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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. Was doing an experiment on dealing damage and discovered something. When dealing damage, the NPC's life bar doesn't move downward until the follow hit. So every 2 swings or blasts deals damage. Damage feels off. I can understand if they block, parry, or dodge, but when you seem visable damage ( as in the damage number appears ) the npc's life bar doesn't decrease. It wasn't until the next damaging ability that life was decreased. Might want to look into this EAware.
  2. IMO EA needs to stick with sports games and leave fantasy games alone. Without EA bioware might actually come up with an expansion for star wars thats worth it. It's like having a pure sports buff faking becoming a geek overnight. IMO EA is destroying SWTOR whereas bioware ( If it was just bioware ) would come up with longer things. EA just needs to stick with what they know and leave fantasy to those who know and love it.
  3. I still think the HM's need to be fine tuned for the typical PUG. If your claiming it to be too easy, you must be running it as a guild and using a form of vent communication. These aren't easy by any means and less enjoyable when you have a 30k repair bill for how many wipes you suffer. If they didn't nerf the tanks something fierce I would run them, but a tank being just as squishy as a dps, now this doesn't make any sense. I love tanking, but the trash mobs and some bosses just nearly two shot me. And I blame the the low % to defense chance.
  4. Why not give gear upgrades to tanks and healers when using the party up group system? This would give incentive for tanks and healers to queue up. Would also allow tanks and healers to gear up with decent gear, not better than HM gear but gear that makes them more effective instead of less. But of course, like everything in this game it either falls on deaf ears or ego driven elitist swine who have no life outside of gaming who enjoy others misery.
  5. I for one un-subscribed. Tired of the same lame people who think they are better than everyone else and want the game even harder than it is currently. To me, those kinda people make the gaming experience to be very lacking and very tedious. Just shows me what kinda people play games anymore. While they enjoy the experience, the casual gamer struggles and is constantly picked on for not being elite like them.
  6. Being in a PUG group doing these new hardmode's isn't fun in least. Multi wipes, high repair bills, people leaving, no other ways of seeing upgrades ( besides boring endless daily grinding ). Maybe EAware should look at hardmode vs PUG's, instead of designing them around the guild groups.
  7. For the people wanting things to be harder, I have one question for you. What happens when its people like you that only remain in the game and everyone un-subscribes? The hardmodes are really hard, and from a tank standpoint, we are very squishy now. This really needs to be looked at, repair costs are too high, the pay-out is horrid, and the gear drops are even more horrid. So my question to people who want it harder, what class are you? My gear is black hole, campaign, 1 basic comm's and 1 black market piece. And I have been nearly one shotted as a tank by mobs and sometimes bosses.
  8. Anyone else feel like the new hardmodes are insanely hard? I have a decently geared tank and feel very squishy. I wonder if healers understand that tank defense % chance has been really reduced? But every single mob and boss hits like a truck! It's either pop cd's or die.
  9. I don't feel like much of a tank in these new hardmode's. I feel like I'm too squishy, and yet my gear doesn't totally suck. So IMO tune them down just a tad, I like a challenge, but these HM's are insane! Tank defense % is so low and no way to bring it back up, so we die so quickly without burning cd's. I was just in a group doing hammer station, we wipe on the first boss, and everyone leaves. So while some of us don't mind a challenge and multiple deaths to learn a new hardmode, most won't stay. So maybe this needs to be looked at.
  10. I think they would have to care about the game first. Bioware had high hopes for this game and instead of biting the bullet and moving on, they just backed off, and brought in EA. Now EA probably controls everything, making the game suck more and more. If EA was to leave, bioware take back over, bring in new sponsors, revitalize the game, and bring out a true expansion. Then maybe we would see more classic looking star wars playable races etc.
  11. Why is the percentage chance dropping the higher in level I get to? Being a tank, I am suffering more damage than previously. I was in an esseles hardmode last night and found myself being hit harder than normal, and then I asked myself why. I'm in black hole gear, some campaign, and 1 basic comm's gear. Everything but defense chance percentage looked fine. So why hinder tanks with an even lower defense chance? Is this reduction because of PVP?
  12. Dailies taking too long is the point. Grouping up for them to go faster is the bad thing. This is the only MMO where you need aid to finish dailies faster. But whatever, every person has there likes and dislikes about this game.
  13. Black Hole was short and sweet. Section X and makeb are not. I don't mind working for stuff, but I don't want to be doing the same thing in the same place for hours. That isn't fun or enjoyable. This is a game, not a job.
  14. My wife is running as a SW dps and I am a SI heals. We are geared a little below you and are half way through. She is doing pretty well, but I seem to be eating things up. It seems that Makeb favors the SI (and probably the JC) as well. The multiple mobs, close together were just made for the AOE abilities that my caster has. The Whirlwind and other CC takes a npcs out of the equation and allows the ones left to be eaten one at a time. The elites and stongs (and few champions) have been no real trouble for me but do sometimes give her a hard time. The ability to bubble and self heal (a lot of healing) is what the doctor ordered for Makeb.


    But its you and your wife man. I'm working on my own. Guardians have no CC ability, so we are forced to fight everything. Some of us are forced to work alone and most prefer it. But the one thing I don't like about this game thus far is it seems as though in order to progess through makeb, having a group is essential.

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