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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. I am getting to the point where I merely log in just to do daily black hole on 5 toons and check professions and log out. There is nothing really to do. Would love to do HM flashpoints, but waiting over an hour just to run one, isn't fun at all. So that just tells me that there are more F2P people than subscribers. F2P'ers only get a set amount of flashpoints they can run in a week, whereas subscribers can run them endlessly. So if EAware doesn't really care no more, then why not give F2P'ers the ability to run Hm's and Warzones endlessly? I will always be a subscriber, because I love and support the game. But there needs to be more endgame content so that everyone benefits, otherwise, your loyal subscribers will start to question, "Why subscribe".
  2. Actually whatever they did ever since the release of F2P, the UI has been screwed up. I run on a lower grade computer ( working on upgrading ) But before F2P, I could run my computer on medium settings and there would be very little lag. Ever since F2P was released, I have noticed it has became worse and worse. Now I must play on the lowest settings and even then its not enough. So IMHO before EVER releasing another expansion, THIS issue needs to be addressed and fixed.
  3. So make it more difficult than it already is. Oh thats a wonderful idea. There is barely any people who even want to step foot in there to begin with. Now its people like you, that want to make it insanely difficult. If that happens, no one will run it. I have ran that place 7 times now and can never kill the first boss. And most of the time, the groups break up before the run even begins.
  4. The server lag is horrid on this server. One minute its acting fine, the next it jumps to 80k. Nothing to do with my internet connection ( already checked ). And it keeps happening. So what is the point in trying to enjoy the double XP weekend, when we cannot even stay connected TO PLAY?
  5. Every single pug I have been in, never beats this boss and the group always implodes. Heck I have even seen groups implode before the flashpoint even starts. This guy seems harder than any other boss in other hard modes and yet drops crap for gear. I think some of these flashpoints need to be addressed. I know there will be some that comment and say it is easy. But in a PUG, it is nearly impossible to even complete.
  6. all at the wall, cc break when chokes during berserk. after that is l2p


    Every time any group I have been in breaks the force choke, it does increased damage the next time around. I have also heard about healers dying after a single force choke and them saying it hit for 43k. I have never experienced what others have said, Groups I have been in just nuke the tar out of him, but then again, I always have had a scoundrel healer.

  7. I have successfully seen it done when a scoundrel healer is doing it. But when its a sage healer, they seem to have difficulties. When you break the force choke, he does more damage, and sage heals don't have the same amount of heals that a scoundrel does. Or at least the more speedy ones. That was my question, can a sage properly heal a group and complete the Korriban HM bonus boss. ( Yes the one before the robot )
  8. How about some Legacy gear that levels with you or to be able to put high level mods into it and it stay level 10? Make it to where you must be lvl 50 legacy in order to acquire it. Would make Legacy gear worth a crap and would give your existing veterans an extra benefit for their time playing.
  9. You don't need 192 gear to finish HM's. All it takes is 186 gear and proper dps rotation. Screaming that people need 192 gear to complete HM's is laughable. Elite comm's are there for people to gain 192 gear to upgrade their 186 gear. The real problem is those people who refuse to get the 186 gear and think any ole gear will do.
  10. Whats up with the server lag on jedi covenant? Just logged in to do dailies, and my server lag spiked to 10k. It kept going back to normal and then spiking over and over. Nothing wrong with my computer or internet connection. So it has to be on their end.
  11. Why not give people the option at higher levels, mod the legacy gear with 178 mods in lvl 30 legacy gear. Would make leveling alts a bit easier and more fun. Would give birthright gear more meaning, instead of just junk.
  12. I have seen the same character for near a month in the same spot in Black Hole. This character never goes anywhere else and just constantly kills things. It is unguilded, has no relics, and has bare minimal gear. For being a 55, just seems weird that someone just logs on just to kill things in a the same area for next to a month straight. So IMO that is a bot.
  13. With the release of 192 weekly companion gear, basic comm's gear seriously has no other uses. Once a player has their full 186 rated gear set, there is no other use for basic comm's gear. So why not add something extra for basic comm's for either alts or other things?
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