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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. We need true server forums. Nothing less will do. Other games have them, and, yes, the moderation isn't as pronounced on the server forums as on general. But the lesson in that is: you don't need gestapo-like moderation. The 'secret police' shouldn't be black bagging everyone who opens their mouth in disagreement over the game. Most of us are adults here -- stop catering to the absolute lowest common denominator.
  2. For the most part I'm pretty happy with all the useful skills we have. If you want to play a game that only requires 3-5 buttons go try rift or a game with like 6-10 go play wow, we are not the only class that to excel you need to monitor + 12 buttons.


    Although one change i would like would be a talent that makes charge dmg AOE in the tank tree or low in the bottom tier pvp tree.


    Nobody should be having to use the right/left bars for combat abilities in a modern MMO. If the useful skills for combat cannot be limited to what I can fit on a double bar, then whatever winds up on those side bars simply isn't going to get used.


    This class -- but, really, most of the classes -- suffer from significant skill bloat, as the OP stated. It's nice to have attack variety, but I don't need my bars clogged up with nearly-identical, highly-situational attacks. Nobody is asking Bioware to dumb the game down to 3-5 abilties, merely to streamline classes so people aren't having to call upon 20+ different attacks in any given moment.

  3. I am against AC change but would support a grace period, say between lvl 10 and 15 or 20.

    But to be realistic, it will not have much use.

    The special feeling of an AC grows over time. The first ten lvls are not that much a difference.


    Actually, several of the ACs do feel quite different almost immediately. Operative and Sniper, for example, are fighting in absolutely different ways from level 10 onwards.

  4. In all honesty, I think it would simply require a couple changes to the current system in order for it to work. I stand by my statements earlier, and believe that the surnames and legacy names should be separate. I also believe that the surname can be changed, whereas the legacy name should not.


    I wouldn't mind being locked into my legacy name if my surname could be changed, and if I could have different ones on different characters.

  5. It amazes me that so many people will defend any decision by people in authority, no matter how foolish.


    For some reason, no matter how many times it is proven to be the truth, I am always astounded by this as well. I believe it has much less to do with agreeing with the policy, then it does a powerful desire to feel 'right.' How do you know you're 'right' if you're a hollow shell? Why, you look to the people who are in control at the moment -- weak or silly as their positions might be -- and you rally around that.


    Nothing is so comforting for the weak-minded as is championing policy. It's like humming showtunes while sitting around a campfire.

  6. Theres a reason im happy to be british, and have a wife who fits quite nicely into option 1


    Actually, scrap that, shes actually thinner than option 1.


    But I do realise that everyones taste is different and that other people wouldnt be happy with that.


    That's disgusting. Option 1 is the size of a 12-year-old boy. She's so thin it's nasty.

  7. I'd like the show not to be based in Austin, TX, which is not only in the middle freaking nowhere, but isn't located near any major distribution of population in the United States. Would it kill you, Bioware, to base this thing in NYC, or Boston, or Chicago or L.A.? Not everyone wants to spend 4 days in the middle of the armpit of America.
  8. I have opened about 10 tickets trying to change my surname and I always have a ticket open hopefully one day they give in lol.


    I actually agree with doing this. Why? Because the more tickets are out there concerning this, the more likely Bioware is to take note of it being a significant issue. And, hey, who cares if you're annoying them -- they're only droids.

  9. Well, appearently they had the time to "stealth" change the graphic settings in patch 1.1 currently on PTS to remove the medium texture setting option to make the current medium the new high setting!


    That's why I am losing faith in Bioware in how they gonna handle this game. As I loath these kind of "underhand" shady practices! :mad:


    As of they do pull this kind of crap with this issue. You can bet they will do it with other issues as well. And that doesn't bode well for this game's future!


    And that is also why I don't expect any satisfactory answer from Stephen today. It won't be what people will like to hear!


    If that's true it's very sad.

  10. Once you fall to a point you can't use said crystal in game mechanics along as you don't unequipped the weapon or the crystal you still can use it. This would be like Anakin still using his blue lightsaber till he was forced to get a new one.


    Trololo... okay, then how did Vader 'equip' and ignite Luke's green saber on the Endor Moon? How did Anakin 'equip' and ignite Dooku's saber on the Separatist flagship?


    There's no lore justification for this, sorry.


    I mean, Jesus, as originally shot, Palpatine would have fought Windu using Anakin's blue lightsaber -- you can even still see his saber pommel in a couple of the scenes. By your reasoning, how the hell would that have worked?


    There are no restrictions in Star Wars lore. I am sorry.

  11. And, I question what people are saying..


    I play SW:TOR on a mac in a VM instance of Win 7, therefore I if anybody should be having issues. And I do have issues, but not so much as I'm going to ditch the game because of them. (God knows there are plenty of other reasons for ditching it tho)


    That aside, the game *is* one instance after another. It is on rails. And it has nothing to do with scripting either. I was writing MuDs back in 84 with scripting and never had any issues. That's simply because the 'permutations' are simplistic. Each of the instances have flags, each of the quests have flags. Those flags are checked against the player's flags. Simple basic code.


