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Everything posted by MimicUnleashed

  1. Last time you'd mentioned the role you saw for the Deception Assassin. As my main is a Vigilance Guardian I was wondering if we're in line with how you see us. I ask this because a lot of Guardian tanks I see are using Vigilance as the majority of their points, and during such encounters as Toth and Zorn I take a lot more damage than other melee because of no AOE damage reduction. With that in mind, is the spec performing properly as a DPS spec when it lacks a usual DPS tool for survival and appeals so strongly to tanks.
  2. Not all, but some AOE damage isn't mitigated by armor. For the damage that is you still take 5% more damage. And without an AOE damage reduction unless you're guarded it can mean the difference between alive and dead in new content. Toth and Zorn being the go-to example. If you can swing it go for it, but I wouldn't swap it out personally.
  3. I'm Vig and I can stay within 100DPS of our Sentinels with equal gear. Plus for as much as Sentinels bring, when you've got a boss to 3% and the tank goes down, a Guardian can pop Soresu, taunt, hit blade barrier and pull out the win. However I agree that Vig needs small changes to bring it up to a Sentinel's DPS. Adjustment of dot damages, and an AOE damage reduction being about it. Other than that? It's all about if you want 1 saber, 2, and if you want to cause or control the chaos.
  4. No spec is going to be much good until 20. Focus gives you more damage to your master strike, Combat lets your offhand do more damage... but honestly not a single spec is good until 20 when you pick up your new skill. Overload saber being the one for Watchman. If you just hate how easy Sentinels die... well you have to play further to get the good stuff.
  5. Some of the butthurt comes from the fact that if you're an Assassin (for example) why can't they do the same damage as a Marauder in an OPs group? Because they have a tank tree? That's like saying Marauders have to have a really bad master strike because they're not specced Carnage. The PvP complaint comes from the defensive cooldowns Marauders and Sentinels get. They get those for good reason, however no one else gets defensive cooldowns that are that good. Again, they get something far better than others. Most of the QQ would go away if they buffed other DPS trees. However in light of design issues would you want a tank who can go 99% immune at the cost of 1/2 his life? Even if it's for 5 seconds? DPS only ACs get more because there is no balancing for the odd outlying skills that would skew tanking and healing. But BW will get more comfortable, and the overwhelming 'supperiority' of Marauders will decrease. Makes me wonder if some of the FOTM players will scream for Marauder buffs because they're a DPS only AC. And they 'deserve more'.
  6. Juggs/Guardians as DPS have a lot more mobility and assisting power than people give them credit for. Honestly if you play a Marauder it's all about the beat down. If you play a Jugg you can do beat downs, and if things go crazy you can pick up adds, tank OPs bosses (for a short time for that last few %) and reign in the chaos. Jugg is harder work as a damage than a Marauder, but the pay off is exceptional.
  7. Sentinels have a much higher DPS out the gate. Guardians are late bloomers because they spec into their DPS moves at 30+. Sentinels are handed a lot of their damage tools by level 20. However I have a Guardian and a Marauder and I can say that my Guardian doesn't do top damage, but he does stay within 100-120 DPS of our Sentinels. The leveling on a Guardian is slower, but you get Kira on Coruscant, meaning if you go tank and just carry her around as a Guardian you can steam roll planets. There's also the handy feature of being able to get almost insta-ques in group finder as a tank. After 30+ swap to Vigilance and enjoy the ride. I wouldn't change from Vig for any money in the world.
  8. Our Guild-Leader/Gunslinger seems to cause 90% smuggler drops. We've gotten to the point we exclude him from HMs just so the rest of us can possibly get gear. Sadly there isn't much we need, but every time we do Lost Island the Rakatta smuggler chest drops. To tell you the truth? Everyone with a cunning healer in our guild has full Rakatta on them, even if they're running in a mix of lower gear themselves.
