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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. Believe it or not, no. Every class has a counter, some of which require teammates. This is a team based game though, so that should not be a problem.


    The volume of threads about balance changes is not a valid reason for balance changes to actually take place.


    Are there some classes that under perform in inhospitable circumstances? Yes, and those classes should have their issues fixed and brought up to a competitive level. But in my opinion no class is in need of any nerfing.


    /wave :cool:


    You, my friend, are all that is left of the Class Representative religion. :cool:

  2. I'm going to be blunt here. 99% of sages/sorcs are terrible players. The class itself doesn't need any major buffs and top teams have been running them since arenas came out. Its a support class and has pretty much the most utility in the game. The only reason the heal spec never gets taken is not because its weak, its because scoundrel healers are broken and complete easy mode. I don't think sorcs are weak, i think they just have a way higher skill cap than most other classes. Not to say they cant use some QoL, but buffing them is a massive tip toe on a line I don't trust BW to be tip toeing around.


    To be fair, my post (to which EricMusco replied) did specifically ask when I'd be able to use the 36-point corruption spec to be able to heal again rather than taking bubblestun for the defense and CC. And I'm talking about healing whatever pops, not just 8v8 where sorcs can draw on 7 teammates for support rather than just 3.


    I'm fine with sorc healing requiring skill to do well but literally the only two reasons why I still do it are RP attachment (my first healer was a sorc) and for the challenge of thumbing my nose at Heal to Full/Make Them Pay.


    For a support class the support is lacking; there have been numerous suggestions in the various feedback threads. I'd be fine with sorcs resembling captains from LotRO (the ultimate group support healers/buffers, at least they were when I played), others have mentioned giving them an ability to heal outside LOS like disc priests from WoW (though I never played that game), but truth be told I'd trust Bioware with blanket buffs and even nerfs before I'd trust them to even attempt to balance a class like cappies are balanced in LotRO.

  3. I wish to point out that any discussion of taking our self-heals (Force Armor, Force Mend) off the GCD must also apply to Seer/Corruption as well as we are even more reliant on said abilities than DPS specs. We constantly have to reposition ourselves due to being chased and of course our heals are channeled/casted so we make heavy use of our few instants. Remember, the only spec-able CC that healers get is a 20% (i.e. laughably useless) slow with weaken mind and the healers are the ones that constantly have to deal with a 3+ pain train constantly focusing and interrupting them.


    Our stun doesn't do us a whole lot of good when melee knows they can use their break and there is no threat of a follow-up mez (because the mez can be interrupted).


    Seer survivability is NOT fine; I abandoned 36-point seer spec with the release of 2.4 to get bubblestun back as some form of CC is REQUIRED to deal with melee in arenas and full seer just doesn't have it. We need that CC to ever get casts off with leaps, pulls (that we have no form of immunity to whatsoever, both the other healing classes do, ops have stealth and mandos have HtL) and general interrupt spam.


    Don't let seer spec be the red-headed step child of sage balancing. We are far from viable in the current PVP meta as our ability to Make Them Pay (i.e. CC) is FAR behind the other two classes and our output is far easier to shut down than operatives (the kings of the current meta). We might even be inferior to mercs in output now, though it's too early to be certain.

  4. So does this mean that the H2F, Make Them Pay answers to sorc class questions will actually be repealed and replaced with bona fide answers to the questions raised?


    Does this mean we'll finally get a yellow response to the Musco-initiated Sorcerer Changes Brainstorming thread, now with 500 posts of feedback?


    Will corruption healers ever be able to call their Overload (or Whirlwind, for that matter), worthy of "Making Them Pay?" Will I ever be able to run a full 36-point spec in PVP again or am I locked into the nerfed bubblestun hybrid for as long as I wish to punish myself with sorc healing? (As I said on the feedback thread bubblestun hybrid is really the only build sorcs have that can H2f and Make Them Pay as instructed by the Combat Team.) :rolleyes:


    Or will this entire exercise simply generate another meme-worthy H2F, Make Them Pay response?

