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Everything posted by Luckeyduckey

  1. Thanks so much Koozie for compiling this. Jerc is/was on my server, but I haven't see him or his brother for a few weeks. Hopefully he's alright, although I'm assuming he either doesn't play, or transferred off and is just playing as a casual. Hopefully we'll get some good answers today/tomorrow!
  2. Yeah this pretty funny to read
  3. Lol, thanks. Guess I'll wait and see the REAL changes, or just stick to other classes.
  4. I beg to differ. Higher overall damage, higher survivability, less RNG, harder to counter. Only downside is less burst, and no predation. Merc for heals, Sorc for DPS though. If you want to do both equally, it's pretty even.
  5. Break, 0-27 in Ranked? Or regs? Honestly, I find Sentinel more fun than Marauder, so I don't really blame you. If you do go Imp side, hit me up.
  6. Any Two Steps From Hell song. I win. My personal favorite being
  7. Probably a bug. I did the same with my Operative that's on POT5, had a 1600+ rating, and didn't get one.
  8. I don't know. As a PT, I find it pretty easy to take down the first two (Although, Juggs will be tougher in 2.7), but Sins are #1. Operatives aren't too bad, either.
  9. I just saw this parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/586617/1 Is this because of 2.7? I see that the server is "Axial Park" (Assuming that's the PTS.) Or is Sorc still pretty bad DPS? Going to be starting PvE, and trying to decide a class to play. I love PT, but also enjoy Sorc, and since I doubt PT will be getting any buffs anytime soon, was thinking Lightning Sorc, but on live, it's DPS is pretty bad. Can anyone on the PTS verify this is a new "normal" DPS?
  10. On a serious note, once you meet Cad Bane, the show just excels from there. Season 1 is okay, Season 2 is getting there, but by S.3, it gets really good. Season 3 is my personal favorite, but 4 and 5 are very close. 6 isn't anything special, I'm afraid.
  11. Putting money on Solo or Fett winning. But yeah, probably Vader or Yoda...
  12. Story: Agent > Warrior > Hunter > Inquisitor Gameplay: Hunter (Biased) > Inquisitor > Warrior > Agent. Hunter (Powertech) is by far my favorite, but really they're all good. If I rated each AC by "Fun": Powertech: 10 Juggernaut: 8 Sorcerer: 7.5 Assassin: 7.5 Sniper: 7 Marauder: 7 Operative: 6.5 Mercenary: 5 Didn't like the Mercenary much (preferred Commando), felt Operative was weak, rest were fun. I have a 55 of every AC, and would recommend Sniper or Sorcerer for ranged damage, Juggernaut or Assassin for Tanking, and Powertech or Marauder for Melee damage. Of course, if you plan on doing high level PvE (Raiding), then reverse this list, as Merc and Operative have the top DPS.
  13. Then we wouldn't have this story, would we?
  14. Sage Healer, Merc DPS, Operative DPS, Lightning Sorc, DPS Marauder (Besides Carnage), bad players. Some are debatable. Could add some more here. For example, a good pyro merc can still do okay in 4v4s, while a Madness Sorc that's "average" won't pull his/her weight.
  15. 1/10, for falling for the troll.
  16. http://deeksobserver.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/beardo.jpg
  17. He must have went from his Pyro Powertech to this. Marauder's aren't squishy, but playing a Pyro PT, everything feels squishy...
  18. I will second this. Although, your "uselessness" often has my team mates QQing about getting facerolled by a Sentinel, and has me taunting you on cooldown. Definitely a baddy.
  19. Pretty sure ERP in public is ban-worthy. I haven't seen it, so dunno. But I can tell you that no one is going to defend ERP on these forums.
  20. da*** you talking about. Everyone WZ I'm in, Kolto Overload alone gives me 3k HPS, it's just that good. edit: 1. Svenskar 2. Colt 45 Why Take Chances 3. Powertech 4. Voidstar 5. Killing Blows 6. http://i.imgur.com/TMP2VXw.jpg (36 KBs) Short last round, sadly.
  21. Pretty much PT + 30 game win streak = regular. Pyro PT is pretty overpowered, and isn't hard to carry a team to victory with. (This comes from a Warlord Powertech. It's the only class I like/play.)
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