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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. ...or you could accept the fact that more then 1 familly can have the same last name..i mean tons of people got my last name in rl, imagine in a WHOLE GALAXY


    I wouldn't expect to have the same last name as a guy living on Mars, and another from Venus. Possible? Yes. Likely? Not in the slightest.

  2. Yeah, it's completely ridiculous and doesn't fit the source material at all. I mean, imagine if Darth Vader and Luke had the same last name. That would be so stupid.


    See, but the problem is, Darth Vader and Luke were both human, and related. Trying to argue that my Sith Pureblood Jugg from across the galaxy, who was born before the Sith Invasion, is somehow related to my Twi'lek Trooper, who has never been to imperial space, is beyond the bounds of reason.

  3. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I despise Vette. Her voice actress made my skin crawl with Mission in the original KotOR, and time has not improved this latest incarnation of the 'brainless twi'lek.' When I first heard her speak in TOR, it was like some monstrous zombie of a memory erupted one naked, wriggling arm from the dirt at the back of my soul, and began to crawl ever forwards, deliberate in its plodding pace. She is the stuff of nightmares.
  4. If they give someone the ability to change the name and you aren't taking advantage or using that no it isn't affecting you.


    it's amazing how many people can be so vocal about something that wouldn't affect them, no matter how hard they try to justify their FAUX outrage.


    It's all about screwing other people, or, in the least, controlling them. I don't really understand it, either way. It's as if they feel like their choices are diminished just because we changed our minds.


    Again, as I have said many times, this has zero bearing on anyone but the people who want changes. If they had picked the 'right' names in the first place, the 'strangers who think they deserve a say in this' would never even know it. I mean, really, this is tantamount to these people believing that they have a right to make choices for others in the most personal of arenas. I feel embarassed for them.

  5. For us to await patiently and mum is to avoid the issue entirely.


    Yup. To say nothing is essentially tantamount to admitting we don't give a damn. Were that the case, this thread wouldn't exist, and none of us would be posting in it. The current design is flawed -- it requires some change. Perhaps not immediate; certainly not before more pressing issues, but would I expect a resolution in less than six months? Yes. I think that is completely and totally reasonable. This isn't landing a spacecraft on the moon, and should not be treated as the programming equivalent of such.

  6. Whatever. I guess if I really want to change it, I can just go to a different server, right? Y'know, screw playing with my real life friends and my fiance, I'm sure I'll have just as much fun on another server, unable to group or talk to them.



    Tomorrow, when I get home from vacation, I'll be jumping ship from my guild over this. It's not something I want to do, but they are forcing my hand.

  7. I skimmed the thread sorry, but in my view I think the legacy system is actually kind of cool.


    Nobody here is trying to kill the legacy system. In fact, I think it has a lot of potential.


    What I think should be allowed and solve a lot of our problems is to be allowed a changeable surname for each character. It boggled me that there was no surname slot at character creation. The legacy name and surnames should NOT be the same thing.


    Pretty much. For the time being, they should allow name changes, in order to rectify the mistakes that many of us made. I am sure the CMs could change names, but only if they were allowed to. That's a policy -- rather than a game design -- issue, and it's something that could literally be rectified by a rubber stamp from somebody higher up on the food chain.


    So, again, I hope for longterm change, but in the short term, I'd be perfectly happy to settle for a simple name change. I think that's fairly reasonable.

  8. Coming at this from an RP perspective it's a really bad decision on BW's part and is another example of how little they really understand RP and what it really is.


    To have the same surname that applies to a Twi'lek, Chiss and a Sith is ill thought out. They have very different naming conventions. Denying different surnames to our characters is irritating.


    If BW want to have a system where gathering points applies to all characters on a server, then why not follow LotRO's policy for Destiny points? No single surname, but points are still accrued across all the characters on that server.


    It's just one more thing that makes me shake my head over a game that seems to miss the point for one that's supposed to be aimed at RPers: no interaction with seating or beds, no chat bubbles, emotes with no animations (how often do you fall asleep standing upright?).


    This, right here, x1000. Hit the nail on the head, you did. :csw_yoda:

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