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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. As a fat old guy, yes truth in advertising in a forum name, I really do not understand the instant gratification generation. What MMO has ever launched in state that it was flawless and completely polished? All games have issues at launch, most far more than this one has.


    I have been playing MMO's since UO, and they all needed a lot of work at the beginning. The current king of MMO's, WOW was nothing at all like it is now when it launched, in fact it's launch was infinitely worse than this one, it took years to make it into what it is now, which leads me to another issue. Sometimes enough people complaining make developers do things that in the long run effect the game in unintended ways, SWG is a perfect example of this as is to a lesser extent WOW. SWG was basically destroyed by these complaints, and resulting changes, and WOW is in decline I believe for similar reasons.


    So be careful what you ask for, complaints can be constructive, but they can also be counterproductive, If you see a glaring issue, post about it in a reasonable manor, free of hyperbole, with no comparisons to other games, and without predictions of impending doom, list the issues and if you feel you must, what you think can be done about them, and leave it at that.


    In short, nothing is perfect, you will never get everything you want, and complaining about things is not always going to get the result you desire, the sooner you realize these things, the happier your life will be. Old guy rant over.


    Superb post. Hopefully things will improve after the 15th when 90% of these chuckleheads suddenly find themselves without a voice to scream with.

  2. This is a valid issue, but somewhat low priority in the grand scheme of things.


    I think it should/will get fixed, it just might take a bit.


    The question remains, however: is it just an issue for us, or is it an issue for Bioware as well? At no time since the original announcement of the Legacy Surnam system has Bioware even once acknowledged a flub. For all we know, this isn't even a blip on the radar.


    I agree that more pressing bugs should come first. However, will this come ever? That's the question that rests at the heart of this thread. And we still don't even have so much as a wink or a nod from Bioware to direct us.

  3. You want a reason?


    Because people asked for surnames, and Bioware linked them to another system at the same time.


    That's not a reason for them to be absolutely permanent across all characters. Try again.


    Because some people like it.


    Again, why? Why would you deny change to others who either made mistakes or had a change of heart? When has this ever -- from when they made the mistake originally, right down to this moment in time -- been any business of your's whatsoever? You had no right to know or dictate the name they chose originally, nor do you have any right to intercede and deny them change now.


    All you have is this insipid, broken system, which you lean on like a crutch because it is the status quo. It's like defending the a 'certain' European government in the 1930s, or another 'certain' American policy in the 1850s -- throughout history, people have looked at corrupt, broken, or just flat-out wrong systems and rallied around the indefensible simply because they liked to be 'right,' even if 'right' was ultimately proven to be utterly wrong.


    And you know when you're trolling? So, like, right now you're aware of it? Again, you've got nothing.

  4. You've had several.


    However, you refuse to accept any answer that doesn't conform with what you want it to be.



    In short, here's your answer:


    Life isn't fair... deal with it.


    A 2008 join date and you still don't know when you're trolling.


    The OP is right -- the system is totally ***-backwards, and completely indefensible. In fact, he's asked you to justify its current implementation multiple times, and you've clearly displayed that you cannot field as simplistic an argument as that.

  5. That said, let's not get derailed by the SOPA topic. It will pass, and that's that. Nothing we can do about it.


    We could stop them. And I don't mean with votes. I don't believe the founding fathers would want people to lay down and give up as a corrupt and bloated institution ravaged the first ammendment. They would want... 'action.'


    Sometimes, in rare circumstances, mutiny is not only justified; it is righteous.

  6. For what it is worth, I had a CSR contact me back regarding changing my Legacy name.


    I assume it was a canned response to a point, but he/she did go on to say that they are aware of many people requesting this and while they can't do it at the time, they are working on a solution to the problem.


    Believe me, I'm no fanboy and no blind optimist, but the CSR did repeatedly state that they were aware of the issue and a solution was being looked at.


    I wish I'd had fraps or something going to show the response, but alas it was not running as I was not really expecting to be contacted back...lol


    I'll keep my fingers crossed.


    I also received a similar response. The question is: is a solution really being worked on, or is it merely company policy to tell us so? I am afraid I would be more inclined to believe positive news if it came from a source that actually developed policy.

  7. Every day I get home after re-watching twilight saga, grab a beer and turn on justin bieber music, I play sith because it's so dark and misterious just like me IRL or like twilight characters it's so deep


    You realize this makes you -- at best -- only half a fan, right? True lovers of Star Wars enjoy the complexities of both factions. I may not believe the Jedi are right, but I don't openly mock them, either. I was -- and remain -- torn between the factions because I deeply love all of Star Wars. Taunting either side for being weak or emo is just silliness.

