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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. If they can get one of the big variety streamers to do a dedicated SWTOR cast, that'd be great, probably even better than this guy. But "bringing in a WoW streamer will have WoW players look at SWTOR" is a good move IMO, especially given how similar the gameplay mechanics are - WoW is a good choice to try to poach players from.


    I really don't see how SWTOR would get players from that. If you're into watching WoW raiding (which seems to be what Nomanis focuses on http://www.twitch.tv/nomanis/profile/past_broadcasts), what's the argument for swapping to SWTOR?

    Swapping to a new MMO for raiding takes a lot of effort, leveling up, getting gear, finding a good guild etc, and I really don't see what SWTOR supplies in raiding that warrants that kind of effort from WoW players.

  2. I don't know anything about this individual streamer, so can't say if he is a particularly good or bad choice, but bringing in an established WoW streamer seems like a good idea compared to someone who is only known for their SWTOR streams (at least as part of the official SWTOR Twitch schedule, I think they should get some established SWTOR streamers in there too).


    It's a good way to bring in new players, if this guy focuses on WoW streams he probably has a lot of WoW players as 'Followers' on Twitch, followers who may very well check out his streams when he tries out a new game. Cross-promotions like this are a way that twitch streamers can grow their Follower bases - seems like it could work for official channels, too.


    But that's the thing, bringing in a WoW streamer will have WoW players look at SWTOR. I don't see the gain here.

    At least Towelliee is sort-of a variety streamer, so you can argue the viewers follow him rather than WoW. Towelliee's viewers are used to seeing new games every once in a while, and could get interested in some of those games.


    I've seen other streamers (e.g. Gouken) who only stream one game 99% of the time. The moment they just mention other games (nevermind streaming them) you can see people are unfollowing and leaving the channel. Noone gains anything from that except whatever payment Nomanis might get from SWTOR.


    I can easily see the idea in getting variety streamers with 250k+ followers, but a WoW streamer with under 50k followers? Meh.

  3. From SWTOR's Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor



    March 20 – Developer Livestream, 1PM PDT / 8PM GMT

    March 21 – Nomanis Stream, 6AM PDT / 1PM GMT

    March 21 – Snickerr/Zorz Stream, 6PM PDT / 1AM GMT

    March 28 – Nomanis Stream, 6AM PDT / 1PM GMT


    So, this Nomanis guy is unknown to me, and seems to be another WoW streamer. I take it Towelliee got sick of it?

    On Nomanis Twitch site he explains how to do effective gold farming AND macros to use while goldfarming in WoW, and especially the last part strikes me as something SWTOR should NOT get too near considering the use of macros in SWTOR is against the RoC.


    So, what is the rationale for taking in Nomanis instead of actual SWTOR streamers?

  4. Ok so ... http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/hyper-threading/hyper-threading-technology.html


    Based on that, it is blatant false advertising then? In particular this statement: "Intel HT Technology is available on the Intel® Core™ processor family "


    That should probably be more specific and blatantly say "i7 processors".


    It doesn't even use the word "some".


    Quite disappointing from intel there.


    That's where the always-so-beloved footnote comes in:

    1 Available on select Intel® Core™ processors....


    As others have said, HT is not only a Core i7 feature. Many desktop i3s have it, and a lot of laptop i3s + i5s have it as well.

  5. No it wasn't given the one I link never said micro transaction you ****.. nor did the parent article.


    So I went by what the article said... :rolleyes:


    Sadly for you, the article expects the reader to have just a tiny bit of intelligence to understand what Free-to-play earnings is, and that is obviously too much for you to handle.

  6. /sigh...

    Point is that it doesn't say micro transactions... which you jumped all over me on.

    But it is a good point on why PW isn't listed up there. 500+ million and the bulk of that is through there Z-Store and micro transactions. Given they do not release individual game income amounts they couldn't list PW.


    Though I did notice you ignored the rest of the post :D


    Who knows maybe EA will get sued by the UK and EU and there total F2P system will have to change...


    You do realize I'm not the same poster as the one you quoted previously (Ghisallo)?


    I only commented on part of your post as that part was extraordinarily stupid, and I'm sure Ghisallo or Ratajack will comment on the other parts. You're grasping at straws at best here and the rest of the time you're just spamming lies.

