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Posts posted by SaerethDL

  1. Been having a blast with this patch and I notice the positivity has been growing from the amount chatter I see in game. PVP is fun again, people are actually playing objectives to win medals instead of constant dps farming. I also thought premades would be a problem but I only went against one and yeah we held our own for about 5 mins until they massacred us, but mostly everyone has been so positive and encouraging other players instead of toxic. Now I cannot vouch for 4v4 because I just finished my pvp weeklies on two characters and haven't played but two 4v4 matches.

    I had a blast with the new story although short it was well written and fun to play. The new world seemed massive and I have yet to fully explore it. Also the weekly objectives for galatic conquest have been fun grouping with other players and watching some interesting events like a whole raid full of just dps without a single tank or heals without even knowing it, we all had a good laugh as we wiped.

    No matter what people say, to me I think you have turned things around for this game, it is a more rewarding experience now and more social interactions which I love. I hope people stick around and we can build a bigger population together and maybe bioware will decide to add more content at a faster pace.

    You may not hear it often, but well done on the direction of your game no matter all the negative feedback you received you still gave it a chance to blossom.


    • Like 12
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    • Confused 2
  2. 12 hours ago, assatrap said:

    People have no clue how toxic pvp is going to become in 7.2... NO CLUE haha. If your a ranked player you already comfortable with this competitiveness.

    with so MUCH potential reward gated behind pvp objectives&wins -its pretty much going to become SR Light.

    It wouldnt surprise me the least few days after 7.2... these regstar try hards going to start making topics on forum on how bad 7.2 is and that we should revert back to the old system. You asked for removal of rank and introduction of rewards in unranked. Don't complain now 🙂

    But But the other ranked players said there is gonna be no competitiveness from now on because there is nothing to work towards and faster progression isn't motivation enough for anyone to play harder. So which is it? 😁

    I also believe regs will be a bit more toxic now that ranked is gone, not because yall were any good but because yall will bring that ranked toxic mentality to regs as yall are damage farming then blaming everyone but yourselves for the loss. Good players don't put others down, they put others on their backs without question.  

    • Like 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, septru said:

    What happened, friend? Why are you so angry? 


    Did your parents not love you? Where you bullied as a kid? 


    Please... show us on the doll where the ranked pvper touched you. 


    What ranked player? There will be none in two days haha 😄

  4. 3 minutes ago, Weswhitebore said:

    What mountain of former ranked Players???? There is no mountain, they all, and if not all, then the majority, quit, lmao. If there are any former ranked players, they were likely from the older seasons like 6-10 that are retired, and like I mentioned before, there is a decent possibility that it's not even the ranked player but simply the account with ranked stuff on it, especially if there is sub-par game play. An hypothetical premade full of former ranked players isn't even a mountain, that's the Titanic heading straight to the Iceberg. Bioware encouraging as well as enabling Premades with seemingly no solid plan is also like the Titanic heading straight to the Iceberg regardless of if former or ranked players are in the conversation or not. They should've sad down, pulled a Dr. Strange, and looked at like Fourteen million, six hundred and five to see that in many of them, this was a bad idea, although it really only takes looking at one. I know your forum name is Slowdude, so your responses are likely trolls, but try to keep up please. If possible, be like Sonic The Hedgehog and go faster, faster than any of us, faster than the Mellimuem Falcon, nobody will be able to stop you once you reach maximum overdrive. 


    This has already been explained to you what Skill in PVP is and how it's applied but you still choose willful ignorance.

    Even more willful ignorance on your part. Nobody is against Regs having a PVP track, nobody in this entire thread has spoken out against them having a PVP track. How many times must you read this to understand that?  The problem is Bioware getting rid of ranked and giving ranked rewards that people actually worked hard for as participation trophies, while also taking any the competitive aspect of PVP. Really? a towel and shower.   You are resorting to using the meaning of a derogatory term and hyperbole to describe members of any game’s playerbase who are highly skilled and competitive, and often coming from players who are upset by their lack of ability to compete. Careful, your toxicity and insecurity  is showing.