  8. When the first death star was destroyed, Luke murdered tens of millions of civilians, families, military staff, zoo animals you name it, when he destroyed the death star.


    One elephant survived, though. Somehow, he adapted to the harshness of space, and became SUPER DUMBO, and he saved the Ewoks and the Gungans from the clutches of nerdrage.

  9. Look at it this way:


    If you had the force, what would you do? Would you really follow some kind of sterile dogmatic code? Would you lead a monkish lifestyle, free of all corruption and attachments? I mean, is that *really* realistic?


    Think about how often you, on a given, random day, for perhaps a moment just toy with hurting someone. Like, say you're out driving, and some guy cuts you off and then flips you the bird. If you were given the ability to hurt or kill him without any consequences (moral, religious, legal or otherwise), can you honestly say you'd be able to restrain yourself? He's just some random slob, and you can obliterate him with your mind.


    The darkside is the force. The Jedi just have it wrong. Peace is a lie. That's the appeal of the Empire.

  10. critical thinking ftw!


    I'm still not convinced that this is actually what happened. I'm pretty sure the kid was farming tons of mats and selling credits or something, either that or he has something like a 2 hour cool off period rather than a ZOMG BAN


    If he was just farming, however, the fact that they started with any ban is a bit frightening. How are we -- the players -- supposed to divine what is off limits and what isn't? Should people be afraid of capping out an ability and farming, say, Corelia, too? If the intent is to lock certain players out of a particular area, then why aren't there restrictions that do just that in the game?


    Again, if all he was doing was farming, that isn't an exploit. 'Tagging' a raid boss and kiting it to a collection of guards, who then kill the boss so you can loot all the epics solo? That's an exploit. Farming a zone that has no other obvious restrictions against being there, with a trade skill that you already worked hard to level yourself? Not an exploit... not in the the traditional sense, at least.

  11. I'll try to say this a bit more eloquently.


    He's angry because going to a high level area and farming mats happens all the time in other mmorpgs, as a "sploit" its at best a grey area, at worst its just an industrious player.


    The kicker is the banhammer. Being banned from a game is like losing 60 bucks (more if he bought the rich kid edition) Its a bit extreme when you're dealing with something that at best is a grey area isnt it? Couldent they say "this is not something we want you to do." and kick him out of the zone, and if he returns THEN action his account? that would be far more reasonable.


    ^ This.


    It is a massive overreaction, IF farming was all that was going on.

  12. People doing this had to know that it was unintended and taking unfair advantage of a situation, right?


    Try grabbing some money at a bank or store while the employees aren't watching, then uncork "Well, they should not have left it there unguarded, it is their fault, not mine!"


    That's a fail analogy. This is more the equivalent of someone utilizing a loophole in the law to buy beer underaged, and then the state turning around and prosecuting that person because they were smart enough to get around lawmakers' actual intent.


    If Bioware doesn't like it, hotfix Illum so only level 50s can go there. Banning low levels for heading there and farming, however, is NOT kosher. Such behavior, on its own, IS NOT AN EXPLOIT.

  13. Seriously? Here, this post is linked in a number of places, it practically says that this is an exploit:




    Are you telling me this isn't an exploit?


    I'm not sure I see the exploit here. If level 50 players can do it, what does it matter if level 15s do it, too? The money is still entering the game's economy.


    If these bans were about level 15s from the opposite faction 'flipping' things like turrets, etc. so his friends on the opposing faction could benefit, that's an exploit. If it was about a low-level player farming items on a planet he's not high enough level for, banning him over it is lunacy. In the latter case, bad game design -- not malicious actions by the player -- are at issue.

  14. It's not about being creative enough to conjure a universal name. It's about choice. Choice you don't have if you're name is taken. Choice you don't have if you want 2 surnames. Choice you don't have if your favorite surname is Darkyadayada and also want a lightside character. Choice you don't have if your guild is on ONE server. Choice you don't have if you already chose your names. Choice you don't have if you *********** make a typo.


    The legacy system is a great idea. The surname being tied to it? Not so much.


    +5 points for accuracy.

  15. Did you just compare someone being banned in MMO and special operations people who do really dangerous job IRL?


    Lets just say that banning summarily is bad. No need to draw all sort of real people with real danger into this.


    I was comparing the CS person doing the banning to the special forces person -- IE, his actions damaged the company in a public way, and even if they were the result of policy, the healthiest thing to do is label him as the one responsible and then fire him.


    But, again, I think we don't have the full story here.

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