheapest one is already really cheap.


    I will always undercut at least 5% of the price, why post 1 credit under when 30 other people are going to do it 3 seconds later, its lame and such a cheap tactic.


    Big flipping difference. If "30" people are going to undercut you "3 seconds later", a 5% price drop is exactly as useless for you as a 1 credit price drop, you'll be undercut anyway.

  4. In a game that encourages and rewards platforming and exploration, can you explain the design decision of poorly blocking of an area from access rather than inserting some mechanics that would prevent the bosses from being defeated? It seems like a no brainier.


    If you truly didn't want this content defeated before a certain date, why did you pick this design? Why not an event trigger or a patch?


    Or at least have made this post a few days earlier: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8165263#edit8165263 , so it was clear that the World boss etc are not intended to be available right now.

    Mind you, I didn't attempt to get there so I can't really comment how obvious this exploit was, but it seems like something that would have been natural to explain before 3.2 was released.


    It would perhaps also have reduced the amount of "IS THIS 'END OF ALL' MISSION BUGGED?" spam on Ziost...

  5. Ok try to follow this if you can. The OP made a post about how to make characters quickly in hopes of getting a good item from the Cantina crate. Now you can argue about the reasoning behind it, if this intentional or not, or whatever. That wasn't my question to the OP. My question is regarding getting things like black dyes on these newly created chars, that I am assuming he is not going to level a char just because it has bound black dye bound to it.


    Well if you read OP or just the thread name, it's pretty clear that dyes are not the main focus here - the Statue is.


    So with the exception of the pet and statue, the rest of these items are useless because they are bound/non-legacy items.


    Not completely useless. Legacy gear can still be dyed and sent back to characters you play, rather than having to buy dyes to dye your legacy gear.

  6. No that's a different issue. I am asking why getting black dyes on a char that cannot be traded or even put in legacy are worth keeping on a char you wont play?


    ... which is a ridiculous question. You shouldn't be making characters you won't be playing.


    If you're so desperate to use these dyes then put the dyes in legacy gear if you have that. Black/Black Imperial Battle Ace chest armor looks kinda good.

  7. Ummmm no, you don't get my point. If you are creating chars and deleting them over and over to get items, what good is an item on a char you have no intention of playing?


    The issue here is that 'creating char and deleting them over and over' is viable at all. It's completely ridiculous that one needs to spend (a lot of) time on this "part of the game" to get that grand Statue.

  8. too bad thats no longer available! anything else out there like that? i like how it has kind of a kilt thing going on! reminds me of the galactic marines from the clone wars.


    Players who have the schematics can still craft them and sell on GTN, I bought 2 on ToFN a few days ago for 90k each for my companions :)


    Yeah, that one. Used with a black/dark purple Dye Module.


    Thanks :) Might have a few ideas with that chestpiece at least, it looks really nice.

  9. Oh, good! Someone else kept their old War Hero set! I put mine on Tanno Vik, since I didn't want to throw it away.


    I'm wearing crafted Battlemaster Supercommando shells these days. Here's my Vanguard!


    Nice one :D


    It's looks more battleworn than the Unbreakable Veteran armor, and that's IMO what a Trooper should look like :p

  10. Suggestion, though mostly for coming Cantinas:


    Add a Cantina vendor that takes tokens.

    Change all the drops from the Cantina packs to BoP tokens, 1 for common stuff (XP + most dyes?), 1 for uncommon (Droid, CarboFreeze and Black/Black dye?), 1 for rare (Varactyl and Statue?). Mind you, the rarities are just examples as I don't know them.


    That way each character can still only get one item as it currently is, but the players get some choice regarding which item it is. With more Cantinas (and possibly more items to pick from) in the future, players might be able to get the stuff they'd like to get. The whole "lottery" feel to it will also stay as you don't know which token you will get.

  11. People already are creating mass amounts of toon's to get the rare drops. So, how is how they did this solve or stop the exploit? It isn't. They are still doing it.


    We could have nice things and we should. We shouldn't all have to have limitations on us because a few people are exploiting this. It's simple to solve, anyone making more than 5 toons in a 24hr period should be punished. Simple solution. That would stop alot of the exploit and remove the restriction so EVERYONE can enjoy the rewards PROPERLY.


    Even 5 toons every 24 hours will become quite a lot of XP and Dyes. Given XP and Dyes are something they try to sell on the Cartel Market, making them so easily available for free will surely lower the amount of sales, especially something as pricey as the Black/Black dye.


    What exactly do you to with lvl 60 toons who get the xp boost? Nothing. What exactly do you do with the bound dye you get when your toon is already geared out like you want it (and get dyes you have zero like for)? Nothing.


    Nothing yet. Other pieces of armor will show up where those dyes might fit, and some day lvl 60 might not be level cap anymore.

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