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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elracor

  1. Sweeping fire doesnt kill things effectively, thus you are fluffing your numbers. Everything in a raid needs to be killed, that is a given but it does not justify fluffing your numbers.


    I 100% disagree with this. There is no way you can fluff numbers at Underlurker unless you're hitting adds when boss is below ~5-10% as you usually just burn the boss at that point.


    With Sweeping you can hit 2-3 targets during the adds phases, and especially in MM/SS Sweeping is your hardest hitting skill when there's 2 targets or more. When there's only 1 lurkerling alive you should swap to single target DPS to kill that last lurkerling faster, but until that point there's IMO zero reason not to AoE.

    Even if the rest of your DPS can't do decent AoE (and if that's the case the other DPS are the problem IMO), you'll still be getting your group closer at killing all three adds before Rage Storm starts.

  2. Going to have to disagree here. If you are not pulling the numbers normally then spamming sweeping gunfire isnt going to help at all. In fact its only lying to your raid and your own numbers as you are not effectively killing what needs the be killed. Instead you are fluffing your numbers to make yourself look good, when in reality you are not providing much help to your raid, that is already, as OP said, lacking in DPS. I play a sniper and run Engineering on the fight, and I put upwards past 3.7k.


    What are you talkiing about? If you use Sweeping/Suppresive to hit 2 adds and boss, you're hitting targets that need to be killed. There's no fluff involved here at all.

  3. Optimized gear from the previous tier is without a doubt better for DPS. I can't speak for healing. All 7 of my 60s are DPS.


    Unoptimized Enhancements are waaay worse than previous tier optimized, but Mods are pretty much the same:


    Advanced Artful Mod 37

    +74 Endurance

    +97 Cunning

    +82 Power


    Advanced Artful Mod 38A

    +90 Endurance

    +127 Cunning

    +52 Power


    You lose 30 power and gain 30 mainstat (and the difference between mainstat and power is extremely small), and then you also gain 160 health. 160 extra health * 9 potential Mods is almost 1500 extra health, and even DPS can IMO use the extra health when progressing through HM Operations. Therefore I'd pick unoptimized top-tier mods over previous tier optimized.

  4. None of those crafted items are REQUIRED to do new content. that's my point. I was responding to : "Being halted by an inability to upgrade my gear properly is ludicrous"


    It does seem odd at least, especially considering Midlithe Crystals are AFAIK only used for lvl 58 gear, and by lvl 58 you should be well into the SoR storyline where 178 gear starts dropping.

  5. AFAIK higher-tier-but-not-optimized mods are still better than optimized previous-tier for healing+DPS. You lose power/crit but gain equally much mainstat and a tad of Endurance as well.


    As for commendation gear being largely useless, that issue will kinda solve itself once the next tier of gear is out (so commendations will give 198 and 204? gear).


    I like your suggestion about having HM FPs drop 186 set bonus gear. It'd make for a nice stepstone into operations.

  6. The idea that anyone could be upset at a video game company for releasing an advertisement for their game on the game's official YouTube channel is both amusing and depressing at the same time.


    "How dare they use their Twitter feed to plug their YouTube Channel!!" :mad:

    "How dare they use their YouTube channel to advertise their game!!" :mad:


    I don't think many are that bothered about the ad, but rather the "Choose your Path, Video coming tomorrow, Subscribe to our #SWTOR YouTube channel and see it first! http://bit.ly/1L7AQEs " hype ******** that came before it. There was no reason to hype this at all.

  7. Personally, I think the most likeliest thing is that they've moved to work on SWTOR and formed a new department, either to create new content separate from the other teams or a new expansion.

    Given how they had to pull the plug on Shadow Realms,...


    ...Like you say, them working on a Mass Effect/Dragonage game is also unlikely if they stay in Austin and don't move to another city.


    Except Dragon Age work could be just like your SWTOR example of working on seperate content as the DAI work is 'enhancements' rather than a unreleased game like ME4. What 'enhancements' exactly consists of is not described, but surely tasks like adding new weapons/armor/mounts/areas for coming DLCs and/or fixing bugs would be doable as a seperate unit?