  5. If you dont like being abused as a sage / sorc healer play the stun bubble hybrid melee soon get pissed of with being stunned every time they attack you then all you have to do is LOS ranged ..


    Don't forget about H2F and make them pay.


    Yes that's kind of the point of the bubblestun hybrid...well that and pissing off Bioware's metrics people too :D

  6. Stop wearing PvE gear. I hit properly geared enemies for 12k Smash only under Bloodthirst+Expertise powerup, on a power-maxed character with purple augments.


    Also, as I said before, on my Sorc character Warriors aren't usually a big problem. I usually run a Madness hybrid (or full Madness), positioning being my main strategy (every time I see a Sorc just standing in the open and casting, I want to strike him down myself), and the only enemies I'm legitimately worried about are good stealthers. Now then, I don't play Sorc in the Arena, for obvious reasons, but Arena isn't the center of PvP in this game - nor it's an objective measuring stick for overall class performance/potential. OWPvP and 8v8s provide much greater tactical freedom, which allows a Sorc to use their potential at its fullest.


    But I do think that Egress/Fadeout should be baseline, and the shield debuff should actually do something other than annoy you (like passive 10% damage resistance on the Sorc/Sage personally or something).


    Also, every class suffers from rubberbanding. Sages/Sorcs aren't unique, beautiful snowflakes.


    I personally don't wear PVE gear (unless it'll bolster to 2018 expertise), but my point was more that everyone and his mom looks to jump on sorcs in hopes of getting one that does wear PVE gear. We're fodder for the server record threads, "Biggest Hit" category.


    Now for all my participation in this thread, you might think I'm one of those facetanking sorcs who dies 10 times in a match, but truth be told I run the old bubblestun heal spec because it's the build that best embodies H2F and Make Them Pay. Half the reason why I heal is just to get access to Fadeout (and the cleanse on physical slows/roots in Sith Purity) so I can actually **** when I need to. Nevertheless I find the thought that I must eat smashmonkey attacks because attempting to **** before the smash results in the monkey magically teleporting me back for 9-10k damage, 100% of the time, appalling. Just as you find leaping to the top ramp only to fall into the pit in Huttball appalling (yes, I know, as I also have a defense guardian).


    If we actually have the skill to dodge incoming AOE damage, on principle we should dodge it, not simply get rubberbanded back to eat it. But when the rubberbanding happens 100% of the time you activate your escape during a leap/inc smash, it's not a bug it's a feature intended to help derpmonkeys not miss their precious smashes. And being forced to eat some keyturning derp's 9k smash simply because bioware coded that a leap will return the target to the destination if the target breaks the root is simply ****ed up.


    I would love to play a full 36 point build but until the Combat Team either separates arenas from 8v8 in normal queue, allows an arena spec and 8v8 spec, or (horrors!) buffs the full 36 point spec i am pigeonholed into bubblestun as the CC Makes Them Pay while I H2F (something full 36 point corruption utterly lacks). Until then, I hardly feel I'm out of line advocating for a FIX to our escapability, let alone a buff to our class. Yay Mercs finally got their buff after 2 years, DPS ops got their buff after 2 years, but sorcs are STILL left to suffer from 1.2 (and the pushback "buffs" only went to the DPS specs, corruption seems to be the red headed step child of sorc builds when discussing balance/needed buffs for some reason).

  7. Like I said before, without the root, charge would be useless - and sometimes potentially harmful (aside the fall-through-the-floor bug). Hold the line/HO perfectly illustrates what use a charge is without the root.


    Unless you can change leap direction mid-flight (basically, the character would "home in" on the enemy a la Disturbance ball) and you gain control *exactly* the moment the character's feet touch the ground (right now there's a very noticeable delay), the root is absolutely necessary. Otherwise it's almost like having Force Speed root you for a second (cartoon dashing animation mental images), and only then provide the burst of speed. Or root you for half a sec when it ends.


    So let's fix the leap being useless by making root immunity useless (on a squishy class that needs it to kite, mind)? Let's fix one thing by breaking another!