    The problem at hand is the lag. Which is, and I have checked, predominantly related to the size of the instance and number of players within it. I can run around Tython all day playing on a mac as I do, but as soon as I hit the spaceport area, I lag to hell and back.


    That has nothing to do with your permutations. It is to do with the engine trying to redraw all the moving crap.


    Moving onwards, if I play Rift in the same VM I get no lag. If I play WoW I get no lag and there are hundreds of players playing.


    This all points to the game engine. I play in Euro time. Maybe it's something to do with the server balances. But, this engine is not up to spec.


    You weigh heavily on 'clearly players that do not'. This can only be based on what is in the forums, which is heavily visited by people defending their new game. And that's fine, but, it is by no means a yardstick on which the engine should be measured.


    If I can run around tython with no lag, but only get it near a large city based structure, then it is the engine and the servers.


    We had all this years ago in 'Plane of Knowledge' on Everquest, and more recently in 'LagForge' on WoW. Back then we had people claiming it 'ran fine for them' it just be your rig, it must be your iso, it must be you. What happened? Some bug fixes and code changes and suddenly everyone was running around without lag, even in LagForge.



  12. Whatever is wrong, it is really damned wrong. The game shouldn't be unplayable on systems meeting its low end requirements -- it should run smoothly if you have the settings all set to low. But that's not what happens. Twice over the XMas break, I installed TOR on systems well within its basic requirements, only to have the game rendered an unplayable, choppy mess.


    It's fine on my rig at home which, while not top of the line, is an 'okay' PC, but even there it stutters in crowds in a way that the graphics simply do not excuse. Whatever is wrong with this puppy, it is buried deep, and may be unfixable.

  13. /signed


    Charge a fee of in-game credits or allow a one time free rename OR...



    When you get a NEW toon through chapter 1 allow the option to CHANGE the surname for that server by THAT toon, therefore changing it for ALL toons on the server including the FIRST toon you got it on. What does this mean? We ALL know our first toon is the one we LEARN the game on, then when we reroll we kinda do everything a little, or sometimes alot, better then the first go around. Including but not limited to, nameing them. So, it's a reasonable and simple fix. Anytime you level an Alt through chapter 1, you get the option to change the legacy name/surname for all toons on the server. Bam! A reasonable and probably simple solution.





    Yeah, definitely. This could work. Plus it encourages people to roll alts -- something they should be doing anyway, just to experience the story. FYI -- Sniper? ~Awesome~

  14. Dont get me wrong. I love the game. I love pretty much every Bioware game I picked up. They did an amazing job with game design/story telling controls etc. I just think they really are messing up bad when it comes to the way they are helping people. A thread as long as this one has been, one of the developers should have replied by now with a solution or what they are working on or something. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion and I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here.



  15. There should at least be a button to confirm your legacy name choice. I've been closing out of the screen for a week while deciding on a legacy name. I wanted to take my time, since I knew it couldn't be changed.


    Then today, as I was adding a friend on to my friends list, the screen popped up and mouse went buggy and as I tried to escape and cntrl u, the *friends* name was put into my legacy!


    I'm completely disheartened.


    Yes, it would be nice to get at least some acknowledgement that they know this is an issue, and will just continue to become a bigger issue with time.

  16. I don't mind the shared surname across the server thing but I can understand that doesn't work for those who play both sides on one server.


    I presume from a CS response I got in game that they are looking to make it possible in the future but god only knows when if at all.


    Yeah, I dunno. That may just be something they've been told to say to allay concerns. I'd be far more inclined to believe it if it came from someone like Reid.

  17. An easy "mistake" to make, as the quintessential example given is Skywalker, the default display is as a surname, and there is no other mechanism to display a surname.


    Or, all you have to really say, is that the system was originally promoted as a 'solution' to the surname demands. We asked for it, they provided... something... and they called it a Legacy surname.

  18. This man...did his homework..and then some. Great post.


    Someone else made a great point (like 5 pages ago or so). People that make "inappropiate" Legacy names have theres changed. HOWEVER, people that follow the rules and play and enjoy the game, especially those that play on a RP level, make a small error, typo, misread the surname part, whatever the case may be, and they are told they cant change theres. Doesnt make a whole lot of sense.


    I think that was me... or it could have been someone else. I dunno. Generally, those of us who advocate changing the system are of the same mind, and our thinking generally goes:


    1) Allow legacy name changes for now.


    2) Advocate for splitting surnames from legacy names in the long term.


    This is going to be an uphill fight, though, because as large as this thread is, it pales in comparison to those that followed the original announcement of the legacy surnames back in November. I believe people are still outraged, but they're busy leveling mains for right now, and likely have the surname they want for that character. Things will heat up again once people begin rolling alts and suddenly have to decide if their Twi'lek is a secret brother with their Sith Pureblood, or whether they'll be obliged to hide the name.

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