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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AJediKnight

  1. Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


    This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


    Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


    The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


    Great game BioWare keep it up :)


    I remember you from the beta. Your posts were as nonsensical then as they are now. Same orange text, too.


    No surprise someone like you is having a good time. No surprise at all. You and this game deserve each other.

  2. No, because that stuff doesn't matter to me, while engaging, interesting content and gameplay does.


    Here's a good example. Take the first instance in WoW. Deadmines was amazing, it was fun, the boss fights were unique, and most importantly, it tied into the rest of the game world in a unique fashion that really made it seem as if you were inhabiting a *real* place. For the people who never playing WoW, the human starting zone was called Stormwind. There was a chain of quests there about a group called the "Defias Brotherhood." From the very beginning, around level 6, you started getting quests to defeat them that led to other quests and others, and so forth. Eventually, you got a quest that told you to go the Deadmines instance to kill the leader of the Defias Brotherhood at level 18 or so. The whole thing kinda tied together your entire early levelling process and gave a larger sense of purpose and direction.


    Now compare it to Black Talon. While BT is ok, it's kinda pointless. There's no real reason given for you to be there other than "oh yeah, some dude wants you to kidnap a guy." No quest chain to get in there. Zero hooks to Dromund Kaas; the planet that you get the instance from. In fact, other than the class quests, very few quests actually connect together or make sense.


    That's what interests me, personally. Voice acting just doesn't matter to me. I read much, much faster than the voice actor talks so it's really more of an irritant than anything else to hear some guy in a studio somewhere wasting my time by telling me stuff I already read. It's one thing to watch a really cool cutscene, or an important class quest. But some random scrub who needs me to kill 5 womp rats? I don't need his life story, thanks.




    The game sucks, folks. The arguments against it are both profound and coherent. Those in support of it as a rule fall into one of two categories: A) it is new, give it time! or B) IT'SSTARWARSSOIT'SSOGOODOMGAWDZ.


    TOR feels like it is held together with spit and bailing wire. The engine is bad, the game world is dead, and the few remaining denizens cluster together in the fleet like it's some concrete bunker holding back the armageddon beyond.


    I hate to say this, but I'm going back to WoW. I didn't think I'd ever do that, but the simple fact of that matter is that, even after 7 years, that's a better game than this is.

  3. I have done the math, and yes, there has been a drop-off of subs, but not as drastically as everyone claims.



    So your fuzzy math trumps his anecdotal evidence?




    Frankly, I don't care who provides me with the numbers; I can see for myself with my own eyes. The game sucks. The people who realize this are quitting, and they are quitting quickly. 1.2 can't save this stinker.

  4. I cancelled my sub because I want to punish Bioware for the mistakes they made in creating this game. At this point, I want the title to fail, and to bring down Bioware, and serve as a lasting blemish on EA's already muddied facade.


    The simple fact of the matter is, the industry needs to move on from cloning WoW. People are done with games like this -- they might not be looking for a pure sandbox, but you'd better be damned sure that the 'THEMEPARK ALL THE WAY' thing has jumped the shark, too.


    Frankly, the entire idea of a story-based MMO was garbage from the start. The entire point of an MMO is to live out a fantasy story of your own in marvelous environment. It isn't to have that story dictated to you from 1-50, so that every single character at the cap has the same exact history, companions, etc. I mean, Jesus Christ, it's like Bioware missed the memo on what these game are all about and just went peeling off in an inexplicable direction. Oh, and let's drop $100 million on that voice acting, while we're at it! That'll make up for a terrible game engine, boring quests, stale combat and a hollow shell of an endgame!


    SWG was a lesson to the industry that WoW had it right; TOR needs to be the new incarnation of that lesson -- that what passed for a great game 7 years ago isn't a great game today. I expect more, and so do most people, and bully for us.

  5. No. I unsubbed about 3 days ago, and things expire on the 20th. The game is just bad, and I can't lie to myself about this fact anymore. Since launch, I've been trying to convince myself that, just because this is better than the steaming pile that was SWG, it must be a good Star Wars game in its own right.


    But it isn't.


    There are a million things wrong with this sucker and, to be honest, I don't feel like most of them are fixable. This is a result of a bad design team making dumb decisions from day one. You cannot polish a turd, and this, ladies and gentlemen, is a turd.

  6. There are a dozen differen types of orange type gear appearnces so there will not likely be any kind clones wandering about. Much less so than anything you'd see at the high end today anyway. I can agree that the extra audment slot could be something left out since it makes that particualr kind of orange gear nearly mandatory. However just because there's this possible flaw doesn't mean the idea as a whole needs to be shut down as most hard core people seem to be trying to do.


    I think you fail to understand how the new system will work. Because the "critted" crafted orange gear will be the only gear out there with 4 slots, it will be the only thing people are wearing. There are only a handful of craftable orange "looks" per class; probably on the order of 2-3. Additionally, a lot of this gear clashes with each other, so expect to see people running around in mismatched clown costumes simply because that's the best gear.


