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Everything posted by MimicUnleashed

  1. Making Awe Op: Step 1: Line up targets inside the smuggler's fly-by circle. Step 2: Call out to stop DPS. Step 3: Pop Awe. Step 4: Wait for the boom. Step 5: Profit.
  2. I hated every shred of gameplay on my Guardian until I got Doc. I did no damage to speak of and as far as survival went you could shift up the difficulty of groups by 1 tier a piece simply because of that fact. Sometimes only because some of the mobs had a poison debuff that would stack. I was not, am not, will not be a tank. And honestly I almost re-rolled. Now I'm 50, have Columni gear and do perfectly well. The problem is that while leveling tanks do absolutely fine. Even Sentinels after they get over the hump. But for those of us who aren't tanks or don't have Guarded by the Force and a vanish? No. This class is missing something vital, and while I muscled through it, that's not to excuse that I had to do that in the first place.
  3. Main: Jedi Knight (Vig) 50 Alt: Bounty Hunter (Arsenal) 31 I got a few others, but these are my babies. I love the BH storyline.
  4. Trooper armor. That's about it. I have the Battlelord's set and I use goggles to make the hood vanish, but that's about it.
  5. They had mentioned allowing us to remove armorings, mods and enhancements from ALL ITEMS. This means PvP and PvE weapons/armor. The only issue we're going to see are those dumb black/blue saber things. Hoping Artifice gets some love there to skip those things.
  6. That's kinda... weak, really. DPS Juggs/Guards have 3 dots. And we're not specced to get incentive to keep them rolling. We even have one that clips...
  7. There is no reason for Knights not to have a stun. This is no reason for Smugglers not to have a baseline interrupt. There's no reason for CCs only working on specific kinds of targets (many classes). However Bioware thinks so. So we play their game, or we don't play. Honestly I don't get it myself. When Troopers/BH have 2-3 knockbacks you can chain (single target) and Warrior or Knight has 1 charger per 15 seconds? Or what about "no charge because of cover"? The Vanguard in my guild rages about this constantly. But the point is made that there is absolutely no reason not to give people the tools they need (world quests and flashpoints, not just story quests and PvP) to do their job. It's not something I can say is fair to everyone. Except Sages/Sorcerers. They have heals, snares, protective bubbles, knock backs, pull-tos, and ranged damage that is pretty nice. All along with an interrupt.
  8. The Troopers would like to have a word with you, sir. And their missile-bristled shoulders look upset at such statements. On a serious note... God I hope this is just a placeholder. Same as the Tionese+ gear. They all look outlandishly dumb. However I take heart at the fact we will soon be able to strip all of the mods/armorings from PvP and Operation gear and put it wherever we want. So I can keep rocking my Jedi Battle Lord set all the way through. Thank you God...
  9. Isn't that sort of a bad design decision? I'm no developer, but it would seem to me you'd want every class to feel just as heroic from 10-50+ without one some of them being really REALLY lack-luster.
  10. No reason you can't have both. I think they're just trying to work out more items. I know there was at least 1 post about how they wanted to add more moddable gear for all ACs. So maybe it's coming for the pants, hoods down, hoods up and all other multiple class complaints of their clothing options.
  11. This could be solved by giving Cybertech a special item that would alter the armor class of the social items and even regular items in game, and something I thought would be very VERY fun. Allowing Smugglers to dress up in Trooper gear, Troopers to be in robes ect. This could be big for the RP crowd, and who hasn't wanted to toy around outside their AC because they liked a look? This could be solved easily. Allowing Republic/Empire players to switch their gear to the looks of the opposite faction can do it perfectly. Often times the same item looks two completely different ways depending on which side of the galaxy you come from. Allowing the toggle gives Warriors access to hooded robes (and there are 3-4 hooded black robes I can remember off hand) from the Jedi, and the armored and hood down robes that the Warriors seem to take for granted or shun all together. This is a small fix that could really be a temporary solution to the hood issue. Those were the only two I had a strong opinion on, but all your points were well made and interesting. So consider me /signed.
  12. I think the whole hood ordeal has lasting issues because of lekku. Knights want their hoods down (not off) down. Twileks want their hoods up properly (this includes masks). Sith want hoods period. Miraluka want to wear visors or even masks without their default visor popping out. So this is an all-around thing. I think something in the coding is way off in left field and that's why the head-area for a lot of classes/races is way off base. Hopefully we'll see a fix for it when we see the second half of the Rakghoul expansion in March
  13. I don't play a Sage at all, and my Shadow doesn't have this as a regular use... but this would be completely awesome. Just multiple rock-rips? Oh sir... I do approve. And for your work you win +10 Internets. /signed
  14. From the get-go TOR has been pretty blunt about the fact they don't care about inflating egos. Refusals to disclose world firsts, server firsts or reward those players than the very last bottom-barrel team to clear it right before a new level cap. PvP is meant to be fun, exciting, and sadly simply a distraction. This game revolves around story. Your class arc, the stories on every planet, even the go-fetch quests are storied out to at least be somewhat believable. PvP doesn't have anything remotely like story. Sorry to say, but it's just Player vs Player, no bells, no whistles, just beating up on the other faction. I PvP for fun. Sometimes. Like when I'm out of other things to do and I sorta just want to goof off for a while. I'm not very good at it, mind you, and I personally prefer Arenas not here if it can't be done correctly. That part is important. But in so far as believing in PvP being a solid stake in an MMO? Especially a story-driven MMO? Sorry, but PvP is for the PvP crowd, not for the casual even here. And this game has been more than outspoken about how they are more casual friendly than hard-core friendly.