    You can keep the root on charge--all I'm asking for is for the root to properly respect root immunity LOL. Which, due to rubberbanding, it does not presently.


    How about we actually require some skill on the part of the leaper instead? As in, don't immediately blow the leap and wait until something else causes the sage to sprint instead, and leap after the root immunity is gone? Or save a CC and use it to hold our "sprint" still--bonus points if you're a jugg with Force Push that even lets you leap again?


    We're everyone's free kill, everyone likes the 12k crits on us, so waiting until we use our sprint for something else won't take long :rolleyes:

  8. ^

    We can discuss this once I stop falling through the gosh darn floor sometimes I charge someone. Often fatally, unless they're on a ramp.


    In all seriousness, though - everyone suffers from rubberbanding. I sometimes charge as *Vigilance* Guardian (ergo, Unstoppable), to be rubberbanded back to someone who apparently "stunned" or "rooted" me milliseconds before I started the jump. That's the result of lag in client-server communication, and I'm afraid there isn't much that can be done about that - at least the solution isn't as easy as "nerf Warrior roots".


    Unfortunately the rubberbanding I describe is a "feature" to make sure the warrior lands on target, not a bug or client desync.


    It happens literally every single time I activate sprint during a warrior leap before the warrior lands, without fail. It is easily replicable. If it was simply a client-server desync issue, it would be more random than that. The only workaround seems to be waiting to sprint until after the warrior lands on me, but that means I must eat an attack I shouldn't have to.

  9. Interrupt - yes, but without the root, it's nearly useless. The way the game is coded, you jump to the point where the enemy was standing by the time the skill was activated - and you're essentially stunned for the duration of the jump animation. The simple act of strafing would result in around 15 meters distance by the time the warrior lands.


    In short, the root is necessary for charge to work properly.


    Also, it's not the warrior classes that I hate the most on my Sorc - it's stealth classes. Arseload of burst/spike, good CC in melee range, always strike first from stealth, vs squishiest class in the game. You do the math.


    The root is broken as if we have fadeout active we are supposed to have root immunity. Yet the charge will still rubberband us back to the destination of the leap regardless of such immunity. This leads to situations in which a smasher leaps to us and we sprint off, only to get hit by the smash that we should have been 15m away from--because the leap rubberbanded us and brought us back to the smash. Alternatively I wait until the leap is completed to run away so the fadeout Force Speed isn't wasted by the rubberbanding but the smash is instant on landing so I get hit anyway (and I'm then only escaping from any follow-up).


    Same goes for Veng Juggs. I should be able to react instantly to a leap by sprinting away with fadeout, but I cannot because I know I will get rubberbanded back. Enter eating at least the first two ticks of root ravage, and sometimes even the ravage will rubberband me back enough to eat the last tick as well.


    The root would be tolerable if it properly respected root immunity and leaping actually required enough skill to wait until such immunity had expired.

  10. I still main a sorc healer in PVP, but only out of an intense desire to thumb my nose at the developers for telling us to heal to full and make them pay rather than actually giving us bona fide answers to our class questions.


    I play the bubblestun hybrid heal spec because it's the only way a sorc healer can actually get enough CC to make them pay for trying to kill you. Bubblestun is also really nice against the current stealth DPS meta (deception sins, and now everyone's trying out the buffed concealment op).


    That said, I have to be at the absolute top of my game to heal as much as a mediocre operative--the value of bubblestun spec doesn't really shine until you piss off enough enemies with the bubblestun that they tunnel you, and then you kite them into a huge diversion and hold them off/stall as long as possible while your team caps an objective/scores a kill in arena. It takes skill to master as it got nerfed in 2.0 and a mind capable of understanding strategy and tactics to play well but if you are intent on healing with a sorc in pvp, bubblestun is pretty much all that is left.

  11. Lol, I smell a purge coming.


    Spec designed to exploit bads getting buffed + majority of players being bads = mass exodus of noobs or improvement in pug quality really far down the road.


