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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. This thread is about the Sniper/Slinger changes in general and not only about Lame Shot.


    Then you didnt exactly pick a good name for the thread. OP doesn't contain anything else except comments about Lethal Shot.


    And whoever takes the utility Snap Shot for PvP deserves to get globaled.


    A quick exit+reenter cover while your enemy is out of LoS can give you an instant Lethal Shot without much risk. Of course it's situational, but if your enemy keeps using LoS to stop your casts it's a decent tool to deal some damage.

  2. So u don't see what is happening with Sniper/GS and Mara/Sents? Meta is changing both classes are healing spounges that will perform pretty well if 8v8 rankeds were active. u can forsee a VG/PT eating u alive while ur dot"rotation" is landing? u trying to create a gap and the guy loling at ur dots/roots/stuns. Shouyld i tell u whata warrior will do to u? They took away a cleanse in a dot game, they gave an extended duration on this class dots (LOLOLOLOL) and cleanses to ur nemesis. try to do something after a shadow/assa opens on u with their new double super dupper buffed moves. Is not about the ability "Lethal Shot", this game is about burst damage or damage pressure. This class is a liability. And pls don't tell me DF/Leth has no burst lol. This PVE stupid new abilities are not even a thing.


    This thread is about the ability Lethal Shot, and that's been my point in both my posts to you. The issues you describe have very little to do with Lethal Shot and a lot more to do with the class as a whole.

  3. Maybe for PVE, decent players tend to LOS a sniper/gs or just train them, sniper is for as far asi have seen, the most healing dependant class in game = heal bi**. Not good at all. The only way to replace that is having a quick and strong burst.......so lol at ur 4 GCD "rotation", no area stun, no area damage against all the buffed classes that have movement buffed and improved.


    I don't see what any of that really has to do with Lethal Shot as such, the issues you raise go well beyond what Lethal Shot is affecting. The LoS is part of being a ranged class and the train/heal-dependence is down to defensive capabilities.

    As for burst Lethality/Virulence has never really been 'bursty", at least not compared to SoS + SV + SoS in MM or Exp-Probe+SoS in Eng. In fact, with Laze Target affecting Cull instead of Lethal Shot your Cull should be a lot better for Burst damage now than before 3.0.

  4. Why do you put Weakening Blast after Lethal Shots? I'd put Weakening Blast first as it triggers damage on poison effects and Lethal Shot comes with a poison effect.



    Cull -> Takedown -> Series of Shots -> Corrosive Dart ->

    Cull -> Takedown -> Weakening Blast -> Lethal Shot/Rifle Shot -> Corrosive Grenade ->

    Cull -> Takedown -> Series of Shots -> Lethal Shot/Rifle Shot ->


    Cull -> Takedown -> Weakening Blast -> Lethal Shot/Rifle Shot -> Corrosive Dart ->

    Cull -> Takedown -> Series of Shots -> Corrosive Grenade ->

    Cull -> Takedown -> Weakening Blast -> Lethal Shot/Rifle Shot -> Lethal Shot/Rifle Shot ->

  5. I just heard the dumbest thing ever on the swtor live stream.


    Apparently Lethal Shot replaces Snipe in the rotation of Lethality.


    Are you *********** serious?!


    First off, there is no rotation for Lethality but a priority list. So good that BW doesn't know that.


    Secondly, you don't use Snipe as a Lethality Sniper.


    Guess who's playing his Sniper since ages and who is All-Galaxy Sniper and Slinger and will be soon Famously Furious Sniper and Slinger that has never ever used Snipe while playing Lethality/Dirty Fighting.


    I applaud you BW for not knowing your own class. No wonder why Sniper had such a hard time this year and prolly will too next year. Explains a lot.


    It's surely not the coolest change they made to Virulence, but I think it'll find a decent spot in 3.0 rotations.


    Lethal Shot has a poison damage part to it, which enjoys the following benefits according to Dulfy:

    Crit with poison effect restores 2 energy

    Poison effects on targets with less than 30% health does 15% more damage

    Corrosive Grenade leaves a debuff that increases incoming internal damage by 7%

    Weakening Blast triggers on poison effects, so Lethal Shots probably triggers it as well.


