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Posts posted by SaerethDL

  1. What world do you live in to believe Bioware will make "loads of new content" without voice actors? Did they whisper you that in some secret discord group or something?






    LMAO I imagine this I imagine that. And I imagine myself the true Empress of the Sith Empire.



    lol you never bring anything to the conversation so this is my last reply. It's common sense that when you have more budget and time without the constraints of dozens of high paid voice actors and meeting their schedules, then in theory it should open them up to produce more content for the game and at a faster pace if they wanted to and were held back by those things.


    It's not really an imagination kind of thing, swtor was a 200million dollar+ project and it was speculated that a majority of that was to pay all the voice actors. I can find comments and articles from ten years ago that predicted what would happen to swtor and their expansions because of being a fully voiced mmo, and we are seeing that in full force lately.


    Just because I imagine things doesn't mean I don't have an educated guess.

  2. Well, if you don't see my point, then we merely have different preferences for how we want to experience our SWtOR. For me, it would redact greatly from my enjoyment and would feel cheap and outdated. I enjoy the class VAs a lot and would sorely miss them. And, as you can see in this thread, I'm not alone. They would lose a lot of players, no doubt.


    Well your point doesn't make sense, everything you mentioned can still be done even without voice acted player chars, hence subtitles in action movies and foreign films. But anyways, why would people leave? they aren't going to remove the voice acting for stuff that was already there, this would be new content that wouldn't otherwise exist.

  3. Really, from 15-30 minutes of story content, you think getting rid of voice acting would allow Bioware to put out "loads" of new content. You are dreaming. Dropping just 1 boss from an Operation or Flashpoint during development would save you a lot more money. By cutting the Devs work by 20% you could add 20% more content straight up, probably more because they wouldn't have to balance the content three times. Drop a full difficulty level from an Operation and you could probably add two extra Flashpoints or several hours of story play.


    Would you be for dropping a boss from an Operation or Flashpoint so they could put out more story content. I seriously doubt it. The voice acting is the one thing that differentiates this game from other MMOs. It is by far the best quality feature of the game.


    I'm not gonna say you're wrong because I can't find any sources for the budget. But I Imagine voice acting all these characters, with multiple dialog choices, cost a good percentage more than a single boss in an operation or flashpoint. I'd be willing to ask you for your sources if you can find them.

  4. Merry Christmas to you too:) Nice to see somebody handling differing opinnions about video games so gracefully. "i disagree so ur really dumb" No reasoning,or arguments beyond that. Nice going, lol.


    Since notion of 48 Main Playerchar voice actors actually costing a notable amount of time, effort and money is so incredibly dumb, then I assume you've figured out it is..super easy and cheap to roll with fully voice acted MMO RPGs, right? Since ihaving almost 50 Playerchar voice actors is so ridiculously cheap, howcome SWTOR is literally the only MMORPG doing it? All other MMOs out there, countless single player cRPGs and so on.. don't have fully voice acted PC because why exactly? They just don't like the idea?:D Nobody else has yet figured out that most people really like voice acting in their story driven games?:D


    Extremely story driven "writing before all else" MMORPGs and RPG releases like The Secret World, that are all about " cinematic feel" like TOR end up rolling without PC voice acting because of..why exactly?


    yeah exactly, we are talking about big names here like David Hayter , Jennifer Hayle, Nolan North.. not some people off the streets that don't get paid much.

  5. They may as well just shut the game down if they cut the voice acting.


    And blaming the lack of contents on the voice actors is just so... what's the definition of that word in dictionary? "having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense" I don't know what kind of smoke screen you want to created, no one with half a functioning human brain cell won't believe that is the true reason why we get less and less contents.


    If Bioware for some reason do pull this cheap trick on me? I'll cancel my subscription. End of story.


    speak for yourself, I will still play the game without voice acting player characters and be just fine with the loads of new content they would give us, do you guys realize how much money, time, and effort it is to pay 16 high-quality voice actors every time you need to add story content? Not just the money, but to get everyone on schedule, when people are busy doing other projects.. you truly have no idea do you and just insult people because you don't like a difference of opinion.

