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Posts posted by SaerethDL

  1. imagine defending bad business practices and people's money being stolen and then calling them entitled.


    #1 This expansion should have been a preorder and this problem wouldn't have happened,


    #2 They shouldn't have announced the release date way too early.


    #3 Just because it's normal to get away with stuff like this doesn't mean its acceptable, we need to stand together and ask for change!


    #4 Stop putting release dates you can't meet, set a release date after the game is about gone gold, or give your self plenty of time to fulfill your release date, you can always move the release date closer and people would be cheering their bantha tails off.


    #5 yes these people deserve some form of compensation since they only gave a 6 day notice, they announced the release date three weeks ago, they should have known they wouldn't be ready. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!

  2. They are not even doing that. They are out of the office on winter break from nest week till about January 20th. They will come back then and have 2 weeks or so to do what they are doing. Two months working is a joke. Offices will be closed during that time.


    yup this is correct :D maybe 3 weeks of actual work on the game.

  3. Nothing you said is something that needs to be "fixed". They changed those systems. You don't like the changes. That's it. Period.


    They aren't taking an extra 2 months to undo the systems we haven't even really gotten to fully try yet; They are taking the extra 2 months to finish all the stuff still needing to be done to deliver a completed expansion pack, like the UIs, etc.


    There's no need to be flouncing about over this. Your disapproval is noted.


    Yup this is correct. Plus elden ring or swtor? imma choose elden ring every time, yall enjoy your "expansion". :D

  4. what to actually have the gearing system back in the game that was originally in this game? kinda made the work for gear and contributions actually worth progressing in yea that is not going to happen. People did not like Command or Renown which is basically the same system just revamped. Nor did they really care for the Onslaught because there was nothing to actually keep the player base intent and focused on doing for the full length of the expansion. the gearing system is going to be reverted back to before kotet.


    This is mostly probably more due to family vacation of the employees and disney cracking the whip because of not allowing multiple star wars content being released in the same month. book of boba fett releases Dec 30th which knocks out both december and january for a potential release. looking at them probably being off this week or next until around jan 15th which leaves them 3 weeks of work to do which is not enough time to do anything really when you look at it.


    they may put weapons in outfitter and loadouts on pts but i see that being the limit of the amount of work they are going to do.


    I second this notion, i don't like 6.0 gearing at all and would like to get back to proper progression system.

  5. Seriously?! The 10th Anniversary is gonna be delayed by 2 months? So for the first time in a decade there will be NO new content in December? The one time of the year we all expect it? You release broken ***** every year but THIS year nono **** all those guys that subbed for a month.


    Not like you could have told us this 2 weeks ago. Right? The 10th Anniversary and you fail this hard... All we wanted was a decent expansion. Did trying to change all the *********** classes at once prove too much? Changing everything every bloody version didn't teach you anything at all, did it?!


    You are underfunded, and yet you always want to remake the game every time. We just want an expansion that lasts longer than an afternoon. I really don't understand.


    this is the appropriate reaction tbh, bioware should never have given out that release date.

  6. I, for one, am happy for this delay.

    There were (and still are) too many issues and (in my opinion) not well-thought-of decisions about how the game should go on.


    I was unhappy with current "ability prunning", some classes got it really bad.


    Irrational change of gearing way. Why, oh why after ALL those years utilize an old-fashioned and despised-by-many form of gearing?


    Failure to give the "2nd combat style to existing characters" - THAT one tells me there is significant obstacle in the engine/code to implement it properly and it would take a genius to actually make it work.


    Actually I would hope it doesn't happen at all. I see it as totally useless (in the form it was presented to us so far.


    Last but not least I will have 2 more months to enjoy my Apex Predator and Endless Offensive sets, finally!



    none of this will change, you're just putting off the inevitable

  7. At least I can hopefully say that I'm not missing the launch of 7.0 on account of having upgraded to an Alder Lake CPU. Otherwise, I hope the addition of a couple months' development time will be used as best it can. I think we can all agree that we'd rather have a polished product than a rushed one, something the video game industry as a whole doesn't seem to understand.


    People assume this means the release will come out polished.. this doesn't go hand in hand. It could still very well be a buggy mess, which it likely will be.

  8. ETA = EXPECTED time of arrival ...... it's in the freaking name ...... It's not called ASTE (absolutely sure time of arrival) ;)

    Besides that. You never know for sure if a date will be achieved. I have seen delays happen on the day itself.


    a release date is not an eta, its a hard date for release. eta is totally different

  9. No excuses have been made. a logical argument on why it NEEDED to be delayed? Yes. Bad business practice would have them waiting until next week or the day of (which has happened before). Things happen, especially during a global pandemic that has slowed and delayed most things. And what you are asking for, that communication, what do you think that is today? is that not exactly what you're asking for?


    lol i hate retyping everything over and over. Waiting until the last minute for communication is communication yes, but it is poor communication. People have been preparing and resubbing to get ready for 7.0 after they announced a release date 3 weeks ago and now that the expansion is days away. 3 weeks ago they should have known where they were at, the expansion should have been ready to go gold. They didn't have to tell us dec 14th if they weren't even remotely ready, they jumped the gun.. that is their fault, stop making excuses for them.