    With Snap Shot and Stroke of Genius Utility (not sure I'd use the latter though), you can get a lot of instant Lethal Shots you couldn't really get pre-3.0.


    Again, Lethal Shot is not exactly amazing, but I think it'll still be a decent skill for Virulence.

  6. Look, as always - selfish and furious players . With "if I don't need it, then go to hell" attitude. :D




    So i must suffer for the 10th time with all these planets and with trooper (identical to vanguards) story to level my commando alt? No thanks... :rolleyes:


    Or you could use the opportunity to complete story in a different way than how you did with your Vanguard, e.g. if your Vanguard was mainly lightside, you could make a darkside Commando and see how that unfolds.

    You can also level through PvP, GSF and/or Flashpoints if you really hate the solo content so much that you consider it to be "suffering".

  7. TL;DR: Quick-raids should be the future. Difficult, but doable in 30-45 minutes.


    I'd like to see this, if nothing else then as a supplement.

    Alternatively, current raids could be available in 2 variants, one as fullfledged raids with all bosses, and then a Group Finder "random boss mode" for a quick raid where you fight a couple of trash pulls, 1 boss, loot and get out.

  8. I really doubt they pay that close attention to those type of market fluctuations. Their workforce is minimal at best, and can hardly spare the manpower to manipulate the GTN.


    Don't be silly


    I think you are (probably) right about this. I find it doubtful that Bioware would return Gold Scalene armor to CM because only X amount is available on GTN at Y price, but rather because it's been a while since the last time it was on CM.


    However, MSchuyler still has a point. Whenever Bioware puts items on Cartel Market on sale (or return embargoed items) it's pretty much inevitable that GTN will be affected, and thus Bioware has, albeit indirectly, manipulated GTN.

  9. The 1000 credits per CC is (at best) only true for those foolish enough to believe in it.


    Secondly, you're IMO being way to impatient if you are selling Stronghold packs right now. If you make want to make credits, you sell the packs when they are unavailable in CM and in short supply on the GTN. Club Vertica and Star Cluster Hypercrates were going for ~4 million each in the summer on ToFN and now you can sell the individual packs with a large revenue.

    Of course this is also risky as that particular pack might end up on CM and perhaps even with a discount (like Hotshot atm), but generally it has paid off for me.

  10. only thing that will suck is if the abilities in any given skill tree that require more than 1 point to max out are not given the top tier in the new discipline system


    for example, any primary stat boost in a skill tree usually requires 3 points to max fully, if they only do 1 point in the new system and it is equivalent to the base as it is right now i.e. 3% cunning instead of 9% cunning.


    then that will suck


    Even if they only give 3% cunning (or 0%) instead of 9% it's easily fixed. They can for example make each point of mainstat a tad more powerful and/or increase the damage of your skills accordingly.

    If we lose 3% accuracy, they can make it that much easier to get another 3% from gear or just increase the standard 90% acc to 93%).

  11. It depends on how robust the optional powers are. From what I read I am assuming there will be a pool of powers to choose from that will make your character work somewhat uniquely. If they are just fluff then the Disciplines are just a content nerf that lowers the choices players can freely make now. We will soon see which way it is.


    I'd expect them to be somewhere in between. They gave the -60% incoming AoE damage while Entrenched/Hunker Down is active as an example of a GS/Sniper utility buff.

    I'd also expect the Utility skills to be where we can pick PvE/PvP related buffs, so e.g. Shrap Bomb slow would be one of our Utility Skills.

  12. "Price Per Unit" is available. Right next to "Price".


    Already there. Now if we had a sorting method to go by number of units (say we only want to buy stacks of 25), that would be great.


    Yeah, that's not what I'm talking about. Orizuru got it right.