    1) "Retired..", "highly skilled" LOL you guys think you are something special eh? Acting like you played in the olympics or something. Real professionals play for money and real prizes, not some hand out that might aswell be a participation trophy for the ones numb enough to put up with all the ego tripping and measuring contest. 

    2) Basically you not wanting to give up your "I feel special/superior" awards in a nutshell. Paint it any color you wish I can see through it. If  bioware allowed it, this forum would be filled with the nonsense and same nasty environment that is ranked is, and basically is just sugarcoated as to not warrant a ban. I wish you guys can tell us how you really feel like you give it to people in ranked. Good riddance, 95% of the toxic players in regs are from ranked anyways, can't say I'm sad to see you guys go. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, septru said:


    After all this arguing, you are still missing the point. 


    Most players (ranked players included) like the idea of the PvP Season Track. Besides the catch-up feature, the PvP Season Track is a great way to offer rewards for participating in PvP, and incentivize new players to PvP.


    But none of that has anything to do with ranked PvP. BioWare did not have to completely eliminate competitive PvP to create the PvP Season Track. You might want them to remove ranked PvP because somewhere down the road some person in ranked said a mean thing to you, but they didn't need to remove ranked PvP to achieve their goals. 


    The PvP Season Track is a participation based grind, with 0 skill-based rewards. Ranked PvP, for all its flaws, was a competitive system, that rewarded players purely based on skill. 

    They already told you why they removed ranked pvp, you chose not to accept it. Now you have two choices, play or don't play. It's that simple. Speak with your wallet. Good luck!

  6. 2 minutes ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    I have already explained this...what is the point in responding if you're not going to bother to read my posts?

    Obviously you need practice and determination, but the point is that those things alone are not enough. You also need some degree of innate skill, which applies to gaming as well, and you need to actively develop skill.

    If you honestly believe that "anyone can do it if they put their mind to it," I honestly don't even know what to say to that lol. But as I've already said, when it comes to ranked in this game, there are tons of examples of players that played a ton of ranked, they fulfilled the "practice and determination" piece, and they still came up short.

    Proper competition rewards the winners the most. That is not toxic, that is how it's supposed to work!

    I don't know what this means. Bioware may have a target for how many people they want to have certain rewards, but there's technically no limit to how many people can get there.

    And again, being "determined" is clearly not enough. Go sort the leaderboards by wins. You'll notice that very few of the people with a large amount of wins have high elo.

    That is clearly the calculation that they made, yes. If they just outright said that, and didn't mix in gobbledygook, I'd have less of an issue.

    You're speaking from ignorance again. I genuinely can't imagine doing what you people do on the forums: talking about something with such confidence that you clearly know so little about. It's astounding.

    Go look at the leaderboards. They're public. You can see for yourself how many characters participated in ranked.

    You sound like you need to hear this man. But you're not special, anybody can do it. They have done it before you, and they will do it after you. There will be somebody better than lebron james one day, and there are millions better than you (which its funny you compared yourself to him). Get over it.

    Bioware is about making money, they obviously disagree with you and the rest of the vocal minority and now they are trying new things to get more people playing pvp.  If it fails they could return to ranked but I have doubts we will ever seen it again. Good luck on your next adventures.

    There will be no more response from me. You are repeating the same things and I don't work for bioware and can do nothing to help you. I left feedback for something like this to happen, and I'm glad they listened, now I have resubbed and am excited for 7.2. My advice to you is to speak with your wallet if they don't listen. They have the metrics, they will see how many more or less subscribers/participation they get and act accordingly. 

  7. 1 minute ago, septru said:

    dude, most sane human beings can tell the difference between participation rewards and skill-based rewards. A grind, is not a skill based reward. No matter how much faster you progress through wins.


    but if you want to die on this hill go ahead. the sane human community disagrees. 



    it all comes down to you wanting bragging rights and let me feel special award in a 10 year old dying game. Bioware agrees with me, thats what they are putting their money on. If it fails we may see a return of ranked, but I imagine we never will. Good luck

  8. 11 minutes ago, septru said:

    1: You know you make no sense, when you repeat the same backwards logic that BioWare uses. The whole point of a grind is that you don't need skill. Sure, skill will progress you faster. But at the end of the day Moophy, the biggest thrower in the game, will get the same rewards as the most skilled player. 


