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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. So what you're asking for is Bioware to create dialogue choices based upon what you (and, in essence, everyone else) would want to say?


    How about they create dialogue options that match what our characters are actually going to say for starters? My Jedi/Sith/whatever shouldn't be spouting off crap contrary to what was written in the choice wheel.

  2. I understand the need to make you feel like you traveling from planet to planet, portals and the like just make the game feel small.


    Why couldn't they have a cool space travel cut scene between planets, they could make 2 or 3, keep the landing stations the same if you want, just add snow for hoth etc...far better than all these loading screens.


    I like this suggestion. Like, if you wanted to make the cutscene take 3 minutes or whatever, I'd be fine with that. At least then I could walk away from my PC while the game chewed on my video card pointlessly.

  3. the way they have it now all sith will use purple, because you can't mod the champion saber and its color is purple.


    Yes. This is a threefold problem:


    1) If purple crystals really are rare, why the hell are they completely ubiquitous at the cap? How can something be rare when it is increasingly the rule/norm?


    2) If the goal of the (stupid -- unbelievably stupid) morality restrictions on crystals is to attempt to 'preserve' the look of the films, why are all efforts towards this end (wholly misguided efforts, but efforts nonetheless) dispensed with at 50, when Sith are forced out of all colors -- including their traditional red -- in favor of purple?


    3) Why is Bioware's much-trumpted system of item modification (which, we were told, was implemented in lieu of an appearance tab) utterly shelved at the level cap? Why do we get to largely look like we want to for 49 levels, but are informed in no uncertain terms that at 50, we must either gimp ourself utterly or accept status as a clone?


    Again, stupid people might not be designing this game, but they are making stupid decisions. And, ultimately, I see little difference between a stupid person making stupid decisions and a smart person doing it. At the end of the day, that train pulls into the same station.

  4. I want to know the answer to this as well. I really want purple crystals available. What's really baffling with all this crystal restrictions, is that it's not just Jedi using them.


    Why can't a dark sider use a blaster with a blue bolt?

    Or a light sider have a blaster with a red bolt? You know, like very blaster in the movies.


    Crystal color should be fully customizable with no alignment restrictions. All of the primary 6 colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) should be craftable by artifice starting at level 10. Variants (turquise, light blue, black core, white, etc) are fine to be rare rewards. But the basic six colors? come on.


    Why this wasn't done from the beginning makes no sense.


    I don't know. As I said earlier, I believe much of the game is being programmed (and overseen -- because most of these choices have to be approved by someone) by people who not only don't know much of anything about Star Wars, they don't give a damn about it either.


    I'd challenge a developer to come in here and justify these decisions, but I know they won't, largely because they cannot.

  5. It's already a well known fact that the ONLY reason Mace Windu was portrayed with a purple lightsaber in the films is because it was Samuel's favorite color and he specifically asked Lucas for a purple lightsaber so he could stand out amongst the other 100 Jedi at the battle of geonosis during episode 2. Lucas never intended Mace Windu to wield a purple saber. The original colors have always been Blue, and Red. In fact, there was never to have been a green except for the fact that blue did not look very good against Tunisia's sky during the filming for ROTJ.


    But see, you're undoing your own point, because the real-life reasons for something be present in the canon do not matter. Lucas could have been driving to work three days before filming began on A New Hope, been stopped at a traffic light, and realized Vader's saber needed to be red. There's no need for deeper continuity justification than that -- in the case of both Luke's green saber and Windu's purple, real-life considerations dictated the lore. But lore it remains.


    The RotJ example is actually a good one to go with, because, prior to The Phantom Menace, you could argue that Luke's green lightsaber was the only one in the galaxy, too. I mean, how would we know without seeing the prequels, when green became an established saber color? Until Qui-Gon Jinn ignited his saber for the first time 2 minutes into TPM, Luke's saber was only green one we'd ever seen. But nobody was walking around going LUKE'S LIGHTSABER WAS ONLY GREEN BECAUSE IT WAS HARD TO SEE BLUE SO IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST. Nobody.


    The point in all this is, Lucas never intended for there to be a green, either, yet green sabers are as Star Wars as a saber comes. And, similarly, nobody should claim that Windu's saber is the only purple one in the galaxy, or that it doesn't matter, simply because real-life considerations dictated the color choice. Lucas, obviously, didn't feel so anal about colors that he denied Samuel L's request, so why should anyone here try to discount purple as a 'real' canon color for those very reasons?

  6. Spacebar is a wonderful addition, but really there should be a way to toggle the story in flashpoints off entirely.


    OP, I think you're confused -- it's only 'story' the first time through. After that, it's just a rerun. If you want to watch the cutscenes every time, run an instance with your friggin' guild. 1 star.

  7. Didn't a dev respond to a post about the magenta crystal and how to "kinda" get it?


    Magenta crystals are crafted. The recipe(s) to craft them are a fairly rare drop off a world boss on... Belvsavis? One of those planets. Many of the high-end guilds currently have this boss on farm.


    Having said that, Magenta =/= Purple, and never will.

  8. Republic gets green and Blue please don't complain thats just rude the empire gets RED thats it....seriously? whats that about you start out the game and can only use red when republic gets blue and green? Where is our second color? orange and yellow look almost identical so thats irrelevant because republic gets to use yellow as well...Makes no sense.


    What the hell are you talking about? Empire can use green and blue.

