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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. That it's going to affect more than just light sabers....it'll affect all blasters, and anything else that uses color crystals which includes melee swords. What I'm trying to say changing color crystals such that it would just change the color and have a stat crystal just for stats will affect any modular item that uses color crystals from blasters, electro-staffs to vibroswords, etc. This means they have to change all modular weapons that use color crystals to have an additional mod slot for the extra crystal.


    Who cares?


    It's their job to fix stupid design decisions.


    This was a stupid design decision.


    I really couldn't care less how much work a redesign would mean for them. They get paid to do this garbage. And hey, if they didn't want to rework it, why introduce a ridiculous mechanic like this in the first place? People have been screaming their heads off about this being poorly implemented since beta. Big shock that it continues to be an issue now.

  2. Answer my question. How do you see the differentce bewteen T1 PvE and PvP gear in the heat of the combat?


    It's more an issue of the difference between someone in a full set of any PvP gear and absolutely none at all -- IE, telling the difference between some alt in greens and a guy who has invested some time in getting gear. Even if I can't spot the color differences (and, frankly, I can -- the T2 Jugg gear, for example, is red; the T1 is grey. Are you color blind? This isn't hard), a player who has invested weeks in acquiring PvP gear of any sort is more of a threat to me than an incoming 50 who dinged 6 hours ago.


    I should be able to tell the difference.

  3. I refuse to use the crap crafted gear. Even if it gimps me, I won't wear it.


    The entire point of the orange gear was supposed to be choosing how you look; it was intended to be a replacement for an appearance tab (which is what Bioware should have gone with in the first place).


    Now we're just being railroaded from one fixed costume into another. This is no improvement.


    Fire whoever is making these decisions, Bioware. It's time for this idiot to taste the harsh reality of unemployment in 2012.

  4. I think this entire thread is a joke. Really, OP is afraid players will mask their superb gear with junk?


    Yes. Question is, why aren't you? This isn't a first person shooter. Not everyone is walking into content with equal stats. And since stats matter, and are generally linked to appearance in theme parks, looks can kill.


    Since when is that forbidden in MMOs? Newsflash, peeps are already using crafted Rakata gear with augment slots + crafted orange weapons + certain pieces of orange armor in both PvE and PvP, if done right, it's a far better option than the current PvP gear and 550+ Expertise.


    One item =/= a set.

  5. This is just another example of Bioware trying to "reinvent the wheel" in solving a problem the MMO genre already addressed years ago (in this case, separating performance and appearance aspects of gear).


    As if we needed anymore proof that they know very little about the genre as a whole, and are essentially working under a mindset of game design that is over half a decade old. There is a reason this sad little puppy looks and barks like vanilla WoW. Pity that its owner seems to believe that it's the prettiest pet on the block.

  6. Every MMO released is "going to change everything" and "kill WoW" every signle one has failed and GW2 can only follow.


    Oh come off it. Only the BW kiddies where praising this thing 2 years ago once it was revealed we were getting a hard-trinity-based WoW clone. A few of us hung on because it was Star Wars, but nobody but Bioware and their cronies was claiming this puppy was going to change the industry.


    Guild Wars looks like it has real promise to reshape how the genre works, or at least get some gears turning in that direction.


    And, not to derail the thread, the music in this game blows. Star Wars is know for its epic musical score. Star Wars: The Old Republic is known for the insects I can hear out my bedroom window while I play.

  7. That's quite true, fortunately we don't have cross-server (yet?) so after many WZs you can identify by name I guess...


    I just think the whole 'one weapon per class' thing is a bit silly. Nobody has struggled over in WoW for the past 8 years because warriors can equip like 10 different classes of weapons, and single wield, and dual-wield, and sword-and-board.


    But, as I said, the bigger issue here is what these changes are going to do to PvP in the immediate future. How the heck am I supposed to tell an entry-level 50 from some guy who has been grinding gear at the cap since the beginning of January? And, if the goal is to introduce such a high level of ambiguity, what is the point? How is this going to accomplish anything other than to make PvP less enjoyable?


    To be frank, I feel like I am about to be griefed by this company on a massive scale.

  8. I want to preface this post by saying that I was always in favor of an appearance tab. Moddable gear wasn't quite that (there are still a lot of interesting greens and blues out there, Bioware), but it came a lot closer to the mark than I thought we were going to get. And, I might add, I believe the move to make endgame gear fully moddable is a huge step in the right direction, even if it raises some serious theoretical concerns.


    Having said all that, what happens to PvP once people begin plugging their warmaster-level mods into orange gear? And no, I'm not being paranoid -- this is a really big problem. I mean, I believe it's very important to be able to judge a player's vulnerabilities based on their gear. It allows you to pick off weaker targets; hit the enemy where it hurts the most, etc. Once all oranges are essentially fair game for being the 'gear of choice' for your average high-ranking PvPer, how are we supposed to determine where to shoot, so to speak?