  7. So much wrong in your post.. reread what I linked..


    Please tell me where it says based on micro transactions.... hint its doesn't it was world wide just like yours does.

    So we used the same source and they put out 2 different numbers.. well then that would mean that this source it unreliable.


    It states Free to Play earnings in the title. That implies microtransactions as that is mainly how the Free to Play concept generates an income.


    Looking at microtransactions is also why World of Warcraft is on the list at all.

    It is clearly not total revenue as otherwise WoW would top the list by miles, their result of $213million is exclusively what they earned from their microtransaction services (pets, mounts, changing name/faction/server/race/appearence).

  8. your pathetic..


    The whole decision was about LTS and F2P model...


    You shoot your own argument in the foot when you linked PSI that used the same F2P model as STO and NWN.. Having more total accounts and active then SWTOR... and its not even a main stream franchise as Star Wars is..


    Get your head out of rear... wake up and understand that the F2P model for SWTOR is not good for the game.. the game is doing ok in spite of a crappy f2p system.


    Again, you're making it look like I'm saying things I have never ever said. I've never said SWTOR is doing well, or that F2P is the best model for SWTOR. My only objection is against Lifetime subscriptions, STO was brought as an example of "Lifetimers work really well, look here", except that SWTOR is doing massively much better than STO does.


    Using PWI as an example also requires you to look at release dates. PWI has existed for a lot longer than SWTOR has, so they've had more time to get to 50 million. The competition, especially in China, was also a lot lower for PWI back in '05-'08 than it was for SWTOR globally in '11.

    Speaking of PWI, do they have Lifetime subscription? No? Well there you go.

  9. You're right there is a lot of marketing jumbo when it comes to these chips, but I will always tell people to get the best part they can afford. Value wise, an i7 may not be worth the $100 premium over an i5, but if you aren't going to upgrade for 5-6 years (I'm on year 5 on my rig), well it might just be worth it. For someone upgrading every year or two years maybe not so much.


    Well, that depends on your perspective. Perhaps you can only upgrade every 5-6 years because you spend those extra hundreds dollars when you finally upgrade. Instead of upgrading to i7 every 5-6 years, you could upgrade to i5 every 4-5 years and spend about the same amount of money in the long run?

  10. not sure what your talking about....


    You said "All you can go by is what the company's have released", yet when I ask you for proof about 300k subscribers the only "proof" you can supply is a random user's math experiment. Show some official numbers or keep quiet.


    Wrong.. look at both info graphs.. both are set up the same way. AS in both state Active numbers and you had to go to another source for totally numbers.


    PWI's infographic clearly states Active Accounts. STO doesn't, it only states Acounts. That is the simple and yet massive difference.


    You are trying to bring up so many BS things.. when in fact PW has had more successes with there F2P model then SWTOR has.. thank you for proving it when you linked PWI.. given this thread is about LTS and SWTOR horrid F2P model you proved my point.


    unless you are going to try to argue now about PSI and its 50 mill total subs and 2.5 mill active using the same F2P model as STO is all wrong as well..


    The only one consistenly bringing up BS here is you. You have provided ZERO evidence for your BS comments. Nowhere in the infographic does it state that it is Active Accounts, there is no grounds for assuming they talk about active accounts.


    PSI shows the massive difference between STO and a geniuinely huge MMO. PSI boasts over 50 million accounts while STO can only present 2.5 million accounts created.


    Even STO's own community is less deluded than you:


  11. I gotta disagree that the i7s are a waste compared to i5s. If your i5 is 3.5 GHz stock then you are 500 MHz slower than my 4.0 GHz stock i7. If SWTOR only uses one core then why not have a better one? Sure you can over clock the 3.5 to 3.9 and get close to my 4.0 but then why not clock the 4.0 to 4.9 and get even further apart?


    I've gotten into the habit of buying a new PC about every 3 years now so I went with an i7-4790k and I feel that I'll still be happy with it in 2018 where I'm not sure I could say that with an i5.


    I agree that i7 is not a waste, but you do need to consider the significantly higher cost that usually comes with picking i7 over i5. On PCPartsPicker it's an extra 80-100$ to go from i5 4690k to i7 4790k, and that price difference could be used on some serious CPU cooling for overclocking the i5.

