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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use dyes on mounts an or anything else that doesn't? Allow players to choose the colors they love? Same thing goes for the color of weapons, not talking about the blades on sabers or the blast from blasters. I am talking about the weapon itself. Also, use color crystals to change the color of jet engines on mounts to give another color. Same thing for the light and dark side armors, wouldn't it be cool to change the colors on those armors? I am talking about the moving colors. They are stationary purple or blue and cannot change them.
  2. Some of us doesn't have a whole lot of time to play this game. A legacy wide command level would make more sense. It already sucks that the narshadda auto complete was taken off. Made doing heroics a little easier, considering I only have time to run about 2 a day.
  3. My main complaint is that the dailies seriously don't give good enough rewards. The rep gear looks like total crap. And some of us enjoyed the boost to command points. Now they only reward 52 points per heroic and 1150 per daily heroic completion. For EA/Bioware to bring out yet another endless grind fest, with no reward, then why subscribe? I play this game solely for the story. Could care less about operations or flashpoints. Never been a pvp'er in any MMO I have played. So the only thing left is 1 ot 2 heroic missions and logging off. I do have a life outside of games.
  4. Just seen the rep rewards and I must say, "Is this a flippin joke?!" The story was great, but doing a bunch of lame dailies and lowered Command points waiting till next patch, whats the point in subscribing? Has EA/Bioware completely lost touch with their own player base?
  5. I started playing this game around Beta. I quit WoW to come to this game because of the story based content. And I keep coming back to this game for the same reason. But ever since the game went F2P, queue times have got worse, PVP seems to be the only thing people want to do, and Harbinger is the only server that apparently has no wait time. I have fun running hard modes, but kinda hard to have fun when your forced to wait over an hour. And even then, you aren't guaranteed to have a successful run. Story and Hard modes are what i consider to be fun, but if 90% of the time they are fail groups, then what is the point in waiting for over an hour to get into one? SoR was longer than Makeb and more fun. But it ended too early like Makeb did. IMHO the game is suffering because there isn't more endgame content to keep player immersed. All I see anymore is PVP'ers and no one else.
  6. Problem is that there isn't no other games I play. Not into console games or other PC games. Nothing really holds my interest. Swtor holds my interest to a degree, but when there is barely any endgame content, it makes it kinda lackluster. And on top of that, in order to even run with my guild, I have to upgrade my computer. So that is a minimum of 400 dollars to do so. Which is odd, because every other game I have played didn't need a comp upgrade. I am all about setting a goal and setting out to achieve it. But when the only goal out there is getting better gear mods, there in lies the problem. The last hard mode I queue'd up for, I waited an hour and a half for, and the group imploded on the 2nd trash pull. Queue'd again after that, waited the same amount of time, and the same thing happened. The group imploded on the 2nd boss wipe. So the only other option to see upgrades is operations and buying them on the GTN. But with the Mod's costing 2 million credits each, it just feels like yet another grind. Takes me doing black hole dailies everyday on every 60 character I have to make 1 million credits. So it would take me roughly a whole month to 192 a character. I'm sorry, but that would burn out any player. So I keep asking myself, what else is there.
  7. Problem with this idea is that EA seems to not really care about this game anymore. Most of the expansions for this game have been kind of a joke. They seem to be more focused on the cartel market and less on game content. IMHO Bioware needs to dump EA and find a gaming company that is Fantasy based, instead of Sports based.
  8. I have been having trouble finding reasons to play anymore. I am not too keen on waiting over an hour to run a hard mode and haven't wanted to tank ever since Makeb was released. My guild only runs operations on Friday and Saturday. So the only things left is daily missions and leveling alt characters. Well I have nearly every single class to level 60, so that option is dwindling away. So what else is there? I hate PVP, so thats out. So honestly, what else is there? Datacrons are a patience thing, which I have very little of. This isn't an "I quit thread", this is a reason to play thread. I love the game, just wish there was something more worthwhile to do. I will always be a subscriber, but the problem is that there isn't really nothing to subscribe to.
  9. IMHO the sith pure blood voice should stay evil sounding no matter what side your on. I made a sith pure blood on repub side and she sounds like a little girl. Whereas on the empire side, she sounds awesome. So why not allow the player to decide what voice to use for their characters?
  10. So basically I am S'O'L? I have only found one guild on our server that has members I have ran with successfully. The rest have been hour and half wait times, with 9 times out 10 being fail before bosses or implosions after boss wipes. Really sucks when i have characters still stuck in 186 gear and no hope of seeing 192 outside of spending large amounts of credits.
  11. I am really curious on what the percentage is between subscribers / preferred vs F2P. I would love to be able to run Hard modes without the hour and a half wait ( Or longer ). It feels like more than 80% of the server is F2P. So I am really curious and wish there was a way of taking a survey on how many are F2P and who still subscribes.
  12. I think the point the OP was making was, they didn't think about their pre-existing subscriber base. Yea the promo tempts the veterans to return, but that does nothing to those that have been loyal the whole time. Looking at the promo deal, it would have been cheaper, and you get so much more. So all the current subs get it a lightsaber crystal. No cartel coins or extra game time for being loyal. Almost feels like a slap in the face. I would have been happy with half of the 2400, at least that would have shown me that they still care for their subscriber base.
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