  9. This, more than anything else about the game, upsets me. It's just such a stupid and arbitrary decision. I can have a pink saber, orange, yellow, or even one with a black core - NONE of which appeared in the movies - but as a Jedi Master, can't wield a color that ONLY appears wielded in the movies by a Jedi Master?


    I know, it's baffling. I just don't know what to make of it. It'd be different if there was a purple crystal recipe -- like the magenta ones -- that was high-end, and required some work to get. But to make them faction-specific? And, arguably, for the wrong faction? It just doesn't play. There's no logic at work here -- not even "MMO logic," where nothing is fun unless it involves a horrible grind.

  10. At this point we have plenty of reasons to believe that would be almost ALL of them!


    I think they just don't know much about Star Wars lore. Or, in the least, they don't give a damn about it. I am not sure which is worse, to be honest with you. The moment I saw black-core sabers, though, I knew we were dealing with a pack of fools.

  11. Facts are WRONG:


    1. Windu used a magenta sabre according to lore-the ingame magenta is wayyy to bright. The Sith purple is ALSO too bright-thus the confusion.


    It's purple. It's purple in the films, it's referred to as purple repeatedly throughout the novelization, and Samuel L's favorite color IRL -- the entire reason he has that saber color -- is purple.


    This is magenta.


    This is purple.


    Windu's saber is friggin' purple. PURPLE. P-U-R-P-L-E.


    2. Endgame PvP sabers for Republic are Cyan-do Empire guys QQ????


    Because that's not an iconic color for most of us. I am sure there is the occasional Sith who wishes he/she had Cyan, but overall, most people don't give a damn because it's just not that great a color; it's washed-out blue. I'm sure it makes the occasional person's day, but Cyan isn't some core color, associated -- in the films -- with one faction over another, BEING DENIED TO SAID FACTION.

  12. That's a matter of interpretation - I never saw him that way.


    The fact that he was a Jedi, however, is not in dispute.


    I never saw him as darkside, either. He used an aggressive fighting form (or so the EU says), but his actions were those of a Jedi. His caution in bringing Anakin to the final duel with Sidious, while proven to be wrong (had he brought Anakin, I believe that they would have together slain Sidious -- Anakin was just looking for someone in the Order to show some faith in him at that point), was a lightsided decision -- he didn't want Anakin exposed to more emotional turmoil.


    Similarly, his decision to slay Sidious seems to me to be, at worst, neutral. Windu knew full well that the Republic system was tainted by the Sith in that moment -- slaying Sidious, while perhaps not the most 'Jedi' of actions, was ultimately going to save lives, and that was what was on Windu's mind as he wound up for his swing.


    But was Windu darksided? Absolutely not. And he most certainly wasn't a Sith. The purple = sith correlation in TOR has no basis in the canon. None. Not one little bit.

  13. This. The movies are pretty clear. Windu's lightsaber color had nothing to do with lore and everything to do with Lucas giving Sam Jackson a treat after he asked for a "cool" lightsaber for his character.


    And bottom line, this is the reason there are lightsaber restrictions, to try and maintain as much of the feel of the movies etc. as possible. Yes, they have and will probably continue to add crystal colors into the game. But in the movie world, the colors most certainly DID have an alignment. So we're likely to keep seeing them in the game.


    BZZZT. Sorry, that's wrong. Is the 'look' of the films preserved when half the Jedi knights who run by me are wielding red? Or half the Sith I encounter have green or blue?


    The restrictions don't make any sense, although that is a broader topic, while this thread is concerned with purple alone.


    And, what's more, lol @ this idiocy about purple being an 'EU color.' It was featured prominently in two out of six Star Wars films (the core canon, FYI). It's as much a part of the lore as blue, red and green now. You might not like that it has achieved that status, but your feelings on this matter are irrelevant. It was in the movies. It is canon.

  14. Oh god, this!


    I almost always end up playing female characters in-game because almost no game succeeds in producing a male representation I'd feel comfortable playing.


    Sure, body type 3 and 4 does well for their niches but I'd not want to play a Smuggler/IA or Sage/Inq with those body type. And body type 2 should be body type 1, it's certainly skinny enough to be the low end.


    The OP definitely has my support though, the changes made to proportions of the male body look much, much better - at least in these static images.


    It's because developers are obsessed with bodies that they don't themselves possess.


    Male body types 1, 2 and 4 represent the developers as they actually look in real life (although 4 is too strong). Body type 3 is what they wished they looked like. When they designed the male body in TOR, they looked around the office for inspiration on the 'normal' bodies -- IE, scrawny, wimpy nerds -- and then looked at AHNOLD for inspiration on number 3.

  15. Couldn't you collect a bunch of Columi Commendations, buy a Pistol with a purple crystal in it and then slot that crystal into your saber?


    I have like 4 T2 pistols now, all with purple crystals in them. Unless you can't get the purple crystals in Smuggler pistols, and if so that really does suck.


    Can you remove those crystals? I've heard conflicting reports on this.

  16. No, haven't tried it and I think until become blind or die I won't stop caring. Look, video games have the word video in it, which means watching/seeing so that part must be somehow important to that kind of games... and since it is important I want it to be done well enough. BioWare has decided to make a Star Wars game, and the Jedi Knight class is supposed to be among other things to be the Mace Windu fantasy, so it is just sad that the players who want said fantasy can't get the right lightsaber for it.



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