  12. No it states less then 100k you moron /facepalm I was being generous. You must of not been playing when things were rock bottom in SWTOR..


    You said it yourself earlier:


    All you can go by is what the company's have released


    How about you live up to your own statements and keep your pathetic "moron" comment for yourself. Some user's halfassed math experiment doesn't count for anything.


    Nowhere does it say total accounts or active accounts given other source's have stated different active account number... so you are making crap up. WE just do not know..


    Nope, in fact the other "sources" are making crap up. They got their information from the infographic as well and there is ZERO grounds for saying the 2.5 million figures are Active Accounts when it's not explicitly described as Active Accounts in the infographic. It's that simple.


    same thing with SWTOR, one site says 2 mill another has some saying 10 mil.. that's a pretty big difference.


    If you had just some ability to comprehend information you'd know it's not the same thing at all.


    Dec '11: Game released.

    Feb '12: over 1.7m subscribers, 2 million units sold.

    Nov '13: 10 million accounts total, currently 1 million active


    F2P started Nov '12

    March '13: Over 2 million new accounts


    The 10 million comment covers almost 2 years of the game being out (1 year as F2P).

    The "over 2 million new accounts" comment only covers the 4 months of Nov '12 to March '13.


    That means the last ~6 million accounts would have been created in the periods March'12-Nov'12 and March'13-Nov'13.


    umm.. you do know that PWI has the same free to play structure as STO right?


    Exactly, and about 20 times more accounts.


    ESD is one hub, ESD space has normally about same number as ESD then there is the STA, quonos, DS9, Romulus though will less players in those hubs.. those are hubs not end game zone's such as delta rising space sectors and planets.


    Also 2.5mil active does not mean at the same time.. what type of stupid logic is that.


    I know that, but with 2.5 million active players you should still see waaay more players in the main hub at primetime.

  13. point being is 10 million subs for wow is not a sustained number.. its a boost do to the expansion by this summer it will have dropped. Its been sitting around 7 mill for a few years now.. that's till way beyond any other mmorpg but its not sustaining 10 mil like it was 5 year ago.


    It's still irrelevant. WoW has much higher numbers than SWTOR and STO.



    Nothing in that link states SWTOR only had 300k subscribers as you said. Try again.


    please show me where it total accounts vs active accounts.. if its 2.5 million active accounts then that's more then SWTOR.. we do not know in what way there releasing the total account information. Same thing as in SWTOR saying there are 10 million total accounts but only 1 million active.


    It's pretty simple. If they aren't explicitly saying Active Accounts, they don't mean active accounts.



    Same company, same infographic approach, says 2 million Active Accounts. Next link says 50 million players for the same game.


    Addtionally, consider your own "test", with ESD having 3000 players at primetime. 73% of players play Federation and thus use ESD as their hub. If this game had 2.5 million active players (= about 1.8 million Federation players), you don't think ESD would have just a bit more than 3000 online at primetime?


    the fact you arguing that a 10% retention rate is a good thing.... just wow.


    The fact you can't explain why 10% retention rate is a bad thing.... just wow.


    The fact I play both games give me a hell off a lot more of a unbiased view then a person who only actively plays one and then only is able to defend one.


    If you would like I can point out many flaws with STO just as I can with SWTOR. I do not defend STO or SWTOR blindly like some other do.


    You really don't get it do you? There is nothing to defend. All I did was calling you out on your "STO has more accounts than SWTOR" ******** as that is obviously not correct.

  14. Not to pop your bubble but warlords came out a that time and WoW saw a increase in subs of about 3 million. pre to warlords it was down to 7.9 million.


    Your point being? I was pointing out WoW numbers are way beyond SWTOR and STO, even 7.9 million subs is still something STO and SWTOR can only dream about.


    STO's wiki reports 3.2 million accounts as of Jan '14. Also do not know if they are releasing active accounts as in accounts played in 2014. or as WoW infogragh of 100 million life time accounts. If they are only reporting active accounts then STO has lost 700,000 subs over the last year. Granted that's not as bad as wow did in 2013 where it was losing 300k to 800k a quarter before warlords was released.


    The Wiki is simply wrong. Look at the infographic yourself.