    2: Ranked players are elite toxic a-holes... and if they try to argue that they aren't, than they are blinded by elitism. Kinda a catch 22, don't you think? 

    1) Oxymoron

    2) Not sure what you are getting at here, elitism and toxicity go hand in hand. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, septru said:


    ... and at the end of the day there is no difference between me finishing the PvP Track in 3 week, and you finishing it in 3 months. 

    wrong there is a difference between finishing the race and not finishing at all. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    But ranked also offered flairs and titles, which could only be earned via elo and win requirements...That is the major difference.

    This is utterly baseless speculation on your part, and I've already said that it is wrong. Are you really saying if you just play a lot of tennis, you can be as good as Nadal or Djokovic? If you just put in the hours on a basketball court you'll be as good as LeBron? There's a reason that the best ranked players ended up at the top of the leaderboards season after season.

    If it was so easy for anyone to get gold, then why did only 1-2% of the ranked population get gold? Again, stop spreading misinformation.

    Also, ranked only popped during prime time hours the vast majority of the time, so your point about only jobless people succeeding is equally facile.

    I can't speak for all ranked players, but I am not at all upset that regs players are getting more rewards. I couldn't care less either way about that. What I do care about is that there's nothing new and nothing worthwhile to play for now. There is nothing to foster competition. No elo, no leaderboards, no sorting of players in any meaningful way.

    It also remains to be seen whether we can play arenas like we used to. Again, if the matchmaker does not mirror roles like ranked did, arena play will be worthless.


    1) IE let me feel special rewards

    2) This isn't basketball where size, fitness, athletics are put into play. And if you ask any one of those guys they didn't get there without practice and determination. And they will mostly tell you, that yes anyone can do it if they put their mind to it.

    3)1-2% of the population got gold because thats all that allowed for it, and the most determined, and experienced won it.

    4) so obviously not many people played ranked right? So what is biowares incentive for putting a lot of time into developing a gametype that nobody wanted to play?

    5) You want a "let me feel special reward". This is a 10 year old game, there is no competitive esports built around it, the population has dwindled down to a handful of servers and ranked isn't being played. You are likely beating up on people with 1% of the amount of time you've played and you want to have bragging rights over them lol.

    6) I've never heard of anyone that doesn't like winning. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    That applies to the rewards on the vendors, though it would take an absurd amount of grinding for a bad ranked player to get them that way.

    It does NOT apply to the flairs and titles. You could not get gold or top 3 simply by grinding. There are players that played ranked for years desperately trying to get gold that simply could not, because they weren't good enough.

    1) now you understand why a person would want to get better, so it didn't take an absurd amount of grinding to get rewarded. This is why competitive games in the past decade have rewarded you for trying to improve your skills by speeding up progression.

    2) It usually amounts to this, the amount of time and practice someone has invested in the game usually dictates their skill level. So at the end of the day, the people with more time, no jobs, no kids, just sat at home all day playing swtor endlessly would be the ones to benefit the most from ranked and earn the best rewards.

    I'm not saying that isn't fair, but that is just the nature of the beast. My solution was just to have a tiered reward system for regular players that were more casual so they could also have something to look forward to at the end of the season for their participation besides diddly squat. They didn't even have to be as good as ranked rewards. Ranked players got all the good stuff for so long, the gravy train that I was talking about. 

    Bioware now has a solution for this, you can still play 4v4 all day if you want, you can have premades, you can still enjoy playing how you used to play, you can still earn rewards, but now ranked players are upset about giving those rewards away to more casual players. most of your rewards aren't even disappearing like you said, you get to keep them. But now more people get to participate in a more friendly environment that welcomes new players. You shouldn't be mad, you should embrace that fact.

  12. Just now, JediMasterAlex said:

    Um, isn't this "toxic" according to you? Or does the winky face nullify it? I don't know the rules.

