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Everything posted by IlexGlabra

  1. Really? That almost makes me want to play LotRO again. I played my Minstrel for a couple of years after launch, but left in disgust after they went Free to Play (after promising they never would while selling me a lifetime sub).
  2. Well stated. I always have to object a little bit when I see SW described as 'science fiction'.
  3. How...could you say such a thing? Would you prefer the comic antics of C3PO?
  4. So, in other words, it's a great time to be a gold seller?
  5. I see folks attempt the jump and fail all the time. It always gives me a chuckle.
  6. What you have is too much time on your hands. How many hours do you play to have two sets of BM gear?
  7. You should hit 1000/1000 wayyyy before level 50 if you're leveling through WZs. Feel free to spend them as you please. As long as you have your first bag purchased and 1000/1000 when you ding 50, you're set.
  8. Yeah, that's exactly how it works. It happened to me a couple of times in Warhammer as I got merged from one server to another and then to another. Each time, I saw friends unsubscribe for exactly the same reason as you cite.
  9. I can't speak for that guy, but for myself, I play the game for the gameplay. I like PvP and I like exploring. If you want to give me a loaded 50 to start with, I'd be fine with that. It's a silly and artificial mechanic whose only purpose is to make you spend more hours subscribing to the game. If it gives you a sense of achievement to walk that treadmill, then power to you.
  10. So, it's blatantly obvious. What of it? It's not some nefarious scheme. They're a business.
  11. I remember those games. I don't play them anymore. Do you?
  12. Right...and if that BH has Power Shield and 12 seconds of immunity from interupts, then what?
  13. IlexGlabra

    Remove Hutball

    Huttball is great. My only complaint is that it over-emphasizes the importance of knockbacks and pulls. While these can be creatively used for a tactical advantage, they can also lead to very frustrating gameplay.
  14. In Warhammer, you could join a Scenario (Warzone) at Level 1, within seconds of creating the character. SWTOR makes you wait 10 long levels before you get to join the real action.
  15. Level 10s lack the escape and survival skills that you pick up along the way, which means that when matched against a higher level character(s), they often run into trouble. However, if you play smart and as a team, this can usually be overcome. Smart Play > Character Level
  16. Yes, please. This issue has been reported for months now.
  17. It was the same exact thing in Warhammer, which probably isn't an accident. For the first three months of the game, most servers were dominated by Destruction. After that, there started to be a shift, both because of class nerfs and player defections and Order took the lead for a while. Then it was Destruction on top. Then it was Order again. So, if history truly does repeat itself, I predict that we'll see a similar cycle of Republic and Empire favoritism over the next year or two. If you want to hedge your bets, go ahead and roll a character to 50 on both sides and just ride the waves. Or, be the perpetual underdog.
  18. Advancement (through quest, or otherwise) needs to be tied into some form of achievement. My characters are all Republic, so believe me, I feel your pain. However, simply awarding gear for participation would lead to an epidemic of AFK'ing, or of players doing the minimum possible to get their stuff. The Medal system is so flawed and skewed to Tanks/DPS over Healers that it would not serve in its current form. MVP wouldn't work either, as most players either don't vote or simply vote for the player with the biggest Damage or biggest Heals value. So, what else is there other than winning? All of these suggestions are ignoring the TRUE PROBLEM, which is not how daily quests are completed, but rather how Warzone teams are formed. If Bioware can, as they are suggesting, drastically improve how players are matched against one another by a ranking system and/or by going cross server for a bigger pool of players, then chances are that we'll begin seeing more equitable Warzone matches and you'll stop losing six in a row.
  19. Hopefully they'll implement a penalty system with increasing returns. Everyone gets disconnected or has Real Life issues come up now and then, so give them a 1-minute time out the first time they drop group in an hour. If they do it again, make it 10 minutes. A third time? 20 minutes. More than that in an hour? Port 'em straight to Ilum instead.
  20. IlexGlabra

    Healer Medals

    Something is really going to have to be done for Healer Medals if they're moving over to a medal-dependent system for progression in 1.2 (which is pure speculation based on Georg's post). My Vanguard Tank can easily get 7-9 medals per match while my Scoundrel Healer works his butt off for 4-6. It's a glaring inequity which needs to be addressed.
  21. Use your head for a second. What possible reason could they have to favor the Empire? There is no consipiracy.
  22. People need to relax. Georg's statement could mean any number of things and until we have patch notes on the test server, I'd recommend not getting so worked up.
  23. IlexGlabra

    10-19 Bracket

    It's to speed up queue times by drawing from a larger pool of players. Once BW implements cross-server queueing, they might be able to split out an extra bracket or two without impacting wait times. I'd like to see a 10-29 Bracket, a 30-49 Bracket, and a 50 Bracket, personally.
  24. The problem is not in the Quest, but rather in the WZ queueing system. When Bioware gets around to cross-server rated queues, you should see more equal matches all around and it will stop taking a dozen warzones just to get three wins.
  25. Let me know when you have an 8v8 chess match where one side has upgraded their Rooks and Knights with PvP armor.
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