  6. But it's not just the pure voice over that would be gone, but the cinematic way the cutscenes are done - our characters, walking, gesturing, acting, fighting. How would that look without voice acting? Or do you just want everything to be like Alliance alerts, where our characters stand like cardboard figures, we only see them from behind and the people in front of them are acting? No thanks. That's okay for a few filler quests, but not for the main story.


    So, also a big NO from me.


    it would look like watching a movie with subtitles? I don't get your point.

  7. And the player characters being fully voiced is the #1 draw to this game. It is the only thing that makes SWtOR stand out in the market. Everything else is just mediocre at best. We got to see how crappy the game is without it in the half-voiced alerts.


    it may be the #1 draw for you, but if thats the only reason you play I really don't know what to tell you. I had more impact and emotions from kotors story and the player character wasn't voice acted, it made it even more immersive to me because it meant that voice was you, or anyone you wanted to to be and not some simple designated voice, you could roleplay that character or speak out the lines in your head or out loud. There is nothing wrong with it.

  8. half the players wouldn't leave, yall are blowing smoke. Text based instead of voice based is fine, worked with kotor and kotor II, works with eso and other mmos with a lot of story. I agree we should get rid of player voice actors at this time or just use ai voice actors. We would get way more content.. it will be a good trade off you guys just don't realize it yet. Oh well. :rolleyes:
  9. k i am geard 318, and sage telekinetiks with no change at all from live

    I guess i need to do the class story to see all the changes ?


    k without a guide explaining either if i have to start lv 1 to find all the difference, or go to 80 to play wih all the differences, so far at lv 80 my game is the exact reflect of live, excepted when i want to see the combat proficiency and then, i understand absolutely nothing. I see lots of skills and passives, and if i try to see the two others its locked.


    why am i creating a female sage with a beard while i choose the hairs ?

    Also the new hairs looks wrong - if you wanted to give the feeling of movement of those, just give up, its really strange and even non comic. Just let them go down on the neck - Also i choose the most white colour hairs, i think the result is totally different.



    Also on pts the bars 5 and 6 are unsuable. Does this mean we will have less bar on live too ?


    the verticality of the new inventory is visually disturbing with the flashy blue (not everyone has still good eyes). I hate to have it stick with my outfit. I already had to deal the blue UI and now you put it everywhere on my screen.


    To access to a second proficiency it says : you must complete your act 3 mission before you are able to select a second combat style. Ok can you clarify a bit please ? means to complete the chapter 3 ? or 3 missions of the chapter 1 ? and sorry but i am a bit lost there.

    Once i am eligible, does that mean that the second combat style will replace the original ? or that i will have a mix of the two combat style ? what will happens to the passives ? For example, what will happens if i choose the shadow style as a the second combat style ?


    Previewing new pieces of armor is broken for the head. If i try to see my head for a circlet for example, and want to see it more close to me, i can only see the waist from close, beause the paper doll do not move vertically


    Trying to resist the urge to leave swtor for good because my experience on the pts is horrible, but if you want us to test the PTS give us a guide that is not outdated and is working please.


    lol did anyone else notice that thread about the female beards has been removed? :D

  10. He also said any other MMO Expansion - that means "any other MMO" - not just this game.


    what are you getting at? none of those mmo's he listed meet that criteria he posted. He wasn't saying other mmo's don't get delayed.

  11. Games get delayed all the time.


    Combination of dates that make TOR expansion unique been outlined many times..Like in (brackets) of the post you quoted. Release date given just three weeks back moved 2 months away one week before release. It is very unusual combination.


    this, they are making up stuff to defend bioware :rolleyes:


    thats not what he is said lol


    He said announced 3 weeks before a delay one week before release.

