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Posts posted by SaerethDL

  1. I for one welcome the changes, reading through this mess you can see just how toxic it was and they wanted that lifestyle, that cesspool of filth to remain undisturbed. The fact is the ranked community didn't welcome new players into ranked, they cussed them out and made them feel low when all they wanted was to get a chance to improve. You created your bed toxic players now lye in it. 

    Regardless of just the toxicity, unranked needed to be more rewarding for the effort put in. Some people like myself are very good pvp players but stay out of ranked, now I feel like we are finally be rewarded for being skilled and just having plain fun. 

    Good decision devs, I resubbed even though pvp is free now, and I guarentee a lot more people will be pvping now for sure. We are in for some good times! 

    edit: I have to admit allowing 8man premades to queue with solo casual players will be a travisty. Make it so only grouped teams can play with each other. or allow a solo only 8v8.

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  2. Yeah, this was on PTS and people reported it. Their response was the list of sets available to each discipline and which slots have each rating (critical, alacrity, accuracy). Basically, it's intended and they want you to switch disciplines or combat styles to get the rating you want in each slot. So if you have a healing discipline, set your Loot discipline to the healing one and get the item you want without accuracy. If you don't have a healing discipline, maybe your second combat style has one or else you have to play on an alt.


    nobody needs accuracy in pvp its redundant

  3. Yep, got killed by a mob five times in a story mode FP.


    I played a commando heal and it's output is ridiculous.


    Before 7.0 healing in a master FP has been no problem, now it's a desaster.


    By the way the marauder got gutted like hell.


    I won't even try to play pvp.


    The new difficulty of MM flashpoint are a surprise but a welcome one. People actually need to know how to play their classes now or to learn. I love a challenge and not face rolling through everything. My merc feels great in pvp now I can just run around all the melee like its nothing because they have less abilities to stop me. I just laugh at them as they are chasing me while I'm pelting them from a distance. ;)

  4. That sucks and I would hate to have this happen to me. I don't even know why they went this route, cause they could have easily not. That said, no I disagree with your statement. Ultimately you f'd up. It's on you now. People gotta start taking responsibility for their screw ups.


    So while it sucks you have no one to blame but yourself.


    there is a refund timer, so therefore he thought it was refundable like all the other gear. This is not his problem, this is a serious problem for everyone that needs to be addressed.

  5. I'm pretty sure they didn't bring back PvP gear, and that we're still getting PvE gear through PvP.


    yeah they did.


    PvP Gear and Accuracy clarification.

    Thyrsian armor, acquired by participating in PvP, will not contain any accuracy

    Thyrsian offhands will come in two stat distributions, one with accuracy and one without. Players will be able to choose which version of offhand they desire, or collect both.

  6. PvP Gear and Accuracy clarification.

    Thyrsian armor, acquired by participating in PvP, will not contain any accuracy

    Thyrsian offhands will come in two stat distributions, one with accuracy and one without. Players will be able to choose which version of offhand they desire, or collect both.


    this is a lie.

  7. The expansion was pretty bad. Manaan was hitting 45 fps on a 3080 and 5800X. It took an hour to beat taking my time, story was unremarkable at that. Flashpoint was pretty good because of malgus. Now comes pvp and testing out the new changes. My guardian is no longer any fun to play. Enemies just kite me around because no blade blitz, or force slow, and when I stun people they just get out of it because you can no longer follow it up after awe. So you sacrifice awe, blade blitz, and force slow so you can get saber reflect. It's just so boring to play that class now.


    I'm not one of those people that like to be negative over everything, as a matter of facts I defended this expansion. But now its time to own up to my mistake and honestly its time to move on. I went ahead and canceled my sub and will now play a new mmo that just came out that I'm having more fun in. This isn't an advertisement so I wont name names, but it does everything right. I just don't feel like going through the gear grind again when the classes are no longer fun to play. Take care everyone!

  8. For me the most horrible time in the game was 5.0 with the lost of all my companions which results in an empty ship. My Powertech/Vanguard lost Dead from above and all 30m skills. That was PURE Horror. I quit for a few month until they promised to return the companions.


    I mean you could get them all back by going to oddeson and clicking on a terminal. :D

  9. After playing the updated PTS, its very obvious they wouldn't be ready for dec 14th.. very... half the features are not yet working correctly. This was purposeful and they know this. A bigger stink needs to be made about this. :mad:
  10. nope, set buffs will be in the form of legendaries. you will get two legendaries max, each with set bonuses to mix and match, they will not be armor, they will be in the implant slots i think. Set bonuses from armor are gone after you level up to 76 with old sets, unusable (set piece).


    you can use your old tacticals, some class bound.



