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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. I wasn't talking about endgame. I was talking about leveling a new toon from 1-49. All the relics are light or dark side only. If you run neutral it makes the game a bit more difficult. I was saying we need neutral relics when leveling.
  2. Honestly they need to bring extra incentives to people who either subscribe or should subscribe. 500 cartel coins a month and everything unlocked isn't that big of an incentive anymore. So IMO the cartel coins need to be raised to 1050 a month and all daily missions should reward double the credits or make weekly missions, dailies instead. Either way it would bring a bit more incentive to subscribe.
  3. Saber crystals were a good start. Why not release gear through the cartel market that work just like the saber crystals? I know people will be like "Then whats the point in professions". Well heres the reasoning, almost every single person I talk to leveling up toons are rushing to the end, because they believe thats when the game starts for them. So why not give people that option. GTN is already outrageous on things.
  4. We seriously need neutral relics. Some people enjoy the choices they make, but at a cost. Relics. There are no neutral relics, they are either light or dark side. My suggestion is why not make the relics different based on 1 of the 3 alignments.


    Dark Side: Would emphasize more on power


    Light Side: Would emphasize more on endurance


    Neutral: Would emphasize both



    This way, no matter the consequence, everyone has a relic to use.

  5. Master strike says un-interruptable, and yet it is. Every time they are knocked back the damage stops and master strike is put on cooldown. But of course I see enemies that have an invincibilty button because I have seen elites and other mobs with 2k or less health hit by one of my abilities for 4k and they survive. Doesn't say absorb, miss, shield etc. It shows the damage, but doesn't kill the target and their health doesn't move. So there are other delays that aren't being addressed.
  6. Here is a bigger problem I have found about the nerf. I was in section X on my 55 gunslinger, I throw down XS ( Habit ) on an elite and a strong. I sent my tank companion in first. And after the XS bomb hits, here comes the elite and strong straight at me! So they nerf the crap out of XS and increase the threat? Someone who is in charge of this nerf seriously is lacking some common sense here. Why nerf one class and let other classes keep their one shot aoe's? I am sorry, but this nerf was a pvp reason. Anyone who says otherwise, is deluded.
  7. EH never really understood the ewok companion. I got HK, and he is a pain to gear up. My main is a gunslinger, and I seem to always use corso as a tank, not sure why I would use treek. Most people tell me treek is awesome at lower levels and treek tends to suck at higher levels. So i just don't see the appeal. I have other things to buy for 1 million credits.
  8. Let's see, XS used to kill weak lvl 50 mobs and nearly kill lvl 50 strongs ( Character being lvl 55 ). Now it hits like a wet noodle. Cannot even kill lvl 50 weaks. And what is worse is, it generates a ton of of threat even though it does crap damage.They should have kept the damage but increased the cooldown. My gunslinger still does pretty good single target damage, but that XS nerf, really was a major hit to our AOE damage. And a lot of things in this game need to be AOE'd. Mortar Volley still does its same damage, so I am not seeing the reason for the nerf. People say it was a PVE thing, I am sorry, but NO one in their right minds would ever complain about doing too much damage in a PVE situation. Every complaint about a class has ALWAYS been a PvP whiner.
  9. Something I continue to notice. Anything blaster related seems to be better than something saber related. Jeez all lightsabers are simply, glowing beating sticks. This game is NOT melee friendly. I used to be able to tank fairly well before Makeb. But ever since Makeb's release, tanking has grown much harder as a guardian. So I quit altogether, and just stuick with dps.
  10. Don't blame the OP, A lot of things on the GTN are priced well over 1 million credits. And most people have a life outside of this game and seriously don't have the time. The packs do drop sometimes credits. I had one give 100k credits, however, that was only one pack out of 8.
  11. Just be warned, HM's at lvl 55 aren't anywhere close to the HM's at 50. They are super hard if you don't have the 156 rated gear from oricon. Black Hole dailies are pretty simple to make about 80k credits. At 52 section X gets a bit easier. So you got that one. Then at 55 you have Crz and Oricon. These two aren't bad, but Oricon isn't easy even with the 156 rated gear. But at 55 it is definitely a comm's grind.
  12. I have been seeing this time and time again. Whether its my 55's or my lower level characters. Example: My 55 is fighting the elite at black hole. The enemy is down to about 2k health, I then do an aim'd shot, it crits for 4k, and the enemy survives. It doesn't say resist, absorb, shield, or nothing. It shows the crit, but doesn't do any damage. Its like the AI just said, no damage, deal with it. When fighting on Makeb, I see this all the time with all enemies. And I have nearly died because of it. I thought at first maybe it was something else, but after further testing, it just kept doing it.
  13. I still think it would have made the game a bit better at the end, depending on your alignment, on which side you were on. Say your a jedi and at the end of your story you were a dark side one. You could switch sides and get the title fallen jedi. Or be a sith that has total light side points, and get the title "the redeemed". It would have had more of an impact on choices and being light or dark.
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