    I highly doubt the upper management will so quickly give them permission to start working on another brand new IP...


    Why not? Surely they won't be throwing tons of people into new IPs, but a few (lead) writers/gameplay designers to flesh out general storyline and gameplay concepts (to see if there's potential for a decent game) wouldn't be unthinkable?

  8. No doubt any newer developers with experience on Frostbite 3 may indeed be moved to work on those games but generally speaking that may require a move up north. Only on the assumption that Montreal was built to assist Edmonton and that is where all those games are being created so it would be strange for put out any full time development work of it to Austin. Unless of course both northern studios can't keep up with deadlines and they are moving development of one of the titles to Austin, again completely possible.


    Indeed, and I'd very much expect at least some of those developers to change location to the other studios.


    There are ex. SWToR developers on the SR team however. So regardless of any frostbite 3 experience they gain they still have experience that can be used here. Whilst I doubt the entire team was moved to SWToR it is logicaly to assume those with experience here to begin with were.


    I know (lead) writers, (executive) producers and community team members were either moved to SR or worked on SR and SWTOR at the same time. I just haven't seen info about actual developers (I'm mainly thinking of programmers / system architects here) moving from SWTOR to SR.


    Also interesting the whole comment towards SWToR. Whilst it could all be lip service, it could also be in light of a big focus/push that EA wants towards SWToR if they have no other SW RPG plans in the works for the next few years which would be a shame as I was just thinking I would love to play an action/rpg game again in the SW universe on modern graphics ( akin to JK series or KOTOR ).


    I really think it's just fluff and PR talk.

    Saying you "focus on something" doesn't really promise much in terms of actual end product. Big/massive plans can fail or get abandoned and if "look forward to sharing the news about those plans with our players in the coming weeks." refers to the (IMO extremely disappointing) Roadmap then I highly doubt we'll see much change for the better for SWTOR. I hope the game improves and has a promising future, but I really doubt we will see much improvement.

  9. Guess I'm somewhat reading between the lines


    I guess most of us do, but I think you're making some mistakes here.


    According to https://shadowrealms.com/blog/an-update-on-closed-alpha-timing?sf33174433=1 , "...We’ve been running live test sessions around the country for almost a year..." as of Oct 30 2014. With that in mind, I would find it fair to say they've been developing on this game for 1½ years if not more. That means you have developers who have a lot of experience with the Frostbite 3 engine, especially considering how new that game engine is.


    Now, do you put that kind of developers on other projects we know also use Frostbite 3 (Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect 4) , do you put them on a new IP which might use Frostbite 3, or do you put them on a game that use a completely hacked-to-bits Hero Engine they might not have much/any experience with?

    Previous SWTOR devs could make an exception, but generally I doubt we'll see many developers return to SWTOR.


    but the other games mentioned ( and the new IP ) had all been previously announced to being developed by Bioware Edmonton ( with Montreal being a support studio that supports Edmonton ) - DA:I was, the Mass Effects all were and the new IP was. It would be unlikely for them to direct development from those studios down to Austin imo. That means unless there is something new being worked on one would expect a lot of the studio's attention ( and thus the extra developers etc. from SR ) to be redirected to SWToR.


    Well, alternatively the developers are 'directed' to the other studios in the "Bioware family" in case they want to keep having a job. It's also a lot easier to say "we're focusing on SWTOR" if the non-SWTOR people leave the building.

    (Some of) The 'enhancements' (DLCs?) for Dragonage might also be possible to do within the Bioware Austin studios without too much trouble.


    I've actually noticed a much more vigorous community presence of late too by Eric n co. About the only major thing they are really ignoring is the slot machine for some reason.


    Now this I agree with. AFAIK the Community Team was split between SWTOR and SR, which they won't be anymore. This might also explain why Hillary/"Pokket" isn't here anymore?

  10. Well now that you point it out I do.


    What the heck are people doing, scrutinizing screen shots for any minor thing they can find a quibble with so they can have new material to complain about on the forums? No one not terminally pedantic would ever even notice something like this.