  11. My fondest moment was a heroic moment. I was on my main at the time, a marauder.. I was running a guild and leading my first operation in swtor, Karraga's Palace.. We were all struggling and getting used to things, next up came Bonethrasher, we wiped a few times, and the guild was ready to disband for the night. I told them lets do this one last time, don't give up yet.. So we gave it our best, we were all on voice comms and I was giving out orders... 25% left on the boss... he was going down.. oh no... two people got knocked in the acid pit and died.. the healer went down later.. then the tank.. before you know it we were at 1-5% Left, I looked over and I was the only one left, me a lonely marauder thinking this was his end... I popped all my cooldowns.. people watched and encouraged me that I could finish him. Sweating and heart pounding I put this last saber in him and he went down moments before I was about to die. The whole teamspeak celebrated in awe... and I felt like a hero in that moment.. I had saved the run and the night continued on..
  12. I don't even like MMO. This game isn't even that impressive without the story-voice acting-cutscenes. If SWTOR drops the VAs, I'll just unsub, uninstall, and go back to my PS5. Better game play, more care about the story, and no abomination like a mod-less gen chat.


    We talking about just dropping the VA's for the player characters, nothing else. But even that is not going to happen so don't worry, enjoy you guys 2 hours of story content every 2+ years. I'm not sticking around much longer depending on 7.0

  13. Just because you play a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s the main way the majority play. You only need to visit the starting worlds and sub lvl 50 worlds to realise there are a lot of people playing or replaying the story. If you aren’t playing it yourself, you wouldn’t know that. But I’ve over 150 Alts now on two accounts that I’ve played the story on, so I see just how many people are around doing it.


    You also need to consider us “oldies” arent Bioware’s focused player base anymore (:(). Bioware care more for new players or really old returning players than they do for us who’ve been loyal subscribers for 10 years.


    You are correct on one thing. This is Star Wars and the only SW MMO out (at moment), so they have a captive audience in that regard.

    But if this wasn’t SW, this game would have died long ago from the weight of unfixed and multiplying bugs, continually increased Desync and lack of content development and it not having a clear development direction (schizophrenic design swerving).


    Without the VA, I would never have kept making that many Alts and replaying the story. So when Bioware wreaked pvp for me and other parts of the game, I would have had no reason to stay subbed and keep playing. Without the VA content, I wouldn’t have become hooked on the story.

    In a way, Bioware wreaked other MMOs and games for me because they don’t have the VA that swtor does. But if swtor had never spoiled me with its VA, I would have probably given other games like Gw2 more a chance and maybe even gone back to WoW and stayed (I was heavily addicted to WoW before I came to swtor). So without the VA, I probably wouldn’t be here and I’m sure I’m not alone in that respect.


    Fair enough, good read. This game is on its last leg so to speak, I wanted nothing more than to enjoy more swtor content every year like they said they would do at launch, they gave up on us quickly, moved the budget to games like anthem or padded their own payrolls. I waited patiently for 10 years, revan was the best expansion they could muster and expansions like that are long gone out the window. This game is awesome for new players but not much reason for a veteran to stay around much longer. Games like ff14, eso, wow are putting content out much quicker and more abundant than swtor has the whole time. At this point I just want a new star wars mmo to at least relive/enjoy it for a little while until they abandon that too. If they have to pull the plug on this one then so be it. :(

  14. Truthfully, no I didn’t care for them. But then we didn’t really have VA in games back then like we have now to choose from.

    I mainly played WoW or RTS games before I came to swtor. And once I started playing swtor I stopped playing all other games.

    Over the years I’ve tried going back to WoW and tried other MMOs like Gw2, but because they don’t have voice acting, I’ve not been able to get back into them.

    The VA in swtor is what makes it engaging and unique for me. Without the VA and the fact this is a SW game, I’m almost certain it would have failed years ago. I certainly wouldn’t still be playing it.


    I don't think so, this is star wars, the only star wars mmo out. I know a lot of people besides this game who prefer silent characters, its a roleplay thing and also opens up more dialog choices. If you don't continue it for the next expansion I don't think many people would just quit the game. Maybe you and some of the vocal minority here, but not everyone. I personally haven't touched the story in a while, i imagine some people play to do pvp, or raids, or flashpoints, or conquest.. I don't think most people still here are playing for the story anymore, we've had 10 years to do it over and over and the new story content we do get every couple years can be done in a couple hours max. Just my train of thought and my personal opinion.:o

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