    And don't shrug this question off, it is a mighty big deal. In fact, it was such a big deal in LOTRO that -- despite that game's pitiful PvP offering -- Turbine went out of their own way to make sure that appearance tabs didn't function in PvP because the developers were (shocker) concerned that people would mask superb gear with junk.




    Beyond this, Bioware, I have to also ask this: do you believe this undermines your policy on being so anal regarding weapon restrictions? Please recall that your argument for forcing every class to use a single type of weapon was that it 'allowed for easy identification on the battlefield' (even though this was proven to be absolute silliness given that people have never had any struggle in, say, WoW, telling a sword-wielding, heavy-armor-equipped warrior from a sword-wielding, heavy-armor-equipped paladin, but I digress...).


    If people are going to suddenly be running around in level 11 oranges stuffed with gleaming level 50 purple mods, isn't that a much more confusing scenario for PvPers than trying to determine if the marauder attacking me with just one lightsaber might actually be a jugg? Or the BH with a carbine or sniper rifle or autocannon isn't... uh... well, what other Empire class fires missiles and uses death from above? Oh, right, none. Yeah, weapon restrictions are stupidity incarnate. :rolleyes:




    Anyway... I'm just worried, is all. I understand that we're getting what we asked for, and I appreciate the gesture. But as a hardcore PvPer (I won't touch PvE in this game with a 10-foot pole) what are your plans to help us identify the weak from the strong? Or is this capacity being removed, in which case PvP becomes an absolute, dice-roll crapshoot (which I would argue removes a huge element to how we understand and manage gear-based PvP)?

  9. I'm feeling the same way. I can hardly bring myself to login anymore. I think it's a symptom of many things:


    Lack of Innovation

    UO, EQ, DAoC and then WoW were all innovative in their own rights. They brought things to the table that were unlike anything else. There was much less competition for subscribers back then. The communities were much smaller. Developers were more in-touch with the player-base and making games fun for the sake of it. WoW changed everything. MMOs are now big business. It's not about making unique games or trying something different. It's about attracting investors and trying to make a huge blockbuster games that can compete with WoW by copying their model over and over again.


    Death of the Themepark

    Most of us have done this to death. It has its merits but a lot of us have spent years playing the same basic model now and frankly nobody has been able to do it as well as WoW. It's old and stale. No matter what coat of paint you throw on a Ford Pinto, it's still a Pinto. This goes back to lack of innovation.


    Repetitive Content

    You can only play the same content so many times before it gets boring. I don't know what the answer is here. I think the industry has moved towards instant gratification and many of us burn through content too quickly. Leveling is way too fast. The plethora of guides, information, youtube vids, etc allow most of us to burn through the content very quickly.


    Lack of Challenge

    There is very little challenge in this game. It is a very, very easy game in most respects.


    No Risk

    Rewards are more satisfying when there is some sort of risk associated with them. There is absolutely no risk here. It's as carebear as you can get.


    No Meaningful Impact on the World

    The world is segmented and feels very disconnected. The actions we take as players have little to no impact on the world.


    Just some thoughts I have as to why this game and so many others ultimately end-up being disappointing after a couple months. Maybe I'm just getting old but nothing released since WoW has been able to capture my attention for more than a couple months.




    This basically sums up why I cancelled tonight.

  10. Man, it's amazing you aren't payrolled to a large MMO, you've got it down! So simple and exactly what *(everyone) wants


    The game he/she described sounds a hell of a lot more fun that this crapper.

  11. I hear this non stop the last while from guildies/friends etc, the most surprising thing about it all is just how quickly the masses turned on BW, dont think I've seen a large budget title get so much hate and rage so quickly lol


    Still, when you start noticing just how many are saying this and then unsubbing, you really gotta take a look at the game..


    It's a collective problem that the game suffers from. In another thread, someone called it 'death by a thousand paper cuts,' and I think that pretty much sums up TOR. There isn't one, huge, glaring issue that sank the ship for me... but I also cannot tolerate plugging leaks all day long.


    The sad and simple truth is that the quality control in this game is subpar. I wouldn't say it released early, but rather that it was badly designed from the start. It plays like an amateur-hour title because it was designed by people who don't have a heck of a lot of experience in the genre, and those who do came from failed games like WAR.


    All this added up for me tonight. I got my second character to 50 this evening, started PvPing, and realized I just wasn't having any fun at all. The last few planets were an absolute slog, the PvP is terrible, the PvE is so bug-ridden I won't even touch it -- I'm just done. I'm cooked. I can't imagine logging on again.


