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Posts posted by SaerethDL

  1. I don't remember what exactly I said, I remember saying how I enjoyed going back to the kotor like dialog.


    I found this from 2015


    This kotfe really makes me want a kotor 3, i believe they should just do a whole 40-100 hour game addon, and not just 6 hour dlc each "Expansion".. all the expansions are lame, but this one is the best so far, but short, did it twice in two days. Make it like old school kotor dialog where the player doesnt have a voice if that gives us more content so be it. :D
  2. Doing a search on "voice acting" didn't turn up anything by him as the OP so it didn't have Voice Acting in the title whatever the name of the thread is. There are however, many posts very supportive of voice acting in the game.


    I love the voice acting, but when it all comes down to it, I'd rather have more content and unvoiced player characters. New content is getting slimmer and slimmer, there is only so many times you can repeat old content in different ways. Consider I've been playing since one of the first waves of closed beta on and off. I understand what you guys are asking for but I don't think its possible at this stage.. 7.0 could literally be our last expansion if something doesn't change. :mad:

  3. I don’t even know the title or have any idea of the date. You’re as a prolific poster as I am. I wouldn’t expect you to go find a thread I made 4-6 years ago with zero idea what your looking for. Why would you expect me to find yours.

    If you don’t want to back up you’re own statement with your own thread to prove you’re correct in your assumptions, then so be it.


    I'm gonna warn you, bless you if you read all my old content, I was pretty wild back then. I did address the game is dying subs through each of the updates and expansions if you wanna look back and see how silly people are. I'd have to look through thousands of comments to find what you are looking for, its just not worth the effort lol. :cool:

  4. That’s a wild misconception right there. They could do a lot of jobs for $10k per job in a week or month. That would certainly help build towards being a millionaire.


    VA are self employed. They are under contract the same as any self employed contractor in any industry. If you can earn $10k for doing a few hours work then that is significant. If you only got 10k for doing a 1000 hour’s of work, then you’d be correct and it would be a long climb to a million.


    Unless you know specifically how many hours they put in and how much they are paid, this argument is pointless.

    yadda yadda yadda all speculation and assumptions

  5. I did. They all made their money as on screen actors and actresses before they became voice actors (all except Kari Wahlgren are married to other successful actresses - which is also part of their net worth). You implied that net worth somehow determined how much they would get paid for voice acting and did so again in the quoted post ("you don't get to be a millionaire making 10K per job"). I'm not saying they are getting 10k per job, but they aren't getting hundreds of thousands either. They are all Hollywood celebrities, yes, if that is the answer you want..


    No they didn't ALL do that, your quote proves that to be false. I'm not assuming how much they make, I'm giving you the facts that are presented, they are millionaires, they are celebrities, they aren't doing voice acting in swtor for the little amount you think they are.. thats not how they roll, they have agents getting them the max amount of money per gig. What that is we don't know, but I'm giving you an estimated guess, they aren't all millionaires for nothing. :D

  6. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons for why class storylines were shelved for example but voice acting is surely NOT one of them, nor it is as expensive as some people are led to believe.


    Oh it was most definitely one of them. Whether is be schedule issues, money, effort, etc.. it was one of them if not the top reason they never added more class stories. To say otherwise is just ignorance.

  7. For starters, Net Worth is not current income. All of the people you listed are former actors and actresses that made their money in one way or another through Hollywood (or on screen/on stage pursuits), thus they would be celebrities in that sense as well.


    Nolan North was previously a soap opera actor (which is a pretty good paying profession), voices Smokescreen in Transformers Prime, Superboy in Young Justice, Tony Stark in Marvel's Avengers, The Penguin in Batman:Arkam series. That would seem to explain where he got his net worth.


    David Hayter is a screen writer in addition to voice acting and wrote screenplays for X-Men, X-Men 2, and Watchmen. There's where his net worth came from


    Mark Bazeley: another former actor with credits in The Queen, Bourne Ultamatim, and The Damned United. On screen acting would seem to be his main source of net worth. Also, I see his net worth as of 2021 as 14 million from this link https://networthpost.org/net-worth/mark-bazeley-net-worth/


    Kari Wahlgren: another former on-screen actress. She has also done voice work for quite as few full feature animated titles. That would seem to be where her net worth came from.


    I know what net worth is you don't have to explain, you don't get to be a millionaire making 10k per job my man. are they or are they not celebrities, please answer the question honestly. :D

  8. Some tidbits I found that are germane to the discussion:




    The ongoing debate over the development cost seems moot because it still keeps climbing. EA has pointed out that the team is staying together to continue working on the game and just released the first major content patch titled “Rise of the Rakghouls”.


    Emphasizing that subscribers will get their money worth’s of new stuff is most crucial. The Old Republic customers have to pay a monthly $15 subscription fee in order to keep playing the game after the initial month. For example, one million paying subscribers could bring in up to $180M in annual revenue.


    And the lie detector detected, that was a lie. :D


    As far as your 3rd link, i cannot read it I get an error.

  9. You didn't correct anything. You merely posted a different link that was more vague about the levels and happened to have a higher value listed in it. An average of 90K per year easily encompasses most of your top/celebrity category when you consider the only ones making millions are actual Hollywood celebrities doing very large projects like animated movies.


