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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. Couldn't stand playing WoW, logged off and uninstalled. Won't touch it again even with a 10ft pole. I might reconsider if Bioware took over its development and added bioware story telling.






    I played WoW for 6 years, but I could never go back. Even without TOR, I'd never play a Blizzard product again.

  2. people are wasting customer supports time with a name they picked? no wonder wait times are so long, oh well gotta wait for the special people to stop crying over a name they can turn off


    Aww... they're having to do their jobs? Excuse me while I go in a corner and sob uncontrollably because they're obligated to respond to legitimate requests.


    And, hell, if deleting all the characters on a server was actually a way to reset the Legacy Name, then they wouldn't have to deal with my demands that they change mine, now would they?

  3. She's old, nasty, and a know-it-all. I'd sooner dump her out an airlock than hit that.




    Bastila was better and Satele's face looks simply wrong. Her eyes seem way too big compared to her face and it made me switch to the Empire.


    Bastila was actually pretty, in a very traditional way. Satele looks like a Dances with Wolves reject.

  4. I've been trying very hard to maintain neutrality and push people to be more reasonable, but any notion of a problem with the game itself is met with what I personally consider to be the worst example of blind love for an IP I've ever seen. What is confusing and saddening is that these posters do not understand that without airing complaints about issues these issues don't get fixed.


    I, like you, will continue to be as civil as possible. I like and dislike this game for various reasons, but to be labelled as an idiot or a troll for voicing reason is very depressing.


    I'm not sure why you're either surprised or saddened that a love of Star Wars will cause people to gloss over flaws. I know it's the case with me, and I do not care. The game does a good job of replicating the look and feel of Star Wars (barring the space elements), and that is what I was looking for in an MMO. Is it as smooth and seamless as today's WoW? Nope. But that experience is played-out for me. This gem, however, still has many rich experiences to yield.

  5. WoW was a disruptive MMO when it launched and had main stream appeal because of Blizzard's history. By disruptive, I mean it altered in a significant way the design of all future MMO's that followed. The unforgiving game play of UO, AC, EQ and DAoC were replaced by player friendly features. Oddly that's kind of what Apple has been doing lately - taking everyone's crap and turning it into something so much better. It was a bit of a perfect storm as far as product launches go. No other MMO has been in that position so it's not really fair to compare SWtOR to it. It's not the second coming of WoW and no game probably ever will be. You could argue that SWtOR could have been, but it isn't.


    SWtOR isn't disruptive, the story drive approach is an interesting feature but it doesn't have long term appeal as listening to the same story lines gets old after a couple times. Other than the story aspect, I haven't seen anything that really sets it apart other than the setting. Long term it will appeal to causal players, BioWare fans and Star Wars fans. I don't expect subscription numbers to increase beyond what they currently have at launch - the people looking to replace WoW aren't going to stay around or won't even bother to check it out so that doesn't leave a lot of potential subscribers. I'd be curious to hear from anyone that switched from WoW to SWtOR and thinks they will be playing SWtOR long term.


    Other than some FPS issues, I've really enjoyed the game so far and I'll run a few characters to level 50 before I unsubscribe. I don't really care about the end game because I'll quit when I hit it. So for me, that gives BioWare about three months to really impress me which I don't see happening. Then it will depend on how interesting the expansion packs are.


    I don't really know what BW can do at this point. The core game just isn't that innovative. Personally I'd love to see the space aspects of the game improved - add in open exploration, trade and combat. The only real option available is EVE and EVE is still kind at the EQ stage in regards to be very causal gamer unfriendly.


    I agree with almost all of this, and said the same thing almost verbatim to my brother during a discussion we had concerning TOR. I love the game, but think there's enough here to justify a subscription -- he does not.


    However, one thing that he said would draw him in almost immediately was if they actually revamped space combat to the degree where it was engaging -- IE, guild capital ships that can battle against each other (with boarding parties, snub fighters whizzing around, etc.), space-based bombardment, control of space (like, we can capture space stations, etc.) actual space trade, etc.


    I think that would change things for a lot of people almost immediately, and would add a dyanmic to TOR that no other MMO can boast. I maintain it is a system that would have been too complex to get right before launch, but could be done as TOR's first major expansion. And if Bioware actually commits themselves to such innovation, and doesn't just throw up their hands after tacking story onto a vanilla WoW clone, then I think they have the potential to not just capture the subscription dollars of my brother, but the attention of the entire industry.