  9. Tell the tank to Guard you. Most healers will stand WAY out of range to heal, so guarding them is pointless. Marauders and some snipers may be affected, but I rarely see a sniper close enough, and Marauders can manage threat somewhat. Even if the tank learns to be a little more proactive and swap guarding through the fight you'll lose enough base threat that you'll both be happy. However that would require a tank with a brain. Good luck there.
  10. I've blamed the OPs current issues on PvE/PvP balance. No need for accuracy because of tech attacks skipping defense/shield table? Great for 8-mans, bad ju-ju for PvP. Honestly it's not a simple fix. You would literally have to rework the class from the ground up to exclude some tech attacks to make people have accuracy on gear. Then they could actually balance it. As stands that's just not the case. Because the instant they do that they need to rework the whole burrito. Give them time, calm down, and they WILL fix it. Patience will serve you better than ranting.
  11. Well also remember the context of the stories the missions tell. From the Inquisitor being a slave, to the temperance you're told to have in dealing with everyone by level 3 on a Warrior, there are plant-ins on what could be the start of your journey away from the darkside. This becomes more compounded during the Revanite questline, and the Dark Temple quest where you speak to a Sith who discovered 'ultimate power' by embracing the lightside. Not to mention everyone gets a companion you just adore. Mako, Akaavi, Quinn, whoever. Just a companion you love to have out. Their opinions have weight on you, the player. So it's not unreasonable they'd have a lot of weight on the character they regularly travel with. All these things can lead to a lightside bend. And honestly it's good story telling when the light and darkside both seem balanced in terms of sensibility. The Jedi Knight... is bad if your Darkside. Same with the Consular. However the sith classes make light or dark work very VERY well.
  12. The issue with Artifice is there are no consumables. Purple crystals were eaten up when the fleet vendor had them. So the 1-time color crystal has little worth. Armormech, Synthweaving, Armstech and even Biomech have useables. Meaning you can sell to the same person repeatedly. Over time your can get repeated sales over an entire server, competing with essentially the others of your profession. Artifice cannot make anything top-grade. Even our BOE relic is crap compared to ones you can get from daily coms. And while Armstech could make schematics, Artifice can't. Cybertech is in the same boat, but they at least can RE armorings and such from the black hole gear to sell and make a tidy profit on. So unless they give us something really outstanding, like a crystal that is more potent than you can get from OP weapons and the like, we're pretty much done. It doesn't help either than with so few Corusca Gem returns we can have a monster ton of mats to make purple items... and be short the purple stuff we need by miles. And with us being the only people who use Treasure Hunting, those items are horded pretty well. I'd call the current implementation pretty bad. And honestly unless we can make truely unique lightsabers or even being the source of the best relics in game we're pretty much SOL. Of course I'm sort of use to this. I was engineering in WoW and I never made more than peanuts on my crafting skill there too.
  13. I have an Operative named Griefer. In a guild called Dolphin Attack Squad. PvP is fun, BTW. Best: Captain Caveman Captain Crunch The Outlaw Josiewales Sargent Slaughter Lord Fluffy Darth Darth Binks (before server transfer) Worst: Founder Founder Founder
  14. The instance it's self is ok. No problem. In fact I can sleep through the last boss for the most part. Even the bonus boss is ZZZs worthy. It's just the droid. Too much going on, and if 1 derp zigs when he should zag, you're done. The Incinerate, plasma globes, adds, floor ticks... too much going on at 1 time. People who complain about this place, are only complaining about the droid. Other than 1 fight, this place is fine. And that 1 fight is by far overtuned for Columni level skill sets. The fact I can get past it means nothing. There are people who only do hard mode, and this game has needs to be accessible to everyone, not just those of us in Rakata/Campaign.
  15. Highly upset is more like it. Believe it or not, there are people who loath the very idea of PvP. I raided with a guy for years who did not PvP, refused to, and was mad enough to write up an honest to God letter to Blizzard when for 1 fight in Hyjal you needed a PvP trinket. For all those interesting stories it did prove something to me without question. Some people hate, refuse, and will not for any reason PvP. So now that the best Relics you can get come from PvP, it's just not going to fly. There is a PvP only stat for a reason. I PvP for fun, I'm working on War Hero now, but the two gears NEED to be separate. Otherwise PvE gear needs a stat that's useless in PvP or it's all just not functioning properly.