    Man I just love countering all your made up claims.


    As of 2021, Nolan North's net worth is about $4 million.

    David Hayter Net Worth: $13 Million

    Mark Bazeley earned $39 Million.

    Kari Wahlgren net worth: $5 million.


    Again I countered your claim earlier, you inserted "hollywood celebrities" and what they said in fact was "celebrities" which just means famous people per definition.

    Those I listed are some celebrities that do the voice acting work for your player characters. Yes they are in fact making hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions.

    You guys thinking they are doing this for less than a mcdonald's wage is pretty freaking hilarious and shows how hard you are trying :rolleyes:

  10. You do know the voice actors have multiple roles outside of Bioware?




    You will notice that gaming VA work isn’t listed. But let’s assume for arguments sake that it falls under animation work.

    Even using 16 seperate VAs at the maximum work rate of $10,000 a job, that’s only a $160k for all the work. Which is a drop in the bucket for game development.


    That's pretty hilarious you think they all get paid a max of 10k per job. Nolan North wouldn't even answer a phone call for that pittance. :D

  11. You implied it with you posts by not pointing out that only a small amount of that income would be from Bioware.

    If you had added that to your posts and not argued over the amount with DWho, you could claim what you are saying is true.


    Nope I merely corrected Dwho whose post didn't show the whole truth. Top tier, and celebrity status voice actors get paid more, its a fact, and thats all I was trying to prove. You won't convince me otherwise.

  12. You do know the voice actors have multiple roles outside of Bioware?


    So your info from this and other posts regarding this are falsely misleading the discussion because even if the top VAs get 100k a year, that isn’t all from Bioware and it’s not every year they get a lot of work.


    Sure they may have them on retainer or contract. But if they aren’t actually doing any work, that means they aren’t getting paid by Bioware. What do you think they live on in between the work Bioware contracts them for?


    Let’s also consider how much work they are “actually” doing for that pay. The less they do the less they get paid. And I think we can all see the huge decline in actual story content over the years, so each year the VA’s would be getting less and less income from swtor.


    Therefore, your argument that insinuates that they all get 100k a year from swtor work (which is what you are off handedly trying to imply) is flawed on so many LvLs.


    I didn't say any of this, I merely corrected DWho on what he left out in his post. I never in fact said they are getting paid hundreds of thousands or millions each for doing LOTS.. if so please quote me where I said that.

  13. You're just mincing words now. You know as well as I do that no voice actor for SWTOR is making millions of dollars per year.


    no you're making stuff up to support your agenda. If you don't think people like nolan north and jennifer hale are celebrities, I really don't know what to tell you. The point is, these top quality voice actors added together require a big sum of money and time allocation to make their schedules work . To say otherwise is just silly. :D

  14. Celebrity "voice actors" are Hollywood celebrities doing voice-over work (that's the millions). Also those numbers (and mine) are per year not per project.



    wrong, those two aren't mutually exclusive. They don't have to work in big hollywood films to be considered a celebrity. Most of these guys are celebrities in video games, shows, animes, etc.




    Learn to pronounce


    plural noun: celebrities

    a famous person.

    "a celebrity chef"

  15. We have no idea how much, say, 100k, is out of budget Bioware gets to play with.


    he's also not including the celebrity status voice actors and top talent voice actors swtor has.


    Average Voiceover Salaries by level (average)

    The average entry level voice actor earns: $18,390 -$31,400

    A more experienced voiceover actor between: $76,297 – $90,000 a year

    Top talent and celebrities: $100,000 – millions



  16. an entry-level voice actor earns about $18,390 per year

    the average voice actor earns about $31,400 per year

    an experienced voice actor earns about $90,000 per year


    Here's the link too: https://www.avosjourney.com/blog/how-much-do-voice-actors-make-online


    an experienced voice actor isn't the same as a celebrity voice actor, which there are many celebrity voice actors in swtor.



    Average Voiceover Salaries by level (average)

    The average entry level voice actor earns: $18,390 -$31,400

    A more experienced voiceover actor between: $76,297 – $90,000 a year

    Top talent and celebrities: $100,000 – millions



  17. Not sure how many action movies you have watched with a mute protagonist whose dialogue is solely conveyed through subtitles. None springs to mind. Viva La Dirt League have made a spoof on the silent protagonist in games to show how silly this looks in action (not sure if I'm allowed to link youtube-videos here).


    Why would people leave? A lot of people play solely for the story and, as many in this thread have said, the VA is important to the immersion for them (me included). I'm a founder, have played old content multiple times. New story content is one of the reasons I stay subscribed and still support them. But I'd stop subscribing if they cut the VA, because they'd take away a big part of why I enjoy this game.


    again have you never watched anime? or a movie with subtitles? Yes they may speak some foreign language you don't understand, so you read the subtitles and it still gives you the same effect. You can watch the scenes, and also read the subtitles at the same time, who would have thought? There is nothing you have shown me that makes voice acting mutually exclusive to action scenes, fighting, expression, etc. It will all still work even if the character is mute. Again artificial voice acting is getting pretty good now days.

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