    Well sure, it's only a cosmetic issue and of very minor importance, but it's still something that should be on the fix list.

  11. And Musco clearly said that gear is gone.

    • Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials


    No he did not.


    Here are the types of actions we are taking based on the severity of their exploits:

    Received a warning along with anywhere between 1-7 days of in-game suspension time.

    Anyone who received an in-game suspension will also lose their forum privileges for the same period of time.

    For our most egregious offenders, they will have received a suspension up to a permanent suspension.

    Inside of those categories of player’s it is also possible they could have very specific additional actions taken against them including:

    Removal of inappropriately obtained high-end gear and crafting materials

    Removal of credits and commendations


    In short, of the players who get a 1-7 day suspension, "it is also possible" that their gear, crafting materials, credits and commendations were removed. It is in no way a given that all or even most exploiters had their ill-earned gear removed.

  12. Ruh roh im almost afraid to ask to be pmed said rumor o.O


    The rumour has been confirmed. Dulfy is swtor_miner. When the truth was unfolded on Twitch/Hitbox the Dulfy website imploded as a safety precaution. #trolololo

  13. Not to be picky, but didn't Eric say that they could also be removing the gear from people depending on what they decide is the correct action to take?


    He doesn't state how many will have that action taken against them, but I'd guess they'd do it to most who actually exploited this (ie. did it more than just once or twice)


    It's the "could" that I find to be the issue. Removing the gear should IMO be the first thing to do rather than throwing 24h-7d bans. With fewer people online (because they're banned) it'll be harder to get groups going for PvP/FPs/Ops etc, indirectly hurting non-exploiters.


    Its in no way unfair to you. He didnt take anything away from you nor did he deny you anything nor does he get some unfair advantage over you.


    Get over yourself


    A player who gets the loot through the exploit will have an unfair advantage over non-exploiters for getting into groups. If a /groupraid-leader is to pick between 2 players for the last spot in raid, a player with 186/192 gear (who didn't exploit) and a player with 192/198 gear (who did exploit), guess which player will get the spot.


    A character who used the exploit would not be able to do that operation until the locks reset, which means fewer people could/would do the Ravagers raid properly = harder for non-exploiters to get a group of 8-16 players to do the last boss properly.

    After the exploit was fixed, people who are fully geared up on 192 stuff on main (+alts?) probably won't join (as many) SM operations as they would if they didn't have gear from exploit = fewer players who raid = more difficult for non-exploiters to get groups for raiding.


    Characters who do the exploit have easy access to 192 gear, so other players who craft 186/192 gear to sell will have fewer potential customers.


    As I see it, there's plenty of , albeit only potential, ways that non-exploiters are hurt by exploiters.

  14. And that hurts other people in their raid group by not letting them wipe as often?


    I don't understand how having a faster car than someone who lives on a different continent is somehow making their car go slower? Please explain.


    A player who gets the loot through the exploit will have an unfair advantage over non-exploiters for getting into groups. If a raidleader is to pick between 2 players for the last spot in raid, a player with 186/192 gear (who didn't exploit) and a player with 192/198 gear (who did exploit), guess which player will get the spot.


    A character who used the exploit would not be able to do that operation until the locks reset, which means fewer people could/would do the Ravagers raid properly = harder for non-exploiters to get a group of 8-16 players to do the last boss properly.

    After the exploit was fixed, people who are fully geared up on 192 stuff on main (+alts?) probably won't join (as many) SM operations as they would if they didn't have gear from exploit = fewer players who raid = more difficult to get groups for raiding.


    Characters who do the exploit have easy access to 192 gear, so other players who craft 186/192 gear to sell will have fewer potential customers.

  15. Given that the bans that have started include forum posting bans, per Eric's statement, it's unlikely that the people posting here today are "exploiters".


    Several players I know did the exploit and I know got the mail are still online in-game (and some of them restarted client to check if they were banned). I highly doubt the suspensions are in effect yet, at least not for everyone.

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