    And the game only has to do *okay* until that point. And I don't think it will flounder, at least in the short term. There is a lot to love here, even if it isn't of as broad an appeal as it could be.

  6. I'm really not trying to point out the hypocrisy in this post.


    Hi there. Do you own a calendar? Might want to break it out and check the date. Yeah. It's 'that time of year,' brah. Not everyone is an anti-social forum troll. I'm out of town. That's life.


    I have concerns that I may one day get to tell my nerdy friends that I was amongst the last people playing TOR before it was shutdown for good.


    Sorry, but I do not believe you. Anyone who loved TOR enough to vow to 'fight until the end' wouldn't willingly lend their voice in support of these jackals.


    Does the game have some decidedly weak aspects? Absolutely. Hell, I think the Legacy System is a complete crock, and the action delay is laughable. But none of it -- not one bit of it -- is enough to make me believe that the game is doomed. Six months from now, almost none of the things these trolls are roaring about will be an issue any longer.


    But, again, your willingness to cast your lot behind this bunch makes you as bad as any of them.

  7. There are people who literally troll these forums during every waking hour, spewing nothing but hatred towards the game. They don't suggest positive solutions to problems; they constantly announce their quit-date is imminent.


    Those are haters, and if you don't like being counted amongst their number, then stop being so damned negative.

  8. Ok seriously - do you think if I still liked WoW I'd have spent £75 on 2 copies of this?


    I cannot stand the game and will never play it again. That doesn't change the FACT that TOR BLOWS.


    You're deluded. This game isn't even a poor man's WoW - it's just poor.


    I... I need a forum facepalm emote so badly.

  9. I'm intrigued lol...what exactly is it you are doing in TOR that is so much different? Clicking 3 badly drawn computer keyboards? Killing 25 droids? Running from one end of a map to the other end, then back...just to run back and then back again?


    Again: what are you doing in TOR at all? If WoW is that great, go boot it up. Trust me, nobody is going to be missing you here.

  10. No offence but you're not kidding anyone.


    If you had any "success" at all in WoW you'd hate this game for it's myriad of flaws. No matter how grindy WoW was, it had enough to keep millions addicted for years.


    I was the number two geared tank on Ravenholdt when I quit the game last March. I had played since launch, and raid tanked since the days of MC.


    If you had even a lick of sense, you'd realize that WoW is a terrible, stupid, played-out treadmill. But, hell, I wasn't expecting smarts from a person who loves WoW, and will defend it to the death, but apparently doesn't love it enough not to be actively shopping other MMOs so he/she can replace it.


    See, the problem here is, you're full of it. If WoW is so awesome, why aren't you playing right now? Isn't there some raid boss you've killed 600 times that needs downing? Isn't your guild of 14-year-olds starting to wonder where you are? Scurry back to them. They need your help to smack that look pinata to death.

  11. come back when you reach 50


    Maybe he plans to *GASP* roll an alt at 50, experience a bit more of the game's wonderful story, and wait for the endgame to flesh out?


    Did you know WoW didn't even have raids when it launched? It took weeks to get MC up and running.


    TOR is in a good place. It'll be in a far better place when this crowd of naysayers moves on to troll the next "next thing's" forums.

  12. WoW sucks. I mean, seriously, I would rather roll alts in TOR until my eyes bleed than endure WoW's "endgame" for another day. Between all those stupid dailies, heroics, etc., it just just a horrible, predictable grind. There's nothing like doing the exact same thing, every single day, week in and week out. WoW plays more like a job at the level cap than any game I've ever played. And not a good job, either; a really bad, horrible job that has you repeat boring, stupidly-easy tasks ad nauseum.


    What so many of these roaches -- these swarming MMO locusts -- are missing is that TOR isn't nearly as much about what you do at the cap than what you do while leveling. And, since the classes all have different stories, there really is a true motivation to play each and every one of them to 50. But these tools will never get that; they'll dump their accounts after 30 days and run off to troll the forums of the next 'next thing.' The problem for these people is that they never settle down; never embrace a game. The truth is, they weren't happy (or accepted -- they probably sucked) in WoW, and they won't be happy wherever they go next.


    But the sooner they leave here, the better. And I think it'll be hilarious when their paltry numbers are almost immediately replaced by thousands of fresh newcomers. You see, this game doesn't suck -- these people do.

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