  15. Jedi Knights have nothing but hooded chest-gear. No masks, mind you, but everything has a hood. Sentinel or Guardian. And all of them are up. Personally I rolled a Marauder just for a hood-down feel of a Jedi. And I'm PRAYING BW does something about this for both sides.
  16. With all things mileage may vary, however it seems from talking to all the JKs I know that weren't tanks had huge issues surviving some of their story quests as well as some higher-end trash packs in Voss+. While this may apply to PvP (I play some, but I'm horrible at PvP and I know it) I just dont see the PvE survivability that I was hoping I would. Even looking at the Sentinel's Watchman tree where bleed crits give back health, I also know that crits are not reliable while leveling depending on gear. I figured I would open the discussion to other Knights and see where you've had your survival issues (if any) and what spec you are. Now if you're Biochem then say so. Just wondering what the issue is and seeing if it's a fault in playstyle or if it's just a problem BW may or may not be fully aware of. Thanks, peoples!
  17. This. Corelia I stomped into the ground, however the Doomsday quest... well I brought a full team of guild mates to clear it. Even then it was the smuggler who really shined because Flyby won us the day. However if you're talking about the Kel Dor master... hard, true, but I beat him at level 48 with Doc healing me and I inched out of it after stims and medpacks.
  18. This is the mark of a good tank, I will grant you that good sir. Obviously you're doing it right, and that honestly has no sarcasm in it. However if someone wants to level as a Sentinel, or Focus or Vig... what then? That's the issue as we seem to see it. A lack of capability to cover the content as a non-tank without overleveling, help or difficulty levels being rather high. So that's why I think the issue needs to be addressed, not because the entire class is garbage, but because 1 spec actually works well and the others fall short.
  19. Rolling Empire because Republic is full of "8 year olds" and you want to PvP more, with less chance of ignorant people getting in the way. Which in it's self is a long-term carebear package. Complete with payoffs.
  20. If Ilum PvP was balanced, these things would end. Instead it's just a complete pain in every way to complete the daily, much less the weekly, to get anything. PvP in this game is good in core theory, but the massive Empire imbalance (on my server) only further discourages PvP, leaving the Empire to moan about having to fight each other in huttball constantly. Mean while the actual Republic PvP players are yelling in general for people to que up so they can actually get enough to do a match. So no, I don't blame them for kill-sharing. PvP is not long-term engaging in it's current form. In a few patches, with a few adjustments, I could see it. But for now kill who you can, when you can, and just accept that it's more engaging to click the accept button on dailies/weeklies than it is to actually PvP.
  21. True. So what you're saying is that the Republic should be the ones who have access to his helmet, saber and armor? Cause I'm sorry, but even if the class I'm fighting is completely a joke in a PvP situation, getting attacked in that get-up would be beyond cool.
  22. It does, in fact, put the hood back up. Trust me, I tried that.
  23. In the next major update (March I believe) Bioware is going to allow us to remove end-game PvE mods from everything. Hilts, armorings: EVERYTHING. So you can now pick the item you want to wear most instead of just what has the stats. So it's still something to consider if you're interested in the gear still. The only issue I see coming up is the set bonuses, however if we're lucky those will be tied to the armorings so we can transplant them properly and gain the benefits.
  24. Vigilance, PvE geared. PvE I can knock around a mob for a steady 3-4k +plus the dots every time I hit blade storm, overhead slash or plasma brand (plasma brand being the low end of the spectrum). PvP I can manage a 3k overhand every so often, but most my money there is on the dots. I don't need full uptime to put someone on the defensive. Unremitting gives me enough time to blow past an Sorcerer's bubble and leave them hurting, then from there it's just a test of skill. All things change depending on Expertise, but Snipers are free-kills so long as they don't catch me napping. That's only because my pal is a gunslinger and I learned his dirtiest tricks the spec has from him and how to maneuver around them. 103% accuracy, 33% crit, 78% surge. If that's what you need.
  25. Jedi Battlelord's Armor. I have a full set thanks to a guild mate. It's level 45-ish moddable armor. If you're praying for the hood down... then no. The hood is up, but it has goggles that remove it as part of the set. Combined with the Mirmidon's bracers it's a very nice set to gear up through Ilum/Belsavis dailies. They are random drops, so it's not going to be easy to find, but if you plow through the Trade Market and do some kill-farming you'll get it. Even let your guild mates know you're on the hunt, they can keep their eyes open. Hope that helps!
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