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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. Sheesh... the entitlement of MMORPgamers... best to continue stearing clear off the forum. And for the rest who couldn't be bothered to think or spell-check when entering their legacy name: Congratulations, you've experienced the great thing that is "learning" and "punishment for being lazy/stupid". Welcome to the world! :D.


    The funny thing about learning, is that if there is absolutely no way to benefit from a 'lesson,' you might as well not 'teach' it at all.


    Also, it's a friggin' game, kid. Nobody popped their head over the trench and got shot in the face; nobody grabbed a downed electrical wire and suddenly found themselves having a casual conversation with St. Peter. The ultimate punishment for mistakes like these shouldn't be to damn people to having no surname; the solution should be to implement a system that either allows for changes, or multiple names per server.


    And, as always, you are entitled to your opinion, but I am entitled to tell you that A) it sucks, and B) that it is absolutely none of your business what other people choose to do regarding character names. Because, again, I have to ask: why do you care if other people fix mistakes in their names, or make changes? How does it alter your game experience in any way? It's like driving by a fatal car accident, poking your head out the window, and screaming "HAHA, LEARN TO DRIVE, TARD!" Who profits from behavior like that? Do you think it makes you look smart, or witty, or even cool?


    Next step: Going outside and breathing fresh air.


    You're posting on a forum... for an MMORPG... and you're telling people to go outside? You fail. You fail hard.

  2. The game was ready for release. Far too many of these Dec. 2011 join date types weren't ready for the game.


    The rest of us have known -- and been quite content with -- what we were getting for months. If you didn't do any research, and didn't even bother to play during the open beta weekend, then your 'shock' or 'surprise' at what you got with TOR is inexcusable.


    Again, I don't normally cheer the departure of any gamer -- even a disgruntled one (a fool still represents dollar signs) -- but this 'swarm' thing is just an MMO phenomenon these days. You locusts fly in without doing any research, play the game to death to rush for the cap, blow up the forums, then fly off after the first month to seek your next feast.


    No farmer is sad to see the swarm go. I eagerly await the 20th when you 'people' no longer have a voicebox.

  3. The problem is that 90% of the modern MMO community have no idea how MMO's play at launch. They're all used to 8 year polished WoW, so they set the bar way to high and expect to much.


    I'd agree with that. So many people didn't play WoW until BC launched... they just do not have a clue what the game was like at launch. There were no raids when WoW launched -- nothing. It took a month for them to be ready. There were bugs everywhere, and some of the launch servers were so unstable up to a year after launch that even minor boss mechanics were almost impossible. I can remember our guild, night after night, hitting the second boss in BWL (name escapes me) that was the DPS burn, and being unable to complete this faceroll content because Mannoroth was so laggy that we'd wipe during the spikes.


    Seriously, if this ULTRA SMOOTH LAUNCH (and yes, it has been) is too much for you, maybe you need to take a gutcheck about being involved in this genre at all.

  4. Just because a game is new, it is not an excuse. They have quite a faulty product. Being 2011/12 release as well the standards should be a lot higher.


    A 'faulty' product would be a game I couldn't boot; a game that was so buggy that I couldn't even level in. TOR has some bugs, but they are by no means so destructive as to render the game unplayable, or to deeply alter my enjoyment of the game, for that matter.


    I love TOR. It has some issues, but it is by no mean another WAR or AoC or anything that bad. The problem with this vocal (but small) forum crowd is that they've become obsessed with the MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME NOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOW phenomenon, and sometimes the gratification just isn't instantaneous. But, by all means, if you are so weak-willed that a few bugs destroy all the fun this product can provide, get lost. You and your QQ will not be missed.

  5. And again... you want to come on my raid? Legacy name or ****. Problem? Hey, it's my raid, I'm not asking you to come along, you came asking me to join.


    Okay, yes, we get it -- your silly raids on some unnamed server are going to require people to whip out their legacy names. Except, as I pointed out previously, if that person did something bad on an alt while hiding their legacy name, you wouldn't know it; wouldn't have a clue. In fact, all you have to go on is the known record associated with the first name of the person you're toying with inviting, which is the same as in any other damned game.


    As to your lecture on roleplaying: I have characters that predate TOR by over a decade. I am attached to both them and their names. I don't need some kind of lecture from a control freak about how adapting will make me a better roleplayer. Maybe adapting would make *you* a better roleplayer, but I couldn't possibly be any better at it than I already am. You don't mess with perfection.


    Now, really; you've said your peace, twice. You've been totally wrong on both occasions, but, hell, when has that stopped anyone from submitting a post?

  6. It seems as tho my Sith Warrior Zabrak has pale hands even tho i made his skin color red. It doesn't bug me that much but i just thought that id point it out... Im going to get gloves anyways.:cool::D


    Yeah, was going to say -- you almost never don't have gloves.


    Regardless, in time I am sure this will be fixed. Just be thankful you aren't a Mon Calamari -- their hands are gloves.

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