  16. The issue is no one makes Aim-Heavy droid gear. Meaning he's wearing Endurance heavy gear with +defense. If they'd make gear that would let the ship droid work properly it'd be ok. But he's 1/4th a healer due to gear limitations.
  17. It's a leveling change and I dare say a really REALLY good one. However when it can only smack 1 target it should do more damage. Simple fix. When it can't spread the "love" it should hit pretty hard. I'd go so far as to say as hard as the last tick of Master Strike. On a 15 second CD it'll balance out as not being too DPS-ish. Now if it's hitting multiple targets? Initial Damage of Plasma Brand, maybe? Plasma Brand hits for peanuts. Vigilance wouldn't even use it except for the dot and the chance to reset Master Strike. Not when you could get a much better ability by skipping it. I say these changes will affect BW's outlook on tanking a lot. They already know some things are not adding up. Like how Shadow/Assassin tanks aren't better at tanking some bosses because of self-heal, but that they can resist non shieldable damage exceptionally well. The fact they can get 50% shield chance/absorb after Hard Mode KP/EV doesn't hurt either. But their damage output is pretty good for a tank. I know our Vanguard was angry with the stock strike change until he fired off High Impact bolt and saw it did a LOT of damage now. I'd dare say Guardians as a whole need 1 more baseline strike in our skills just to even things out. It certainly can't break Guardians to be better than Sentinels if they're DPS, right?
  18. I have the Aug kits, I have the gear. However I'll prolly not do it until this weekend. A guildy is working on the Power Augments I want, and he's on back-order on those. So I told him to get the tanks and healers first and then toss me some love. But yes. I will have a full Jedi Battle Lord augmented. Short a belt because I can't get an armoring to fit into it. However as soon as I can it goes on the block too.
  19. 1.3 Dropped and with all this gear we can now wear with adaptive coming out I'm even madder than ever at this. I have a level 35 medium armor chest piece on my guardian I wear at fleet so I feel like a Jedi. Albeit one in stupid colors, but at least the hood is down. Too bad it's not modable. Heck, I don't even care if Bioware is giving us cinematics of us moving our hoods up and down, I just want 1 hood down chest I can mod out until "soon" comes. It was suppose to be in the next update after 1.2, and then it got pushed back. 6 months in this game and the same issue. Never been so absolutely angry with some MMO issue in my life.
  20. I just finished Act 1 and I love this saber as a reward. However I was wondering if there was another saber with the same looks so I could dual wield them. If anyone happens to know what it is, or where you get it, please let me know.
  21. Your sig says you have a guardian. I still believe Knights got it way worse than the agents. Having to do your final fight for the class versus the big-bad with a companion you haven't used since level 14? Yeah... good luck being worse than that.
  22. 27 games straight. 1 win. 23 games. 1 win. 15-20 between wins after that. My server is horrible for 50 pvp on Rep side. However the sub-50 bracket is pretty even. Never more than 3-4.
  23. Level 23 Marauder. During Huttball someone was toes to the goal line to tie the game and just wasn't going down with all the team on them. I charged in, crit a force scream, took the ball, hit /yell "MY BALL!", popped Fury stacks to run the hell away. My guild mate on vent got killed he was laughing so hard.
  24. During Beta that is exactly what you got. However people complained repeatedly and screamed to high-heaven, so now you get the Master title even if you're Darkside. The same as the Sith Warrior was suppose to get "Emperor's Wrath" however players stomped their feet enough that they now receive Darth the same as the inquisitors.
  25. I have never once had a bubble butt on my character. However I'm told that it only affects body type 1 and 2, so that may be why I thought people complaining about it were insane for the first few months. However I will say that I would LOVE to take even just the Black Talon Marauder's Chest over to the Rep side until the /hood is implemented. Even that purple nightmare looks better than the large poop-headed robes we have to wear now.
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