  13. I'm, like, quadrupledly more amused than you are, by your amusing and seemingly unlikely desire to try and paint what transpired in some ordinary shades. When was the last time something like this has happened within similar timeframe? Has something like this happened ever before, with any other MMo in live development? < - Not a rhetoric question, I'm genuinely curious.


    Release date of a new expansion was made official three weeks back. One week before the given date, they move the release by two months. Schedule they fail to meet by over two months was three weeks old when they postponded it. This is all extremely unusual. Somebody subbing around, say, December 1st, had no reason to wonder if something like this might happen or not. Because it (almost?)never has happened. Anywhere.


    Coming back like week or so before new expansion is the most natural thing in the world for somebody who has been away for a year or something. That's what I've always done with Wow for example. It is extremely strange to see you try and dress it as some mad gamble, lol.


    Games, expansions and whatnot get delayed all the time. More often than not, perhaps. Release date given three weeks back getting postponded by few months..one week before the H hour? That never happens my dude.

    Well, they did promise somethintg special for 10th anniversary. Nice to make history like this ig!


    All arguing aside..MMO buff in me would love to know. Just for the sake of history books etc. Has something like this, within similar timeframe, ever happened before?? With any other sub based MMO expansion in live dev?


    dont try to use logic against them, they will pretend they didn't hear you. Imagine defending bioware over this, like i said before.. bioware gave them coal for christmas, then stole their cookies, and they thanked them for it. haha :rak_02:

  14. Read what I posted before going on a tirade


    I fully understand why people would be mad, but you did not pay for the expansion. You paid for a subscription. They are under no obligation to refund you since you did receive the goods you paid for. So asking for a refund is frankly insane. It will not happen


    What might be possible is some form of consolation event (ex. 2x XP, collections unlock sale, general CM sale etc.). Start asking for that instead and maybe we'll actually get somewhere. I can assure you BW is going to ignore any refund related thread/post.


    it's impossible to pay for the expansion, so that is in fact off the table.. there are no preorders. We paid a little early in preparation of the expansion launching on dec 14th, otherwise some would not have paid until feb, so we lost at least a month or two worth of sub fees if we don't want to play much until the expansion launches. This should be a no brainer and super easy to comprehend. I'm not sure about a refund but some cartel coins would suffice and show good favor from the development team.

  15. Christ, was it so hard to use a brain once in a while and just sub on 14th? You know, to maximize gaming time?


    whats with this assumption? People are using their heads, they are subbing a little early to get back into the grove of things and be prepared for when the expansion drops. Some of us plan on playing a little longer than a months sub depending on how well the expansion and changes are, some may become regulars.

  16. For those having a fit with having to wait two months before the expansion is released since you claim you have nothing to do an idea:


    When they open PTS either copy a character over or create one and then go test what they are putting on the PTS and then you will have something to do .


    pts is already open, there is no character copy this round. I'll literally playing it right now.

  17. The reactions to the 7.0 delay amuse me and here is why...


    Option 1: 7.0 releases on time with many bugs right before holidays with no one around to fix them. Players Outraged and screaming you knew xmas break was coming up how could you release a buggy xpax with no one around till mid Jan to fix the bugs!


    Option 2: They hold off and release in Feb with less bug but devs will be around to fix them Players Outraged screaming how could you delay this! I want my money back!


    Its like a fight with the wife. There is no winning.



    you amuse me, imagine supporting bad business practices and then laughing about it. And we wonder why things never change. Stop giving the devs excuses. I can counter ever single one of your points with ease. People get a sub a little bit early to get into the grove of things, relearn the game, get credits ready, get items ready, get outfits ready, for when the expansion drops. Stop defending this kind of manipulation, the devs knew very well that the game wouldn't be ready for dec 14th launch. You don't announce a release date 3 weeks ago without knowing the stage of development which your product is, and if its ready to go gold or not. This is a rug pull. Stop calling people stupid unless you want to look in the mirror first.

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