    I enjoyed getting rewards insofar as I enjoy setting goals and achieving them. That is part of what made ranked fun. That being said, I played a lot of ranked, thousands of matches per season for the last several, and it was because it was fun to play. Unless you think i'm a literal masochist, you should believe me when I say it was fun for me lol.

    7.2 will be significantly more boring. There is satisfaction in being able to do something difficult. What good is the goal of completing the season when literally anyone can do it? Plus, like I said, whether I play will almost entirely depend on arena matchmaking, so we'll see.

    1) oh now you think something is toxic, funny.

    2) literally anybody can be good at ranked and earn those rewards with enough time invested and practice. The problem was nobody wanted to put up with the constant harassment and deal with the egos so you missed out on some really good players. It became a small clique. And at the end of the day bioware obviously wasn't looking for that in their game, they actually want more people playing believe it or not. So take that up with them not me. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    First, you know we get to keep our flairs and titles right? So even if that was a major concern of mine, or anyone's, you needn't worry.

    Second, I've barely played swtor since season 14 ended. I'm going to try out 7.2, but my stay will probably be brief, and I'll continue playing other games.

    As an aside, we still don't know if arenas will be role mirrored. If they are not, there will be no point in playing them whatsoever.

    Wear the flair, it will make it easier to identify you in warzones so I can melt you down like I do the rest of those that wear flairs. Easy targets. ;)

    You sound like you only want to play for the rewards anyways and don't even like swtor pvp, so maybe try out another game, maybe the world of warcraft solos you were talking about. 

    I hope you stick around for 7.2 to be honest. It's going to be fun a lot more people are going to be playing, if you are good then prove it on the battlefield where it counts. 

    • Haha 1
  14. Just now, JediMasterAlex said:

    Now we're getting somewhere. Your definition of "toxic" is snide remarks, like some of my comments in this thread. That is very telling rofl

    Very telling why you are upset you don't get to feel special anymore. Gotcha 

  15. Just now, JediMasterAlex said:

    A great non-answer. You're confronted with evidence that directly contradicts your theories, but you don't let that stand in your way! Thanks for this response though. Your explicit support for participation rewards is making a lot more sense now.

    LOL This snide remark here is a literal example of what I was talking about. As there are many, many, examples through-out this thread. You couldn't make it any easier for me. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    OK, so explain your theory to me. What have I said here that you think is "toxic" and explain how you think that translates to my behavior in-game. Keeping in mind, I mostly played solo ranked and never belittled regs players in regs.

    I'm not here to waste time for you man, the evidence is laid out throughout this thread all you have to go is go back and read it. If you are oblivious to it that isn't my fault, you've already been called out by multiple people. 

  17. 28 minutes ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    So according to you, I'm toxic and part of the reason ranked is being removed, yeah?

    Do you have any evidence for how I behaved in game, or is this a fantasy you've constructed in your head?

    If I look at a banana and see it's half black, I can tell it's rotten. I don't need to eat it to find out. Just like I can tell how you act in this forum likely reflects how you act in game. 

  18. 19 minutes ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    I assumed my point was evident, but I'll make it again. Just being able to complete something faster will not foster competition. Competing for exclusive rewards does foster competition. It's not about "feeling special," it's about earning something meaningful (within the context of a game obviously, something Raazmir clearly can't comprehend).


    I haven't seen anyone mad about it. It's simply obvious that you say that as a coping mechanism to make yourself feel better about your inability to play solo ranked well. It is utterly transparent.

    1: You ignore the fact I already told you progressing faster towards rewards for being competitive is a certainly a reason. This is an example in most modern competitive titles. Halo Infinite, Call of duty, Destiny 2, etc, you get rewarded more XP the better you play, and earning rewards at a much faster rate. This is a staple of competitive games. 

