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Everything posted by VulcanLogic

  1. Admittedly, only implants and relics are a bit of an inconvenience, but an outfitter / equipment manager would be a great quality of life addition to the game, particularly for my juggernaut or mercenary, who have three gear sets each.
  2. And remember, the server shut down is scheduled for summer. Free to Play is scheduled for fall. We're going to need some information on this rather quickly. I have a guildmaster (one of my mid level toons) I left behind on Vrook Lamar so that if any players returned they could see where we went and who to get a hold of (some names were changed). Under the current transfer setup, guild masters must first /gdisband before transferring. What's going to happen to that level 27 powertech if I have to step away for a few days and get auto-transferred? Oh and character slots? Need more. There are 8 on my destination server because I rerolled my remaining 7th slot to help a friend level up, and have an 8th to hold a name for my Cathar scoundrel when that race appears.
  3. True, especially if you have multiple 50s. With cash shop armors coming out, they should seriously reconsider the costs. I might want to buy that cool looking set for my sith juggernaut, until I remember I have to spam dailies for a week just to equip it with effective stats. And, even if I do bite the bullet and pound those out, there's not the remotest chance that I'll have enough motivation left over to consider doing that for my sniper. That's a lost sale right there.
  4. I've experienced some of these myself, but they are not very frequent. The bug on Vorgath happened 100% of the time. That's why they took servers down. If Stuck in Spawn dead bug happened 100% of the time for every player, they'd take down the servers for that, too.
  5. If the press conference is a rehash of the 1.4 and F2P information already at this site, with no new details, I'm going to have to call shenanigans.
  6. You're proceeding from the false assumption that the guys on companion detail could actually work on the engine. They don't because they can't. Technical designers and writers are not ever in the same pool as the engine programmers. Completely different skill set. Now ops problems, yeah, they should be on that. But other than this week's Vorgath breakage and Soa from months ago, not having any problems the technical design guys would be responsible for.
  7. Someone didn't play KotOR. Or read the updated forum rules.
  8. Think about it. If they don't allow F2P players to "buy admission" to operations here and there, how do they expect them to sub? They won't be able to do ops without paying, but they will allow them to pay. It's the only way the business model makes sense.
  9. More than enough. The encounters really aren't tuned that tightly if the strategy is executed correctly.
  10. Top end DPS juggs are well over 2000 strength in campaign gear. 1500-1600ish seems to be the ceiling, though I'm basing it off just one of ours as Vengeance spec.
  11. Just found one at a gamestop 30 miles away. Back in an hour.
  12. This is great news, thanks for that! $15 for the CE perks (the other $15 going to what I would otherwise pay for sub) is a great deal.
  13. Yeah I'm on the same server and just refuse to solo queue anymore. Will only go in with a 4 man AOE premade.
  14. Superintendent Chalmers, who, after seeing that his hood ornament had been stolen, lamented "My H is missing! That's how you know it's a Honda! What's the point of driving a Honda if you can't show it off?" The H is just like your join date. The lamentation of its loss is as absurb as the concept of showing off a Honda.
  15. Ouch. I just had a very, very bad feeling about this. 3D space might be their pay to win project. I could see ships and upgrades making this game a whole lot of money through the cash shop. A whole lot. Well, at least that'll give 'em money to keep the ground game rolling out.
  16. They're the house band in the Sunken Sarlacc Cantina on imp side Balmorra. Their instruments look really cool. I want. Cash shop / quest reward / operations boss drop them.
  17. 3D space with PvP coming December 2013. Conjecture based on the amount of time it took WoW from Launch to implement flying mounts.
  18. I have two reasons for doing them: 1. I have an alt that needs ear pieces, implants, and relics. I'll run that guy until he's got them. 2. I need cash to pull mods. Mod removal has been my biggest expense in the game by far, even more than repairs. They need to reduce the cost of mod removal. Drastically. I like giving my characters and their companions unique looks, and I'd be tempted to buy cash shop armor, right up to the point where I remember I'll have to grind dailies for three days just for one character or companion's remodding costs.
  19. I set cover in place to D and take cover for alt+D. Sometimes you want the actual physical cover, because it shuts ranged attacks against you down.
  20. I'm not so sure that's how it's going to go. I mean, they're going to want to get rid of those 100 dead servers before going free to play, because that will make a very bad impression on new players. Further, they have already stated that the final merge will be at the end of summer, and that announcement came just three weeks before the F2P announcement, so they almost certainly knew F2P in November was coming when they announced it. And if they carry through with that time frame, they're going to have to do something about paid transfers and character slots before the cash shop opens. Now ideally, with the final stage of the merger program, there will be more flexibility vis-à-vis destination servers. Case in point, the Ajunta Pall origin server. It was an RP-PvP server, and as there is only one of each of that type for east and west coast players, the initial plan was to merge them both. However, a lot of west coast players were upset at having to play on an east coast server (mostly due to latency), so Bioware made the right call and gave those people more options. They could go to Jung Ma (the remaining RP-PVP east), The Bastion (PvP west), or Begeren Colony (RP west). People who had already transferred to Jung Ma were given free transfers to either the Bastion or Begeren Colony through customer service. It worked out very, very well for all involved, including myself, as I was able to consolidate an otherwise abandoned 50 trooper with my legacy on Begeren Colony. I seriously hope the final merges are handled with this kind of consideration.
  21. The extra servers are scheduled to close before the cash shop opens. This is going to create a serious problem as the migration has led to more than 8 characters between two servers in a very large number of cases. People are going to want to consolidate, and if forced to move, they're not as likely to prefer paying for more slots over getting more slots for free.
  22. Did you grab 8 people from the office to verify the issue was fixed by running the encounter? I mean, you did test it this time, right? Not trying to be too hard on you, but if this doesn't go according to plan...
  23. I'd agree with your assessment that this isn't a QA issue. What went live was simply not tested at all, and QA tests what it's assigned. This obviously wasn't assigned.
  24. Let me give a little background on who I am, so you can all see how bad this is. I've been following Bioware games since BG2. I was a moderator at their old NWN forums (under my old forum name, Vulcano), I was a contract technical designer on NWN's digital download content, and I released script tools that were downloaded tens of thousands of times, winning IGN Hall of Fame awards. I spent a month writing dialogue for and coding in the unfinished Mischa Waymeet companion into the Shadows of Undrentide campaign (her sound files shipped with game, but her written dialogue and character file were incomplete, so I finished them). I worked on two persistent world servers, including City of Arabel, which ran for 10 years. No one could have been called a bigger Bioware fan than me. All this for free, including the technical design on Wyvern Crown of Cormyr, because I loved what they created so much. Well, they just lost me. I unsubbed. That's how bad it is. The long term prospects for this game now look seriously bleak to me. The communication here compared to the communication at the old forums is, quite honestly, pathetic. I may return, I may not, but I need to get away from this for right now.
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