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Everything posted by VulcanLogic

  1. I think it went wrong most by listening to the people who didn't want cross server flashpoints or pvp, because it intruded on their sense of community. How's that community working out for you now?
  2. There is a point to that. I wanted to roll PvP but my WoW guildies were tired of it and decided to go RP instead. That, and it's impossible to get a rated in on most servers means it's time to go x-server sooner than later.
  3. Yep. Begeren Colony and the Harbinger have instanced fleets in prime time, with 300-600 (both sides total) on.
  4. Yeah, and I was wondering where my 4th ship bank tab was. It'll be for sale at the shop instead of available for credits.
  5. Battlemaster weapons are better than columi. Higher weapon damage, higher tech/force power. It will beat the loss of some crit/surge/accuracy by quite a bit. Get your daily and weekly pvp done and you should have enough to buy the mainhand.
  6. Tired of waiting an hour for a queue pop late night only to lose because the 7 others in the group don't have the sense to kill the sole healer @700k healing. Repeat, sole healer.
  7. WoW will be full F2P within two years, or shortly after Titan is revealed, whichever comes first.
  8. Individual banks (vault) moves with you no problem. Guild banks do not, but can be transferred over with the help of customer service.
  9. He says he loves DDO's system and thinks it would be good for SWTOR but then whines that SWTOR won't be doing anything similar, with no proof whatsoever. We just don't know. That said, they'd be crazy not to sell weekly operations passes so that people can pay a little to see if the full subscription fee would be worth it. Bioware knows this, and I'm 99% certain that they will do it for a small fee. After all, on the /free page it says no access to operations, IF YOU ARE PLAYING FOR FREE. It doesn't say "no access ever even if you are willing to pay". That's an important distinction to make, and TB stated quite clearly he thinks this sort of system (for DDO) is completely worthwhile.
  10. Followed from 2006. Still subbed and no immediate plans to stop.
  11. The Matrix Online failed. As in, the servers are no longer running and the game is gone. As far as I know, it's didnt go F2P, they instead just shut down. "Not like this..." Hilarious.
  12. I see the semantic point here, in that yes, if you want to "win" (and my understanding of that is having operations or war hero gear), then yes, you're going to have to pay for the subscription. But unlike in other P2W games, the sub is supposedly a cap on the amount you'll have to pay to win. In other games, there isn't the same kind of cap (looking at you, Magic the Gathering Online).
  13. While I have never played either of these games, I have played a P2W model, Magic the Gathering online. At $300 in the first month just to get enough cards from the current block to be remotely competitive, I realized I had better quit before a video game habit became as expensive as my old collectible card game habit. And I did. Right there. That's what I think of when I read "pay to win". Not vanity items and not even "avoid this grind by buying an XP / Warzone commendation rate speed boost" item.
  14. Not sure if the 200 is accurate (as far as designers, writers, and actual content producers go) but some of you skeptics should watch the credits and see the thousands of people listed in them.
  15. That is brilliant. Bioware needs more ideas like this.
  16. Gotta get those last two class stories done before I have to share my quest mobs, objects, and resource nodes with the incoming ninja freeloaders. Then I'll have to pound out the dailies for cash so I don't have to share those for awhile either. That'll be my biggest complaint, I think, having to share the space. And if it is my biggest complaint, well then the game will probably be a success from then on out.
  17. I didn't read any post in the thread but the first, so sorry if this has been brought up. People were held accountable. Most of the staff and management has been fired. You're welcome, America.
  18. That's really true. The release of DDO was an unmitigated disaster. Opening weekend there were only a few thousand online worldwide. Not hundreds of thousands, not tens of thousands, just thousands. The fact that F2P saved it is amazing.
  19. It's taking my 2-3 tries to roll into cover in pvp again. All I do is a somersault in place, and that's doesn't even give me cover in place. Getting pretty furious about it in PvP.
  20. I'm only aware of one top tier P2P MMO, and that's WoW. The rest are going the F2P model, or dying slow deaths. And Panda's are going to ruin WoW to the point where it's also going freemium. It's the future for this genre.
  21. Republic credits are no good out here. You want upgrades, perks, more access, you're going to need something more real.
  22. I have all 8 character slots used up. If I go to the F2P model, do I get to decide which character slots will be active? And also, if I keep the subscription model, will we be able to use cartel coins from our sub money to open more character slots? I'd like 12 total, if that's ok. One of each imperial AC and one of each republic class.
  23. I just have one question, and I'm being serious here. Who the heck is Jeff Hickman?
  24. So republic credits are no good out here? In order to get my parts fixed or upgraded, I'm going to need something more real?
  25. I call dibs on Begeren Colony. Send imperial gifts to Brynach, send republic gifts to Oscoda.
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