    Just hoping one of those two happens


    Have you seen the QQ in the PVP forum? Delicious tears of bads fuel my anger and hatred! The great unsubbing has begun...


    Wish I could be around more (I know I haven't Qued on BC in a while) but work has been making me pay lately.

  12. If you're just into DPS and looking cool, a couple quick comparisons:


    Jugg: Force push resets cooldown on leap, always fun to make a mob blow itself up with saber reflect :D

    Marauder: Two lightsabers, Force camouflage, better defensive cooldowns than DPS jugg (with the above-listed exception), widely considered to have better group utility (unless your group has no armor reduction from a jugg tank and/or arsenal merc)

  13. There are sorc and sages that can be a living nightmare if you play against them, but there arent that many, players that can pull that off. Sage/Sorc is one of the harder classes to play, since they are squishy as hell, the art is to overcome that factor by kiting LOSing, and offhealing. This doesnt really work well in arenas most of the time, that's why many people complain about them being so crap... that and the higher skill cap


    The sage/sorcerer class is easy to learn but hard to master. The skill cap required to play the class may be higher than what many players are comfortable with.

  14. It sucks for the higher levels too. I leveled up my newest toon with a lot of FPs and I always drew the "random" FP six levels below me...the XP gain was so small that I'd get it over with just for the random FP daily and then requeue with only the higher-level FP option selected. I never actually got the flashpoint that matched my level unless I forced GF to put me there.
  15. *snip*


    4. That player you are going after may take advantage of it to draw you away from a space you are supposed to be protecting or whatever. Don't be an idiot.


    The goal is to win the match.


    I'm a healer, and therefore one of those players that you SHOULD be targeting, but I have been known to take advantage of this little snippet from time to time.



  16. Obviously not everyone is going to following a strict code, but generally E-Net should be saved for downing healers. Its not a 'use on cooldown for extra damage' ability, tho the average player treats every cooldown that way it seems.




    As far as comparing Smash to E-Net, there is no comparison. They have completely different functions.


    TBF it's also an excellent peel for your own healer, especially whwn used against specs like carnage marauder (so the healer can run and h2f without getting immediately leapt to).


    My own guild uses Enet in this way and it is quite effective. Sadly too many pugs lack the degree of awareness necessary to properly use Enet outside of a "kill marked healer" situation.

  17. You said you had dodge up and was having ravage hit through it...


    Dodge is 100% evasion, but accuracy can go above 100%. Meaning if your opponent has enough accuracy there is a very small chance of getting hit with ravage even with evasion up.


    It's very rare but I have seen it happen to me on my scoundrel healer.

  18. Could have given us more than 10 seconds warning to hand in the missions too, as the event ended 2 hours before the typical dailies reset.


    I had just started the heroic, the last daily I needed to do, when I got the 10 second warning and of course was kicked out before I had any hope of handing in anything else whatsoever. Even quick travel back to the mission drop box has a 10 second cast.


    So because of the absolute lack of notice (contrast with things like 15 minute warning for server shutdown), I was effectively shorted out of 90k xp that I'd spent the last 2.5 hours earning, including finding/putting together a group for SM Eyeless. By the time the event recurs I'll already have reached 55, making that loss of XP a permanent loss that I now need to make up elsewhere. The other mission rewards I already earned will still be there by the time the event recurs, but by then the XP I earned but never had the proper warning to turn in RIGHT THIS SECOND will be irrelevant.


    I tried filing a ticket to have those missions manually handed in by a GM but it appears I must get phone support to do anything as the ticket droid just told me to post here (completely ignoring my request for manual GM turn-ins).



  19. Instant Unnatural Preservation, along with using Recklessness and a medpack on it simultaneously, makes it far too easy for sorcs to heal to full. They can even heal to full while moving and sprinting away from you! The ability to completely negate a smash/maul-in-the-same-GCD combo so quickly like this, within just one GCD, is way way OP and needs nerf pronto.


    Unnatural preservation needs a 3 second cast time and Recklessness should subtract 60% from its crit chance.

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