    I don't love WoW, but I can definitely see myself winding up there again shortly. Blizzard's game is a soulless, heartless monstrosity, but at least it's as tightly tuned as a swiss watch.

  12. The sheer number of buttons the Jedi Guardian at 50 has just destroys the fun I once had while leveling the toon.


    Similarly, my Jedi Shadow has a lot of keybinds and you just stare at ur UI buffs for procs. THis is not fun combat at all.


    I use a Razer Naga too.




    The skill bloat in this game is out of control. It is 100% fail for Guard/Jugg/Marauder/Sent.

  13. I'm sorry, but I really do hate most of TOR.


    At the moment, what bothers me the most is the leveling, particularly from 40-50, although I have a bag of nitpicks that you could stuff skyscraper into (skill bloat, anyone? Why have I run out of space on my bars for abilities? Why does my class need like 20 different damaging attacks? I mean, Jesus, Juggernauts don't need 'a look' right now -- they need a complete revamp. The game launched with a class that immediately needed to be completely reworked from the bottom up! But, I digress, on with the complaining).


    I've been playing MMORPGs since the days of UO, and have seen my share of slogs, but I don't think anything quite rivals the pain of leveling in TOR. And it's not because it's particularly long or difficult -- I mean, lord knows I have seen worse; seen questless grinding at its most absurd.


    But the environments and the monsters and the pulls are just so uninspired, that I just don't know what to make of it any more. And slapping dialogue onto what basically amounts to 'go kill 10 space aliens and then return to me for a prize' doesn't improve that tired formula -- it just slows it down. What's worse is, I simply don't care. I don't care about being force-fed more C-movie-grade story; I don't care about seeing another uninspired planet; and I really don't care about hitting endgame so I can mindlessly rove through the same three WZs I've been plunked into for the last 45 levels just so I can acquire gear that will be outdated in 4 weeks.


    But, again, it's the leveling arc that's at the root of this matter for me. It is the leveling arc that forms the core of the game's content, and it is where TOR falls totally flat.


    What was tiresome and predictable on Tatooine boils over into ridiculous and loathesome by the time you hit Hoth and Belsavis. I thought that Alderaan had tons of wide-open, pointless 'dead space,' but so far nothing can rival Hoth in this regard. The people who blasted TOR after seeing the size of Korriban or Hutta were wrong -- TOR does indeed have its wide open spaces -- but when there is no practical purpose to 90% of this space, why even have it at all?


    I keep going back to other modern games I have played that had open worlds -- WoW, LotRO, Rift -- and thinking about how they managed the space in their zones. IE, the zones might have actually been smaller a lot of the time (not always, though), but the structure of these zones was managed a hell of a lot better. I could move from a forest to a marsh to a seashore, and each place had its own unique look and feel. In TOR, so, so, SO MUCH of each planet looks exactly like the rest of it. The city worlds aside (because that's just too easy), look at a planet like Alderaan. I mean, isn't Alderaan a world kind of like Earth? IE, shouldn't there be more going on in different parts of than just A) Snow, B) Mountains, and C) Whoops, we forgot to add more snow!...?


    Couldn't there be like... swampy areas... or tropical beaches? Because while the 'one environment for an entire planet' concept might work for more iconic places like Hoth and Tat, I just don't think it flies elsewhere. It turns the environments into places you just want to escape. Belsavis feels like a friggin' prison, not because of any awesome design decisions on the part of developers, but because you're trapped there for like 6 hours and all you have to look at is goofy trees and ice rock walls.


    I dunno. This has turned into a rant... or I guess it was a rant all along. There's nothing that can be done about any of this, of course. I mean, how could they fix any of this? But that doesn't mean that I have to agree with the way TOR is put together, either, or be happy about it, or pretend like it works for me. It just doesn't.


    I don't know what else to say.

  14. And what about alts?

    I was playing on my newly created alt, killing things in Hutta, when all of the sudden I see someone from my guild -- his newly created alt wasn't in the guild but I recognised his legacy name. If we didn't have unique legacy names, we would never have recognised each other.

    His reaction: "The frack?"

    My reaction: "The frack?"


    He could have turned it off. You're not entitled to see anyone's legacy name if they choose to turn it off. Thus, you don't have any right to demand the system remain unchanged. If you want to show a name, and have the same name for every character you've got, bully for you. But some of us live in a world where last names are pretty diverse things, and we like that.

  15. So you give your kids 5 gifts at once thereby not making them stop to actually acknowledge what the gift is and thank the person they got it from before tossing it aside tearing into the next one like all kids would? Christmas morning would last 5 mins at your house.


    And if it was someones birthday and you shoved all 10 gifts to them and then run off to join a warzone how much affection would you actually get do ya think?






    It's a dumb mechanic. Stop defending it.

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