  13. Please tell me 3.0 is going to give us back solo pve content, cause everything for the last several content patches has been purely group based and stories in a group basis is not a good combo since most tend to just rush through it all for the gear and nothing more and tend to not care about other people never seeing any conversations (assuming there are any) they just demand you skip it and it gets worse and worse until you either give in and skip it or they vote kick you out of the group, which most the other group members agree with.


    So, i would like solo pve content alongside group content, or even a solo version of all future content with the group content giving better rewards for obvious reasons....aka so the groupers don't have hissy fits.


    Well, they're slowly moving towards solo content with the latest Flashpoint.

  14. And to make matters worse, the nodes themselves have internal cooldowns, too - so if you scan your encrypted terminal on one character, log out and load another that was parked at the same spot, you can't scan - yet. It takes a few minutes for this internal cooldown to wear off.


    The internal node cooldown is indeed ridiculous, especially considering how easy it is to circumvent it. They should remove the node cooldown and stick to the character debuff.

  15. So after the first few weeks of conquest i have made a few conclusions.

    First thing being that, conquest if fully geared for large casual guilds. Conquest fully rewards large guilds by giving them a massive advantage by not scaling guild conquest points by amount of players in each guild. For example, an active guild of 500 will always beat an active guild of 300.


    I don't see how else it should be without giving advantage to a certain type of guild. At least with "big + active" there's IMO a lot of effort in itself to keep such a guild alive that should be rewarded.


    Second thing being that, conquest does not reward elite content such as Nightmare Dread Fortress/ Dread Palace, Nightmare Scum and Villainy, or Terror from Beyond. Conquest only rewards player for doing operations in story mode and in group finder. Serious progression type guild do not get rewarded for clearing the hardest content. As far as conquest goes they are better off to do story mode. I personally feel that, elite content should offer exponentially more conquest points than storymode content.


    The NiM part was addressed in the latest Community Cantina

    IIRC the response was that they're considering how to award points for harder content like NiM.


    I think the "X00 points per operation boss" would be a nice alternative to the current GF ops objective.


    Third thing, and probably the most important thing. For guilds that do manage to conquer a planet, they get control of that planet for 72 hours!?!? This is just insulting. If a guild invests several hours over the course of 5 days and manages conquer a planet the should not lose control after 72 hours. They do get priority of the named commanders which is nice and get to ride the walker looking mount (which cost a staggering 10 dark project kits) ;however, only for 72 hours.


    In conclusion. I feel that all the work that goes in conquest and conquering a planet is simple not worth the reward. Priority over a commander and the ability to ride a super expensive mount for 3 days is not worth it. The personal rewards are nice however not illustrious. So if conquest is going to be remotely worth the effort, i feel the guild needs to be able to hold control of the conquered planet for at least a month and better/longer lasting rewards need to be given.


    I would guess that is a bug considering the lastest pathcnotes:

    "Resolved an issue that would cause a guild to lose ownership of a conquered planet after a server restart."


    My understanding of the intended duration is "a guild will control the planet until they conquer a different planet or the planet is conquered by a different guild in a later Conquest".

  16. Yeah but that has been happening to me. I can loot my electronic safe over and over.... Strange.


    It seems very random to me. Sometimes I can loot any Gathering Decoration like 7-10 times and other times only once before getting the Exhaustion debuff. I've yet to come across a decoration I could use "infinitely"

  17. this isn't a pay to win option: you have any idea how many BoL sets of gear I have. I get 4 of them in my mail for every toon I create, so I have over 40 sets of BoL gear for free. I have several gree sets, several other rep sets.


    Being able to use a look I like as a legacy set would be awesome. instead of using imperial battle ace set for my sentinel/marauder I could use a set I actually like the look of.


    oh the horror of a P2W, of having a look that I like better but the same gear stats


    Indeed, the whole "BoL requires rep" argument was already thin considering the class-specific BoL gear on Dromund/Coruscant, but with the GSF armor sets out now getting BoL gear is completely effort free to many players.


    I'd very much like to see an unlock like this, either as a seperate purchase or simply as a default once you've unlocked an armor set for your Account.

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