    2: This is our point, you cannot see your own toxic behaviour or just don't care, your elitism that you actually think you are better than us with zero evidence and think you deserve some kind of special reward that you can hold over everyone else that you think proves it. That is all going away in a couple days :)



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  19. 1 minute ago, alasamaya said:

    One thing about your comment. Most of the people that "wintraded", did it in group ranked. And guess what? Most of them are PVErs that are part of big guilds. I could post videos I sent to Bioware here, but Id get me banned instead of them doing the job done. I reported them over and over again, and nothing happened. So what you saying, which I agree with about the wintrading part is, again, not playerbase exclusive issue, is devs ignoring the reports. I dont know how many times you need people to tell you that Bioware ignored ALL the reports. 


    You also repeat that nonsense of the toxic behavior. The whole game toxicity has one responsible, and is the moderators. If a game has no moderation, this is the result. And there is no part of the game that is not getting hurt by this lack of moderation. If you want to close your eyes and say that only in ranked this kind of toxicity is present...idk what to say lol. I did ranked for mmm 8 years? and I never experienced toxicity there as bad as in regular warzones and NiM operations.  But is okay, some people need to make others banned, that are over their skill, to feel they are improving in game, I guess, since the competition will be lower 😜

    If the game actually had moderators then ranked would practically be non-exsistant, you wouldn't even be able to get a pop because half the people would be banned! Thats how toxic it is! 😜


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  20. 1 hour ago, JediMasterAlex said:

    Yet literally anyone that wants to will be able to finish the season track and get all the rewards they want by grinding mindlessly, regardless of skill. That is not "competition" in any sense of the word.

    So who cares, do you wanna feel special or something? Getting things at a faster pace is motivation enough for most people to try and play better and continue to get more skilled at the game while also being inviting to new players.

    • Like 1
  21. 1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

    rated has always worked that way, particularly in solo rated. and there's no way a person can raise his rank to gold by luck of the draw with a 100-win requirement no matter how good he is at queue dodging.

    it is so ridiculously easy to get carried in this new (7.2) system, I cannot believe I have to explain it to you. no matter how garbage a play you (impersonal) are, you're only 1 of 8 as opposed to 1 of 4. and since you can individually select all 7 of your teammates, all you have to do is select (convince or pay) the 7 best players to carry you.

    furthermore, there are no competitive rewards anymore. the only thing winning does for you is helps you BUY the more "elite" prizes faster than some dude who loses every - single - match.

    I didn't insinuate anything. you stated that you're a good player and yet you got ridiculed in rated. good players who don't run their mouths in rated don't get flamed in rated. players who get globalled or don't wear the right gear, however, regularly get flamed. there's no hypocrisy in stating that. there's no insinuation or innuendo. 

    and in before I'm accused of being an elite A-hole, I don't even have it in me to compete in solos anymore. it's intense. but I did it for 8 of 12 seasons (skipping some in the middle). and I did it a lot. there were many times in which I was flamed and/or bullied. but there's a difference between being told that you don't belong here, and being called personal insults. and tbf, only one person on SF in 5.x was doing the personal insults thing (for the most part). everyone else...I mean...when you screw up and cost your team a round or a match, they're going to snap at you. that's true of any high end team competition. it happens all the time in high end sports. rated is high end pvp.

    edit2: speaking of being carried...I was a healer on a good pvp 8v8 team during the rated WZ games. I wasn't a good healer. but I was the only one even willing to try. so I got the spot. I was so definitely carried, there are no words in jawa, sand peoples, or the tongues of men to properly convey this. our sage healer outhealed me 2:1 on a bad match and took more dmg. yet we competed...like...legit competed with the best guilds on the server. for gits and shiggles, I tried healing solo ranked in one of the earlier seasons. nope. no way. no how. I got demolished. same class healer on the other side too. the carry factor in 8's is exponentially easier than arenas.

    You can literally apply the same thing with ranked. People can be paid to carry, or pay to win/trade, which happened a lot. You could be a bad player in ranked but still get carried in games as long as you kept playing.

    If someone wants to take twice/three times as long to progress then so be it, they will have earned the rewards fair and square and hopefully gotten more skilled in the process. The reward for being skilled is to progress quicker and be rewarded quicker.

    At the end of the day you are still making excuses and trying to validate toxic behaviour, elitism, and unsportmanslike conduct, in no way are you correct in doing that and this is one of the things bioware has specifically addressed.