    You can see the block with 3.2 million is named Captains. It refers to how many Captains are currently in STO, not the number of accounts. In the 5th anniversary infographic that number has increased by 600k to 3.8 million Captains, spread out on 2.5 million accounts.


    As a year into SWTORs life it was down to 300k in subs.


    Proof please.


    If swtor had 10 million accounts then that's a pretty huge problem when only 1 in 10 sub.


    It's 1 million Active players, not 1 million subs. They said SWTOR has about half a million subscribers.


    Why is it a "pretty huge problem" that only 1 in 10 are active accounts?


    Funny part is you are fanboying soo much your not seeing the problem with this. Lets say for arguments sake that SWTOR is miles ahead of STO or NWN or even buy to play GW2 (cant use them as a sub based argument given they have no subs) are able to patch and get content out faster then SWTOR.


    You are so caught up in winning your argument and scream SWTOR is better when you get less content and support then any of the above games. So these other games support there players better and give more content with less money incoming is what your arguing in the end. That should make you a bit ticked at EA/Bioware not defending them.


    The fact you're even mentioning fanboy shows exactly how completely and utterly clueless you are.

    I have said nothing about which game is better, or has more/better content coming out.

    All I have done here is to point out SWTOR has more accounts and higher revenue than STO has. There is one thing EA does well, and that is to pump out as many $$$ from their customers as they can. If EA believed a Lifetime subscription offering would be worth it they would do it straight away.

  15. I'm not going to argue about the difference between physical and Fiscal.. if is a annual report its fiscal year.

    If you read the article they had LOTRO up there as it had SUB + MICRO earning listed. Also Perfect World does not release individual game earnings. So there is no way to list STO or any other of the PW games.


    And nowhere on the figure does it say "Annual report", it clearly says 2013. Furthermore, the SuperData figures were released mid-July 2014, so even if EAs financial year ends in June, the data regarding the physical year 2013 were available.


    Also where the hell are you getting 2.5mil for sto over 5 years.. more made up information on your part. Given there own release on there 4 your celebration with 3.2 million and it was at 3.5 over a year ago.


    And you accused me of being dense lol. The 3.2/3.8 million figures were not Accounts but CAPTAINS.


    This is their 5 year anniversary infographic and It very clearly states "2.5 Million Acounts and growing!" underneath the "3.8 Million in command", and this was released Jan 29 2015. Therefore it's 2.5 mil for sto over 5 years.


    Thanks for quoting EA made up BS... so they go from 3.5 total to 10 mil... ya BS.. 10 million.. what a load of crap.. that's not even wow numbers anymore. Honestly this quote is to funny " From Jeff Hickman's introduction: 10 million + account created. 1 million + playing monthly." But hey keep sniffing what your sniffing you believe that.


    Oh how quickly we went from "All you can go by is what the company's have released" to "OMG DAT IS BULLSHEEEET". I gave you numbers from official sources that show SWTOR have vastly more accounts created than STO. Even if you, for whatever reason, don't believe the 10 million figure, even the 3.7+ million figure beats STO severely.


    As for "not even WoW numbers" you're absolutely right. WoW has over 10 million Subscribers as of Nov '14, and more than 100million accounts created as of Dec '13: http://media.wow-europe.com/infographic/en/world-of-warcraft-infographic.html

  16. Are you really that dense? I mean not be a jerk here.. but read your own bloody link....


    How about you read it yourself?


    it says quote "Top Subscription based games 2013" They were linking the revenue of only subscription based games of the fiscal year.. as I already tried to explain to you that means it was in the physical year of 2012.


    No? If it was only subscription based games LotrO wouldn't be on the list as it went F2P in 2010, and nowhere does it say "fiscal".


    Out side source have no indicator of player base.. if you think that your deluded.


    No more deluded than you when you think you can determine bigger playerbase by looking at the hubs.


    That's like arguing that the whining of the forums is a indication of how the bulk of the player base feel about the game when in truth the forums groupies and trolls are a fractions of the player base. Most people who are content with the game do not come to the forums to whine about it.


    No, that's not the same at all. Nice try though.


    All you can go by is what the company's have released and STO has more accounts then swtor..


