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Posts posted by Glorthox

  1. Every other time i get it around the 1st or 2nd. And here it is the 2nd and still nothing. I have already paid for the subscription and still no stipend. Thats why I am asking.
  2. I have already resubbed and here it is the 2nd and still no 500 stipend. So my question is, why do we have to wait for the stipend, when we have already paid for the subscription?
  3. Also the 8 core I was looking into was this one: AMD FX-8320 3.5ghz. Some of us don't have oodles of money to spend on computer upgrades. The upgrades i was looking into was only going to run about 400 bucks. And the suggestions you have been telling me, have factored out to being easily over a grand or more. Spending a ton of money on upgrades to play a single game is beyond nuts.
  4. ^ This thinking right here is where the marketing has taken so many people sideways...


    When you say 8 core, I assume you mean AMD's "8 core" CPUs. Rubbish, get a good Intel Core i5, it'll run rings around anything AMD makes and use half the power to do it.


    None of the R7 GPUs that great for gaming. Yea, they work, but spend the money on an R9 something. The R9 285 is probably the sweet spot of price/performance right now and it is reasonably power efficient to boot.


    If money is tight, I'd take a Haswell Refresh Core i3 over an AMD 8 core anything, if you need something cheaper than a Core i5.


    Everything you have suggested costs an insane amount of money. That makes zero sense. AMD vs I5 whatever, is a personal preference. AMD's are widely used in PS3 and other gaming consoles. Intel vs AMD is just a personal preference and nothing more. And then saying I need to buy an R9, is just BS too. Those cards cost an arm and a leg. So in order to play Swtor, people have to spend no less than about 3-4 grand?

  5. Well I keep seeing those who don't have problems with the game sporting 12 gigs of ram. So in order for people to run the game and have fun with it, they must invest into a computer with at least 12 gigs of ram and what not? That seems very expensive in order to play a game. If you look at WoW and other MMO's, the requirements are never this high. So in order to play this game, it sounds like people must spend at least 1200 bucks on a computer and occasionally upgrade everything on a yearly basis. i was thinking about upgrading my rig, but looking at all the FPS and UI issues I don't see the point. Was going to run 8 Gig of ram. But seeing as I need 12, I don't see myself wasting the money. It was already going to cost me a lil over 400 bucks for the upgrades. But after reading this, my upgrades aren't even close. Was looking into getting an 8 core, with an R7 graph card, a new motherboard, and 8 gig of ram. But I guess that won't be good enough to see good FPS numbers. Right now I keep seeing signal loss. Its normal at first, then spikes to 5k, returns to normal, then does it all over again. This process continues the whole time, no matter the planet, FP, WZ, etc. I love the game and want to play. But if spending a good amount of money isn't going to change things, then what is the point?
  6. I also Unsubscribed. Due to all the bad FPS, Latency issues, and them turning a blind eye to it. I love the game, will always be a subscriber, and refuse to be a F2P mooch. I will return, if they fix these problems. Until then, I turn my back on the game.
  7. Here lately it has been taking more than an hour to PUG a group for hard mode flashpoints. So I have arrived at the conclusion that its either one of two things. 1: more than 80% of the player base is F2P 2: No one runs them, because they are running PVP.


    I am just trying to figure out why I keep subscribing, when there truly is nothing to do. Being in a guild is one thing, but when you cannot run something because the game is comprised of nearly nothing but F2P'ers with only about 3-5 flashpoint runs a week, makes for a crap game.

  8. I am just tired of there not being enough people to run hardmodes and other things. Because 80% of the gamer base is F2P and Preferred. So tired of more than an hour wait times for hard mode flashpoints and poor maintenance. If there was more subscribers, then there would be more people running things.
  9. How about giving some incentive to people who are F2P or Preferred status? How about having a subscription plan that they sign for a year at $9.00 a month for a year? Then they keep that monthly subscription fee after a year. But the moment they return to F2P or Preferred, they lose all the benefits. This would bring some incentive to being a subscriber at a lower rate.



    And if this would prove to be a success, then lower current loyal subscriber amounts by a couple of dollars, so they don't feel left out. IMHO, this way the game makes money, is able to do weekly must have maintenance, and or fixing.

  10. Topic says it all. At this point, the only way I see elite comm's, is through HM flashpoints. I might be able to get into 1 in a week. There isn't very many people doing them or the servers are overrun with F2P'ers. I am a subscriber and in a guild. But my guild is rarely on during the week and most dont want to run HM's. So maybe elite comm's need to be rethought or something. At this point, I usually wait on average a hour and a half to run a hard mode. And 9 times out 10, the group implodes because people don't know how to play their classes, or the group just dies on simple trash mob pulls.
  11. OP, they would have to care about this game first. Look at all the bugs this game has. Are they doing anything about them? NO. Are they giving F2P and Preferred players a path to subscribing? NO. The only thing they are focused on, is the Cartel Market, and nothing else. Nickel and Diming this game to death, doesn't mean they are even thinking about a sequel. They have to care about this game first and fix the major issues before even considering a future sequel.
  12. This is an easy answer. Subscribe and keep all the unlocks or stay a mooch and get what is offered. Having all the unlocks while be subscribed is one of the perks of being a subber. IMHO Preferred and F2P is just being a mooch and not really supporting the game. If we had more subscribers or EAware had a path to subscribing for those thinking about subscribing, the game would be better in terms of maintenance.
  13. Not sure if I ever want to tank again with all the lag and UI problems in the game. I am in a guild, to the guy that said I need one. I don't like relying on others to do things, but HM's are a necessary evil. Waiting an hour and a half to run maybe one, depending on which it is, isn't fun. So I literally run black hole on 5 toons, check professions, sell things on GTN and log out. If the HM queues weren't so horrid, I would be doing those. But I have a feeling that 80% of players are F2P and among those 80% are just here for PVP and nothing else.
  14. Makes me wonder if EAware seriously cares about this game anymore. With all the UI problems and lag latency issues. It is very surprising that they don't endeavor to fix these issues before working on other projects. Every time they ignore these issues, just makes me wonder why I subscribe anymore. I love and support the game. This will never change, but would like to see the Dev's start having the same love that their loyal subscribers do.
  15. After reading some posts, I must say that I do know the mechanics. But no matter what, the heals have always seem to be lacking and I find myself healing myself. Bringing a level of coordination to a PUG group, most of the time ends in a bad results. From the comments, most have it easier than others. I have done all the HM's successfully, except Tython. But now, my only problem with hard modes is the hour and half wait times in order to run a single hard mode flashpoint. My trooper is almost in full 192, but I would like to gear up my other toons, but waiting over an hour for queue times is insane.
  16. I keep seeing weapon models for upcoming and released cartel market packs and I must say, how lazy it looks. They all have been used previously, where the colors have just been changed. So how can that be considered new? I am still waiting for a cartel market pack that literally blows my socks off in terms of awesomeness.
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