  22. 7 hours ago, krackcommando said:
    1. that's how competition works. that's why there's a gold, silver, bronze, and then a participation ribbon. gold is more valuable and exclusive than bronze and so forth down the line.
    2. if you're good (as you claim) and you don't insult other players, I find it very difficult to believe that rated players are being "toxic" toward you. if you get globalled or go off and do your own thing, then you are going to be shamed. incidentally, warrior culture is a shame culture. competitive sports are "warrior cultures." you receive honor for successes and shame for breaches of cultural ethics (like doing the wrong thing, under geared, etc.). that's literally how human civilization has functioned for at least 5+ thousand years.

    I remember losing a rated HB match to Uncensored (caprica's guild) back in the day. it was a really tight back and forth match; we were up 2 goals at one point. they won in the end by getting the ball at spawn and just turtling under a scaffold with guard and two heals and a few taunts. at the end of the game, the first thing everyone did was /say "good game." I was heated b/c I felt like they stopped playing the game and got a cheap win. so I said something like "yeah right" or "if you say so." my team slapped me down hard in voice for that. and rightfully so. there are certain expectations about what you do, how you do it, and what you say in every (sub)culture. and when you don't know the (unspoken) rules or don't care about them (e.g., break the first stun, don't have the right gear, etc.) then you are going to be shamed. that's not toxicity perse. that's just how communities self-correct and self-police, and it's both nature AND nurture. I'm sorry someone slapped you down. but even a **** like nikanna makes you better.

    1. Competition now works this way. The better you do in regs and the more you help out your team the faster you progress and the more points you earn per match. The way it always should have been.

    2. So you already insenuate that I'm not good enough for ranked, you are so blinded you don't see your own toxicity and are making excuses for bad behaviour. Another reason why ranked was disbanded. You guys also think so highly of yourselves and disrespect those who don't play ranked and call them insults like "regstars". It's pretty funny the entitlement. Now the little clique is over, either you embrace it or you move on to another game. That is your only two options in a couple days.


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  23. 2 hours ago, Weswhitebore said:

    The ranked community and the amount of ranked players that do use these forums are tired of your misinformation and anti-ranked propaganda. There have been quite a few individuals like Alex who have stayed on these forums to try to correct this misinformation, often proving many people wrong, but there is only so much one man can correct. It's easy you to try and beat down on the Ranked community because they don't speak out like the others do or listened to like the PVE community. The most toxic people that ranked has ever known were all part of hate groups that harassed people. They found like-minded degenerates and played together. As for any singular players and degenerate stragglers, if they weren't taken care of, it was Bioware's fault for failing to provide proper moderation, as I assure you, they were reported and not supported by other non-toxic players of the community, which there are many of. I've seen many Ranked players help and train people up to join the community, some of the most famous examples being Biggs, Prum, Vehirt, Cryptic, and Kogass. So your whole little theory about the toxicity of the ranked community as a whole has very little fact that is based or rooted in reality, the roots you do have are not well kept. In other words, your garden is overgrown and your cucumbers are soft!


    LOL "Not rooted in fact." The statement from bioware in the OP says otherwise. I guess you know more facts than their metrics and all the reports they received on toxic player environment. I'm not beating down the ranked community at all but I bore witness to their toxic environment throughout many seasons, not just torwards me but towards other players.. it's just an objective truth at this point and bioware confirmed it. I watched kogass stream, they were toxic to kogass on a daily basis my man. They even went to his stream to troll him. You are in a stage of denial, let it pass.

    Why should ranked get all the cool rewards and regs nothing at all? I play just as hard as you do in regs and I've honed my skills. I shouldn't have to put up with such toxicity of ranked just to earn some cool rewards for my participation and efforts.  I never said the rewards had to be as good as ranked rewards but regs were so unrewarding as it was. Under the new system if people refuse to put in effort they wont progress as fast as good players so it will definitely give them some incentive to play better.  You guys had the gravy train so long and now it's over.. can't wait to earn them sweet, sweet, rewards! 

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