    Not really. We know SWTOR had over 1.7 million subscribers at Feb '12: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/press-release/20120201

    ... Star Wars: The Old Republic has sold over 2 million copies, with a thriving base of over 1.7 million active subscribers ....

    According to SWTOR March '13 they got more than 2 million new accounts since it went F2P. http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20130321

    ... Since launch of the Free-to-Play option we have had over 2 million new accounts created and have thousands of new players jumping in every single day...

    That alone is over 3.7 million accounts after about 1.5 years, a lot more than STOs 2.5 million over 5 years.


    Lastly, there's this: http://www.swtorstyles.com/home/category/cantina%20tour%20info

    From Jeff Hickman's introduction: 10 million + account created. 1 million + playing monthly."
  17. I believe Lord of the Rings also has a Lifetime sub option


    They only had it at launch and then for a limited time ~3 years after launch. General viewpoint seems to be they will not offer it ever again, the only exception being as a rare prize in e.g. Extra Life events.


    Lifetime subs typically appear when a game is in financial struggles and facing closures.

    Its a last ditch effort to grab some revenue.


    There has been a number of MMORPGs that have done the lifetime sub mechanic but those are all closed down now (normally with in 12 months of Lifetime sub being offered)


    Which MMOs have actually done this? I can't remember any MMOs offering lifetime subs and then closing shortly after.



    If SW:TOR offered up a Lifetime sub, I would take that as their announcement that game was closing and cancel my subscription personally.


    Indeed. As long as Bioware is a part of EA, we can be sure the only time they'd offer lifetime it will be because the game will close or enter maintenance mode before the lifetime price "has paid off".

  18. You making up stuff.. EvE if you report it through steam only has 1000 people on at peak when in truth there are more near 50k to 80k on at peak.


    Obviously not all Eve players are using Steam, just like not all SWTOR/STO players are using Raptr/Reddit. Still, they are indications of how big the player base is, just not proof in themselves.


    PW never has released active account information. Just total numbers of accounts. So ya they work with them saying we have 2.5 million accounts. Doesn't take into account avg every day log in numbers. That information has not been released.. so its guessed at.


    PW has never ever ever released active account numbers.. so its guess work.

    The only thing they have released is total accounts... we both know that's irrelevant.


    It doesn't matter if the information is released to the public or not, as long as the information is shared between PW and SuperData. Also, do read the text below:



    Worldwide market, revenue distribution and title-level earnings based on the monthly spending of 36.9 million digital gamers, worldwide, collected from developers, publisher and payment service providers


    With other sources like payment service providers, SuperData can still get a decent estimate on how many are playing certain games even if PW isn't saying anything.


    I disagree that total accounts are irrelevant. If STO has only managed to get 2.5 million over 5 years, there's really no way they have 1 million active accounts like SWTOR is reporting.


    fiscal years are reported as I stated differently then physical years. The link stated EA 2013 fiscal report. that means it was the income for the physical 2012 year. That would mean pre f2p.


    Do please point to where it states EA 2013 fiscal report.


    oh and using out side sources like redit means jack.. Im a LTS STO account holder and have a 6 month sub to SWTOR and have no account with redit.... just saying.


    The fact you are not using it doesn't mean anything. There's still a lot more people using SWTOR on Raptr/reddit than STO. That, albeit not proof, is still an indicator that SWTOR is the bigger playerbase.

  19. thank your for proving me points...


    STO is not listed because perfect world does not release single game revenue. It runs 15 different mmos from STO to NWN and such.


    And the same goes for EA. In their latest reports SWTOR was put in group with Simcity and other games. SuperData uses their partnership with companies + estimates to make these overviews, so even if PW doesn't release numbers to the public, SuperData probably have access to those data or at least a decent estimate anyway.


    If you look about halfway down of this page: http://www.superdataresearch.com/about/ , you'll see that Perfect World is listed as one of the companies they work with. Therefore I find it very unlikely SuperData would not have at least some knowledge about how much STO is earning.


    STO has a bigger player base.. SWTOR is finally able to sustain ok numbers but STO does have a bigger player base.


    Again, with the numbers supplied from SWTOR and STO, it's highly unlikely STO has the bigger playerbase.

    Other, indirect sources:

    Raptr: STO has 230k members, SWTOR has 670k members.

