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Everything posted by VulcanLogic

  1. We're getting our transfer gifts, and we know they're shutting down the origin servers this month. We don't know what kind of options we'll have for our new destination servers, and we don't know if any additional character slots are opening up for legacy consolidation. Also, a lot of people had more than 8 total character between two origin servers that shared the same destination server, and couldn't move them all, and perhaps rolled a new character to help a friend level up. What's going to be done about that? Before you respond "cash shop", realize the forced merges are scheduled for the end of summer, well before the cash shop is open Source: Character Transfer, Server Populations, and You Note the date on that post is July 10th, just three weeks before F2P was announced. They knew F2P was coming when they wrote that. So, unless the final stage of server consolidation is also going to be delayed until F2P is here, we're going to need solutions to the above problems now. And if it is delayed, we're going to want to know that too.
  2. Just because a race had a Kenner Star Wars action figure, doesn't mean it should be in this game.
  3. They'd have to sell thousands of these AC switches for profitability, while at the same time not lose subs from people who don't find a game with 4 classes all that interesting. It's a tougher decision than you're willing to admit. There is some demand, certainly, but enough to surpass the negative consequences? I am unconvinced.
  4. No, it's not the end of the argument. There's a lot more going on here than "some people will pay for an AC switch, so they'll add it". There are quite a few people, as stated in the thread, who will leave. Not just rage quitters, but people who will have played two advanced classes without having to first spend the time to level one of them, allowing them to unsub more quickly. Then there are actual development costs for implementing such a system, and they have to weigh the whole thing--lost subscription money and development costs over the potential gain from allowing paid AC switches. I couldn't tell you what comes out on top, but I'm pretty sure whatever net gain from paid AC switches might be out there isn't enough to justify the feature.
  5. The forced transfers are coming this month. F2P and the cash shop are not. They're going to have to do something about character slots now, and it would be a good PR move for them to give out at least 2 extra slots for free to long time subscribers, with additional slots and transfers later (and purchasing a slot gives a free transfer to it). This forum will be an even less pleasant place to be if on a forced merge you have few options on where you can go.
  6. This middle part is what I'm talking about.
  7. I'm on two servers currently. 50 sorcerer 50 sniper 50 shadow 50 mercenary 50 juggernaut 50 vanguard 27 powertech 21 assassin 19 sentinel 1 smuggler (to be gunslinger) *awaiting Cathar implementation and additional character slots for scoundrel
  8. I would highly recommend they go with pazaak first. That can be done in 2D, with the existing UI. Swoop racing and expanded space would require substantially more art assets and take a lot more time. Also, to improve the end game, we need more than 5 bosses in a tier. EC and NP are good but getting pretty stale at this point.
  9. Never really bothered me at all. Day night in WoW was so weak that it didn't really matter.
  10. Someone doesn't realize that there is a big difference between making a single zone and testing it within existing game architecture, and creating a brand new full featured game from scratch.
  11. I am being patient, and yes, things take time. However, if we're talking about a warzone or an operation, no, it shouldn't take 8 months. It's just that 6-8 months are what people are used to from previous MMOs. The big boy on the block is currently sitting 9 months and will be 10 months when MoP is released. MMO players are getting pretty fed up with that model, when a $15 subscription could instead buy a brand new, full featured game every 3-4 months ($45-$60). We were expecting more frequent content updates here, and did not get them. SWTOR would be on its way to overtaking the big boy had Bioware done something about this. It's not really a good or bad thing, it's more of a lost opportunity. F2P may be able to rectify that, and I hope so.
  12. The world event is August's "content" release. Maybe nightmare EC if we're lucky, but I'm not holding my breath. Makeb, HK-51, the new warzone and operation, those aren't coming in august.
  13. Might not stop you, but it will stop everyone I play with. What I'm saying is they need to open it up to more consumers, those who have multiple high levels and are sick of dailies--which is everyone I know (not everyone in the game, just the people I play with). It's a better business decisions than just telling their customers something along the lines of "aw, come on, it's just two days worth of 2-3 hour daily grinds". And if one can just buy credits from the cash shop, this is not a game I will want to be playing.