    Bioware needs to remove the critted slot so that dropped oranges are just as good as crafted ones. Then you'd see the system finally fleshed out the way it was intended. As it stands now, this represents one step to the side, and one giant leap backwards. I wish these people actually knew something about what their customers want, or how to design games for that matter.

  7. Critable gear already makes non-crit gear irrelevant in most cases.


    That crit mechanic in crafting was stupid in Aion, it's still stupid here.


    Basically this.


    If the intent of the orange gear is to give us the ability to choose our appearance, then implement a friggin' appearance tab. That's all that needs to be done. Instead, Bioware tries again and again to reinvent the wheel, usually with results that are square in shape, and utterly nonfuctioning.


    Frankly, I'd like to see whoever came up with latest idea out on the streets. I want them panhandling, drinking from open sewers, and eating garbage. In other words: fire whoever is coming up with these braindead ideas. Fire them now.

  8. While the idea has merit and would definately add scope to the game like space combat between guilds. If i remember rightly their response was


    Q. Are you going to implement housing and guild features (like guild banks, guild ships)?


    A. Guild banks are coming in Game Update 1.2 and like PvP, guild features are a priority for the development team with a strike team focused on nothing but top guild concerns and requests. Guild capital ships are a huge undertaking, though, so expect to see more quality of life style guild features roll out before you and your allies start building your destroyer....


    This indicates to me if it is ever implemented (and I think it's a great idea) it will be years away.


    All the more reason to unsub now -- the truly interesting game mechanics are a complete pipe dream.

  9. Strongs normally have low HP, but deal a lot of damage.


    Elites will have massive HP pools, but much less damage.


    Yup, and for classes like a vengeance specced Jugg, with zero CC, the 2-3 same-level silver fights are an absolute nightmare on Voss/Corellia. It was too much damage for Quinn to heal me through, and I didn't do enough damage myself to power through it.


    There's a huge inequality in this game when it comes to balance during leveling. Like, ever watch a heal-specced sorcerer casually solo an at-level champion? Try the same thing as a jugg and prepare to get face planted.


    TOR is garbage. That's all that really needs to be said.

  10. Server population is dropping because an increasing number of people are capping out, discovering that the endgame is a hollow shell, and are returning to better games.


    For example, I'll be resubbing to EVE when my subscription runs out later this month, and possibly dabbling in LOTRO again.

  11. Nice starter comic. I take it this will now progress into a weekly installment regarding how this game fails in every conceivable way? I await insights into Ilum, WZs and the abysmal game engine.
  12. There, I said. I know we've all been thinking it for a while, but gave it a free pass because thought it would be ok to have underpowered Jedi Knights and Sith Warrior otherwise we'd have thousand of lightsaber wielders running around. News flash: There are 8 different lightsaber wielding classes in the game. If the classes are half decent, it's going to happen anyways. Embrace it.


    One thing I loved about Guild Wars is that they made Warriors powerful and intimidating from start to finish. Like, there was no argueing, Warriors of all specs had the best DPS, period. And it was alright because Arenanet had a vision for every class and what role and niche they wanted to fulfill.


    Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors are wussies in this game. You know it's true, I know it's true, it just doesn't feel right for freakin Jedi Knights, masters of light sabers which are capable of cutting through pretty much anything, to be this weak.



    They actually have to work to get in range and stay in range for their Melee attacks to connect. There you go, theres their weakness, now feel free to turn up their damage substantially. You're welcome.


    I play a vengeance-specced Jugg. I know that that's 'not the PvP spec,' but I hate rage, because it essentially reduces the class to a one-trick wonder spamming spash. That's simply not my cup o' tea.


    Regardless of spec, I am paper thin in all situations. I feel like like a WoW DPS warrior than I do a rogue wielding one dagger. I'm significantly gimped in the DPS department, and I have less survivability than any class in the game.


    In WoW, gear could close this gap for a DPS warrior -- the better your gear got, the less it mattered that you were doing a bit less damage than the other guy, or didn't have any CCs other than an AOE fear (in TOR, it's an AOE stun, which is insta-broken by damage -- far less useful than the WoW equivalent and, what's more, absolute garbage compared to the rest of the stuns in TOR, that aren't broken with damage).


    Frankly, I just think the game is junk. Bioware went out of their way to gimp warriors/guards because they knew those classes would be highly popular, and their answer to controlling the widespread desire to play them was to reduce their viability in almost all situations. It's just yet another 'fall flat on our faces' moment by this development team, who are fast becoming the new SOE-of-SWG-fame crew of MMORPGs.

  13. My guild have collectively stuck their heads in the sands and believe 1.2 to be some king of winged saviour, gallantly riding through the skies astride a white horse, rushing to rescue them.


    I know the truth, however: you cannot polish a turd.

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