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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. Here lately I have noticed that this is out of whack. Normals have been hitting very hard at low levels, strongs have nearly one shot me ( my gear is not horrible ), and elites are easily killed. So how is this working as intended? Strongs are suppose to be a bit more difficult than a normal, but if they are more tough than an elite, then there is a problem.
  2. Ever since the patch and maint. the game hasn't felt very good playing at lower levels. I charge into a mob only to have a second one from across the room aggro. Is this intended or a bug? Also after conversations, I am nearly killed before being able to respond while be attacked. Further, a strong earlier nearly one shot me with a single ability. It was instant and the strong was equal to my level. This has happened multiple times and on multiple planets. Furthermore, companions are still lagging to the point of them not helping. My alts gear is very good for her level and it makes little sense that normal and strong mobs are hitting harder than elites. And with that being said, having additional mobs that you didn't even attack or be in range of, come and attack you.
  3. I have a high raid awareness, always have always will. I am talking about other people when getting into a randoms. I will never see anything past 186 rating, because I CANNOT COMPLETE A HARDMODE. So it feels like a waste of time when waiting for 45 min to an hour. Only to have a fail group that don't know how to play their classes. So everyone else suffers if they aren't fortunate enough to be in a good fleet.
  4. These are the two major things that made first play the game. Without new ones, the game isn't unique no more. SoR was my hope they would have a new class story arc for each one. And to my disappointment, there was only a single mission and it was over. There isn't no new companion story as well. When will we see maybe a new character story arc where you can have a child and it gives a different story? Maybe a mentioning of their parents, good or bad. I play games for story mostly and this game seriously needs to return to its roots. I am sick of the expansions that only focus on a story arc that affects everyone, instead of each class. I want it to return to the uniqueness and bring back more companion story.
  5. The "average" player can get a full set of 186 gear almost immediately upon hitting 60. If you cannot solo level 55 tacticals then, what you can "strive for" is the slightly better gear to do it in, or better skill. Seems like it already fits.


    Elite Comm gear is perfectly within the "average" player's reach. Even if you did nothing but weeklies on Yavin and a Tactical FP every day, you'd have over 90 comms a week, more than enough to start upgrading gear.



    Only for some. Other's aren't so fortunate to finish hardmodes to see Elite Comm's gear. I haven't been able to finish a Hardmode ever since Makeb was released. I have two characters in 186 gear and no matter what, the groups just suck in random hard modes. Unless you are lucky enough to be in an active guild, with people with high level raid awareness. I wish there was another way to get Elite Comm's gear without having the headache of hardmodes.

  6. I understand that both of these places are a way for those people that want to social. But it also lags these hubs something fierce. So why not have Ilum get all the pvp gear vendors and pvp mission terminals? Then have PVE vendors and mission terminals in other locations. Also maybe add some GTN's to other planets, as well as crafting trainers.I think if other places had these things, fleet and home worlds wouldn't be so crowded.
  7. I am still waiting to see an awesome looking assault cannon that used the full auto sound effect that was used in the Hope cinematic. It just sounds purely epic. So why not a Dual Gatling Gun, that has its barrels side by side, instead of on top of one another? And then use that full auto sound effect from that cinematic?
  8. Most of this game is F2P'ers that don't have multiple runs they can do, unlike a subscriber. So why not make them doable? At current, it is only those people who are in active fleets that are doing them. And for the random person who groups randomly, its 9 times out of 10 a fail. So why not make the Hardmode flashpoints a bit easier, and then make operations a bit harder, considering it takes more coordination?
  9. I have been seeing this a lot more. Companions lag and then pull other mobs that aren't even close to you. On top of that, they lag to the point where they don't provide support. Example, my low level character uses Quinn as a healer, and I will charge into a fight. I expect heals, but when I turn around, he isn't doing nothing but standing at a distance. And with silvers ( Strongs ) hitting harder than normal, having a companion not helping isn't good. I was on Balmorra last night, and kept having bugs that weren't even close to me, aggro, and then come to find out, it was my companion that was lagging into those groups. It happened more than once. I seriously hope they fix all the bugs and lag issues in the game come Tuesday. I will always be a subscriber, because I believe in supporting a game that is awesome, instead of mooching.
  10. I was hoping for other ways of earning elite comm's in order to strive to get something else past 186. Group content hasn't been working very well for myself. I haven't had a successful Hardmode ever since Makeb was released. I solo a lot of things that generate comms, but they are mostly basic comms and they can only go so far. I play MMORPG's for story, not to always be forced to group with others in order to experience things in the game. Before Makeb, Hardmode's were not severely difficult, and now they are next to impossible to complete.


    I just want to have something to strive for, that i know i can achieve. Instead of always having fail groups and feeling like I just wasted time. Some of us are not fortunate to have hardcore fleets to run things everyday. Most of us are on our own. I will always be a subscriber and never a lame F2P'er.

  11. Haven't had not one single successful hardmode ever since Makeb. I have two toons in 186 rated gear, and I do mean everything is 186. So the only thing left is hardmodes and elite comm's. but if the groups aren't successful, then why waste the time? That's why I ask for more solo content with elite comm's as a reward.
  12. The biggest thing I hate about this expansion was the major let down for personal story. Some of us didn't care about Revan. It just felt like yet another lame Makeb storyline. I loved Rishi and loved the solo'able new flashpoint content ( Just wish you could solo them for weekly credit ). Just wish there was more of a Black Hole daily area. Makeb is horrid for dailies and this expansion feels the same way. I seriously wish there was more solo'able content to get at least elite comm's. Basic comm's can only go so far and for some of us, we cannot have successful hardmodes. I am a subscriber and always will be.
  13. Class story is what brought me back to the game and I am a loyal subscriber. And this expansion was a serious let down in terms of class story. I wasn't interested in Revan, I wanted more person class story. And when there was only a single mission and it was over. I felt majorly cheated. Loved Rishi and hated Yavin 4. ( Could have had so much more and felt like another lame Makeb )
  14. I would love to see more solo'able content for elite marks. Basic Comm's can only go so far and Hardmode's have been kinda off since Makeb. I would love to see a weekly or something that doesn't revolve around flashpoints for elite comm's.
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