    Reddit: /sto has 6.6k subscribers, /swtor has 40.6k subscribers


    I have seen nothing that indicates that STO has the bigger playerbase of the two.


    ESD will have 30 to 50 zones active at prime time.. that's about 3000 players just in 1 hub. every day.


    It may be just 1 hub, but it's still the hub of the vast majority of the players.

    SWTOR have 17 servers, and at primetime there'll be hundreds of players on Fleet, usually 2 or even 3 Fleet instances of ~50-150 each, on both factions, on each server.


    But again.. why are avoiding my question? If SWTOR as you claim is such a money earner. Why are patch's and balance fix's to few and far between. Every month there is some sort of bug addressed in STO and balance tweeks.


    So if SWTOR is doing so well.. why is EA/Support so much weaker then STO or GW2 in terms of content? Heck GW2 doesn't even have a monthly sub and puts out bi monthly content.


    Because EA are greedy. If their analysts and corporate concludes they earn more money this way, that's how they are going to do it. If employing additional support and/or developers will not increase revenue accordingly, they won't do it.


    Oh and FYI financial year is not based on the physical year. Such as for EA, First Quarter Fiscal Year 2014 Expectations — Ending June 30, 2013 so the report you linked was pre f2p as financial year starting in 2012


    So? If Superdata grabs data from the four quarters of 2013 in their analysis, EAs financial year is irrelevant.


    Ah yeh, meant to write top4, typo there. Still, STO didn't even make it to that list.


    How would that be pre-F2P? AFAIK SWTOR went F2P Nov 2012 and the figures from SuperData cover 2013?


    Both EA and Perfectworld do not release break down how many of there accounts are active... other wise STO has a commanding lead given there last account release numbers was that there were 2 million accounts and swtor peaked at 1.3 million. .


    Is that so?

    http://www.polygon.com/2014/8/14/6001503/star-wars-the-old-republic-2014-players-ea-bioware , and that was even before the release of SoR.


    STO on the other hand recently accounced 2.5 million accounts created: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1367461


    As you say, there's a massive difference between active and created, so if SWTOR has over 1 million active accounts (and considering the quote "And the number of subscriptions has stabilized at just under half a million.") and STO have only had 2.5mil accounts created over 5 years, surely SWTOR is the one in "commanding lead".

  21. I think it would be cheaper in the long run to just buy the 6 month plan and save some cash each payday for when the 6 months expires. That isn't to say I would be against a 1 year plan, Paying $155.88 and not having to worry about it for a whole 12 months would be nice.


    That depends on where you buy the gametime cards. Some online stores sell them for ~19$, so that would be under 120$ for a year.


    Lastly, if you can get lucky during a Gamestop (or other stores) sale, you can often pick them up for 15$ or even 10$.

  22. STO has life time subs from the start, they still offer it, every year offer it the LTS on sale.

    STO is doing fine, its not being sold and still releasing content.


    life time subs have nothing to do with if the game is doing well or not.


    I didnt say lifetime subs have anything to do with doing well or not, but EA wont make lifetime unless they know it will make more money than what they earn already.

    Also, SWTOR have way more accounts than STO, and SuperData reports had SWTOR in top3 of MMO revenue with STO outside top10. I highly doubt EA would be satisfied if SWTOR performed like STO.

  23. Lord of the Rings Online did lifetime memberships at the start. They went f2p later on with their own marketplace. They retained monthly, etc subscription plans too. Definitely not as many people playing it as in the first 2 yrs, but as a lifetime member I still go back and play it from time to time. Get free coins for the market every month and only ever have to pay for expansions when they come out. It is a good model, but I think this really has to start from the beginning for most. It was $200 almost 7 yrs ago now and many people don't have the ability to drop that much plus the $50 (or more for the game) right at one time.


    True, but for LotrO there's usually 2 viewpoints on it in terms of managing a business:

    1. Turbine simply made a mistake. The price of lifetime offers was so low it'd be "free playing" after 18 months.

    2. Turbine were filling their coffers in preparation for a sale of the company. Turbine was later sold for $160 million.


    My money is on 2..


    For EA/Bioware, they are way too smart/greedy to make a mistake like that, and considering the longterm plans stated at SWTOR release, there is not really any reason to fill their coffers on a short term.

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