    They could have initially told us we aren't ready to give out a release date and we will keep you guys updated when we are, or they could have gave themselves ample time and put the release date to feb or march and either announced a delay a month ahead or pushed it to an earlier release date if they were already ready. Again stop supporting bad business practices just because you think its the norm. It's time for change.

  10. okay and I'm sure you weren't one of the people complaining they didn't announce it months and months ago. Since the forums were full of people angry that there wasn't a release date yet. And I advocated for them to wait, since their updates/expansions often get delayed. And here we are delayed. So how would you like it? 3 months in advance, 1 month, 1 week? either way you wouldn't be happy and the only insult is players thinking they've been taken advantage of. no one forced anyone to get a sub early


    wrong, what you do is open a line of communication with your customers, tell them the expansion is not quite ready yet and expect an eta (or updates) over the next few months while they see where they are at. Delays happen yes, but this one was annouced and delayed not even a month apart and days before the expansion. Again yall keep making excuses for bad business practices and blaming us paying customers for it haha. :rolleyes:

  11. In any given company, what a marketing department says and what the guy with his fingers on the keyboard is doing rarely match. If you worked in a software house, then you above all people should know the marketing department holds project development hostage to deadlines.


    Every release cycle is a constant battle royale between marketing and production to squeeze out a delay at all. The marketing material has been printed, the press releases are out, interviews given, and all the while, there's the development team, strung out on coffee and 5-hour energy boost drinks, going cross-eyed trying to make an impossible deadline, until someone comes to their senses and does the right thing.


    Keep with your no-excuses shtick, your choice. In the end, Bioware made the best decision possible.


    Best decision possible would be to not announce a release date way too early. Keep defending bad business practices all you like, doesn't make you right. :).


    edit: the problem is amounted ten-fold because you cannot pre-order this expansion, its a subscription based game, which people get the subscription early to prepare for the expansion. Stop, I repeat, Stop blaming the customers for bad business practices on bioware's part. It's insulting.

  12. Join any software house for any 18-month development cycle and let us know how the original release date goes for you.


    I've worked in software houses most of my adult life in one capacity or another. Delays happen. Scratched releases happen.


    Bioware made the best decision possible, far better a decision than in some software houses I've worked for that absolutely burned out their employees working 17-hour days keeping to an artificial deadline and then less than 24 hours before launch announce a delay.


    I've nothing critical to say regarding this delay.


    nope, no excuses, they announced it during a livestream in november, not even a month before release date was suppose to happen.. they knew very well they likely werent going to hit that release date. There is no way you don't know at that stage in development. Yes I've worked in game development before. nice try tho :D


    edit: to further explain, at that point during the announcement the expansion should have been 98% ready to go gold, and nothing left but to iron out bugs and other small issues.

  13. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I was super excited and preparing for 7.0.. with only a few days left my hype grew. My sub just renewed yesterday. Now i'm just let down. I honestly feel depressed today, not only did they take my joy, time, effort, they took my money knowing it should have been delayed before they even announced the release date of dec 14th. Horrible tactics. I will be unsubbing, and now i'm no longer looking forward to the expansion. Way to ruin my christmas, grench. :(
  14. You know what I mean. New toons can take advantage of the new combat style system. Already made toon are stuck with the combat style tied to their character.


    but its no different, the primary class they choose is locked in too. Seems like you chose the wrong class and now want two free re-rolls, that is not how it works. You already picked your primary class, now you get to choose a secondary class. Choose wisely this time.

  15. Yeah, that part's crap. Not the gear numbers per se but the lack of tailoring.


    Example: When I made my Smuggler, I noticed that some of her techniques took forever to execute. Bump up the Alacrity a bit and everything is golden. Now, it's going to be whatever BW thinks is good gear with the non-moddable stuff. (Plus I'm going to have to make an image slot instead of just updating my existing armor.)


    Basically, the non-moddable gear (Why hello, Game Update pre-1.3. Good to see you again) and the effective killing of the Weeklies are just crappy things that Bioware is dumping on us. There's really no defending those two things.


    are you sure you cant mix and match different pieces to get the stats you want? It seemed like I could in the PTS. Like they have some with alacrity if you want more of that, as well as other stats you can mix and match with.

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