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Everything posted by IlexGlabra

  1. Coddle the weak? Jesus man, get some perspective. It's a video game.
  2. There's more money in it because it appeals to a much wider audience. That is absolutely true. MMOs are enormously expensive to develop, host, and support. Do you honestly expect companies (which, after all, are formed for profit) to not target the widest possible audience?
  3. It's an outdated mode of play. The industry has moved away from such systems for good reason.
  4. I think what you meant to say was, "Me, me, me, me." If you can muster the social skills to do so, I'd advise you to stop with the PUGs and get a guild group instead. Judging by your post, that's probably asking too much.
  5. Sure, my Vanguard has a couple of ways to interupt, but not on 1.5 second timer.
  6. So, that's 175 Champion tokens you've earned. Buy whatever you want. Sheesh.
  7. Stop trying to solo everyone and work as a team. If you take an enemy down to 50% and your buddies do the rest, you win.
  8. Thank God. It needed a nerf. Sorry if you're not so OP anymore.
  9. I can respect that. Honestly, that's why a lot of my guildmates won't join a PUG at all. However, if you are going to join a PUG and spend your time typing out comments in /ops chat, they might as well be constructive. Calling folks names and yelling at them will never make them better players.
  10. I love doing this. I really do. Burn, baby, burn. Also, in the second stage of Voidstar, it's possible to stand on the edge of the platform and harpoon people running over the extended bridge. They fly over to you and then drop down into the void below. Priceless.
  11. Eh, when I hit 50 I was slightly under 12k hp and some of my gear was still from the early 40s. I got my *** handed to me for a while and a week later I was up to 15k with 250 Expertise and growing on a daily basis. So, is it worth it to take the effort to buy or craft Level 49 gear when Level 50 stuff is so easily available once you hit max level?
  12. You realize that helping your teammates improve their game will also lead to more victories for yourself, right?
  13. It's reasonable to want progression, but come on, how much wider do you want the gulf between Fresh 50s and Rank 60+s to get?
  14. Gank. Definitely. If you have a problem with that, move to a PvE server.
  15. So, on my Vanguard Tank, when I'm guarding the ball carrier or attempting to harass/slow/kill the enemy one, I should abandon this and jump across the battlefield because a ranged DPS is pew pewing me down? You have to prioritize your targets and sometimes that means ignoring a DPS for the sake of winning the match. Even that aside, I'd have to say that more matches are lost because people ignore healers and focus their attention on DPS/Tanks instead. My latest alt is a Scoundrel Sawbones and I have to laugh at how often I can just stand by and spam heals on a tank while multiple opponents try to DPS him down and completely ignore me.
  16. IlexGlabra

    Level 10's

    I get ******s all the time who tell me not to queue unless I'm at least Level 20. My level 12 Smuggler usually has top heals in my WZs. But honestly, I'd agree that it would be better if split 10-29, 30-49, 50.
  17. That's pretty much it. UT Missions are up to nearly 50k on my server and folks keep buying them.
  18. The UT 340 missions are selling for between 40k-50k on my server, and the price is still rising.
  19. And that is one of my biggest problems with SWTOR crafting. I don't run operations or flashpoints. Crafters should not be locked out of advancing their craft because their chosen play style is not PvE Instances.
  20. They're not that different. Or rather, they're about as different as you might expect in a T1/T2/T3 system. The only thing that really boggles my mind is why the T2 Champion pieces don't have a Rank requirement on them. As part of a progression, it seems that it should be T1 at any PvP Rank, T2 at Rank 30+, and T3 at Rank 60+.
  21. Wonderful! Thanks for the confirmation.
  22. Should we assume that the item costs will rise accordingly? 15 per bag seems like a lot.
  23. I don't know, you're chances at getting Champion pieces out of those six bags really aren't so great. You might just end up with 18 Centurion Commendations instead. At that point, you would have been better waiting for 1.1.2 and the 'Greatly Increased' number of commendations provided (rather than the 18 you currently have).
  24. That change will come with a balancing cost. Right now, the RNG is used as a method to throttle the number of crafters with blue/purple recipes, there by reducing the number of said items in the economy. If they make Reverse Engineering easier, then expect there to be a corresponding change to the cost of the items in materials, crafting time, or some other measure in order to keep the market from being flooded.
  25. Expertise does more than reduce damage, doesn't it?
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