  14. You know, if an MMO developer can come up with a cost effective way to have live DMs, they're going to make a fortune. Your post reminded me of my days as a DM on City of Arabel for Neverwinter Nights. Good times.
  15. All my extra BH coms at this point are going to that very purpose. 15 so far, not one proc. But that's not the point, either. I can't be REing the best in slot on the gear I'm actually going to wear, and not everyone who might purchase the armor has a cybertech.
  16. Ok, let's take it a step further. I have 6 level 50s. Suppose I would want to get them some armor from the shop. you think I'm going to spend the better part of a real life week grinding credits for the mod extraction? And when Nightmare EC is released, you think I'm not going to remember that grind when I get item level 64 mods, with higher extraction costs? You think people are going to want to buy more cash shop armor rather than less? Kudos. You'd have fit in real well with the initial development team. Where are they now? Oh right.
  17. It's 4-6 hours of grinding for an appearance tab that you get to use once, and that you additionally pay for with real money. It's not a good business plan to sell someone something for money and then make them grind the most boring part of your game for hours just to use it. Now, I do dailies on at least one character at least twice a week, but I'm often doing them myself because no one else in my guild wants to do them. The mods in my campaign gear vendor for about 1200 credits. 30k credits to swap a mod, double if you want to save the mod instead of destroy it, is in fact overkill. Cut it by 90%.
  18. Unless you reduce the cost of extracting mods substantially. Having to grind half a million credits for the "privilege" of equipping cool looking gear that is useful is going to cost you potential sales. Use your brains on this. My logic is undeniable. Reduce the cost of mod extraction and increase your own bottom line.
  19. Fine with this in the cash shop, as long as it's $150 or more each time.
  20. The terrain isn't optimized for flying. It won't be offered, ever.
  21. This item was on the GTN. How are bound items able to be posted to the GTN? I didn't install the slot, it came with it when still BoE. Bind on Equip should mean just that, bind on equip.
  22. This isn't "I'd like to see a new feature" so much as it is "this is a serious failure in game design that needs to be addressed immediately". Here or maybe customer service would be the appropriate forum.
  23. You are getting a bit of a refund, in a round a bout sort of way. For each paid month, you're getting cartel coins, which F2P people have to pay straight up cash for. Maybe not a refund so much as a discount, but in the end, it's pretty much the same thing if you intend to keep playing. If not, well, you did agree to the terms so there's not much you can do.
  24. EDIT 8/6: I have an update on this. Yes, it was a pre 1.3 crit crafted helm, with a command augment in it that shouldn't have been there that the patching couldn't account for. Customer service was nice enough to refund the credits, and I found a new copy of that helm, without augments, on the GTN for a few thousands credits, so it all worked out. Nice to see good customer service from Bioware on this. Very nice, even though I was willing to just move on. Original post below -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid 40k credits for a Gunslinger's Headgear, augmented with a level 49 augment in the slot. Those are the cool looking helmets which looks like shades. It was a presence augment, so I wanted it removed, and my sentinel for whom I bought it was level 14 anyway. Without warning, that bound it to my main. My two problems with this are: 1. I got ripped off and overpaid for that helm, because it did not have an MK-6 augment slot as it would seem from the level 49 augment in it. 2. It got bound to my sniper, who bought it for my sentinel, and now it's worthless as I can't equip it and neither can my companions because it's smuggler / jedi knight only. The first part I can get over, 30k credits isn't a big deal. Or at least won't be later on as these items disappear. The second part is what I'm upset about. It's bound and I can either RE it, or vendor it, and my sentinel can't get it. Either way I'm out 39k credits because of some pretty poor design choices. What would make me happy is one of three things. 1. My credits back. 39,999. 2. A gunslinger headgear on my sentinel, with or without an augment slot. 3. An additional text mouseover on GTN items with augments that actually shows the buyer what level of augment slot (1-6) is on the gear, so that myself and other players can purchase these things with confidence.
  25. There are no queues. Stop worrying.
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